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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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240930 No.240930 [Reply] [Original]

So I have a severe phobia of dogs. And they're everywhere. What can I do to protect myself?

>> No.240931

Knife, gun, pepper spray, steel toes boots...

>> No.240932

Hot dogs, steaks, beef jerky

>> No.240941

Mace and a boot to the snout. Mace will blind it and kill its nose for a while which will give you ample time to escape. It's quite legal basically everywhere in the US. If it fails or you don't have any then hit the fucker square in the nose, kick or punch.

>> No.240971
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get over it you pussy. no but really, unless a dog is trained to attack, it will judge you by how you react to it. if you cower and act afraid of the dog, its going to be uncomfortable around you and perhaps become hostile. ifd you walk past it confidently or puff up at it, it will most likely run off or just bark at you as you go by.

also, you should get to know some of your friends dogs or something. once you know one, you love em all.

btw i was afraid of dogs for years , and thats how i got over it.

>> No.240972

Don't get mace, you're going to fuck up some person with a perfectly innocent dog because you're mental.

99% of dogs, even if they don't like you and are growling can be intimidated to not attack you. Watch the dog whisperer.

>> No.240979

1. Buy a big dog and train it to fight other dogs.

2. Sell tickets and make a fortune on dog fights.

3. Retire and spend the rest of your days playing videogames.

>> No.240993


Ya, get to know the needy glutonous bastards you "love" them.

>> No.241005

My boyfriend's uncle completely spoiled and never trained his dog so he's overly dominant. When I first met the dog I'd never had any of my own and had a fairly submissive attitude and the asshole almost bit my face (seriously). After getting dogs of my own and understanding how to hold yourself and the attitude to assert, that dog now backs down if I just say his name sternly, even though he's still untrained.

Just have confidence. Dogs do honestly react in accordance to if they see you as submissive or dominant.

>> No.241022

Stop being a faggot and get over your irrational fear of dogs.

>> No.241216

done been hit by this motherfucker.

>> No.241221

I had to kill a guy's dog while I was out on a run once. Thing came up and tried to bite me, so I pulled out a gun I carried and shot it. Owners tried to press charges but since it was off a leash and we have leash laws, there wasn't anything they could do. I just got a ticket for discharging a gun.

>> No.241226
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>> No.241230

I was terrified of dogs (4 years old - some Chav's rottweiler grabbed me by the leg) until I got a girlfriend who had one. Now I'm ok with all but the scariest ones.

Usually just keeping perfectly still if they're off a leash works. If it's definitely aggressive, kick out and upwards.
If its on a leash - just walk round it.

95% of the barking furry terrors are actually just interested in your scent not your taste though.

>> No.241241

Dogs are animals. They can sense your fear of them. Some wont care, some will feed off of it.

Best solution, volunteer at an animal shelter and overcome your fear.

Dogs want to obey but they want to obey an alpha not a beta pussy.

>> No.241245

You didn't have to kill it, you're a psychopath.

I have been stuck in a ditch while a crazy untrained german shepherd was barking/growling/running around me because its rich zanex'd out owner was taking 5 minutes to put out her trash cans.

I just gave it a dirty look and it never did anything.

Walked into a customer's yard, pissed off pitbull. Back out facing it. It follows me too closely, run towards it and look like I'm going to kick it. Finish backing out.

You're an asshole for killing that guy's dog.
.5 jimmy rustled, but I'm so sure you're just a troll, not actually very mad, bro.

>> No.241263

>You didn't have to kill it, you're a psychopath.
Much like the Zimmerman vs. Martin debate, yes, he should have just let the dog injure / kill him.

>> No.241266

Stop being a faggot. Dogs rarely attack and I doubt they are ever bigger than you. My dogs might attack you if you broke in to my house, or if you came in to my yard and provoked them while they were outside. It is very rare for a dog to start shit for no reason, a dog will attack if threatened, anything will attack if threatened.

>> No.241269

racist trolls are so cute

>> No.241398

Ammonia solution in a watergun. Fucks 'em up for a while and they run away.

>> No.241403

a few tips would be
Don;t look them in the eyes- that can make them aggravated

do not run as that makes them excited

be threatening when you are being threatened - like when they are growling - don't flinch, maybe yell or break something

get your own dog to protect you from other dogs

become a dog murderer or never go outside

>> No.241415 [DELETED] 

When it comes to fauna, I follow one good rule of thumb. If an animal's nostrils can contain my fist inside, then be afraid of that animal.

