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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 791 KB, 951x834, takeover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2390768 No.2390768 [Reply] [Original]

What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine.

>> No.2390829

>stuck sitting in the wall-facing timeout chairs

>> No.2390831
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>> No.2390832

>having a wife
The whole fucking house is my amusement space.

>> No.2390834

They both look like shit

>> No.2390835

i'll never understand why people want their house to look like a sports bar

>> No.2390837

>full fledged
>doesn't have a bar, alcohol, a bartender or any patrons
Why do people have to use words incorrectly?

>> No.2390838

Welcome to my (wife's) pub! Take a seat and enjoy staring at a faux brick wall all night!

How can people live in such soulless places? It boggles the mind.

>> No.2390839

because they're literally retarded.

>> No.2390889

Doesn't even have those popular party video game things from the looks of it. Or even beer pong.

>> No.2390890

Wtf, pic 1 was comfy af gameroom/gym, pic 2 is just garbage
Oh so you want to stay in shape well go to have a beer in basement pub

>> No.2390891

That room is no longer his, she'll do the same to the cuck shed where all his fitness stuff was thrown when she needs room to store her frilly pillows she bought for the patio furniture

>> No.2391050

>fake brick wallpaper that looks like something out of a cartoon
>chairs facing the empty fake brick wall
>seating for 10 people in a room that could at most comfortable accomodate 3 people
>Lamps illiminating nothing but wall

Stuff like this makes me understand why family annihilation is a thing. Imagine living with a woman like for a measurable fraction of your life.

>> No.2391152

Yeah, ur mom

>> No.2391573
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This. Nice elliptical, fag.

>> No.2391709

He had a gaming basement and his gym had what, maximum 25 pound dumbbells? You really think he was staying in shape?

>> No.2391713

staying in shape and gaining are not the same thing

>> No.2391885
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My basement before

>> No.2391886
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And after,

I got different furniture and throw pillows and got rid of the god awful green chair. Also threw up a shiplap wall.

Basically I had a flood and ended up tiling the whole basement and painted the walls. Took me about 1 month total work time between tearing the old shit up and painting and putting the new shit in

I have my little family room, a place for the kids, and a bar.

I don't like the basement in OPs pic but I understand getting rid of video games and a gym. Everyone wants a home gym until they have a home gym. Personally I like the gym at work.

>> No.2391911

My wife is based and insists I have a workshop attached to the house even though she has to listen to screeching power tools for hours because she likes watching me work.

>> No.2391913
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Your basement is bigger than my entire house

>> No.2391980


>> No.2391989

my 10x15 hovel basement looks better than either of these.

>> No.2391990

goddamn youre living the fuckin dream

it's easy to shit on the wall facing chairs and fake brick shit... jesus theres a lot of pointless garbage here, but I will say I like the floor and red wall more than the before.

I've been joking for a while now that I need to finish renovating my house before I 'get a gf'. I want to completely avoid any harebrained reno projects by having an updated house that looks unchangable. Nothings being painted grey, no pipe hung sliding barn doors are going anywhere. Last time I brought a girl home I had just replaced a bay window with two separate tall skinny sash windows. Without knowing she told me I should do a bay window there. Probably the type of chick to put a bench in front of a dartboard.

>> No.2392013

>Stuff like this makes me understand why family annihilation is a thing.
Really? You think it's the woman's fault? Domineering women only exist because weak men permit it.

>Honey, I want to convert your stinky workout room into a cute pub!
>But you didn't even hear me ou...
>It would be...
I want to convert your craft room into a gun vault. Do you want to hear about that, or do you want to shut up?

>> No.2392191

Its so soulless. Why are you allergic to color?

>> No.2392269

Yeah well just work harder and make more money and buy a bigger home

nasty smelly old carpet that god flooded, filled with mold and mildew, walls painted with primer
Like I said it looks better now that we've accessorized, that picture was the first one I took when I finished

>> No.2392271

Like I said >>2392269
it looks different now. I like the grey tile with the grey wall. Plus, our upstairs and main part of the house is white/brown/griege and green.

>> No.2392284

Your upstairs being beige and brown means the grey is even more dumb. You want a cohesive color scheme throughout your house.

>> No.2392286

>You want a cohesive color scheme throughout your house.

good luck if you ever have children

>> No.2392316

Okay I’ll just re tile the floor with a different color and repaint 1500sq fr real quick BRB

>> No.2392328

The idea was to do it right the first time, dipshit.

>> No.2392337
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>Yeah well just work harder

>> No.2392341

>the best time of my life was in my 20s
>.... yes dear...

simple as

>> No.2392438
File: 33 KB, 500x746, IMG_20140903_224808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't married are you?

Wife choose color, I do work

I don't care, nor know jack shit about interior design.

Listen man. I'm not going to debate its harder to 'start a life' in 2022 for a 20 year old than it was in 1987, however, if you keep making excuses you're never going to get ahead. I'm only typing this out to try & help you. Its like playing a sports team and saying we're going to lose they're really good before the kickoff has even occurred. With that attitude, of course you'll fail. Stop being a VICTIM and start being a VICTOR. I'm pretty retarded. I think my IQ is around 71. I have managed to own a 2800 sq foot house that I /diy/'ed myself and had 2 kids with a wife that doesn't have a full time job. I started out making 40,000$/year and a decade later I'm up to 140,000$/year. I save money like a jew. All you really have to do is work harder and evade taxes and live like a jew. Sweat Equity is the easiest way to make money on your home. You're in a /diy/ forum. Thats the fucking point. To seek advice on how to do certain projects and jobs. Granted there is a little luck involved, but you know what? You make your own luck in life. If you never try, how do you know you're going to fail. You would be surprised with yourself. For someone like me who is borderline mentally retarded to be as successful as I am, with only a car lease, mortgage, and monthly bills left to be paid off until I retire in my 50s; I would say if you're smart (since I know everyone here apparently has a 169 IQ) it should be easy for you. Start a garden, hunt and fish, turn off all the lights when you aren't using them. Read by candlelight, stop buying video games, start picking up pennies off the ground, return cans/bottles. Ask your neighbors for theirs. Learn to fix your own home, computer, and car(s), Don't be a consumer, and you can do it. I believe in you. Theres a wolf in there somewhere, you just have to summon it

>> No.2392443


I wish I had your basement layout. It looks like the sizes are pretty similar (about 1600 sqft) but my stairs and air handler are essentially in the middle and consume a lot of space.

I really want to remodel but current prices on materials are retarded

>> No.2392450

Why are they using "productivity," and how and why has it risen in basically a straight line from 1948- now? I don't think that's possible, not without some kind of numbers game. As a guy that's worked as an adult since the 80's, and as a kid in the 70's, I'm here to tell you straight up: people are not working any harder today than they were for the last 40-50 years. I'll go out on a limb and say people haven't changed in the last 10000 years, so our "productivity" is probably the same today as it was in Mesopotamia in 8000bc. If you believe that chart with no questions, it says something about your gullibility.

>> No.2392455

not that whiny bitchboy who posted the chart, but our productivity has gone up due to technology. 1 hungover fat fuck in an excavator can due the same amount of work in a day that would require 40 mesopotamians 8000 yrs ago

>> No.2392459

>so our "productivity" is probably the same today as it was in Mesopotamia in 8000bc
The concept is that the GDP per capita has grown.
It's like how one guy on a tractor can plow dozens of acres in a day, but it would take a large team of people to do even a single acre in the same time when using hand tools. It's not that people are necessarily "working harder", but their work can be more productive largely because of improvements in technology.
The graph highlights how despite technology enabling the wider population to produce much more "stuff" and value in recent decades, the quality of life and rewards for average people hasn't increased to a commensurate degree.

>> No.2392474

I would agree with you, which is why the first thing I asked was "Why are they using 'productivity?'" It's a misleading variable, and it seems to me that they're using it literally so that they can argue whiny crap like
>But our PRODUCTIVITY is over twice what it was 50 years ago!
When in reality work output is the same, possibly less. I understand and agree that an increase in wages to, at the least, match inflation should be expected, but if they're saying it should match "productivity" with no increase in actual work performed, their expectations are... not grounded in life and world experience, shall we say.

I also notice the divergence in their variables is about when computer control began. Should it be argued that since computers enable this huge leap in productivity, then the inventors and/or producers of computers should get all the profit from the increased productivity?

>> No.2392482

Looks nice.

>> No.2392489
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>inventors and/or producers of computers should get all the profit from the increased productivity?
most of them did? lol

>> No.2392493

I never really played sports but when I was forced to I always knew my team would lose because of me. Then later I would actively try to make my team lose.
So yeah, I actually have given demoralization speeches to "teammates" before.

>> No.2392501

>Should it be argued that since computers enable this huge leap in productivity, then the inventors and/or producers of computers should get all the profit from the increased productivity?
Over the last 50 years, we have seen an increased trend in the USA where a smaller and smaller group of people at the top get richer and richer and the outlook for middle class american shrinks. You can argue about the moral justification for that if you want, but historical trends tend to show that increasing economic stratification like this tends to lead to tensions and social issues as time goes on.

