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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2027428 No.2027428 [Reply] [Original]

I have an unusual predicament. I work as maintenance for an apartment complex. All one building, apartments open to an interior hallway with elevators in the center of the building and two stairwells at either end. You cant get into the building without a key fob or someone buzzing you in.

For some damn reason we have residents who let the drug addict homeless into the building, which leads to these meth heads sleeping, shitting, pissing, and everything else in the stairwells for me to have to clean.

What are some ways I could booby trap the stairwells so they leave? I have a plan to sprinkle powdered lye on the carpet on each of the landings so when they try to lay down to sleep they get a chemical burn, but I'm open to suggestions.

Sorry to say but it cant be anything that damages the property or kills the person. I dont want to have to make a second thread asking how to deal with a corpse.

>> No.2027443

>I dont want to have to make a second thread asking how to deal with a corpse

Sounds like the lazy way out.

>> No.2027446

call the police

>> No.2027447

Sprinkle moth ball flakes (the napthalene ones) in problem areas (corners of stairwells, nooks, foyers, etc.). You can tell when you put enough down when the smell is unpleasant yet can still be easily walked-by. Moths are a real problem so you should be doing this anyway.

>> No.2027452

They're homeless anon, something tells me they aren't going to respond to odours

>> No.2027454

try sprinkling some around your bed and see how long you can stand it

>> No.2027455

Take a cue from the government and make all horizontal surfaces uncomfortable. Add lumps and bumps and spikes everywhere that they like to lay. When they move to a new spot do that one too.

>> No.2027456

I swear I must be part moth because the smell of those things is unbearable and bothers me even days after the balls are gone.

>> No.2027475

How do you spread their tiny moth legs to smell their moth balls?

>> No.2027488

Oops.. how did these fireants get into the stairwell?

>> No.2027496
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>> No.2027499

lol you said booby

>> No.2027501

What about shaking off fiberglass dust everywhere all over the floors.

>> No.2027538

Moths are actually very promiscuous and will allow almost anyone to take a whiff. Tiny fucking freaks man

>> No.2027542
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Cops wont do shit unfortunately
Interesting idea, but unsure how well it'll work (personally i like the smell of moth balls)
Theres no way the company would fund it and im not paying out of my own pocket
We dont have fireants where im from friend
Also a good idea

>> No.2027693

>Theres no way the company would fund it and im not paying out of my own pocket

Oops... who broke all these beer bottles all over the place. Damn it's almost 5:00. Guess I'll have to clean it up tomorrow...

>> No.2027696

>For some damn reason
You have drug dealer(s) in building who are letting customers in who then use and pass out. It's so bad in my town that completely unconscious people are laying on the sidewalks by 11:00 AM. And I mean out-cold.

>> No.2027697

Go on
Fuck I'm out

>> No.2027700

Move out of the city anon, they are shitholes and its not going to get any better, just worse.

>> No.2027763

Really bright lights in the hallways? Maybe ones with a lot of blue in their spectrum, would make it almost impossible to sleep in there.

>> No.2027765

it's not so much sleeping as it is fentanyl-induced zonk-out. They can't be woken up until it wears off.

>> No.2027808

Piss in their ear while they are passed out.

>> No.2027812

Drop baggies with fentanyl in them and let nature take it's course.

>> No.2027817

remember that scene from Into The Wild when he gets caught train hopping

>> No.2027823

This is a good one. Some of those real hot bags.

Depending on where you are, you could maybe get a bunch of Narcan for free. Start hitting them with the Narcan to wake em from their nap and they will hate you. Give em a couple doses so they can’t get high for 24hrs.

>> No.2027960


Here's a solution my local corner store uses - blast classical/opera music. It really does work kek

>> No.2027964

Spray up nose?

>> No.2027984

don't poison the floor, could get on people's children or their pets' paws

>> No.2027986

>just stab random sleepers with narcan
how could this go wrong

>> No.2027991

It’s a spray.

>> No.2028005
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>homeless drug addicts want to sleep inside
let them.
the solution is to ask for a pay raise for dealing with it, or simply let it self correct by residents complaining if it infact bothers them where they live.

>> No.2028018

Search out the dominant male in the homeless pack and rape him.

>> No.2028021

How does that stop junkies from curling up underneath the stairs?

>> No.2028024

>Being a homeless dude and sleeping in the building run by the guy who raped the chief homeless dude

>> No.2028026

If someone is letting them in, find out who it is, and have them evicted. Make sure everyone knows why they were evicted.

>> No.2028248

>giving them a withdrawal which they can't make go away
do it OP

>> No.2028270

when they are passed out, use EMT shears to cut all their clothes off and cover them in honey. Then ignore them entirely.

>> No.2028272

if its cold nothing will deter them. you have to actually put up a sign saying "if your not staying in one of the apartments or visiting some one who does your trespassing" and on the stairwells put up another sign saying " no sleeping in the stair wells"

>> No.2028275

If it's cold, dragging them back outside might just solve your problem...

>> No.2028308


>> No.2028312

Honey is way too expensive, cut their clothes off then throw ice on them. Like the ice bucket challenge but with a naked homeless person.

>> No.2028323

>cut all their clothes off
They might have a knife and stab you. Better to use hands-free alternatives such as a pressure-tank sprayer. Fill it for free with used motor oil. Or buy insecticide with your maintenance budget. Nothing wrong with spraying your own building for bugs.

>> No.2028329

Narcan is fucking genius. They might stab you though

>> No.2028331

Spray bio-ban

>> No.2028340

There's nine different kinds. Which is the nastiest?

