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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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No.21316 [Reply] [Original]

As you may have seen in /diy/res/17428 , whe've been arguing over what to call ourselves. But here is the final decision, is it /diy/hards, mac/diy/ver, /diy/kes or /diy/kheads

The one that gets the most votes before 200 posts is the winner. You may NOT vote on any others, as the four I've mentioned where statistically the most popular.

>> No.21320


>> No.21367

I liked han/diy/man better but, whatever.

>> No.21370


honestly, how can you even consider anything else?

>> No.21369
File: 37 KB, 482x351, Picture 2986787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mac/diy/vers God damnit.

>> No.21379
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>> No.21378


we had this thread like 20 times. its already been settled you dumbfuck.

>> No.21382


>> No.21384

mac/diy/vers ofc

>> No.21391
File: 3 KB, 126x87, 1313704362807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go for /diy/kes. Sue me.

>> No.21393


>> No.21395

People are gonna call people whatever they fuck they want. I don't know why you're bothering to try and get a consensus.

>> No.21399

every board has a set name. it happened over time, yeah. but this is being done quick and efficiently.


also, captcha: fiveo must

>> No.21409

I've always had a thing for them lesbos.
/diy/kes all the way.

>> No.21418

Princess of /diy/ Universe


>> No.21417

mac/diy/vers easily

>> No.21429
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>> No.21430

>implying you're the first one to say this

>> No.21432


>> No.21433


I'm with him

The title is supposed to be slightly mocking

I.e. /v/irgins Fa/tg/uys /b/tards /fa/cists

>> No.21434

>implying i implied that

>> No.21435

I'm wondering if OP's gonna count every post or just CTRL+F each. In which case this should throw him off:
/diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes /diy/kes

>> No.21438

/diy/ isn't full of the same kind of retards.

the ones with mockery names deserve them.

mc/diy/ver works perfectly

>> No.21443

OP here. Mac/diy/ver seems to be in the lead, with /diy/hards in a close second place. And >>21435 , I only count the first one in a post, and I am keeping a careful check on this thread.

>> No.21444


There are usually at least 2 terms, one respectful, one mocking.
The respectful one is internal, insulting is external.

I vote mac/diy/vers, let the other boards make up the insulting one.

>> No.21467
File: 31 KB, 358x371, dio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy /diy/ver
fk yeah

>> No.21469

Personally, I liked han/diy/men...

>> No.21475

What about /DIY/NOSAURS?!?

>> No.21479
File: 54 KB, 354x720, ComeAtMeBro-MoeEd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely don't care what some group of people thinks the "official" nickname is and will use whatever /diy/ name that comes to mind when posting.

Pic related to sentiment.

>> No.21482

This thread is fucking retarded.

People will use whatever words they want, and the one that sticks, sticks.

sage for forced bullshit.

>> No.21484

Mac/diy/ver singular, /diy/hards plural

>> No.21485

Holy /diy/vers

>> No.21498


>> No.21525


If this thread decides it's /diy/hards and i open a post with "Hey /diy/nosaurs," will I get stabbed? Will I have my home invaded?

Wait, what's that? No? This is just some self-important /diy/ck deciding he (or possibly she) is able to force us to a decision.

whatever sticks, will stick. let people flow with it for a while

>> No.21534

Yeah, what happened to han/diy/men.
That shit was so cash.

>> No.21620

/diy/ck is now what I'll use as negative.

>> No.21633


That's the demonym for /ic/...

>> No.21635

Who are you to impose what do we call ourselves, i/diy/ot?

>> No.21637

that would be d/ic/k
/d/ick, d/i/ck, di/c/k, dic/k/, d/ic/k, di/ck/ and diy/ck are not the same.

>> No.21638

Shall we just say everyone uses their own favourite and eventually there may be consensus?
You know, like in the more mature boards.

>> No.21639


Whatever helps you sleep at night...

>> No.21640

mac/diy/ver easy

>> No.21642

That's silly. The whole idea is silly.

If you just decide on what to call ourself instead of letting it naturally occur over time, you remove the base of meme building (or rather don't give it a chance to develop).

Just use whatever you think is the best and sooner or later we'll see what the result will be. That way it will be more in line with the actual culture of the board instead of our name dictating the culture.

instead of
it should go

Just as an example, instead of someone using the picture of a dinosaur on a guide because that's what we call ourselves, we should call ourself /diy/nosaurs, because in some awesome thread someone made a papier mâché T-rex.

If you specify the name beforehand, you don't give eventual memes or board culture specific things the opportunity to become a name giving "mascot".

I know you feel the urge to introduce things other boards have since years to a new board, but don't rush it. Let things come naturally and they will be much more stable and founded, and ultimately better and funnier.

>> No.21644


>> No.21646

male: han/diy/men
feamle: /diy/kes
nongender: /diy/hards

>> No.21648


No, fuck you.

We're makers. We make.

And the first thing we're going to make is our name.

Plus, /diy/ fits naturally into jack shit.

>> No.21653

/diy/ ster


fuck your choices bro.

>> No.21651


>> No.21650


how about we just use whatever term we think is the best-sounding, and then eventually people will just start using one or two? i am so goddamn sick of these threads, there are like three of them going at the same time and it's so stupid

>> No.21654

what's this "our" shit

what have you contributed to the board?