>> No.2392505

To take this idea a little further, let me put it like this:
Imagine a future time where we have advanced technology to the point that we have robots growing all the food, mining/manufacturing everything, and doing the service work too. Will a few small interests at the top indulge in decadent splendor while the majority of the human race has become "obsolete" in the workplace, loses all leverage in the socioeconomic game and gets stuck to starve in ghettos and dumps?
This would be known as a "dystopia."

In older or simpler economies, ordinary people had a lot more agency and independence economically and had a lot more bargaining power to talk to their boss and demand better conditions if they weren't happy (or to leave and go on their own/compete etc)
In a modern technoindustrial system, that pattern starts to fade because the complexity baked into the system requires massive social structures to make it all work. This tends to lead to workers becoming less skilled and much more replaceable and therefore, exploitable. It's not as simple as saying "You don't like your job at Amazon/Walmart? Go make your own!"

>> No.2392512
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Not surprising. You seem depressed or at least have low self esteem. I try to help you, but ultimately you have to change yourself. >>2392505
Ted K was right about alot desu

>> No.2393679
File: 244 KB, 720x800, 6C2677C4-A815-43BE-BA27-6008DDD9FD6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own my home
>buy prostitutes by the hour
>have a housekeeper
yeah I get better pussy, and a cleaner house cheaper than keeping a wife.

>> No.2393682

yet you still feel empty inside

>> No.2393691

naw.... I’m divorced with 2 adult children that are starting their own families. I have a big ass family, I’m far from being lonely

>> No.2393751


Respect. Bang a big titted whore this weekend for me.

>> No.2393760

Wow i see even diy isn't safe from woman hate threads. Bro I hate them too but it's old news fuck off

>> No.2393762

Same bro. Gotta love it

>> No.2393765

Return cans and bottles? Nigger are you serious? It costs more in time and fuel to get to the recycling center than the cans are worth. This is what xoomers actually believe. I hope I don't get this disconnected from reality when I'm old

>> No.2393782

I've gotten into so many arguments with my dad over this. Roping me into helping him with bottle returns, having all sorts of 'systems' of organizing them which seemed to change monthly. It would take somewhere around 600 beer cans to make the same that I take home from one hour of OT. But I'm the idiot for 'throwing away money'. If i was hurting for cash that bad I'd just stop drinking beer

>> No.2393783

>return cans/bottles
literally just a make-work program to get the homeless to pick up litter, lmao how dumb are you

>> No.2393785


>throw pillows


>> No.2393797
File: 88 KB, 574x1024, C13671C1-18E2-41A2-90B7-058D71924279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I fuck 18-22 year olds. Yeah they cost 300 a hour, but that is still cheaper than a dinner/movie with some single mother.
I pay her, she takes off her clothes (always sexy ass bra and panties) we have 4play (sometimes we kiss, sometimes not) we fuck, sometimes I get 2 nuts off. After the allotted 60 minutes, she politely asks to continue, for the same rate. I usually throw a 40 buck tip, because I like fucking these you ladies. Then she leaves. I shower, then back to business.

>> No.2393798

Tits or GTFO

>> No.2393801

in Michigan, 97% of empty cans are worth .10 cents. What you don’t see on our highways are empty cans and bottles littering up the community

>> No.2393988
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at least you'll be doing something productive instead of bitching on a mongolian weaving pattern website.

stop being a zoom zoom and get a job.

>> No.2394032

Do you just not get what tools are and how they increase production output per peson?

>> No.2394357

Low weight and high reps dipshit.
Real working muscle that you can do something with for more than 30 seconds at a time.
"Oooh look at me I can lift 300 lbs and hold it for ten seconds and then I'm done!" Great, how's that pay? Man is an ENDURANCE PREDATOR. We do not beat our prey into submission, we chase it and chase it and chase it until it falls over from exhaustion, then we walk up and kill it with ease.
Our weapon is not tooth and claw, it is Tenacity and Stick-to-it-ivness

>> No.2394361

>and fuel
You WALK with a bag, not drive, idiot.

>> No.2394394

>lets just out a seat here UNDER THE FUCKING DART BOARD

>> No.2394460

Makes for a great 1 time post on instagram...worth the thousands that were spent.

>> No.2394567

Where do you go while your wife entertains culturally diverse gentlemen in her faux pub?

>> No.2394593

Why not fuck the housekeeper too?

>> No.2395874

This. Got myself a old 130m2 farm house on a 10000m2 old farm innawoods.
Homegym, computer room, mushroom grow room, green house, wood workshop, bunch of tractor equipment
Working from home here comfy at 26 years old. I brew wine from my own berries too, and grow tobacco.
I'm working on myself and am in no hurry to find a roastie to tell me what i can do and not

>> No.2395929

>Before: Practical room that gets used every day
>After: Vain room that exists only to show off when you have guests
This is peak womanhood

>> No.2395953

post holes

>> No.2395958
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This except instead of prostitutes I pay dommes to kick my balls and piss in my mouth

>> No.2395965

>Yeah they cost 300 a hour, but that is still cheaper than a dinner/movie with some single mother.

Someone has never been on a date before lol

>> No.2396390

This is why i didnt even want a living room in my house kek, cus i'm not gonna sit there (just me in the house) and if guests are here we can do something else.
I ended up getting a sofa and tv tho just so people dont think i have autism. No channels tho kek i dont need jews speaking in my home

>> No.2396393

Fucking based

>> No.2396494

The bottom right look like 45s.

>> No.2396495

>implying that works
>implying that won't just get a sloppy divorce and allegations of assault slapped on your dome

>> No.2396497

what climate are you in that tobacco grows well? Any tips?

>> No.2396499

Anon, if a woman falsely accuses you of beating her, you can solve it by beating her.

>> No.2396516
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You can't seriously be this far removed from reality.

>> No.2396551

Finland, so it should work anywhere pretty much. Pre-grow it indoors for a couple of weeks, maybe 6 weeks. Dont put it outside until nights stop going near freezing. I will put mine out next week. I got my seeds from my uncle who has been growing for 30+ years so these might be adapted better than any seeds from the internet

>> No.2396652

If you're gonna do the time, may as well do the crime =)
If more men thought like this women wouldn't be throwing around false accusations so lightly.

>> No.2396680
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>have a ton of space
>fill it with worse duplicates of rooms you already have

>> No.2396717

I would've kept half of it carpet. Reminds me of my comfy ass basement growing up.

>> No.2396860

she hooked him up with 3 ''talk to a woman'' simulators

>> No.2396861

>kids should stop eating avocado and toast and they'll easily afford a house

>> No.2396863


>> No.2396932

>grocery store is 0.1 miles away
>be in MI
>get 10c returns
>take 40$ worth everytime I go

no hard. But anyway, the point is to nickle and dime your life. So okay you don't want to return cans and bottles. Find another way to save money. Take quick showers. Turn the lights off in the house when you're not using them.

>> No.2396933

So I have a pillow when I sit on the couch?

>> No.2396935

I am. Let me guess. You live with your mom and post about how evil boomers are on /pol/

>> No.2396936

What would you fill it with? I have a bar, a little living room area, and a playroom for my children as well as a kitchen table. I have 2 storage rooms behind the doors where I store all the bullshit my wife won't let me get rid of?

>> No.2396938

Carpet basements in my state is pretty dumb. You're almost guaranteed to have flooding issues

>> No.2396939

They should attempt to save money, yes. How else do you expect to purchase a home? Whats the alternative? Live with your parents lol? I would honestly rather kill myself.

>> No.2396973

>save money when the house prices double in 2 years
>living with parents meme
yeah its how it was done for 99% of human history, we're just returning to it now. The kids take over the parents house as they age out and look after the grand children.

>> No.2396976

I'm not going to stop you from making excuses. I posted this >>2392438 just trying to help people change their attitude. Again, I'm simply encouraging others. Inheriting parents homes doesn't really work when you're 1/6 kids. If you want to keep telling yourself you can't do it. You won't do it. I don't really care either way. Again, I'm retarded as fuck and I made it. So I really don't see what everyone is whining about, nor do I want your negative energy in my life.

>> No.2396997

No, she's the patron, and he makes her drinks

>> No.2397013

I haven't lived with my parents for 8 years, and prior to that it was only because I had just finished college and was job hunting. I'm not delusional enough to think you can make any amount of money returning cans. What are you going to do, steal from everyone's trash and recycle bins so you can get the amount of cans needed to make a reasonable amount of money? You can actually make more money for less effort being a new streamer on twitch, and that amounts to fuck-all.
You are a brain damaged retard. You're so far removed from reality you actually think it's still the 90s or earlier, where shaking the hand of the manager gets you a job, and a retail job can afford you a house, a car, a wife, and at least two kids.

>> No.2397018

Okay so take the can thing out of it. You can make that kind of money doing SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Just don't sit on 4chan and bitch and whine all day. Don't buy something unless it is on sale, eat cheaper food, buy in bulk from costco, do /DIY/ work under the table in your spare time, hunt and fish for food. Learn to cook, save your cans, don't play the lotto, don't smoke, drink other people's beers, don't buy that video game. Its incredibly easy for people to start renting and then 'subscribe' themselves out of every owning a home because they have 3+ streaming services and monthly utility bills. It really isn't that hard. All I'm literally doing is offering advice to people to help save money and encouraging them to own property. Whats your fucking problem with that? If they're going to pay to live with a roof over their heads every month they might as well make it a mortgage. I never said it was easy or it was the 90s. I literally just said you can do it if you work hard.