>> No.241491
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Get some help for the phobia which will involve someone who knows what they are doing which will be either a medical / psychological person or a good and skilled dog trainer.
The more you socialise with dogs the more you will realise they are not the creatures you perceive them to be. you will realise they are built from the same things we are made from and that is the accumulation of lifes experiences.

Pic related: It's my rottweiler wearing a balaclava. (she's sitting like that because she had cancer in her hip and had to be destroyed a about 2 weeks later)

>> No.241496

I'm assuming you're afraid of dogs because you're doing something illegal but in case you're not you should get help because dogs truly are man's best friend. They rarely ever attack people without provocation. They bark a lot and seem pretty aggressive but they're all bark and no bite unless they've been trained not to be.

>> No.241502

don't mailmen carry pepper spray?

>> No.241510

Why would a mail man need pepper spray?
He is either on a public road or posting a letter.

>> No.241514
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Make an ultrasonic screamer.

Nothing as powerful as the pic but we had this dog deterrent thing at work.
>Point it at dog on foot path
>Press button
>Dog freezes and starts pissing

>> No.241613

Ha! Wasn't there a vid of someone using a (what the hell are they called?) Vuzula or some shit? Dog went crazy and then started pissing in the floor.

>> No.241635


Destroyed? Does changing the wording make you feel better about murder? I guess all horrible people need some sort of justification for their actions.

>> No.241643

3/10, made me 'wut' for a minute

>> No.241645

Only the psychotic ones that hate dogs and are waiting for a chance to mace dogs.

Happened to my roommate's dog. Sweetest thing in the world, like 16 years old and can barely walk. Waddled toward the new mailman. The old mail man had trained him to come see him and get a treat.

So he waddled up to the new mailman.
"Dude, he's cool, chill out."
"Dude, wtf."
*ass-burgers + psychotic mailman gets to enjoy causing pain to a helpless dog, can't even read the emotions on a dog*

>> No.241647

fuckballs, i hope you tried your best to get that idiot fired

>> No.241653

Carry a squirt bottle of diluted ammonia.

It'll deter any dog.

>> No.241654

the dog had fucking cancer and was going to die miserably

what the fuck is wrong with you, you don't troll a guy like that it's fucking wrong. That's way different from the normal "ur a faget" trolling, you're way out of line here

>> No.241655

op is a beta faggot
I was at a house tonight with two pitbulls
they ended up fighting fighting I pulled one back the other one tried to bite the dog in the face ended up biting my finger full force it hurts got a fang mark that goes to the bone other then that its really nothing

unless its a pack of 120lb+ dogs op you are 100% beta faggot dogs can't do shit unless you are badly hurt/dying
inb4b4 op is a fucking fledgeling fucking faggot subhuman

>> No.241659

see this is how you troll. This is acceptable

this, >>241635, this is unacceptable

>> No.241665


You on 4chan... The only reason there are not pictures of dead people and little girls everywhere is because moot was afraid of being arrested. Grow some balls.
Dog murder.

>> No.241667

why the fuck do you care if a dog dies if you're such an alpha hardass?

>> No.241671

the serious answer to OP is learn dog behavior and how to carry yourself and react
the likelihood of a dog running up and biting you is so minimal anyway, but even bigger dogs will respect you if youre alpha

>> No.241702

ypur sooo full of shit

>> No.241805

just go buy a baseball bat. a metal one would be better but wood will work.
Nothing says stay back like a smashed brain.

>> No.241814

You can't just start beating every dog you see, and really, most of them won't do a damn thing to you unless they're rabid or you attack them first. Dogs have a very basic predator instinct. If something runs from them, they chase it. If a dog is barking at you or running at you, stop, turn around, and tell it to fuck off in a stern voice. Chances are once it figures out that you're not gonna run, it'll just find something else to chase.

>> No.242752

Just rape the dog into submission

>> No.242758
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honestly, if it's a freak event, it doesn't take much to overpower a dog, assuming you're able to kick, you could walk away from any encounter.
if you're a jogger, carry a hammer with you in your sleeve. you can drop a dog pretty quickly with a quick blow to the side of the head/neck
>also, fuck you dog killers, you're trolling, but jimmies were rustled

>> No.242775

I got over my dog phobia when one of my friends got a pair of puppies. It's difficult to be scared of something tiny that's entertaining itself chewing an old slipper. Both of them are all grown up now, but the fear of dogs is gone.

>> No.242822
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You can go to like 3 sessions of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and get it fixed. Then not only do you not need to "protect" yourself from imaginary danger and save a bunch of money on equipment, but you also rid yourself of an irrational phobia.

Good luck!