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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 632 KB, 1728x1152, M1A1_desant..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23012 No.23012 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/namic individuals. I find myself in the need of making a tank, not one that can kill, but one that can be made just for fun, maybe even for paintball. Discuss on how to make? I have not the faintest idea were to start.

>> No.23022

start with a bronco. or a jeep. with a v8.

sheet metal to the outside



>> No.23025

Are we talking a full sized tank or something tank shaped? You could create a dinky tank around a quad bike or a golf cart by cutting up big sheets of perspex and fixing it to the sides before painting it. Depending on your skill this could consist of as little as a couple of tank shaped side panels to several contoured pieces.

>> No.23033

>sheet metal
cars are already made of sheet metal. you need plate.

but just welding it on to the body panels is kind of meh because no matter how strong the plate is it'll still be depending on the weaker sheet for support

but i don't know if OP wants to fuck up a car in the name of tankery, i was thinking more a go-kart type thing

>> No.23053

> just for fun
> maybe even for paintball

Wood frame, plywood "armor", small wheels, human powered?

>> No.23061
File: 31 KB, 660x371, armored bulldozer libya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you looking for something like this?

>> No.23088
File: 24 KB, 423x257, Killdozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you've never heard of Killdozer.


>> No.23991

I remember some dude made a small tank powered by a 50cc 2-stroke engine. It even had independent tracks that were driven based on the same concept used on scooter CVTs.

The entire thing was able to move just like a regular tank would, it would spin and all that shit. It had one pedal for accelerating the engine and two levers for applying power to the track CVTs.

Start by figuring out how to move the tracks. If you use a scooter engine, you won't have to worry about gears; you just change the belt for a chain and connect that to an axis that would be always spinning. Then you'd use the levers to push belts that engage the axis and allow the track to move in either direction (using gears to reverse the drive when pulling the lever, for going backwards). Notice that this does require rather detailed planning, so take your time and ask some friends for help.

Once you get the drive part, the rest is just making a tank the proper size and with light enough materials to allow it to move as fast as you need it to.

If you just use an old car, keep the wheels and cover them up with fake tracks, it's much, much easier, of course.

>> No.24375

I want to build up from scratch, like build a metal frame by weilding aluminium, then build the basic structure for the tracks, maybe even incorporate the suspension used in Abrams tanks. Yes, i want it to be as life sized as it can be, as long as i can drive it on the streets. Also, I have been drawing up plans on a spinning turret as well as a moving barrel. i just need to find a suitable engine and power source, not to mention a way of making my own treads for the Caterpillar tracks.

>> No.24403

>A fuckton of cardboard
>Polystyrene out the ass
>cut the polystryrene into shapes that fit around the car
>prism shapes
>carboard over it
>spray paint that shit
>spray it over again
>turret starts on your roof
>massive tube on the roof facing foward for gun
>paintball tank

>> No.24422

make it a Prius just because

>> No.24634
File: 1.39 MB, 1024x770, 1307247008539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/'s Prius

>> No.24655
File: 36 KB, 350x221, 3.7inchHowitzerTowedByCarden-LoydMortarCarrier1929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make one of these, they seem hilarious and fun.

>> No.24677


dude makes working scale tanks and shows you how.