Yet everytime I say that I get assholes like you making excuses, Oh we live with mommy and daddy, oh its hard to own a home. yeah we know, everyone knows. Sitting around bitching about it is going to get you in the exact spot you're in. What are you expecting? Sympathy? I don't feel bad for these people. This is the united states of america where you can go from being a literal retarded crackhead to CEO of a pillow company. The only person you ultimately have to blame is yourself. I mean, you can blame the government and jews and bankers or whoever but; thats like running in place

>> No.2397019

honestly I think they're putting stuff in the water making these men less testosterone filled and whiney. These are the responses I'd expect from women. Its a /diy/ forum. Build your own fucking house incels

>> No.2397023

>low IQ pseudoscience
If people don't have the money for a lot of things, they aren't going to have the money to afford supplies to do the epic home business idea, nor a property with a garage/workshop to do things in. You'd do anything to excuse and maintain the current state of affairs, where income that used to fund an entire family can hardly cover one man's rent and expenses and wages haven't increased in decades.

>> No.2397032

>. You'd do anything to excuse and maintain the current state of affairs, where income that used to fund an entire family can hardly cover one man's rent and expenses and wages haven't increased in decades.
I have said multiple times the current state of affairs isn't good, or at least as easy as it was in the 90s, just that sitting around whining and bitching wasn't going to do jack shit, so you should get busy living or get busy dying.

But if you wanna sit around and complain about the government and wait for them to make you rich, by all means go ahead, more money for go getters like me.

>> No.2397048

Okay, so this anon is being a hard-ass about his message, but to you young or trapped anons out there this message is 100% correct : if you want your situation to change, change it.

Life isn't going to come walking in through your door and take you on some adventure and show you what to do, and where to go, and who to be. It's up to you to go out the door, explore interests, meet people, ask questions, and create yourself. You can either sit around having your pity-party for one, or you can start deciding what you want to build towards and *take action* to move towards them.

>> No.2397066

In most areas of the USA a household bringing in the median household income can afford a mortgage on the median house in that area despite the crazy rise in house prices.

If you want to live in an insane city full of rich people, you should be working a job that allows you to have a decent lifestyle there.
If you don't want to do what you have to do to make that work, consider living in one of the thousands of smaller towns in this country where you can get a reasonable house for $100K.

In this day and age, you will be forced to compete against third world sweatshop wages for anything that could possibly be sent overseas. If you're a wagecuck, then effectively you're selling your labor in hourly intervals for cash. Due to the simple concept of supply and demand, your labor isn't worth much if its not a specialty or if it's something that can be outsourced or automated.

The reality is that unless you're actually disabled, there is opportunity for people who want to make money and get ahead in this country.

And before you try to ad hominem me as some kind of wealthy trust-fund elitist or something-- I work with my hands, doing a technical service job that can't be outsourced. I bought a cheap as fuck house in a safe but very low end neighborhood in a small city. Nothing was handed to me. I started with nothing, and not in ez-boomer times; I only just turned 30.
But I guess you probably don't want to be a truck driver, or manage a Golden Corral, or etc etc etc

Stop making excuses and improve your own life, kid--- noone else is going to do it for you.

>> No.2397075

Well said, thanks anon

Yep. Or become a firefighter if all else fails. No one hates them like cops and they get paid a lot of money with great benefits.

>> No.2397110


Fellow based Anon's


And then there's this weak willed individual...

My philosophy on life is if I don't go to bed completely exhausted and wake up the next morning feeling like I got run over by a train, then I didn't work hard enough towards my goals the day before... Because that is what it takes. Every day.

>> No.2397114

they'll mock you for 'wage-slaving'

The alternative is of course, living with your mom, and helping her wage slave and not getting pussy. Or you RENT (lol) and pay some other dudes mortgage, all while going on 4chan and calling other people cucks. The sweet irony.

>> No.2397193

this has to be bait or someone whos so far ungrounded will never own anything more than a lease to a 1bedrm.

>> No.2397433

Me too era

>> No.2397518

Thing is i work for myself so I'm not wage slaving for someone else. Every single thing i accomplish gets me closer to my big goals.

>> No.2397760

They'll tell you your wage slaving for the system.

I really don't get NEETs. I NEETed for like a week and got bored

>> No.2397768

what happened in 1971?

>> No.2397910

Go broncos?

>> No.2397920

>Not understanding how ultimatum works
This actually does work. Continue to escalate and make it prohibitively expensive or destructive for people to get their way over you and they will eventually be forced to cave. It’s simply a matter of never giving in to circumstances that are bad for you, ever. Make it clear that the other person must give because you will not, forcing them to either deal with it or leave, and in the latter case you’ve lost a problem. It’s win-win.

>> No.2397928

Dad and husband here. I can confirm this. It also turns women on. My wife sometimes gets really mad initially when I put my food down, but after a few days she likes it. I think what she actually likes is the fact that I'm firm and have confidence. I'm not applying this to everything. Like, obviously if you never ever lift a finger ever shes going to be pissed at you and think you're a lazy ass, but I'm saying if you make a decision like NO. WERE NOT DOING THIS. THIS IS WHATS BEST FOR OUR FAMILY. I"M THE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD AND I AM NOT BUDGING SO DON'T MAKE ME TRY. YOU CAN EITHER LEARN WHY I'M RIGHT, AND I'LL EXPLAIN IT TO YOU, OR GO AWAY, SINCE YOU WON'T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE

They like that chad energy basically

I wish I could think of an example

>> No.2397929

The most productive thing anyone can do right now is to stop working and ensure that people who have an advantage all collapse with the system. Post collapse, all will be reasonably fair, as all strata of our society will then fall into one of two camps - shot to death and not shot to death - and we’ll all be equally broke and destitute. Only then will we get any reasonable advice or collaboration on how to proceed.

>But just work
I could do that, or I could wait until my work is actually worth a reasonable price. I think I’ll do the latter. Good luck with that buddy.

>> No.2397937

Nixon took us off the gold standard

>> No.2397940

>just go on welfare society is going to collapse anyway

Are all zoomers this apathetic?
Do they actually believe this shit?

>> No.2397941

Nigga why do you think you're not going to be in the shot to death camp?

>> No.2397952

it reminds the wife about all the strange dick she's had in bar bathrooms

>> No.2397954

cope about being weak more efficiently

>> No.2397972

infinite money glitch

>> No.2397981

How the hell do you even have enough bullshit to fill these kinds of homes up? I have a hard time filling up even my little 900 sqft 1940s starter home.

>> No.2397983

divorced parents x2 = 8 Boomer Grandparents who just buy 10,000$ pieces of furniture and give it away like its nothing

>> No.2398136

>Post collapse, all will be reasonably fair, as all strata of our society will then fall into one of two camps - shot to death and not shot to death - and we’ll all be equally broke and destitute.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that I'm still going to have a ranch and a whole bunch of guns to defend it with. You might be able to take ownership of the pod you're currently borrowing, though.

>> No.2398226

When I get up to 300 pounds for a standing lift I will be able to hold it for as long as I need it and repeat the process for 8 hours, as it is I regularly lift multiple tonnes of material every day.
You cope.

>> No.2398229

>I regularly lift multiple tonnes of material every day.
Hey, so do I. But I use a forklift. You should try it. They're pretty neat.

>> No.2398233

You can't take a forklift down a customers basement stairs, you'd also find it rather tricky to bring it and your load in the pickup truck at the same time.

>> No.2398244

>she likes watching me work
My wife and a few others loved when I came home dirty, hot and sweaty. Not going to lie, a lady's vag tastes better marinated as well. Hard work strengthens the relationship and creates a musk that love demands.

>> No.2398282

This post is the most whitest thing ive seen in a while.

>> No.2398333

>Just don't sit on 4chan and bitch and whine all day
Take your own advice, dummy. It's not worth my time doing a blow by blow of your whole shit and maybe what you say is truer in the States, I don't know, but in a lot of places what you say isn't viable for a single guy making an average wage no matter how may lights he turns off or cans he picks up.

>> No.2398344

White is the 2nd master race behind the Jews so that isn’t a bad thing

>> No.2398345

Enjoy your failure of a life

>> No.2398355

What a fag. Watching Dr. Oz

>> No.2398360

A workshop if exterior access allows it
some sort of secure room for guns/ammo
practice space for music stuff
decent, well organized laundry room
and then the rest with easily accessible and well organized storage
I see no reason that anyone would have a bar, second living room, or second kitchen other than for hosting parties, which always end up staying upstairs in the main living areas anyway
a room for kids to play and build forts and stuff is cool though

>> No.2398365

I already have all those things except a music room. I don’t like music

>> No.2398664

It isn't true in the states at all. In fact, the states are probably the worst place to try any of this tryhard boomerism.

>> No.2398985

>as it is I regularly lift multiple tonnes of material every day
Getting off the couch and walking around doesn't count.

>> No.2399061

I can understand your confusion, at such sizes it's hard to get out and about, but most people don't look like what you see in the mirror.

>> No.2399147

My wife’s boyfriend watches dr oz all the time what’s the big deal

>> No.2399161

>work harder and make more money
That's not how it works and you know it. The trick to owning a house is either you buy it 20-40 years ago or be born into a well off family.