>> No.2028344

Buy all 9 and do an experiment.

>> No.2028371

>he doesnt stab ppl with a nasal spray.

>> No.2028377

Booby traps are likely to get you proscecuted. Go after the tenants letting them in instead. Post warnings, video them ignoring warnings, then evict them for lease violation.

>> No.2028379

I'm going more for a total confusion effect than the weird exterminate the poor vibe y'all got going on.
If honey is out of your price range use some cheap aunt jamima syrup. They need to stick to EVERYTHING.

>> No.2028392

Covering a human being (just like you) with a sugary syrup to attract hungry ants in inhumane. You are a monster.

>> No.2028445

and letting your rotting corpse on the front step of someone home isnt?
>a human being (just like you)
They treat themselves like dogs ,not man.
Why should we do otherwise?

>> No.2028454

the risk for prosecution on your end for doing this stuff is too high. You should complain until you're certain they wont do anything, and then find a new job. Some things just aren't worth it

>> No.2028461

Soak the stairwell carpet every night. Add a blue strobe light or 2 to one of those 3 minute timers on the door buzzer. 3 minutes after the door opens, it starts 16 cycles per second. And the classical music works too. Wagner operas, lol.

>> No.2028463

if the carpets are soaked it would lead to mould and rot, and if he's the building maintenance he'd probably get in trouble with the landlord or whatever

>> No.2028469

People like having things to do and places to go. Only low iq hayseeds would be content outside the city. Then again, there's something to be said for keeping those clingers out of the way of their betters.

>> No.2028481

cops dont do shit about homeless anymore. i dont know what happened to policing these days. just in 5 years my city is worse than ever. it's these liberal needle exchange and liberal ideas. ugh. the best thing you can do anon is post flyers to remind the tennents to not let people in and do foot patrolls to kick these guys out so maybe they get the hint and stop coming. becareful bc homeless people ussually carry knives.

>> No.2028513

You have a few seconds to start running before they know what happened.

>> No.2028519

This is why the Narcan would be the best. OP would never get prosecuted for spraying up somebody’s nose. Even if he did it with a needle, if he’s in an area where they give out narcan, there’s no way they would be able to get him for hitting a junkie who is passed out in the hallway, they give it to pepple so they can do that exact thing and save a random bum who just OD’d at the bus stop.

>> No.2028524

It has nothing to do with ants. The OP already said they don't have any REAL ants, and it's fucking cold out. It's just to be sticky and irritating.

>> No.2028540

Booby traps are highly illegal. I hope you go to prison you idiot.

>> No.2028543

>ziptie hands and feet together
>cut off clothes

>> No.2028583

Figure out who is letting the bums in and get them evicted.
Simple as.

>> No.2028584

Not to mention if any of the tenants is an epileptic (which you may not know about), this would be a major no-go.

>> No.2028592

>I work as maintenance for an apartment complex.
Get used to wiping up human shit and blood or get another job.

>> No.2028604

Well if the residents keep letting the homeless people in how about you just start sending them the bill

>> No.2028607

Start selling loose beers and cigs.

>> No.2028617

Try to get at least 6 beers down by the end of your shift. Then piss-out under the stairs, every time. The building will start to small like a urinal and something will get done about it.

>> No.2028627

put up signs for the inhabitants of the property that letting homeless people in causes damages through vandalism and defecating etc.
tell them each time you have to clean biohazard waste and do unnecessary repairs you will put the bills for the fix divided, on top of the rent for all the people who live there
and kindly ask whoever lets the junkies in to stop this .
tell them you monitor the situation and these actions will lead to eviction or whatever

>> No.2028630

You have to go after the tenant who lets them in.

>> No.2028646
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Just kick the shit out of a few of them.
Make sure they tell their friends.
Good move a neighbor of mine did was give 50$ to some skinheads to kick the shit out of a few hobos around.
Really cleaned the place up since then.

>> No.2028709

> I have a plan to sprinkle powdered lye on the carpet

Make sure the landlord you work for knows you are opening him up to lawsuits and possibly criminal charges.

>meth heads sleeping
The safest methhead is a sleeping methhead

How about you just do your job, and if you aren't being paid enough to clean up shit and piss tell your boss. It isn't your problem really. His logic might have been :

"The dealers in apt 6 kick me back enough money I can just hire someone to clean up the piss and shit from the junkies"

>> No.2028716


Dear OP,

An excerpt from the Criminal Code.

"Traps likely to cause bodily harm

247(1)Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, who with intent to cause death or bodily harm to a person, whether ascertained or not,

(a)sets or places a trap, device or other thing that is likely to cause death or bodily harm to a person; or

(b)being in occupation or possession of a place, knowingly permits such a trap, device or other thing to remain in that place."

You can't hurt them. Bodily harm can be anything from broken bones and chemical burns to causing a hangnail.

If you're looking for a deterrent,
Your best (read legal) solutions would be increasing security, or uncomfortable lighting/noise as described by other anons.
I would suggest even those dummy cameras, blue spectrum lighting, and those high pitch noise makers like they have at the mall, to kick the teenagers out.

>> No.2028719

Release snakes

>> No.2028739

OP you gotta look at it from the source. Check security cameras for the tenants that bring them in, and talk to them. maybe intimidate them. but this is your best bet, because this is not a security problem, this is a people problem.

because it's people that are bringing the homeless into the already secure property

>> No.2028744

So much you can not do legally. Go in at night and start taking their stuff. Take it to compactor. Be aggressive. Be intimidating. Do not let on or show you work there. If they park shopping carts inside or near exits, use compactor.
If residents do not use stairs, pepper spray handles. They will touch eyes eventually..
For piss smells use 50/50 white vinegar n water, smidge of baking soda to neutralize stench.
In minecraft, my ideas are endless.