>> No.21661
File: 110 KB, 490x700, 1316284620278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what have you contributed to the board?

My swag.

>> No.21673


hurr durr are we seriously having /diy/er-than-thou arguments even though the board's existed for less than a week

>> No.21682 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 525x553, Bella.wat..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just /diy/s? (read dee-ee-uais)

>> No.21686
File: 92 KB, 665x598, 1314652973481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21693 [DELETED] 


meh I meant "dee-ai-uais".

My native language interferes sometimes.

>> No.21705
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>> No.21719 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 351x364, bella.mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why? Well, I'll keep using it when talking in plural.

Hello /diy/s!

>> No.21721

mac/diy/vers for sure.

>> No.21724
File: 23 KB, 320x270, 1291425371649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21733

you are the worst poster. why do you even have a tripcode? is it just like your version of saying MAKE WAY EVERYONE, BIG-TIME FAGGOT COMING THROUGH

>> No.21735

<spoiler>also get out</spoiler>

>> No.21737
File: 26 KB, 706x720, 1314711580826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest evil-doers
because it contains a slight bit of political satire and the name isn't supposed to bee too self-glorifying. Like someone said slightly mocking.

>> No.21741

nobody cares get out

>> No.21747 [DELETED] 


Really? Cool! That's the first thing I accomplished in this board.

>> No.21758

if you're not going to contribute any worthwhile posts to the board, can you at least take some pictures of yourself naked

>> No.21761

its a toss up for mac/diy/ver and /diy/hards.

But i agree with alot of others. just let the board naturally figure it out over time. The worst nickname is the one you have to give yourself.

>> No.21765


Also, epic board turns out to be epic

>> No.21776 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 606x669, Bella.smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd like to contribute if I'd have the occasion and no, I'm a guy btw and the girl in the reaction images is Bella Thorne, not me.

>> No.21792


>> No.21793

I didn't ask for your gender. I asked for naked pictures.

>> No.21804 [DELETED] 

not /diy/ related.
>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.21809
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>> No.21814
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>implying you're contributing anything usefull

>> No.21817 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21818

are you serious? your only accomplishment as a tripfag so far has been taking a massive runny shit all over a thread that's tangentially related to the board at best, yet you are so righteously indignant about being called out on it that you're willing to waste the mods' time on something as stupid as that?

why don't you try actually making relevant and helpful posts in actual threads, instead of mental masturbation in metathreads such as this one? and then maybe you can talk about being off-topic.

>> No.21825

there's nothing that i could possibly contribute to this thread that would make it stop being a malignant tumor of idle wank. i'd be more than happy to answer your questions in a thread devoted to actual craftsmanship, if you'd be so kind as to create one

>> No.21827

Guys guys guys let's not bother the fake lady. He's uncomfortable enough being a lonely fat neckbeard anyway.

>> No.21829
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>> No.21830

Then why do you keep posting, you're criticizing another for not contributing to the thread while you're also not contributing.

>> No.21835 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 413x395, 1318693325694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I didn't send that report for real

>> No.21839

Other boards have an established tripcode mafia. Most of them are completely insufferable, contribute nothing, and constantly evade their deserved bans. Can we have a board without that shit for once? Please? Guys? Guys???

>> No.21860

in case you hadn't noticed i'm saging i.e. not bringing the thread to the front page when i post in it. i mean how am i even supposed to answer your question without posting it in this thread? it's foolish. just enable sage and let this turd sink to page 15 where it can't hurt anyone.

if everyone can just not be a massive faggot, it won't be a problem.

>> No.21868

There is no point in saging, clearly you except a response or else you wouldn't have posted at all. In the end your post caused the thread to be bumped.
And you posted far before I asked any question, not that you needed to post in the first place if you can't contribute to the thread.

>> No.21880

OK, guys. Keep bitching and arguing on the way down, because you've just hit premature autosage.

>> No.21882

i am going to stop posting in this thread now because i can no longer bring myself to give a shit about this ridiculous dickwaving argument

final comment: you're a faggot, he's a faggot, i'm a faggot, what the hell did you expect from 4chan

>> No.21904
File: 29 KB, 525x553, Bella.wat..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh come on stop being so mad for a joke.
At least you weren't banned...

>> No.21978


>> No.22117
File: 88 KB, 700x525, 1318000388265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive seen /diy/hard a few times and i like it
simple and bad ass

>> No.22133
File: 358 KB, 1024x768, 1312517660062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this finally lets me do something constructive and away from /b/ for a while

>> No.22150

After reading this thread, i now suggest we be called /diy/pshits.

>> No.22167
File: 44 KB, 780x488, 1319557778262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clevar, i like
i have a feeling these will all be thrown around depending on context, etc

>> No.22363

OP here. came back after a couple of hours and it's atrocious. Time to end it here. The winner is:
1. mac/diy/ver
2. /diy/kes

These are the official two. Now shut the hell up.

>> No.23838


Kindly go fuck a rusty screw driver, good ser! You're no one of importance and no one to decide ...well, anything about the board as a whole. Have a swell day!