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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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220486 No.220486 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a survival kit thread?

also the bottle kit one

>> No.220490
File: 326 KB, 1099x1600, 1951---sdbhwhsrthr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.220492
File: 256 KB, 1000x750, image-5160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.220495
File: 215 KB, 495x729, bomb.h21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.220554

How about using a big square flash light (the 6 volt ones that are cheaper to buy with the light than a the battery alone for some reason), and make it a 2 aa led flash light that all fits in the cap. Then put a plastic bag inside the huge battery compartment. Fill that with survival goodies. Screw cap/light back on, forget in your car/ backpack till emergency.

>> No.220564
File: 59 KB, 600x457, 71f1d1e2db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duck and cover/place newspaper on head

Why 1950's propaganda is always so funny?

>> No.220570

Hey OP, where did you get your image? I'd love a high res version to print on a canvas

>> No.220592

> All of us earnestly hope that no enemy a-bomb will ever fall on American soil

> In spite of our efforts for peace

Funny how Americans were the ones to drop nukes

>> No.220593
File: 207 KB, 666x958, A bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.220594

yup, kinda unfair.

>> No.220606

Putting a newspaper over your head would actually provide a little protection. Instead of your skin vaporizing from gamma radiation, the newspaper does. Saving a little of your skin.

>> No.220613



>> No.220649

Lolwat? You mean alpha radiation. Gamma goes through fucking everything.

>> No.220657

Hasty Fall Out Shelter-
1.Dig a hole in the ground deep enough for you to lay flat.
2.The hole should be smaller than a car.
3. Park a car over the top of your hole.
4. Cover the car in dirt. Pack the dirt as tight as possible.
5. Limit your exposure
6. ????
7. Profit

>> No.220659

8. Suffocate

>> No.220662

You leave a small opening at the end, duh!
Have sex with the dead, I like.

>> No.220679

>not having a hazmat suit
>surviving fallout

Pick one.

>> No.220710
File: 274 KB, 961x934, 1963AuRAHFS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am kind of envious to the olden generations, who got to design and build their shelters for, what they perceived, genuine and well-defined threat. Building a shelter would be great hobby. Exercise for body and mind. But what do we need them for today, what's the angle? Chemical warfare, super bird flu, gamma rays from space, or perhaps melting of the polar ice caps? Different threats need different applications. Any opinions, ideas? Personally, I'd bet for revolution, uprising, or civil war.

>> No.220721

Doing something as a hobby and doing something that you think is the only way to have a crappy existence in a terrifying future you honestly think is coming, are slightly different things.

Although that is a point, there's so many possible (in theory) vectors of mass destruction nowadays it's hard to build an all encompassing shelter that doesn't utterly crush quality of life AND/OR your budget.

Even if I built a shelter I'd rather die in the initial apocalypse anyway, I just like building things.

>> No.220742

Hazmat suits in a radiological environment are the equivalent of a raincoat while getting bombed with a blister agent.

They're better than nothing, but your best defense is not being there.

>> No.220829


>> No.220844

> Uprising or civil war in the first world

I can't laugh any harder.

>> No.220847


It's one thing to have things to defend yourself and supplies to survive some sort of weather disaster, but preparing for fucking civil war and anarchy is ridiculous.

Fucking white people and their stupid first-world fears.

>> No.220855
File: 11 KB, 215x215, 132526859412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mindlessly parroting buzzwords

>> No.221824

Define survival. If you want to stand alone against TEOTWAWKI, you need a shitload of money to get all the gear to keep off all comers.

I have an escape bag in the car. It's got a few days of clothes, water, food, a pair of blankets, spare shoes, flashlight, lighter, and a couple hundred in cash. It's enough to get me away from most disasters I can walk away from. Beyond that, you're deluded if you think you'll stand up to the end of the world.