>> No.2028745

If company will help, disable buzz in option. Make residents go down to door to let in guests.

>> No.2028749

>intent to cause death or bodily harm
OP does not intend this. OP says deter, retard.

>> No.2028781


Also OP;

>I have a plan to sprinkle powdered lye on the carpet on each of the landings so when they try to lay down to sleep they get a chemical burn

Nice reading comprehension, retard.

>> No.2028880

One word: bearsprayfiresprinklers

>> No.2029086

Hide a motion sensing cameras to the points of entries, find out the culprits.

Otherwise, try various audio-based approaches, exposing vagrants to ice cold water/temperatures, maybe via cleaning robot? extremely bright light.

>> No.2029125

>audio-based approaches
>ice cold temperatures
>extremely bright light
Nothing wakes these animals up. I see them passed out on Main St. in broad daylight.

>> No.2029131

go back

>> No.2029182
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>> No.2029267

Doesn't that put the user in stabbing range?

>> No.2029269

rat cope, the quality of activities is far higher outside of the city.

>> No.2029271

Yea but you have a little bit of time before passed out junkie becomes angry sober junkie. Not sure how long the nasal spray takes, but even the needle will give you at least 10sec before they sober up and realize where they are.

>> No.2029280

Pls Opie, do it if you can get it in your area. It’s the perfect solution with no legal consequences. It’s the only good idea I have ever had and I want to see it on Youtube.

If you don’t do it, maybe I will start my own channel and get a few nose sprays and go find random junkies at the bus stop.

>> No.2029282
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Forgot pic like an retard.

>> No.2029298

Narcan has a very short half life. EMTs sometimes have to use 5 doses before it works with fentanyl ODs, it still wears off within an hour. You might be thinking of naltrexone, which has a longer duration of action

Also: https://twitter.com/AaronHuncho/status/1262888474375528453

>> No.2029300

>he don’t need fuckin milk dude
See, that’s why it would be great tho, because the junkies get straight pissed when they get hit with the naloxone. Best high they had since the last time the OD’d and you ruined it.

There’s another one, Vivotrol or some shit that’s supposed to block opiates for a month. Hit em with both, one for short term and one for the next couple weeks.

>> No.2029323

I used to run a quick-service restaurant and had a problem with junkies and homeless coming in. I was young and naive and didn't know how to handle it. My boss told me to get rid of them or the regular customers would stop coming in. It's not enough to get rid of them once. Word needs to get around that your place is not a good place to crash. Simultaneously getting extremely threatening with the tenants and the people trying to sleep there will take a month or two. Be consistent.

>> No.2029336

See if you can get a buzzer, just makes noise on and off

>> No.2029340

Places that used to be homelrss hotspots just play obnoxious music and have bright lights on. Grab a ladder and adhere a cheap MP3 player and speaker and play the same song on repeat.

>> No.2029409

Fail in your mission, and you shall in time be heading for dismissal. With no job and no money coming in the slippery slope starts to you loosing your savings, your own apartment by not being able to make the rent; and then guess what? You shall be out on the street. Karma and a fitting end to a selfish bastard.

>> No.2029496

Besides getting locked doors, non uv dyed pepper spray if there's no cameras? Physically removing said breathing corpses? Best bet would be find another job

>> No.2029497

>just play obnoxious music
weren't they playing classical a while back to deter drug dealers?

>> No.2029607

Funny how that works. City people can visit the country whenever they like. There's these things called horseless carriages that let people get around quicker than primitive opioid-Americans shuffling their bare feet down the back roads. Visiting the country is nice, it's only living there that's reserved for drooling inbreds.

>> No.2029946

Unironicly find the biggest fucking homeless man who looks like his mental illness isn’t that bad. They are loyal if you have food water and decent pay. It works surprisly well. Plus you help a homeless man escape poverty

>> No.2029987

This is why OP needs to get a little more aggressive.

>> No.2030141
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Audio deterrent is the way to go OP.
Small, easy to hide, adhesive backed, and cheap.
Under $12.

>> No.2030152

It's illegal to set traps for trespassers. You would be liable under tort law.
If the traps are deadly, you would be liable for 2nd degree murder.

>> No.2030157
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>> No.2030230

beat the shit out of them, fucking worthless scumbags deserve the rope

>> No.2030232

suck them all off and give them herpes OP, they will be so pissed off

>> No.2030478

>It's illegal to set traps for trespassers. You would be liable under tort law.
Unfortunately. Whatever happened to property rights?

>> No.2030542

sounds like a reddit tier response

>> No.2030550

>how to deal with a corpse.
Powdered lye works, 4 or 5 pounds of Red Devil drain cleaner should do it. That, and about 10 gallons of boiling water. You’ll need a blue poly 55 gallon drum.

Fold the body into the drum, sprinkle the lye on top, dump boiling water in until the whole body is submerged. Put the lid on, lock the snap ring and let it stew for 8 hours. So, you probably want to do this first thing after you clock in.

Half an hour before you knock off, pop the lid off and drain the slurry in the drum into a slop sink or floor drain. Empty your mop bucket in after it to rinse it down. The only thing that’ll be left in the drum will be the bones, and they’ll be very porous and crumbly. Put them in a contractor grade trash bag and stomp on it for about 5 minutes. Presto, bone meal. Empty your shop vac into that bag, mix everything around, now it doesn’t even look like bone fragments anymore. Toss the bag in the dumpster.