>> No.2399187

>I'm too valuable to contribute to society, that's why I'm on welfare
lol enjoy life at your parents house or your shitty apartment, schizo

>> No.2399221

Really? Because we bought ours in 2019. First time homeowners, so we used the usual free down payment thing, and just covered closing. Mortgage is 1095 a month all in. Beats the hell out of the avg rent in the area. Sure its only a 1550 on a half acre, but its an '11 and in near mint, not some shack from the 70s. We both work service jobs and live comfortably, yet we're still cashflow positive. Seems its not that hard afterall.

>> No.2399226

Another anon, but working harder and making more money is meaningless.
They want cold hard credit which a lot of people dont have, or stupidly fucked up at 18 by getting a bunch of credit cards.

I bought my house in 17, but only after running through the ringer to get my credit score up over the course of 3-4 years. It’s a bit of a racket because the bank give you counseling on how to raise your credit so they will accept you. But my job and income stayed the same, my spending didn’t change.
I just used a credit card instead of a debit card.

It’s pretty stupid

>> No.2399230

Got my first credit card 1.5 years before buying the house, and did the same. Went frome a default score of 625 to 780 in a year doing jack all. Maybe I'm just playing on medium/easy mode. I can't help but think that the people who can't get it done truly are just vice ridden idiots. I know there are extreme outliers, but provided the right expectations of ones self, its perfectly doable.

>> No.2399292

Everyone wants to be a victim and no one wants to accept responsibility for their retarded decisions...

>> No.2399327

>Maybe I'm just playing on medium/easy mode.
Now you are getting it

> no one wants to accept responsibility for their retarded decisions...
All 18 year olds are retarded, banks actively giving out predatory credit cards and car loans while kids also getting saddled with heavy student loans is reality for a large portion of the country. Not to mention medical debt for some too.
NEETs and middle class are extremely lucky to not be preyed upon in their late teens, where whatever dumb shit they did doesnt come back to haunt them.
You can call them retarded, but that doesnt change the fact that almost all poor people fall into the same trap every single generation, and its not a "fix it in one year by working hard!" deal.

The people who do say that are sorely out of touch, and nobody takes them seriously.

>> No.2399337

>we bought ours in 2019.
You lucked out, congrats

>> No.2399342

they're fully fledged retards

>> No.2399344

i fucked my credit when i was younger because i had a credit card i normally didn't use but then used it one time to get a computer part online and completely forgot about it (this was before smartphones and credit card apps)
it wasnt even an expensive part like $90 but my alcoholic mom didn't tell me about the bills and collection calls/notices that were piling up and they ended up cancelling the card

i got a secured credit card a few years later and got my score into the 800s and just bought my dream house i hope to die in last year right before interest rates started going up

>> No.2399349
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>Everyone wants a home gym until they have a home gym.

nah im quite content with my small home gym, especially after the lockdowns where the gyms closed business everytime people got a cold.

>> No.2399389

All you really need is free weights, resistance bands, and a way to do pull ups. Everything else is icing.

>> No.2399405

But anon, its not their fault. If papa biden would just give them free pot, booze, and tuition, they could get ahead. They neeeeeed those things.

Projection. No one is perfect at 18, but we weren't all shitheads either. And despite my easy mode comment, I've had plenty of headwinds. I've payed for every car I've owned, every electronic device since I was 16, and never once got a handout. I've easily had over 10k in medical debt over the decade, and payed for what college I could working labor jobs. My wife and I cleared 60k for the first time last year, combined, and despite that, our cars are paid for, we already have 45% of our 300k house paid down, we eat damn good, and have all the bells and whistles of a comfortable upper middle class life.

Are there sacrifices to be made? Yes, you'll have to put down the reefer and stay out of the bars. Stop buying every $60 video game and use the free streaming services. Better yet, stop sitting on the couch all damn day. A little relaxation here and there is fine, but going full consumer all the time causes brain rot.

And not all debt is bad. When we bought our house, we put 6k on credit for everything from a washer to an electric mower. Id rather have useful stuff now. Easier to pay it down while living comfortably, than to always be cheap, but I can do that, because I'm not blowing my income on waste.

>> No.2399407

I’ve decided to stop helping these people. Let them be whiny little neet excuse making democrats asking for handouts. More money for me

>> No.2399409
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my wife did our basement but shes a weirdo so it is pretty coze

>> No.2399410

Peak 3rd world feel

>> No.2399411

i wonder if there are people who just live in spaces like this or is it just something only retards like i want

>> No.2399413

I pretty much want a house that looks like the xmen compound inside, so your not the only weirdo. I like the sterile but serviceable design. Plus being able to clean every surface/wall/ceiling with a damp rag and some simple green would be a plus.

>> No.2399414

the cardboard boxes were my contribution

>> No.2399420

Is it supposed to look like a pepsi machine fell over and spewed its guts on the floor?

>> No.2399429
File: 87 KB, 2555x871, basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of basements, i just bought this house and half of the under house area is on brick piers.

would it be possible to excavate/replace the brick pier area and extend the basement that I have out?

>> No.2399432


>> No.2399433

what you also don't see is people with homes picking them up you dog shit licking retard

>> No.2399440

>60s chair
>tv on speaker
>wood burning furnace
>ugly wallpaper
>ugly couch
>nasty floor
>is that a fucking cow hide rug
>what are you even drinking

No, this is embarrassing. You should be ashamed

And before you think I’m being an ass, I’m trying to help you. Do better

>> No.2399441

The people that owned this house before me had awful interior design and let their cats piss everywhere, when my basement flooded, that was the last straw for me to re do it

I had already painted the rest of the 2700sq feet

I know from the pics it looks white but I’m fairly sure it was primer

>> No.2399448

>"brick" accent wall
>12" tile
>Making decent speakers sound worse by putting shit on top of them
>Area rug too small for space
>Grandmas-last-couch from goodwill
>1980s wallpaper border
>junk all over floor

>> No.2399450

I like how you put "tuition" next to pot and booze as if people don't need tuition or as if tuition is bad for you. Way to show your ass lol

>> No.2399466

>as if people don't need tuition or as if tuition is bad for you

Yes all those blue collar tradesmen who have masters degrees in laying tile

>> No.2399474

I bought my house for cash 3 years ago after saving for a few years. Make more excuses, shitbag.
In most areas of the USA, the median household income is enough to afford a mortgage on the median house in that area. Your premise is stupid and wrong, and there are literally tens of millions of people across the country disproving it right now.

>> No.2399481

possible? Yes.
But it would be very laborious.

>> No.2399494

>B....b....but I wasn't responsible enough at 18 to understand how this shit works!

Then you should have manned the fuck up back then and gotten your shit together. Anyone else that isn't responsible enough by 18 should have done so as well. All those adult "children" running around are exactly the problem.

I had more responsibilities at age 10 than most people did by age 20. My son is the same way. If you spent your entire childhood sitting around playing video games then your parents failed you by not beating your ass and making you earn your keep. But now it is solely on your shoulders to make something of yourself. If you have kids don't fail them like your parents did you.

Let me guess, you also did poorly to mediocre at school and got average grades and then decided you needed some college degree since you took the first 13 years of your education so seriously???

>> No.2399495

This has to be bait...

>> No.2399496

>your parents failed you by not beating your ass
Republican peasant detected.

>> No.2399498

If only people who made >$70,000/year republicans would win every election in a massive landslide.

Seems the common theme

Democrats are usually collectivist, think they can fix all issues by raising taxes and giving the government more money, and expect or want handouts like welfare, more money for schools, universal healthcare/Medicaid and Medicare expansion, and free college.

Republicans and Libertarians are usually individualists and make more money and are sick of footing the bill for worthless lazy welfare rats, and usually older because they’ve seen how inefficient the US federal government is (experienced and wise). Or they just want guns.

I would get on board with democrat ideals more in a different country perhaps, but in the US if you vote left wing you’re either naive, dumb, or brainwashed. Me other party cares about you in DC but the attitudes of fellow republicans is more respectable and street smart imho.

I don’t understand why people care about or trust others. It really blows my mind. I would take advantage of 100 people if it made me 500 more $/ year. I trust no one and I think people should thank the law and cops for existing because if not I’d go around assaulting people for being retarded 3x a week

>> No.2399500

Neither party *

>> No.2399505

Yet here I am successful, proud of my accomplishments, and not playing the victim. Hmm.. Coincidence?

>> No.2399508

Conservative policies don't work irl. That's why every conservative country sucks.
My favorite example is homelessness.
A conservative has a simple answer: "lol they should just stop being le lazy"
And that accomplishes nothing.
The liberal policy of giving homeless people free places to live confuses and enrages the republican but it actually makes a lot of sense once you fully grasp the complexity of the issue and all the costs homeless people place on society.

The problem with republicans is that they think they understand the world and that it's not that complicated. Every single conservative policy doesn't make sense irl.

>> No.2399510

How much better could you have been if your parents read a few parenting books and taught you lessons on why what you did was wrong rather than just teaching you to fear getting caught.

>> No.2399517

>free places to live
These places are not free. I and my other rich friends pay for them

>And that accomplishes nothing
If forces them to get jobs or starve to death. Either are fine.

