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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2395986 No.2395986 [Reply] [Original]

Young anon here and im currently asking all of social media if theres any fun diys they would recommend, liek the ones that are easy and really really cool

>> No.2395991


>> No.2395995

Kiwico box. The koala crate should be around your skill level.

>> No.2396009

Exit bags make fun gifts.

>> No.2396012

Nvm, thx for the suggestion

>> No.2396030

Just do something you wanna do.
In middle school some friends came over and we wanted to make a bike trailer. I found a bunch of scraps of tubing and plywood in my garage and we got to work. A few hours later we had a working bike trailer that we could ride around in.

If you want more direct guidance, leather work is fun to get in to

>> No.2396128

Make a livable underground fort in the back yard. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zdLAM-wChxY
I'm am contemplating building am underground home on a tiny parcel so I have a comfy place to live in between field work assignments. Check out "The $50 & Up Underground House Book" by Mike Oehler. Decent read by a clever hippy.

>> No.2396190

Making stuff out of free pallets is a good beginner project. You can make planters, benches, boxes, pretty much anything. And since the wood is free you can experiment and make mistakes without worrying about cost. The only thing to be careful of is to make sure you remove the nails before sawing the wood, so you don't damage the blade on the metal. Or use a saw and blade combo that can cut through nails, like an oscillating saw. If you're scared, you can get cheap metal detectors from the hardware store designed to find nails so you know your're safe.

>> No.2396193

Where I live meat smokers are very popular DIY projects. You can make one out of a water heater tank

>> No.2396282
File: 78 KB, 537x767, 1599822647097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make liek a tree and get outta here.

>> No.2396301
File: 1.84 MB, 1536x2048, epic papercraft girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papercrafts are nice, easy, and practically free. /po/ here is an entire board just for them.

>> No.2396309

easy [ ]
really really cool [ ]
choose one.

>> No.2396312


This is a cool project to make a high-quality hepa filter, using furnace filters and a box fan.

>> No.2396313

And of course the wikipedos title the article after a heeb, despite many independent people around the world devising the same basic device years before

>> No.2396548

choose one [x]

>> No.2398461

3d printing

>> No.2398495

I lost

>> No.2398519

This isn’t how it works, you don’t go, hmm, you know what would be fun? You go fuck this broke I gotta fix it or make this is ugly I need to do something here