There ya go. Nice and tidy. You only have to do it about 3 times before the rest of the herd gets the idea.

>> No.2030560

Quit projecting.

>> No.2030584

Install CCTV, find out which resident is letting them in and revoke their key fob access. Problem solved.

>> No.2030612
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>> No.2030622

some convince stores use this,
my local laundry mat has roosters gets everybody up and out early.

>> No.2030626

I disagree police will do amazing work when motivated and covered, lots of police station have public liaisons. My understanding of a public liaison is they are paid to talk to you instead of the police officers. City officials have tons of meetings, express your concern there, they are voted by the people for the people.
Booby traps are unsafe for public service, you would not want to hurt a fireman, police officers or an emt.

>> No.2030652
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Yes that works on drug dealers and teenagers loitering.

But for homeless trying to sleep, classical is probably too encouraging.

I'm thinking like catchy jingles that will bore holes into your consciousness.

>> No.2030655


>> No.2030663
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Need to get yourself some of these

>> No.2030665

So you want to booby-trap a populated area, that you are the one paid to maintain.
Yeah, there's no way they could ever figure out who set these traps when one of the residents is injured, and there's no way that they would remember that setting booby-traps is a felony in all cases even in your own home.

>> No.2030913


>> No.2030922

Don’t be afraid of prosecution unless it’s clearly a trap. Uncomfortable sticky surfaces, routine insecticide applications, bumps, sounds, smells, temperatures, Narcan, etc. are not traps.

>> No.2030924

You should check out good samaritan laws. Giving aid to ppl can legally fuck you.

>> No.2030931

It is the only way to assert dominance and become the Alpha male of the pack. Then you can lead the pack on to a new territory and enter into a war of attrition against neighboring packs of homeless.

>> No.2030946

Give them more fentynal, skip the narcan. Let them eliminate themselves the way they have chosen.

>> No.2030972

Leave a couple needles around. Get tenants to go side with you in the next meeting.

>> No.2030982

That’s why the original post about it, I told OP to check the local laws. If it’s an area where they legally give out Narcan, I’m sure you will always have a defense of “but he was breathing all shallow!”

I mean that’s not a bad idea either, but it’s just so fucking funny seeing a junkie all pissed off after being sobered up by Narcan.

Also fuck good samaritan bullshit and jurisdictions where people are afraid to help others because of lawyers

>> No.2030997
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Human size glue trap

>> No.2031076

>I mean that’s not a bad idea either, but it’s just so fucking funny seeing a junkie all pissed off after being sobered up by Narcan.

I've never been around junkies or Narcan, but this does sound hilarious. So if you really wanted to annoy a druggie could you follow them around relentlessly and Narcan them any time after they tried getting high? Sounds like a based thing to do to your own family member if they got hooked on drugs.

>> No.2031697

LOL you faggots always get on your moral high horse when it comes to homeless but that's because you don't have to deal with them.

>> No.2031731
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Not gonna lie, I kinda fucked up and forgot i even made this thread. As an update however, I ended up going with the fiberglass idea. Nasty ass junkie bitch who's been shitting on my floors now has a super nasty rash. And to all you moral fags, i would have happily turned a blind eye and let her sleep there if she stopped bothering my residents and cleaned up after herself. But no. She wouldn't do anything, the company wouldnt do anything, the cops wouldnt do anything, so I DID! I didnt ask for this war.

>> No.2031739

>Sounds like a based thing to do to your own family member if they got hooked on drugs.
Sounds like a good way to get the shit kicked out of you and lose a relative.

>> No.2031754


>Sell them drugs
>Sell them tainted drugs
>Call cops to report dead tweaker

>> No.2031770


>> No.2031775

Relentlessly following around a pissed off withdrawing druggie sounds like a great way to get stabbed.

>> No.2031783
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>> No.2031796

Doesn't matter.
Had sex.

>> No.2031833

Good job anon, moralfags need to realize that homeless people aren't just sleeping in places; they're also leaving dirty needles, pissing, and shitting everywhere.

>> No.2031873

I mean the reason they give out the Narcan to random people is so parents can save their kid if he’s getting high and won’t stay clean. You’re going to have a hard time dosing dude who is awake if you’re following them around, but you could totally pull over when you see dude passed out at the bus stop and give him a couple sprays up the nose.

>> No.2032015
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This. The only time the cops address the homeless problem is when the bums assault one of their own. See pic related, bums beat the shit out of a court cop and BPD responded in kind, beating the fuck out of the junkies and crushing their personal stuff and wheelchairs/shopping carts. Now with COVID and dems in power, good luck.

Link to related article to see how evil the people that have hamstrung the police are

>> No.2032018

>For some damn reason we have residents who let the drug addict homeless into the building.
Just post a sign that residents that let them in will be responsible for damages/injury. then put up a fake camera.

>> No.2032055

Mexican Hat Dance

>> No.2032068

>Actually thinking that the police will actually do something
My office building was broken into two nights in a row. The first day after the police spent all of 15 minutes checking out the scene and then left to go to another shitshow. The next day they didn't even bother showing up. They told us if they did somehow catch the perpetrators, our useless communist libfuck retard DAs and prosecutors would let them back out the next day. Mostly because they are not working class white men that the city can fuck out of every last penny possible.

>> No.2032069

You should try living in Seattle. There are unconscious people on the sidewalks 24 hours a day. Even out in the suburbs. That and they leave fucking enormous piles of trash everywhere.

