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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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227340 No.227340 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make an STI frame so I can make a 2011. My only prob is that I have no CNC machine or welding tools. I have a 3D model. Anyone got tips?
Pic related; STI frame

>> No.227352

I wonder if you could do it with a rapid prototyping machine and inset steel rails like a glock. I think they put them in the polymer before its injection molded though. A heavyweight steel 1911 slide might tear it apart too.

>> No.227391

Got any grinding tools? Grinding tools and a caliper, a good eye and a steady hand and you could be in business, easy to fuck up though. If your skilled enough you could do it with a rotary tool, ie dremel. Good luck op. Again, all you really need is skill and a properly calibrated caliper. Good luck.

>> No.227400

Folks in the caves of the Khyber pass do it by hand with files by candlelight, so it's not a matter of equipment. It's a matter of time and determination. People have cut through iron bars in prison with dental floss and patience.
Tips: Get a good vise, (as said a caliper too) you wont be able to do do anything real without the these tools. From then on it's just cutting/grinding and measuring. How fast and how easy is up to you and your budget. Oil is your cheap friend and friend of tool blades when working with metal. I want to hand make a single shot .22/ .410 under over survival rifle for my first project.

>> No.227427

Grandpa built a .38 long and 30-06 over under hunting rifle. Sounds like a great project, please post pics if you ever get it finished!

>> No.227470

you don't need a cnc machine

you don't know what you're talking about