God damnit I hate 20 year olds

>> No.2399518

Who said they didn't teach me why what i did was wrong? I feared disappointing them more than i ever feared getting caught. And then after i matured past 8 years old i feared disappointing myself more than i feared anything, so i tried to do the right/responsible thing from then on for my own sake.

>> No.2399522

So tired of faggot liberals. Just go work with them for a week and see they are junkie fucking idiots who are there for a reason.
>t. Day labor manager for 5 years
I work with the lowest in society

>> No.2399527

But if we just make the corporate and rich people pay their fair share, we could buy everyone a house /s

>> No.2399528

See, you think you understand the issue but you don't, not even a little.
Homeless people lower property value and therefore tax revenue
They also commit a lot of petty crimes like loitering and public urination which soaks up police resources
If a homeless person wants a job where are they supposed to keep their stuff while they're at work?
What job can you get if you can't reliably take a shower?
Your state probably foots the bill for uninsured emergency room visits

And that's just a drop in the bucket. It's called the "Housing First Model". The whole issue is way more complicated than even that is. But in your mind it's just "they should stop being lazy".
It's like that for every conservative policy. It makes sense, but only with a picture-book-level understanding of the world.

>> No.2399531

I grew up understanding it was embarrassing to ask other people for help.

Apparently lots of other people weren’t.

I would be so embarrassed if I wanted the government to help me pay off a loan I took or give me a handout.

>> No.2399536

Wow lower property values in liberal shitholes

The solution is definitely to raise taxes to fund public housing, this will increase the property values!


>> No.2399539

Agree. Liberals generally lack accountability.

>> No.2399540

You people are obsessed with personal responsibility.
Personal responsibility is great, but what do you do with people who don't have it? Wait for them to develop some?
If you have a stoic personality, you don't bother waiting for other people to better themselves, you assume they're a lost cause. You instead think about what you can control to make problems go away. Homeless people are a problem either you have a pragmatic solution or you're waiting for it to go away on it's own. Which is fucking retarded.

>> No.2399542

Property taxes go to the city and the city pays for the homeless shelters. If you live in a flyover state a couple miles from the freeway then the issue doesn't really effect you.

I think you people are really insecure about the places you live. Like, deep down, you know it sucks, and so you develop sour grape complexes for the places that don't suck.

>> No.2399548

>All you really have to do is work harder and evade taxes and live like a jew.
Until the IRS comes knocking at your door. You really are retarded.

>> No.2399549

>what do I do with people that don’t have it?
Teach it to them, if they chose not to embrace it they are lazy and I could give 2 shits less what happens to them. If they’re too retarded to understand it then they are dumb and I could give 2 shits less what happens to them.

There are no homeless people in my town. We have an ordinance against them so they don’t shit up the property. They can go find a liberal city full of suckers with empathy to help them. Not with my property taxes.

If it were up to me we would kill them, instead we leave them to die which is the best we can do.

This is the same as the animal kingdom. The rest of the deer herd doesn’t wait for the slow dawn with a broken leg. The school of fish doesn’t wait for the slow one with the busted fin.

I don’t understand why people like you dictate their behavior over how to help the weakest of the pack. I’ve found much more life success by going out in my own and learning things the hard way independently. Most of the people I know who are hardcore liberal or mommy and daddy gave them everything we’re spoiled brats. Mostly women and the rich kids everyone hated who’s parents bought them a new car in HS. Most of the people I know who are right wing made their own way, paved their own trail, and are much better people, well grounded, with integrity in their 30s. It’s hard to find exceptions to this rule

>> No.2399550

Everyone has to pay taxes the key is to minimize what you pay

>> No.2399585


The benefit of living where you do is that there aren't homeless people and there's very little crime. But that's where the benefits end.
The benefits of living where I live, in New Orleans, is
being able to walk to good restaurants
Having events going on year round
Knowing my house will always be worth money due to it's location
Being able to rent my house out if I so chose
Having other good looking houses around me, dripping with style
Being able to get groceries without driving
Shit like that.

You get no homeless people and low crime. and the price you pay is living in a 1970s track house that will barely keep up with inflation and eating out at Ruby Tuesdays when you want to have a night on the town.

You know all this and it fucks with your head.

>> No.2399592

What do you do with suicidal people? I'd much rather hand them a gun with 1 bullet and call their bluff. If you want to be homeless and not contribute, then go do it somewhere else. If your not willing to earn what you have, then you should have nothing.

>> No.2399597

Justify your damocles all you want. Most people don't see a constant threat of getting shived by the homeless for your wallet as a good thing.

>> No.2399600

>going out to eat
>buying such a small amount of food that you don’t have a truck/SUV load
>Caring about “style” and cosmetics of a home
>can’t fish, hunt, or garden
>Wanting to go to “events”
>awful schools
>high crime

Holy shit. Yeah cities sound awesome. You can just piss your money away in all sorts of ways and never retire. Sounds like a great place for me to raise my 4 kids.

Lmao, this dude is so far gone it’s not even worth talking to you anymore

Btw we don’t even have a chain in my town. Let alone a niche one like Ruby Tuesday, which is part of the reason I moved here.

I’ll be retired with 4 kids at 47 if results hold and I was born in 88. And you fucking people think I value what you have to say when you’re bragging about going to the bar lol

>> No.2399601

Suicidal people don't lower my property value.
Also, put down the fedora.
>most people

>> No.2399607

>4 kids
>Thinks Ruby Tuesdays is fancy
>i-i don't care w-what anyone thinks!
>i CHOSE to live in a boring place that doesnt even have good scenery ON PURPOSE!
btw, I'mma beat your retirement age by 8 years.

>> No.2399611

Nice to meet a fellow 88 bro with some purpose. I not as far along as you, but I should have the house payed for by 45 at the latest. Not retirement, but it feels good.

Its obvious we're playing chess with a pigeon, so meh. Sad that so many mellenials ended up like that.

>> No.2399614

If you do this too much people will start avoiding you. Give in on some of the small stuff.

>> No.2399617

Society isn't going to just collapse, lmao. It's going to keep being a house of cards/stretched to breaking point like it has been since time began.

>> No.2399619

The key is not to be concerned with the small stuff to begin with. Hes not saying be a controll freak. You step up when it matters. Anything else is arbitrary.

No different in conversations. If I'm not well versed in a topic, I don't obnoxiously interject. But if someone is incorrect about a subject I'm passionate in, I right the error. You don't need to assert yourself in every decision that can be made. Just the the ones that will have significant impact on your being.

>> No.2399643

You’re going to retire at 40 living in New Orleans lol?

Post 401k screenshot or larp

>> No.2399648

Yep. I luckily work remote but god damn I don’t miss suburbia or city life in the slightest. Any “advantage” costs copious amounts of money. The older I got the more I said fuck I don’t wanna work anymore, but I also don’t wanna be a welfare ray and an ass zit burden on society so here I am. Save that money DIY that shit and keep on keepin on until
I’m smoking a cigar after hunting and drinking a glass of bourbon every day after my wife cooks me a nice meal and the kids have left the nest

>> No.2399651

Believe it or don't. Your life fucking blows my guy.

>> No.2399653

I do this with politics and DIY most often. I’m pretty well read on firearms and the 2A, I know flooring and painting and landscaping, but I don’t know shit about healthcare or auto repair, so when people talk about that shit I shut up. The internet made everyone think they’re an expert at everything

>> No.2399658

Damn I should abandon my children, move to NOLA, and buy some funky pops and go to Bourbon St on the reg and maybe it’d get better

>> No.2399661

Nah, it's too late for all that. You're locked in now. You could start being honest with yourself tho. Accept that you bought the house you did because it was cheap, not because it was far away from everything. And while you're at it you could also accept that city living is pretty great even if it's not the life style you have or even want and drop the sour grapes bullshit.

>> No.2399662

>I would take advantage of 100 people if it made me 500 more $/ year.
So you're a nigger.

>> No.2399669

>The benefits of living where I live, in New Orleans, is
>being able to walk to good restaurants
>Having events going on year round
>Knowing my house will always be worth money due to it's location
You're really glossing over the flooding and sinking.

>> No.2399670

I actually try to maintain a cursury knowledge base on everything I can, so as not to be completely at a loss in conversation. I won't assert myself if I don't know something, but I also don't want to be taken advantage of anyone just making shit up. I guess that makes me an open minded skeptic, lol

>> No.2399672

>Damn I should abandon my children,
DESU, you sound like an immoral jackass, so that might be better for them than if you stick around.

>> No.2399681

You're 26. You need to be dating and finding a woman. You're getting old.

>> No.2399696


Got anymore Dr Phil?

I’m loling over here

>> No.2399699

And the blacks…

>> No.2399705

>And while you're at it you could also accept that city living is pretty great even if it's not the life style you have or even want and drop the sour grapes bullshit.
NTA but the fuckin hubris of people like you. Everyone needs to acknowledge the greatness of city living even if it's the complete opposite of what they like, enjoy or want? I don't think i've ever run into a country person as smug as you, yet your type are a dime a dozen.