>> No.2032075

>t. faggot who is stuck in the city and doesn't own a car because he has to pay mommy $800/month to stay in his 20 sq ft room
Enjoy spending the rest of your life living on top of concrete.

>> No.2032088

Do this, but zip-tie their hands first, for your own safety. Junkies get fucking VIOLENT after being woken up from a fentanyl snooze.

>> No.2032094

I feel sorry for you fren. Seattle and Tacoma used to be so nice.

>> No.2032211

>zip-tie their hands
You’re not a cop fuck off.

>> No.2032254

They were already lost the moment they became a fucking junkie

>> No.2032262

Citizen’s arrest can use cuffs/ties.

>> No.2032276
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Why are Ohioans like this?

>> No.2032320

motion detected ear rape

>> No.2032366

This. If they have drug dealers in the complex set up some hidden cameras, call cops with evidence of dealers.

>> No.2032392

Based entrepreneur

>> No.2032394

shoulda let him die

>> No.2032395
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tfw you recognize the cropped picture is in your image folder...

>> No.2032549

People keep saying homeless people have knives. What the fuck is going on on the west coast? I live in Detroit and I've offered pocket knives to the cooler homeless dudes and to a man, they refuse like its cursed. If the cops run them in and they have a knife, they're in the shit. Do your cops not even care about weapons? If you know a bum has a knife, use a burner phone and call the cops on him/her and get them rousted.

>> No.2032553

>If you know a bum has a knife
then it’s too late.

>> No.2032567

Yes, min wage workers should have to clean up after junkies and hobos, it's only right they have to clean up piss, shit and syringes it'd be inhumane for jannies to not have to do it for free.

>> No.2032597

If you don't have security cameras, you can shoot them yourself, then get the cops to collect the body.

>> No.2032700

I take it back, dont fuck with jannies.
>they have all this sitting in their supply closet right now.

>> No.2032926

too much paperwork.

>> No.2032930

I live in SE michigan, they dont want the knives and don't need them, they have the guns. Those niggers kill each other every fucking day over the stupidest shit, its glorious.

>> No.2033405

Airhorn those fuckers and if they attack you whoop their ass and claim self defense

>> No.2033410

Too lazy to read the thread. Few key points.
Booby traps can catch you a felony.
Keyfobs are super easy to bypass. Shit your doors could probably be bypassed with a magnet.
Install cameras and warning signs stating that tresspassers will be prosecuted. Most of the time cameras fix everything.
You should also install a raspberry pi that tracks when the doors are buzzed and by which apartment. Figure out who it is and evict them for bypassing security. Make sure you post signs as well stating that an ongoing investigation is happening. Anybody caught letting in the riff raff will be evicted.
Should put a stop to 80% of your problem.

>> No.2033412

Furthering my point, I live in a very seedy neighborhood and had a similar problem. Cameras fixed the entire problem overnight. Evicted the morons letting in the garbage etc. Blacklist them and tell other apartment complexes about the problem as well. Make it so when these problematic morons get evicted they can't move within 30 miles of your complex. Eventually the problem will go away. It takes a bit of extra effort sure but the land lord will be thankful to be rid of them as well.

>> No.2033428

why not go through security cam footage to see who exactly is letting them in and tell management to give them a warning

>> No.2033662

We don't have security cameras or alarms. Even the doors are just regular wood with the cheapest electric lock available and no closers.

>> No.2033671

>replace all lights with super bright cold white LEDs
>replace incandecent with LED W for W
>minimum 6000K, better 7000-8000K
They will not be able to sleep there, the cold light and high brightness makes it impossible.
>spray them with bear mace while they are passed out

>> No.2033675

I hope you get raped by a homeless man, fool

>> No.2034517

A wunderfol chrismis toim

>> No.2034525

>For some damn reason we have residents who let the drug addict homeless into the building
Put up a sign telling them not to do that

>> No.2034796

>spray them with bear mace
Fuck that. Spray their hands with it so when they wake up and touch their face, it will burn like hell. Or get some of that super atomic ghost pepper extract.

>> No.2034809

Best course of action. Bums are pieces of shit and 90% just follow the path of least resistance. Run a tight ship, bounce every bum you come across and make them know you will fuck them up if you need to. Eventually the word will get out.

>> No.2034829

just beat the shit out of them once or twice and let neighbours shame those that let them in

>> No.2034832

do residents have pets?
don't do anything that can harm them, take that in consideration

>> No.2034838

I'm afraid you have to kill yourself or let some homeless junkies into your pod and have them kill you
And stop eating my foods food you demented hippie

>> No.2035066

Add glitter.


>> No.2035081

Celine Dion, Nickleback or Alanis Morissette.

>> No.2035082


This is based as fuck... Spray the crotch of their garments so it soaks in over time and burns their naughty bits. It will be a living hell for them for a while and the effect won't be immediate so they might not even know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.2035083


>> No.2035089

They do this inVancouver but there areso many fucking bums.

One guy got in my face all high and then triedstealing my sisters purse.

Punched him so hard, I felt part of his face break. He walked off.like he didn't feel a thing.

>> No.2036079

use itching powder

>> No.2036081
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release a bear in the hallway

>> No.2036084

>spraying them with narcan opening yourself up to lawsuits
just call some emts

>> No.2036163

find out where they're shooting up and install blue lights there. It's harder to see your veins in blue light so with any luck they'll fuck off somewhere else before they bang it. Government does it in public toilets/bus stops over here

>> No.2036166

Now that shit gets walked into every residents apartment and fucks up everything and causes people with asthma to sue the complex if they find out why

>> No.2036186

This is the same thing that happens with upper middle class white people and Basketball Americans. They feel sorry for them because fhey never have to deal with them.

