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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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23301 No.23301 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /diy/ you are my last hope.

I tried /ic/ I even tried /lit/

I'm looking to find some burnishing and gold leafing techniques to do illuminated pages like in the pic on the left. I'm also looking for a any rules of thumb or advice as how to go about it.

The only clue or useful info I've got so far is from a kind Annon on /ic/


And tips on how to proceed with the burnishing or general rules of creating I'd be very appreciative.

>> No.23316

Do you actually have any gold leaf already?

>> No.23334

...really dude?

They make a page about building things and you go and question the posters resolve?

And yes. Not that expensive.

>> No.23381

Not letting this shit die.

This is my third time posting this shit.

>> No.23386


No, I wasn't questioning your resolve. Having been instructed to gild a psalm with real gold leaf once, my advice would always be to use Liquid Leaf because it tends to be easier, and have more stay-ability. If you really want to do it the old fashioned way, it's best to try seek out someone who can physically show you how it should be done, as technique varies depending on a shitton of factors.

>> No.23401


>> No.23423
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I retract my hostility then.

Thank you for your candor in the matter. I'll see what I can do about finding a person of experience.

>> No.23424

ok, assorted notes.

burnishers. the original burnisher was an old dog's tooth...

a modern version is agate (its electrostatically neutralm unlike plastics). the easiest way is to go to a beadshop, and try asking for agate cabochon stones. you should get one easily enough. then get a dip nib pen, saw off the tip of the pen, so you've got the pen-shaped stick, and glue the agate to it. bingo, burnisher. should'nt cost you more than £3.

if you're painting onto it for illumination, DONT use the cheap fake golds. they tarnish green fast.

mark out your paper (vellum is much better) with a scriber, and do text first. on gold you'll want an egg-white gesso rather than water-based paint.

get some big soft hair mop brushes for placing gold down, and tweezers that dont get used for anything else. rubbing alcohol to remove grease is wise.

>> No.23433
File: 443 KB, 770x437, brunitoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically there are 2 main ways: "a Guazzo" o "a Missione"
A Missione (mixtion gilding) is the easiest: it's just a specific glue (water based or oil based - oil based recomended) but you on't be able to burnish the shit.
Guazzo is the most traditional and complicated way (animal glue, gesso and Armenian Bole) but cam be burnished with Agate burnishers and delivers far better results

several sites in italian explain the techinque quite in a detailed way
use google translater or ask me


>> No.23456

>rubbing alcohol to remove grease is wise

Is the grease just from skin contact?

>> No.23457
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oh, and your asking about burnishers has made me realise I've lost my agate burnisher. Shit.

have a calligrapher's pen knife, however.

>> No.23465


Some Catholic churches might have someone who knows how to/know someone who knows how to. If not, you can always try book restorers/Renaissance scholars/craft teachers/artists. At the worst, just Google the crap out of the subject and attempt it anyway.

>> No.23472

on paper however the "a missione" technique is recomended.
Be aware that if you are going to use real gold the leafs are so goddamn thin that if you touch it you will destroy it. You must work with a gilder knife, gilder tip and gilder cushion.

WAIT!!! the fuck I didn't thought about it...
On paper you can use TRANSFER GOLD LEAF
gogle it

>> No.23482
File: 89 KB, 1280x853, IMG_9225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that the image in the first post has some almost intaglio impressions in it. Is that from the burnishing process or another technique?

>> No.23487

god damn diy you know everything.

best board ever.

>> No.23483

those are very very sexy burnishers.

look better than my quick and dirty ones made from cabochon cut agate and a handle.
(I'll have to make one of them someday...)

yup, just the grease from fingertips etc - so easy to accidentally get them slightly grimy, and it to stick.

>> No.23499

>those are very very sexy burnishers.
You bet, those fuckers cost like €25 each.

>> No.23516


Most likely they'd be from impressing the leaf post-gilding, but the leaf could be gilded onto a pattern. Either way usually works.

>> No.23521

I would'nt expect to pay a penny less for them.

those are damn nice work. I cant help but wonder how difficult it is to make the agates for that. I've used serpentine, amber and jet, but never worked agate.

>> No.23538

Where in the process should the leafing come? Should it be the first part to go down? Or should it be the last?

>> No.23556
File: 53 KB, 500x388, glod size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mixtion is also called Gold Size
I used this recently to re-gild (with fake gold) some mirror frames

Anyway use use transer gold, never used but must work well on paper

>> No.23560
File: 106 KB, 1600x1200, DSCF0303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it. with the gravers and tools for lostwax work, of course...
perfectly sensible place for it to end up.

anyhow, here you go, DIY agate burnisher, total cost, less than £3 - about £0.95 for the cabochon of agate on the tip, £1 - £1.50 for the handle, and a little scrap of brass tube as a ferrule on the necked-down handle.

>> No.23566

it looks like a pre emboss work to me.
Gilding is not very workable beside burnishing (when possible)

>> No.25682

bumping for a great thread!

>> No.25857
File: 40 KB, 493x606, 1298161784018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I want to thank EVERYONE who contributed to this thread!

I've been trying for days now to get some insight into this strange and ancient art form with little to show. You Have single-handedly out done two boards! One even dedicated to art! I know now who the real men are :D

Viva la /diy/!