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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 70 KB, 480x317, maple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
221773 No.221773 [Reply] [Original]

/diy/ Bonsai!

Have any of you ever tried growing and caring for your own bonsai tree? I bought some Japanese maple tree seeds off ebay awhile ago, and I'm going to try growing my own bonsai with them. Any tips or advice for a first timer?

pic very related

>> No.221950

bump for horticulturists

>> No.221953


>> No.221961

I tried and killed it.

1. don't put them in a window where the outside temp is over 100F.
2. they don't like that much sunlight.

Deserts cannot support bonzai trees.

>> No.222021

im bonsaing a ginkgo. after one season's growth i cut off the apical bud to let lower branches emerge. over the winter it looked pretty sad with its head missing...but now in its 2nd growing season it has 3 nice branches.

im keeping it in a what seems to be a 1/2 gallon deep pot. maybe it should be in something shallow.

i dont know what im doing. if this thread keeps going ill get a pic when its light out again

>> No.222035
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I just did so. I bought some seeds. As per instructions that came with them, I soaked them in warm water for 24 hrs. And just planted them in soil.

I know growing plants take time and patience, but I was a little surprised to learn that some tree seeds require "stratifying" to stimulate a passing winter. Such that it can take several weeks or months for seeds to grow. (I guess I should have done more research before buying seeds.)

Another alternative is to scout around at nurseries and diy stores for small trees. I found a general/ ranch supply store had a Japanese Maple (2 ft) for $20. It would take some training, but could work.

I do suggest finding a local nursery that deals with bonsai. (And I mean more than just selling a few potted plants and calling them "bonsai".) It's nice to have someone to talk to about issues, and a local source for soil and tools.

>> No.222071

maybe you can practice with peppers plants since they are much cheaper and have a faster growth cycle so if you fuck one up then it wont be the end of the world

>> No.222149

I'm not aware of anything local that would offer any help where I live. Do you recommend any books or anything? Did the seeds start growing even without he stratification?
I've had the seeds for a long while and forget how much they cost, so if they all die out the only thing I lose is time

>> No.222171

I have been thinking about breaking into trying this out. Where would be a good starting point? Such as hardest trees to kill? =)

>> No.222177
File: 75 KB, 849x616, jap-map-sprouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's Japanese maple (acer palmatum), it's going to take a long time.

Are they germinated? That's the only thing that matters with those seeds. I've only done natural germination by planting them in the fall and letting them sit through the winter. They sprout in the early spring.

I hear softwood cuttings work with jap maples., but I've never tried it on my big trees. That might be a better idea if you can find a tree.

My plan in the fall is to collect a huge batch of the seeds and hopefully have sprouts by the spring. In about two to three years I'll have a large amount of saplings to sell to yuppies and crazy old Asian women.

Pic is of sprouts I made a few years ago. They all died except for one..

>> No.222183

I have a couple of Apple saplings that I have kept in a very small greenhouse for the past 2 years. Maybe I should try to bonsai one of them?

>> No.222185
File: 51 KB, 512x600, Crassula_bonsai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a "true" bonsai, but the jade plant (crassula ovata) might be good to learn some bonsai techniques and shaping.

They easy as balls to grow. Just rip off a branch from one soak it in water then plant in sandy soil.

>> No.222187

Forgot to mention they also grow well indoors, unlike most bonsai trees and shrubs.

>> No.222192

I'm also a beginner going to a local bonsai club that has monthly meetings. A good, cheap way to start is by buying something cheap at Home Depot or some place similar. Get a tree in one of those 1/2 gallon or gallon plastic pots that is at least 12" tall, but probably not taller than three feet. You'll keep it in this pot (well watered) until next spring. Practice trimming, shaping and wiring during this time and next year you can trim the roots and put it in a bonsai pot. Trees grow faster in bigger pots and if you put them in bonsai pots too early, it will take forever to get them to grow into anything.

I currently have three small trees in bonsai pots, but 6 or 7 trees in my yard that will be going into training pots in the next year or two. A few of them I bought at Home Depot and a few self seeded in the yard.

I think this is the book I saw at my bonsai club and it looked like a pretty good place to find out everything you need to know:

>> No.222222 [DELETED] 
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>> No.222224 [DELETED] 
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>> No.222226

mah nigga

>> No.222229
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>> No.222233
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seems like this thread ain't 'bout tiny trees no more

>> No.222237
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>> No.222240
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>> No.222258

And I actually liked this thread

>> No.222261
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>> No.222282
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>> No.222283
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>> No.222285
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>> No.222286
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>> No.222291

Feel sad for the OP, having his thread derailed by samefags.

>> No.222305

This sounds interesting. I would have to do a little Googling before asking a lot of questions.

The jade plant could be relevant. Doesn't look as cool, but being pretty durable, easy, and growing indoors without much direct sunlight would all be important.

If I'm understanding this so far, not only is it not a daily commitment but every day would be too often to mess with it anyway? More like every few days or every week?

>> No.222315

excellent thread derailment technique

>> No.222316
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>> No.222317

Ive never been into bonzaiis, but my Japanese maple makes so many godamn seedlings that I feel like I should.

Ive got like 5 that I planted in pots before. I sprayed the rest..

>> No.222318
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someone should screencap this thread

>> No.222322
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>> No.222329
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>> No.222333

What an amazing feat; it's so difficult to fill up a thread on a board as fast as this one you nutmonger.

>> No.222384
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>> No.222387

/diy/: dub it yourself

>> No.222392
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>> No.222408
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>> No.222414

Samefaggotry everywhere

>> No.222418

Go back to /b/, you samefagging cunt.

>> No.222419
File: 525 KB, 2048x1536, 0602010936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh.. it's not pretty But I love him.

>> No.222430 [DELETED] 


wha wha whaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.222652 [DELETED] 
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>> No.222656

u wot m8

>> No.222698


water: daily in the summer if it dries out fast
fertilize: twice a month
trim buds: once a month when growing
major pruning: once a year

>> No.223117

I literally just started, got the seeds last week. So no, nothing has sprouted just yet.

(dunno if anyone watching this thread anymore)

>> No.224504

decided I want to start a bonsai this summer

I'm about to go to home depot and get a small plant to start out on, hope to get in some practice on cheaper plants and work my way up to something like a Japanese Maple, those plants are beautiful, would love to have one as a bonsai....

wish me luck /diy/
>secret thread bump

>> No.224521

one thing that has been failed to be mentioned
is if you want a true bonsai you're going to have to cut the tap root off the plant

jade works great for bonsaing
i have some that are 3 to 4+ years old that are growing in 2in. deep pots
need to up date pics but here's a few of them

start a small cutting once it's very well rooted
unpot it wash the dirt off the roots then cut about 2/3 to 3/4 of the rooted stem off then repot it in a bonsai pot

>> No.224530
File: 6 KB, 93x100, 2437928260104938910ONrScv_th[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of those are really neat, I particularly like this one

>> No.224776

Just for the sake of hilarity, I wonder if it is possible to do a marijuana plant bonsai.

>> No.226286
File: 115 KB, 500x580, marijuanbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed it is good sir

>> No.226293

>is if you want a true bonsai you're going to have to cut the tap root off the plant


effing caps lock

>> No.226300

is this for real???

>> No.226314

I see quite a lot bonsai trees with small leaves. Do they become like that with the age, or is it because of the specific tree you're using?
Pic in the OP is kinda what I'm talking about.

>> No.226357

I heard that less nitrogen helps (too much nitrogen in the soil creates larger leaves). Though I heard it has something to do with leaf pruning.

But I'm new to bonsai, so I'm not sure.