They try to tell you every homeless person is a mentally ill veteran who got screwed over by the gov’t, and the dindus are just kids who didn’t have access to schools, but after dealing with them, you understand they have a bad rap because most are lazy thieving junkies.

Officer, he was turning blue! I had to do it!

>> No.2036364

So if you can't do anything about the shitting and pooping in stairways to the point you want to booby trap the stairwells, why not just buy some adult diapers?

>> No.2036381

Did he deded?

>> No.2036434

They wouldn't use them. They're not shitting in the stairwells because they're high functioning people anon.

>> No.2036711

>I have a plan to sprinkle powdered lye on the carpet on each of the landings so when they try to lay down to sleep they get a chemical burn, but I'm open to suggestions.
>I dont want to have to make a second thread asking how to deal with a corpse.
>deal with a corpse.
Well OP things are on the up and up for you!

>> No.2036722

simple, dont clean up the shit and piss for a weak and the tenants will never let in a homeless person again

>> No.2036751

Unless you publicly identify which tenants are letting them in, this has the problem of the people seeing consequences not necessarily being the ones letting them in.

>> No.2036804

Throw some beds, water, food and maybe tents outside so they don't come inside.

>> No.2036895

>honors start stabbing eachother, residents and lighting shit on fire.

Anon he wanted less dead bodies, not more.

Imagine just walking out of McD's with tendies and some crazy fcuker just stabs you with a used syringe because the voices in his head told him to

>> No.2036942

Giving a blade as a gift is bad luck.

>> No.2037039

I heard this too. I have gotten knives as gifts from 3 different people in the past year or two and they are still alive. And I got one of them a leatherman and he’s still kickin, just installed speakers and a 12 in his car yesterday.

Somebody mentioned if you get a knoife as a gift, you need to give the person a penny because then it’s not a gift. Old Russian folklore

>> No.2037089

Two of the bums have pits and I’m also tired of cleaning up their crap.

>> No.2037268

Never happen to me before

>> No.2037311
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Oh sorry, I meant burrtangos I misremembered.

>> No.2037377

He must’ve used a racial slur.

>> No.2037589

woah i wonder what you do with all that extra time?? like browsing mongolian horse riding forums or admiring polluted landscapes with your best buds while eating carcinogenic food?

>> No.2037599

This, high freq noise, most young people can hear it, older people, not so much. Blaring some high pitch would drive young people away.

>> No.2037609

shit on the homeless people while they're sleeping.

>> No.2037611

I'm the guy you're responding to and while I know that lore, I think giving a blade is one of the more thoughtful things you can do.

and the reasoning is that the blade will "cut" your relationship with the other person. Boo hoo. Now I can't hang out with my favorite hobo on the off ramp.

>> No.2037620


>> No.2037878

does anybody know of some noise makers? like screaming meanies trucker alarm clocks, but smaller and cheaper for bulk buy

>> No.2037888

>you will never lead a band of homeless raiders in necromunda-style gang wars against other homeless raiders
why go on?

>> No.2037943

Call the fire marshall. If its a fire hazard, they will fine your building owners if they don't take care of the problem, so there'll be incentive to fix it.

>> No.2037962

>no u

>> No.2037968

I haven't seen any smart homeless people figure out how to put garbage down over these bumpy/spike areas and especially use the garbage to build-up and overcome the spikes.

>> No.2037969

Start patrolling. Everytime you see a homeless person, piss on them.

>> No.2037978

Evict the bleeding hearts letting them in, if they have so much love/compassion for the homeless then set them free to be with those wonderful people...

>> No.2038076

You mean that if your country has good samaritan laws then it trying to help someone can't fuck you over.

>> No.2038086

You are retarded. As a little kid I wondered how I would get out of homelessness, but now I know that they get free food, free place to sleep, free showers, a lot of help to get a job (if they want it).
It's trivial to get back on your feet, you just need to stay sober.

>> No.2038109

I always heard that getting a blade as a gift is bad luck. Always either "pay" them for it with a few coins if you have change or trade for it.

>> No.2038159

Lol you come visit my home to get away from yours but you couldn't pay me to come to your home.

>> No.2038175
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>better hope a junkie doesn't try and stab you on the bus with a screwdriver
>police won't do fuck all about it but if you fight them it's your neck on the block

get me out of this hellhole

>> No.2038178

>implying anywhere else is better
UK is just 5 years shittyness ahead of everyone else.

>> No.2038198

Are you sure about this? If so, you must have cameras. If so, charge the resident for the cleaning and damages. Your boss will allow this (management co), and it should be in the resident lease (responsible for damage of guests). If not, get a new job or enjoy cleaning homeless shit.

>> No.2038214

My boss has already told me to stfu that's why I need another plan of action.

>> No.2038247

like another poster said try a noisemaking device like they use at gas stations.

Or alternatively put diatomaceous earth down where they sleep if you want to fuck their day

>> No.2038551


>> No.2038573
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>3 dudes with IQ 45 each trying to give him milk.
>cameraman troll
>she computer programmer walks up with the narcan he has always hoped he could use to save a life
>kicked in the Jimmy John's

That's amazing

>> No.2039340

This guy fucks

>> No.2039395
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I mean it's /diy/ you think we'd come up with something for that.