I don't like crowds
I don't care for live music
I don't care for eating out
I like quiet
I love privacy
I love the space and freedom to do what I want on my land
I love nature, specifically being surrounded by trees and mountains

Your way of live is anathema to someone like me. I can admit it has its conveniences and that you genuinely enjoy it. But that's it. I would be incredible depressed in any major city. I grew up an hour away from NYC and have been there tons of times. All it gave me was the desire to never live in a city. But no, your self importance and lack of acceptance of other peoples lifestyles and views makes you 100% right all the time. Everyone wants to be just like you, and those that don't must secretly be jealous and too proud to admit it

>> No.2399756

Even if you outright gave them a house and property free and clear 95% of them would just fuck it up.and trash it. What we need is to bring back asylums and keep the degenerates of society stored away where they can't fuck everything up for the rest of us.

>> No.2399761

Holy shit, no wonder you think nobody can own a home, because you honestly piss away all your money on entertainment in the city!

My fucking sides are in orbit!

Imagine not having such good home cooking at your own house that you want to go out to eat every other meal... I pity you.

>> No.2399819
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DAMN, so much seething! Sorry guys, I walked to Cafe Du Monde and got some beignets and then I walked through the quarter to go watch Maverick.

We have infrastructure to deal with flooding. Also, not all of the city is bellow sea level, my neighborhood has never flooded.

Yeah, one more. Try not to pass your retardation to your kids. Read a parenting book.

I'm from middle of nowhere Vermont and I love my house there. I'll probably retire there one day. Where you people go full retard though is tying your backwards-ass identities to being "country" to the point where you pretend to not get the appeal of cities.
Most of you people aren't even good at living in the country, you buy houses in trashy developments where you still have neighbors or in ugly-ass areas where you have no natural beauty, just lots of trees and brush.

Either live ALL THE WAY in the country or live ALL THE WAY in the city. The in-between is for NPCs. There's not a single republican itt with a house more country than mine.

>What we need is to bring back asylums and keep the degenerates of society stored away where they can't fuck everything up for the rest of us.
That's what housing first models are. Just sold a different way.

I think you are suffering under the impression that I'm a rentoid. And I can cook better burgers than you've ever had in your life. I can't cook Cafe Du Monde beignets though.

>> No.2399830

>you pretend to not get the appeal of cities

My favorite part

>> No.2399832

I must consoooooooomm

>> No.2399833

I feel like if I told you I had 3 gold metals, you'd magically have 5. Do you really have such a pressing need to prove that you are the arbiter of life perfected?

Not being sarcastic, but you're just being a contrarian at this point.

>> No.2399836

The point I'm really trying to make here is that republicans are a bunch of racist traitors who suck at life and they should all kill themselves with all of their guns at once.

>> No.2399864
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>> No.2399913

a smug man of extremes that fetishizes food. Please do NE a favor and never come back

>> No.2399915

>Sorry guys, I walked to Cafe Du Monde and got some beignets and then I walked through the quarter to go watch Maverick.
How many niggers did you see? When is the last time you were mugged?

>my neighborhood has never flooded.
Yet. Don't pretend it isn't sinking.

>> No.2399933

>Implying you're not from Indiana.

It's called "subsidence" and that's not how it works.

>> No.2399939

>that's not how it works.
Oh, really? I thought the entire Mississippi delta was slowly sinking because it's a giant deposit of sediment filled with decomposing organic matter, with this problem made worse by petroleum extraction and the channelization of the river? How do you think it works?

>> No.2400054

>I could give 2 shits less
Is this the new "I could care less"? Why do Americans insist on crafting nonsensical neologisms when the English language are has phrases that work well enough?

>> No.2400057
File: 3.00 MB, 1772x1772, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right though. Wes Watson....High reps/ Low weight

>> No.2400067

i took the tv off the speaker last night while listening to music and it sounded the exact same

anyway my life is together, i own my dream home and my dank basement is punk rock, cheaply furnished, and fun to hang out in

>> No.2400111

>posts guy juiced to the teeth who does fully body workout twice a day as evidence of strength training program

>> No.2400419

At home bars are stupid as fuck. Just gives you a reason to butt fuck your friend or be butt fuck by him.

>> No.2400581

I'd have a workshop, home theater, server room, or possibly even a vault down there, finances permitting.

>> No.2400584

>Your basement is bigger than my entire house
Don't worry anon, the house above his basement is no doubt made of styrofoam and cardboard, as am*r*cans do.

>> No.2400619

top one looks comfy as fuck
fucking women

>> No.2400825

>I don’t understand why people care about or trust others. It really blows my mind. I would take advantage of 100 people if it made me 500 more $/ year. I trust no one and I think people should thank the law and cops for existing because if not I’d go around assaulting people for being retarded 3x a week
I can't tell if you're a nigger or a kike but either way you're a worthless piece of trash

>> No.2400837

Based. Maybe take your shirt off and lube up with 10w-40 for her benefit

>> No.2400839

Yeah let me take 1.5 hours walking to the nearest grocery store which is like 2 miles away to get $5 from bottle deposits. I'd rather work an extra 1.5 hours at my job and make like $40

>> No.2400854

>And the basement was never used again
Honestly what's the point of what amounts to an extra tv room with uncomfortable seating? Women are idiots.

>> No.2400865

so about 44 cents a minute?
i'd bring the bottles back on my way home from work, takes an extra 5 minutes but pays double

>> No.2400867

I put out boxes to collect cans at work. Made a decent amount of money for basically no effort.

>> No.2400874

You feel the same way you’re just in denial or yet to be taken advantage of

>> No.2400880

again, weak men allow this to happen
again, this
i could go on but no one will listen because zoomers are retarded
>t. happily married to a stay at home wife/mother for 12 years

>> No.2400884


>> No.2400908

Yes but at least we have air conditioning and low property taxes

lmao @ europeans talking shit about american housing

Ya'll don't even buy your own. You just inherit what mommy and daddy have. Fucking the UK has 66 million people on an island the size of fucking Michigan

>> No.2400961
File: 23 KB, 800x800, shopping_cart_theory_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon people don't feel the same. You're part of the 1%. You haven't stumbled on a hood strategy. You need to plunder people and move on to new areas because you get a bad reputation as a crazy asshole and no one likes you. How do you feel about shopping carts?

The shopping cart is ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.

To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right.

There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their care. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it.

No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will find you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct.

>> No.2400967

I always return my shopping cart. I can govern myself.

I just take advantage of dumb people. I live in America, there is no shortage of them.

Everyone likes to act like they're holier than thou, but very few actually are. I'm just honest and real about it.

This is where my political disagreement with democrats lies. "Oh just give us (government) more money, we'll make the schools better, we'll make this better and this". No, no they won't. They never do. Time has proven this 10x over by now. You will never convince me to raise more taxes. You will never convince me that I need to help black people because white people used to be mean 100 years ago. Just stop. I know, if I don't do these things "I'm evil and don't care about others". Sure. I just said that. I don't care about other people. I think the best way to help them is to force them to help themselves. I'm so fucking sick of my tax dollars being pissed away on retarded bullshit, and corrupt politicans not doing what they promised. I'm fucking done with all of them. Left, right, center. I'm on my own now. Its gotten me further than any of this tax government bullshit. Fuck that and fuck you

>> No.2400979

What are those suspicious white stains on your bench?

>> No.2401013

He doesn't -need- to do anything and neither do you.

>> No.2401154

Well I still keep my cans and if I'm going to the store anyway I'll bring a bag and get the deposit back but it's still really small, when I run the numbers on stuff it's almost always economically better to not waste my time on something but rather spend the time working and then spend the money to get the thing done. Like I was looking at enlargers on craigslist, and I could actually get a decent deal on one, but I'd have to drive a few hours to get it and drive back. At that point I may as well pick up a shift at work and pay to have it shipped.

Or, I wanted to build a tripod for my camera. Obviously there's a lot of value to doing it yourself outside of the money but when I looked at the numbers for the design I wanted to make, I'd spend hours just trying to source the parts, and in that time I could have made enough money to just buy a very good tripod anyway.

this isn't a bad idea though

>> No.2401179

>Work harder and buy a bigger house.
Kek I think you mean just buy a home in the boonies.

>> No.2401185

Yes, why would anyone want to live near a suburb or city

>> No.2401192

GDP is a poor indicator.
Lower prices with increased supply is a better indicator.
We are all consumers, so even if wages stay stagnant, if goods continue to become cheaper it is better for everyone.

>> No.2401194

I'd make a full workshop/ long term pantry desu

>> No.2401230

That gif.
>sneak up behind the attacker and kick him in the balls before he attacks

>> No.2401351

>This except instead of prostitutes I pay dommes to kick my balls and piss in my mouth
Are you me?

>> No.2401357

Worked for me
>be 14
>get kicked out
>be homeless
>going on two years
>sick of this shit
>stop being lazy
>spend my time and energy looking for a job
>find a job
>no longer broke!
>pay rent
>no longer homeless!
It's the perfect fucking solution.

>> No.2401405

Lardie detected

>> No.2401462
File: 2.33 MB, 1906x809, terminator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wife choose color, I do work
To be fair I did make the mistake of choosing a color once. It was red, it was just for a feature wall, I thought it'd be ok. The sun hit the wall in the evening and the whole room looked like Terminator vision. the gf didn't tell me not to pick that color, but she gave me a look as I was selecting the paint at the store that I should have payed more attention to.

That said I still refuse to use that dark green color in every single pinterest and instagram interior design inspiration image she sends me.

