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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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22466 No.22466 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Han/diy/men,

I'm trying the /diy/ fileserver and it's my first time working with Linux, a fileserver/ftp, and ssh. I need some help though, I'm using the guide I found here and I've got some questions.

1. I have mixed ram. Three 1GB DDR2 sticks, all different speeds/brands. Normally I've kept all the sizes/speed/brand the same in my rigs. Is it alright to mix and match?

2. I have a 80gb hdd I want to add to the 120gb hdd I've got already. How can I work with this for the fileserver, if I wanted to make the max space 400gb (Can I do raid 0 with two different sized hard drives?)

3. I'm inexperienced with SSH. What program's got the most user-friendly UI when it comes to accessing the server? I downloaded Putty just because the guide said so.

4. If I follow the guide, doesn't it mean everyone has access to my FTP? Is there a way I can password protect it? (Back in my Counter-Strike days, I remember accessing the FTP via browser and it had a log-in. Do want.)

Thanks bros.

>> No.22472

Maths. 200gb max space is what I'm looking for.

>> No.22494

while this is does fit on this board, you might get better results asking in /g/

>> No.22495

This thread is relevant to my interests.

4. It's "localhost"

>> No.22503

Your ram will clock down to the lowest speed module.

You don't want to do any RAID with different sized drives.

Not answering #3 as that's really personal preference, and I just CLI my stuff.

If yuo folow the guide, passwords should already be set up and you should have found upload/download controls. Any good guide will point these out.

>> No.22504



>> No.22514

1) Mix and Match should be fine. It will run at the same speed as the lowest. Make sure mobo recognizes all 3 sticks.
2) Mount the 120GB and bam it is fine. Dont bother with RAID. Just plug and mount
3) userfriendly UI? Are you a fag?
Use putty if you are on windows and want to connect. If from mac or linux use ssh :)
4) fuck your guide :)

follow these steps:
install ssh, vsftp, samba

thats all you really need. ssh is for remote login into and administrator shit. VsFTP is a ftp-server daemon. Samba is for sharing files in your LAN. All you need to do is configure the three which is easy as dicks.

>> No.22519

Not sure about this, but in theory you could get a firewall and set it to block everything but "localhost" or your IPs set by the router

>> No.22533

Thanks for the answers. I'll be adding all of my ram in and keeping the 120gb hdd. You're right, I seem to have missed the part where it mentions creating a password. I'll be doing that.

Well, now I'm going to start. The only thing I want to look more in to is a better UI for accessing the FTP. I'd prefer not to use CLI. I plan on constantly transferring files from the FTP to my other two computers. I'd prefer something that was either browser based or opens up like a standard folder. Not sure if either exist.

I'm starting now. I estimate it'l take me an hour. I'll post after for the other anon who lack as much experience as I do.

>> No.22542


If it is set up, any browser should connect by doing ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:pppp and it should ask for username/pw. You then have folder directory access via browser.

>> No.22734

This is taking a lot longer than I had hoped. Had to wipe my old hard drive, wouldn't boot. Had to clean it and all kinds of shit. Havn't started Linux install yet.


>> No.22745

if you are accessing from windows, just 'map network drive' your samba share on your linux server from windows explorer.

>> No.22761

if he wanted a contiguous 200gb drive it would be easy to make using mdadm

mdadm is the unix software raid program. you want raid 0. google some guides on setting it up. it should be available in the major package managers.

>> No.22768


you'll want to heavily restrict your ssh if you plan on having a public ftp.

at the very least make sure that the account details you give out for ftp access is denied access via ssh.

>> No.22789

Are you trying to make a public FTP server accessible from the internet? Or just share files between computers in your LAN?

>> No.22848

My computers aren't on a lan. I've got an office, my home computers (And I'd like my brother and his wife to have access too)

So online connection, public FTP. Am I getting into a whole new world here? Installing Linux now

>> No.22905


Not Op but I also want a lan serveur for storing files, streaming media, torrent box, general serveur, etc...

But I want 6 or 8 2TB drives with some sort of redundancy. This seems to be the tricky part of the project ...

>> No.22919

Filezilla. Supports standard FTP or SFTP. Gives you a GUI (left column local files, right remote files)


>> No.22930

look into samba

>> No.22941


I don't think Samba will provide me with the raid-like needs of my serveur

>> No.23009

Yes, you are. For one, FTP is an insecure protocol, as it travels unencrypted. It is thus bad practice to go logging into FTPs over the Internet, which I guess is why >>22768 told you not to use the same credentials for FTP and SSH.

FTPS, or FTP over an encrypted channel, exists, but is a tremendous hassle to set up for someone with your experience. My advice would be to ditch FTP and use SSH for both remote administration and file transfer. SFTP, or file transfer over SSH is piss-easy to set up by comparison, and apparently filezilla supports it as well, so no loss in user-friendliness. There is, of course, a greater traffic overhead here, so it'll be slower than FTP, but it won't make such a big difference outside your LAN.

Common security advice for SSH: disable root login (wouldn't work with ubuntu anyway), use a non-standard port, use key login instead of password login (this requires users capable of not losing a file, so you'll probably have to pass on this; at least make sure the passwords are decent), consider setting up fail2ban to block brute force attacks (some knowledge of iptables and routing is recommended for this, so perhaps later). I assure you any machine you expose to the Internet will be constantly under attack, take measures from this list starting from the first and you should be fine.