>> No.2039444

He probably bathes regularly, poops in toilets and wipes, and doesn’t live around garbage. Smells are completely different for normal people.

>> No.2039448

This is amazing

>> No.2039557
File: 476 KB, 600x655, there are many things that need to be reased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck happened in poland to make an artist draw that holy fucking shit wtf

>> No.2039624

Why not let the hobo rest?

>> No.2039628

Get cheap bottles of vodka. Pour out 2/3rds and fill it back up with 90% isopropyl. They can’t resist because it’s free booze and that should be enough to finish them off

>> No.2039630

>If you don’t do it, maybe I will start my own channel and get a few nose sprays and go find random junkies at the bus stop.
I’d watch the shit out of that. Hell I might even simp on patreon or whatever to watch that.

>> No.2039637

Yep. They are more than enough places willing to help them and more than enough money spent. They don’t want help. They don’t want to work. They want to get high and do nothing.

>> No.2039638

Good job anon

>> No.2039641

>They will not be able to sleep there, the cold light and high brightness makes it impossible.
I think you are missing the magical powers of opioids.

>> No.2039645

We need cameras set up around all the homeless camps. It’s like bumfights but better and they are choosing to do it themselves.

>> No.2039655


>> No.2039725
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>what the fuck happened in poland
I can't imagine

>> No.2039729

Because he shit and piss everywhere, cant you fucking read? If he happens to be awake, hes ranting and raving about satellites controlling his brain.

>> No.2039851

Buy one of those big bottles of superglue, and soak their shit in it. Can't shit on the floor if your pants are glued to your ass.

>> No.2039989

What the fuck, I've never heard of this.
I was the best man at a wedding and gave them a kitchen knife as a gift, hope they don't get divorced.

>> No.2040096

I’ve never heard of it before. I’ve given and received knives and I wouldn’t say we have any bad luck

>> No.2040233
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Good point

>> No.2040641

How about skunk sprays, does anyone have good experience with them? I've seen a review of one where it only lasted 3-4 hours.

>> No.2040649

You should duct tape them to the floor while they sleep.

>> No.2040652

It's much more effective to just pour on a can of glue.

>> No.2040880
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>I dont want to have to make a second thread asking how to deal with a corpse

>> No.2040895
File: 40 KB, 400x350, 0E9B6584-628B-4384-934F-F868EBC35988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to internet point island

OP just burn down the complex

>> No.2040911

the holocaust lmao, look up Zdzisław Beksiński for the rest of his stuff

>> No.2041853

Actually, they're probably slipping in some other way.

There is no doubt you should have signs that say to make sure you close the door and don't let anybody you don't know into the building.

That being said, there are some exterior doors you can open just by pulling really hard on the handle. If I were you I would go to all possible entrances and tug on the handle really good. Like really tug on it. If it gives, then you have your culprit.


>> No.2041858

I think most of us are happy to waive our right to booby traps because at some point in the land/building's history someone that isn't the owner is going to walk and/or stumble through the property and god forbid some innocent soul gets surprise raped by a fucking booby trap. Obviously this mainly applies to a property that could become condemned or just some fucking kids having fun.

>> No.2042024

pay off some youth to fuck their shit up

>> No.2042034
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>the holocaust

>> No.2042170


Why did nobody post the hustle and bustle pasta. I live in a relatively tidy capital of 2M, but basically as far as possible from downtown, and in a house with a big garden. Cities are hell on earth.

>> No.2042173

Found your problem

>> No.2042285

Just find homeless people whos not drug addicts and tell them they can sleep inside if they keep addicts and trouble makes out, they will keep each other in check as no one wants to lose a safe and warm sleeping location

>> No.2042304
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>> No.2042364

It's gone too far.

Okay, dont set a shotgun to shoot when someone opens a door. Sure.

But now you cant accidentally leave some fiberglass or glue around because some homeless person might trespass and roll around on it?

>> No.2042713

Leave little baggies of Ajax lying around and weed out the junkies.

>> No.2042751

Amy more like this? Shit is great.

>> No.2042754

Go back to tumblr

>> No.2043109

>human being
Unfortunately they give up their humanity the moment they become drug addicts.
Have you ever seen one?

>> No.2043113
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>> No.2043114

Yeah i mean some people are functioning drug addicts.
But idk why crack heads are such a fucked up group of people. Ive smoked crack! Ive smoked crack for like a few days straught! But i never ever ever would ruin my entire life, burn every bridge, and spend every last penny i had on it to the point where im sucking dick at a trap house just for a place to stay and free drugs. Is there some kind of relationship between being fucking psychotic, disconnected from reality, and straught up delusional, and crack addiction? Is it like more addictive to people that are already schizophrenic?

>> No.2043163

Probably a combination of effects.

Only the biggest most crazy assholengets his wife to leave him if that's all he is. Probably after decades, and he still has a house.

Now he does something dumb with his nest egg like drugs or gambling, and now you got a high functioning homeless.

Being such a perpetual asshole is it's own type of mental disorder, it's just better tolerated than something so jarring as schizophrenia or paranoia.

Drug use is probably the least causative. Theres Nobel winners and famous doctors and lawyers all addicted to hardcore shit like cocaine or opiates or meth, but you never hear about them because they are high functioning

>> No.2043238

I stopped doing drugs after realizing how cheap heroin was compared to pills and starting to understand how people could trade a home and career for a high.

