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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 54 KB, 320x382, 6a011168597440970c0162fd0dad21970d-320wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
204143 No.204143 [Reply] [Original]

So I have linux running on an external hard drive connected to a laptop and I have no idea how to connect to the internet.

>> No.204144
File: 199 KB, 604x451, asset.PNG?id=45453E2A-2CBF-4109-A7B9-1FE17D969856&ext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really depends. Do you mean wirelessly or wired? Also, what distro?

>> No.204145

Wirelessly and ubuntu. Sorry, I should have specified.

>> No.204148

That's odd, Ubuntu is one of the most "compatible" linux distros out there. Make sure your wifi card is on and running.

If all else fails, try NDISwrapper.

>> No.204149

Will do, thanks.

>> No.204150
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Good luck. It was a pain in the ass back when I did it. Had to find my exact wireless cards drivers for Ubuntu.

>> No.204188

Here is a perfect example why Linux still sucks 10 years after it was supposed to be the Next Greatest Thing: The fact that it may be necessary to type obscure commands into a computer to get the wifi working. As if we were in 1980 again.

FUCK ALL YOU LINUX LOSERS who managed to convince people your OS was worthy of anyone's time.

>> No.204207
File: 71 KB, 263x320, Network+Manager+0.7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just click on the Network Manager icon and select your wireless network. If no network shows up, check that your card is activated / switched on. Else proceed like the other people suggested.
(I didn't have to deal with NDISWrapper since 10.04, IIRC)

>> No.204262

>implying that your router isn't running Linux

>> No.204273

>Also implying Android OS isn't built on top the linux kernel.

>> No.204275

Android a shit

Linux is not suitable for the end user, no matter what Canonical tries to tell you, unless you need it for very specific purposes (Backtrack Linux for pen testing, Scientific Linux for.... science, etc.)

This is exactly why. Linux is for nerds who like to play with computers. There's nothing wrong with that! I have a linux machine that I use as I fileserver, and to do stupid shit with when I get the urge to fuck around with pointlessly obtuse command systems. If you never have this urge, or if you never want to have to this before using your computer for a given task, linux is not for you. I strongly recommend switching back to a commercial OS and installing Ubuntu on a VM if you want to play with it; it'll be way less frustrating if you can just minimize the window and google up a solution to your problem.

>> No.204276
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>Cannot properly use a computer terminal

>> No.204286

In the first place, most Linux distros are quite easy to set up nowadays. I've been using Linux for 4 years, and never need to use the command line. OP simply has an unusual kind of setup, which is why he's having trouble.

Also, enjoy your viruses and malware.

All the Linux users who are laughing at you

>> No.204295
File: 28 KB, 600x600, the incredible shrinking Linux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> All the Linux users who are laughing at you

congratulatory self-important tripe from a user of an OS with 2% desktop market share, and dropping.

One of the final straws that drove me away from the Linux cult is the fact that all my scripts stopped working when I migrated from Backtrack 2 to Backtrack 4. Apparently, the programmers changed all the command line switches, because, presumably, typing "-i" is so much more intuitive than typing "-1"

That kinda of stupidity just permeates all Linux distros. And the utter lack of aesthetics doesnt help either. Is it possible to have 1 single good-looking font in Linux? 10 years, and I'm still waiting.

>> No.204306
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>commercial OS

>> No.204309
File: 31 KB, 250x166, Please-dont-feed-the-trolls[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