Also your boomer pep talk is going to fall on deaf ears. These people are too far gone, they spent their early 20s attaining a post-performative afro-lesbian dance-studies degree, and now they're stacking shelves. I got lucky and learned to code because I thought it was fun, and it turns out I can get paid well to do it so I have a house now, and I only started that career when I hit 30. It's tough out there, but you're ultimately right, a shitty attitude is more damaging to anyone's prospects than the socio-economic climate.

Democrats run all the major urban centers, that's where the homelessness is. They don't fix these problems, they consistently make them worse. They don't want problems to go away if those problems get idiots like you to vote for them so that they can spend your taxes on handing out crack pipes to niggers.

>The problem with republicans is that they think they understand the world and that it's not that complicated.
Your entire ideology revolves around "give money to government and let them solve problems" which means you never actually have to contend with any of the complexity of the world because it's never going to be your job to try to solve them. Someone else will do it for you. Someone else will pay for the 'free homes'. Go find a random homeless person and let them live with you, see how complicated your world suddenly becomes.

>> No.2401475

and that guy hasnt touched a 25lb dumbbell since 15. that 'low weight' for a body builder is relative. lifts more than the average man, but less than power lifters/strongmen.

>> No.2401486

Idk how about
>epic home gym
>nice workshop
>home theater
>kids play room
>real bar (turn home into speakeasy)
>slave quarters (turn home into cotton plantation)
>sex-slave quarters (turn home into brothel)
>combination of everything
Instead you make some basic bitch room with shit your wife found at ikea

>> No.2401491

jesus anon this looks like some outdoor smoking section behind a warehouse. it's just random shit pulled from the dumpster sitting on the floor

>> No.2401498

It feels like nobody here shit talking cities has ever been to one, or at least to an average one. I dont see any homeless people or ghetto people. I just see a lot of beautiful women and supercars.

>> No.2401503

Sounds horrible

>> No.2401504

My rooms even better than this and I live in a 3rd world country

>> No.2401511

How much do I need to make to have this?

>> No.2401524

I dunno, most of the southern coast of Europe was filthy, LA and every other city I've been to is an even worse nightmare.

>> No.2401527

To be fair, even as a third world resident, Western women are an absolute mess. Hard to fathom how things are that bad and there are still tradcons blaming zoomer men for it all.

>> No.2401539 [DELETED] 

is this copypasta
if it isn't, it is now

>> No.2401642

I get what you're saying, but remeber this is a reddit cuck with his roastie wife. Date and marry someone who is worth your time. I wouldn't completely shut out marriage/children, it's a very lonely life.

>> No.2401675

No. I wrote it from my heart

Never been a home gym type, I have a workshop and I was trying to be cheap. I spent 200$ on the whole renovation and we don’t really watch movies here or shows so a theatre is a hard no. The kids have a playroom it’s not pictured and if you have kids you know they need space so they have the whole basement to run around in. The 2nd family room type thing is sweet because when it gets hot I can just go downstairs and also the kids can hang out in basement in HS. When I was in HS my first HJ and BJ was in a basement living room. Anyway most of the suggestions I already have a variation of. If anything I’d create a 5th bedroom and put a bathroom down here

>> No.2401678

I did the whole thing for 200$.
>Basement Floods after 3 day power outage
>Call Insurance People
>Send me 2500$ check
>Rip Up Carpet
>Scrape and clean cement base floor
>Go to Lowes
>Pick out tile and grout and mortar (we know we wanted tile as opposed to carpet because in my state flooded basements are common) and a 5 gal bucket of paint
>Order it, they deliver a few pallets to my garage
>Cost was about 2700$
>Work on it everyday after work for a month, trying to do a bucket of mortar worth a Day. Some days go hard in the paint
>Ask friends to help paint, took about 3 hours between 3 of us

It would have cost at least 8$k to pay someone to do it. Fuck that. I’ll DIY that shit.

>> No.2401692
File: 90 KB, 1024x724, 1649416931023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low weight and high reps dipshit.
The man in the picture wants you to consider suicide.

>> No.2401725

I live in the country. About 1.5 hours from the nearest city. Reddest county in the state. I've lived in or been to the following big cities for a few weeks, granted some on Holiday, some on business. They're almost all the same. Some are better than others, but I would prefer not to spend any time in any of them.

>Fort Wayne
>Tampa Bay
>Las Vegas

>> No.2401785

I'll just stick a thumbtack in his arm and watch him bleed out at high pressure.

>> No.2401861

the man in this picture has the male equivalent of a 13 year old girl crying about social media and vomiting up all her meals

>> No.2401958


normal answer: BCAA's and creatine

real answer: cummies

>> No.2401963

well yeah, but after coming off a gym where they have the newest stuff (treadmills and stuff that can play netflix and shit while you are working out) and a plethora of very nice professional weights, this is a massive stepback.
its still very nice as its all mine and i dont have to wait on someone or travel to the gym, but damn is gym equipment expensive, especially if its olympic size (olympic bar 50mm 20kg starts at 200 euros, whereas the 28mm 8kg basic bars are like 30 euros).

also rubber mats are a must if you gym at home and either have neighbours or people you live with. it dampens the sound so much you can barely hear the weights dropping on the floor.

also fuck running outside, i want to run at a constant set speed where i can see the time without stopping.

>> No.2401967

also question, why does it seem like every guy with a bar in his home have no personality whatsoever?
its like the only thing they live for is drinking and maybe some kind of popular sport or formula 1. its all middle aged dudes larping to be bar owners

>> No.2401969

Its the norm for npc. Buy the sports car, the biggest TV, the best barbecues, and be the one throwing the best parties.

Its all so empty and trivial, but what else can they do? Its not like most of them have to intelect to be goal driven or take up an actual hobby.

>> No.2402126

>treadmills and stuff that can play netflix and shit while you are working out)
I have headphones, an mp3 player, a phone, a tv, a laptop, a desktop... all of these things can either be placed in front of the treadmill, have the treadmill placed in front of them, or do not require such preparation at all.
But I don't do any of that, repetitive tasks are for zoning out and getting lost in thoughts.

>> No.2402127

I have a "bar" at home; it consists of a silver platter with rocks glasses a bottle of jack and southern comfort and a corkscrew/bottle opener.
It lives on the kitchen counter.

>> No.2402920

still waiting for the "after" picture anon, you can't leave us hanging like this

>> No.2403005

I believe this is 6 months+ after the initial after photo, it's already become a before photo for the next reno.
Or the average person could just accept their life doesn't look like a design magazine and just accept the house they're in however the fuck it is, but noooooo, that'd be free and boring.

>> No.2403018
File: 201 KB, 633x457, migration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conservative policies don't work irl
Probably why people are leaving in droves to go from blue to red states. For all those policies that aren't working.

>> No.2403035

The colors on this map are unforgiveably fucking confusing.
California red, Texas blue, the fuck!

>> No.2403085

These responses are 3 yr old copy pastas. Move on to another cringe pic.

>> No.2403153

Hobos are nature's bottle recyclers, like how rats and birds eat food litter and turn it into less noticable poop

>> No.2403203

metabolic overload exercises are a motherfucker to do, all you need is about 300lb of weight and a bar, that will more or less get you the body you want tough compound exercises, by the time beginner gains stop working well for you anymore, you already have the body you want, anything passed that is polishing.

to that, low weight high rep is good for isolation exercises, compounds need actual weight to do anything for you.

>> No.2403204

in all honesty, I would consider just melting the aluminum into ingots/billets and selling them on ebay, 50 per lb from cans and recycling to 5$ a lb online sales. that said, making the ingots/billets would be more of a hobby for me than cash making.

>> No.2403206

make work is when what you are doing costs more than just making new, plastics and paper are like this where recycling costs more than just making new, metal and glass on the other hand are cheaper to recycle.

>> No.2403208

pre covid by me a movie for 2 would cost about 50$ in tickets alone, concessions would be another 50-100$ (I really love how movie theaters near died during covid) and a dinner at some place that's not an embarrassment costs 50 a head minimum much more if someone orders wine. buying a whores time for an hour is honestly cheaper and gets you what you want.

>> No.2403210

my mom found out she had 80,000$, so instead of save it, make sure she has some stuck away, she wants to 100% redo the basement, a place she never goes beyond laundry, to be a second living room.

I will never understand it either, its just throwing money away.

>> No.2403242

>its just throwing money away.

what a dummy.
if you invest 80K on sweet renovations, the house becomes worth 90K more.
so she's actually making money.

>> No.2403244

It can raise the value of a home. But lots of boomers just re-do something 'because they want change'. A new paint color and cabinets doesn't increase the value necessarily. If you put a tile floor down, maybe. It depends on the renovation.

>> No.2403247

yea... they are never coming and going to die in the house, and what she plans to do... the basement has problems with leaks, when it rains hard water comes in from somewhere, we don't know, they won't get it fixed, but she wants to put in carpet over the whole thing... within 3 years all the carpet and a good chunk of the walls will need to be ripped out for mold at minimum assuming nothing that would condemn the house grows, but let me reiterate, the moment she found out she had more money, she spent 100% of it, that's the problem.

>> No.2403330

>300 a hour, but that is still cheaper than a dinner/movie with some single mother.
What fucking cinema and restaurant are you taking them to?

>> No.2403335

>50$ in tickets alone, concessions would be another 50-100$
Tickets seem a touch high but fine, but how do you spend that much on food? Popcorn and drink shouldn't be more than £5 each so that's £20/$30 if you get one each, especially considering you've just had a restaurant meal at this point. How fat are you? At any rate it's usually pretty easy to sneak cheaper food in.

>> No.2403364

Maybe he lives in New York (city), apparently everything cost about double the national average.

>> No.2403401

The cost is the single mother you dense mother fuckers

>> No.2403417

sodas started at 13$ popcorn at 15$ candy of shit thats 1$ at a gas station was 9$, cotton candy was 10$ and it had several smaller restaurants attached that has appetizers for even more obcene than restaurant prices,

the theatre by us is honestly one of the nicer ones I have been in, garbage projectors, but the seats were expensive recliners, shit got cleaned on the regular, then they started to host sporting events out of some of the theaters and a bar they replaced the arcade with.

2 sodas would be 30$ because no one buys the piss jar they give you for small, popcorn goes to 45$ cotton candy gets it up to 55, oh look they have mozzarella sticks here lets get those, 17$ for what should cost 4 so 72$ and ho can't forget a bag of m&m's for 9 bringing it to 81 on concession alone.

now if I go there, I don't even look at concessions, they fuck me out of so much at the ticket alone, but you don't want to look like a cheap fuck bringing in your own candy/soda/snack food so to the fucking concessions stand so they get the second pint of blood.

Like I said, they are the nicer theater by us and honestly shy of the museums imax the best I have ever been in, but I have a 75 inch top end tv at home, i'm a fairly good cook, and a sound system that I can tone down so highs aren't making ears ring and earthquakes for supplemental bass effects on the sofa, the screen may not be as big but it kicks the fucking shit out of the theaters in how good the picture is.

>> No.2403473

>one single solitary speaker
>chair for using the tv is some shitty guest chair and not the comfy couch
>shit taste in beverages
>some cot? tent? thing
The only positive here is that comfy wood stove.

>> No.2403483

Who the fuck is going to teach some barely out of high school kid what (You) know from clearly being 50+ years old? The schools don't teach it. Parents don't teach it. Parents from your generation and prior see it more fit to make social media posts making fun of their "stupid kids" not knowing how to use a can opener or some other object they were never taught to use than teaching their kids useful life skills. You're genuinely grain damaged if you think people are born with this knowledge or just magically acquire it on their own without either being taught by someone or having to learn it the hard way by making a mistake, which is something your kind just shits on them and calls them retarded for. It speaks volumes that your entire argument is that people should use some boomer buzzwords to win. "Man up" "get your shit together" yes, surely vague platitudes and bootstrap pulling will magic knowledge into your brain.

>> No.2403490

Jeez dude do you have mommy issue or what

>> No.2403498

>relationships with a dominant spouse are terrible
>the solution is to be the dominant spouse

Or, and hear me out, you could just marry someone that's respectful and values your opinion?

Too many of you retards overcompensate for being a virgin until 28, and you marry some chick to hold hostage for 40 years

>> No.2403543

>sorry honey im having the girls over tonight you can have your man cave back tomorrow.

>> No.2403547

Women are property.

>> No.2403647


>> No.2403671

My man inf left a tech and a nine at my crib; turned himself in, he had to do a bid of 1 to 3. He’d be home the end of ‘93. I’m ready to get the paper G, you with me?
Mother fucker right. My pocket’s looking kind of tight. And I’m stressed. You biggie let me get the vest.
No need for that. Just grab the fucking gat. The first pocket that’s fat, the tec is to his back. Word is bond, ima smoke him. Yo, don’t fake no moves, treat it like boxing: stick and move, stick and move.
Nigga, you ain’t got to explain shit. I’ve been rubbing mother fuckers since the slave ships. With the same clip, the same 45, two point blank a mother fucker’s sure to die. That’s my word. Nigga even try to bogard, got his mother singing “it’s so hard.”
Yes love, love your fucking attitude. Because the nigga that play pussy is the nigga that gettin screwed. Bruised up from the pistol whipping. Welts on the neck from the necklace stripping. Then I’m dipping up the block and I’m robbing bitches too. Up the herringbones and bamboo. I don’t give a fuck if you’re pregnant. Give me the baby rings and the number one mom pendant. I’m slamming niggas like Shaquille. The shit is real. When it’s time to eat a meal I rob and steal. Cause mom duke and giving me shit. So for the bread and butter I leave niggas in the gutter. Word to mother: I’m dangerous, crazier than a bad of angel dust. When I bust my gat mother fuckers take dirt naps. I’mall that and a dime sack. Where’s the paper at?

>> No.2403702
File: 94 KB, 550x550, wrong kiddo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all I'm not 50+. Hell I lack a dozen years before even getting to 50. Secondly I am teaching my 17 year old kid all kinds of useful stuff that you will obviously never learn because you're so butthurt about life and want to continue to play the victim game. A person can learn a lot in life by simply paying fucking attention to what is happening around you. If you see someone doing something interesting ask them about it, or even just sit back and watch and absorb some knowledge.

Hell I learned a lot of my recently acquired skills by watching other people do stuff on Youtube. That is a very powerful thing that didn't exist until fairly recently. My old man (who actually was a boomer) was amazed by the shit that I could do that he never taught me because I went out looking to learn new skills when I needed to learn them. He could half assed weld, mechanic a bit, and do some very basic machining as well as some other home handyman type stuff like plumbing and a tiny bit of electrical work. I surpassed and blew him out of the water in every single aspect of all those subjects.

So please tell me some more about how you need someone to hold your hand every step of the way so you can learn basic shit.

>> No.2403705

I don't know if that's enough to say "always", but it is a pretty nice looking renovation.

>> No.2403757

Your wife may be mentally retarded.

>> No.2403795

>Taking advantage of people is good
>Taxation is bad

You're stressed out from trading your life's limited bio-psychic energy for money, and trying to feel better about being the stoopid idiot who took a raw deal thinking it was good for him by beating up on demoralized fuckups and claiming it's for their own good. You suit this broken system, and it suits you.

>> No.2403802

What would the best case scenario you see coming about from your posts here?

>> No.2403809
File: 1.34 MB, 450x278, 1639120799889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower prices
>increased supply

>> No.2403863
File: 25 KB, 399x399, 2c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All shit cities, NYC is the one true American city.

>> No.2403928

I don't think taking advantage of people is good. I just think everyone does it, and after getting taking advantage of myself a few times, I wised up and said if you can't beat em', join em'.

>> No.2403936

You are delusional. Yes you have weapons but you can't do much if you are outnumbered 10 to 1 by wandering raiders.

>> No.2403979
File: 109 KB, 1200x800, 1639821022937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cool larp and all, too bad I'm not going to believe it.

>> No.2404031

>What would the best case scenario you see coming about from your posts here?

Here in this thread, or on this board? On this board I do like sharing information with people who are wanting to learn and I have gleaned some useful information by asking questions or even following threads of others. I try to give good advice on here except for the occasional shitpost...

In this particular thread I suppose if I can motivate one person to quit being a worthless sack of shit that thinks the entire world is stacked against them and just get them to go do something productive then that would be a huge win.

A lot of these people need to understand that you gotta crawl before you can walk. You don't just work hard once and then become some millionaire with all of life's opportunities opened up to you overnight. It is a lifelong process of grinding every day. Even then you're not guaranteed to make it. You can fail 100 times, but as long as you keep trying different things you'll eventually find a way to succeed. I know that sounds like motivational bullshit, but it is true. Perseverance is the #1 attribute for success.

Also even if you never do make it in your lifetime you will set your kids up for more success if you pass on what skills you have learned and what little bit of capitol or means of production/tools/equipment you acquire in your lifetime.

Even if I don't motivate a single one of these poor-baby, victim-mentality disorder faggots then hopefully some of you other ass-kickers out there will at least find some peace of mind in knowing that you're not alone in this and there are others out there like you kicking ass day in and day out.

>> No.2404032

>That's a cool larp and all, too bad I'm not going to believe it.

That's nice dear.

>> No.2404174

>biopsychic energy
Pharmaceuticals, forthwith

>> No.2404244

>female hands wrote this
How the bloody hell are women so bad at hiding?

>> No.2404275

Nah just gotta find a woman like mine whose culture is traditional and deeply ingrained.
I used to try to insist she be assertive then she did: got angry about how it was her place to be submissive and to quit bugging her about assertiveness!
Why can't you just be more like that?

>> No.2404314

this looks really familiar. was this for rent or for sale in or around portland at some point in the last several years?

>> No.2404353

at some point you gotta take responsibility for yourself. I grew up in a laissez-faire house where it was assumed you'd figure it out, and you get yelled at if you didn't. It's a lazy and retarded strategy that put me behind the curve, but with moderate intelligence and drive I've carved out a decent life for myself. Sometimes bad examples are great examples. Like the only reason I taught myself to be good with money is seeing how stupid my parents are with it.

If a middle aged man capable of self teaching is unbelievable to you, you're a complete lost cause.

>> No.2404365

To kids these days "Autodidact" is a boss in an FPS video game.

>> No.2404539

>doesn't know you can move chairs around

>> No.2404896

I know right?
This dude is so retarded

>> No.2406210

Do you have a really big family or something? I can't imagine why you'd cook, eat and hang out on the basement sofa when there's probably better everything upstairs.