I think I got fucked up one day too meeting the dealer, there was a girl maybe mid-upper 20s with a young son who was maybe 3 or 4, it was fucking freezing that day, like 10 degrees, and she spent all morning taking 3 different buses and standing outside with the kid. I gave her and the kid a ride back home in a heated car so they didn’t have to freeze to death and after that I was pretty much done. One of those girls who would be so pretty and nice if she stopped getting high for a few weeks.

My old best friend kept going with it and lost his house and kids and ended up sleeping at the bus terminal when he’s not in and out of jail, plus he got our other friend hooked on it who OD’d and died about a year ago when he got clean after 6mos and then decided to get one more bag. No idea if that guy is in prison or on the street or dead, I stopped answering collect calls from correctional facilities, haven’t had one of those calls in a few months.

Same advice I gave to my little brother when he went to college, be careful experimenting with drugs because you might find something you like too much.

>> No.2043246

I don’t think you have met too many homeless people. I know so many that would be functioning and living a good life if they simply put down the drugs. When they’re addicts and drugs become the number one priority in life, it doesn’t take long to lose everything.

>> No.2043266

Put up CCTV
Give fines to residents who buzz in homeless.
If the homeless has the key then replace the old lock with an electronic keypad that monitors at what time every code is used.

>> No.2043268

Can’t blame an inanimate object like drugs. If the drugs weren’t around then they would be hitting the booze or finding another excuse for their failures.

>> No.2043274

I never said drugs didnt contribute at all. I meant there us plentiful evidence that they can be used just fine by lots of people, even habitually or addictively that dont have some X factor that causes homelessness.

The drugs are usually treating real physical or psychological pain they are in that they cant handle.

Soldiers identified and bad morphine and heroin addicts during vietnam almost all returned to normal life after they returned home and were no longer exposed to the stress if the war.

If you're at an 8 or 10 pain every day, except when you take some drug, and it puts you at a 0 or a 1, arent you going to take that drug and do anything possible for it?

Bought into any new cordless drill lines lately? Still proud of your cancer sticks?

You may have traded a worse fate, but you're still burning your money to address some pain in your psyche.

>> No.2043337

I never blamed it on the drugs. It’s the person in the end who did it. The addiction thing will get you either way. I watched my dad do it with booze and it eventually killed him. The difference for me was certain drugs will get you to a point really fast. I’m kinda grateful for the drugs, with the booze and weed it was easy to be a functioning addict for some years with a bunch of smaller consequences over time, and those consequences add up to a shitty way of living, but they take years so you don’t realize it’s fucking up your life as much as it is. Meanwhile certain drugs made me into somebody I loathed within a few months, so it was easy to realize what I needed to change. My best friend was on the same path as me, he didn’t change, and he’s been homeless and in and out of jail ever since.

I think it’s an addict gene or personality. There’s something different in people. Those with the addict gene will be fine if they recognize it or never really try rhe shit. Those without the gene can do stuff recreationally or put down the painkillers before the bottle is empty. I’m sure most of those homeless junkies have the addict gene, but it doesn’t mean they can’t do anything to change their ways. It’s like a diabetic who refuses to take insulin.

I just wanted to shit on the people who think every homeless person is mentally ill and needs to be paid for by the taxpayers. Some of them are, and we should help them, but most of them are addicts who refuse to do the work and get their life together because the booze and drugs is an easy out for them. I’m down to offer them help if they come for it, but at some point you act like a codependent when you do that California shit and deliver drugs to their hotel room. That’s like the mother who gives their kid drug money so they won’t be angry and withdrawing.

>> No.2043340

>people who think every homeless person is mentally ill
That’s a media-driven narrative used to excuse terrible conduct, especially by blacks.

>> No.2043398

Works on pests of ALL kinds.

>> No.2043488

It's an asian thing I think, so it's irrelevant.

>> No.2043495
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Well, every homeless person I have had the unfortunate luck of talking to has been rude, aggressive, unhygienic, or they act out in socially unacceptable ways. The homeless who want to not be homeless get out of it quickly. The chronically homeless are running around screaming at trashcans and running up to people and telling them their rape fantasies.

>> No.2043497

Yeah. Its crazy how much people will pay for 1 single hydro. I had a $50-$100 a day pill habit for a while. X2 cuz my fiance and me do the same shit obviously. And it got to the point where i wasn't getting high, just doing them to not have restless legs, cold sweats, hot sweats, not sleeping , stomach ache, and that nagging voice in my head that makes me feel like i want to rip my skin off and i don't feel like i belong on my own body.. then the post withdrawl depression gets me every time. Then the voice telling me, your tolerance is probably down now, you can probably actually feel good again for once... even if its only a few hours..

But now i switched to subs. Still a drug addict but it's less expensive. And it still doesn't really get me high. But it keeps me from blowing all my money on pills. But i still hate myself for it. And the withdraws from subs are wayyyyyyy worse than pills.

I can actually say i have tried heroin once and obviously liked it but i have enough self control to not go buy it myself, ever. And i never shot anything..

But yeah. Shits wild. And these pill pressers getting people addicted/killed on fetanyl are the biggest scumbags. My previous friend gets these pressed xanax bars that make her a zombie. She drove her car into a building. Fucked up her job.
Another old friend started shooting up coke, ruined her entire life, lost her apartment, job, crossed all her friends and family, then ended up coming here because "she didn't want to get stuck living at the trap house" because they kept giving her fet and saying it was crack (she switched from shooting coke to smokung crack because "its better for me than shooting up" and they were tryling to get her hooking in exchange for drugs and housing.. I can't just have a friend. They all get fucked up and end up fucking me over for drugs or money or rob me. But that was my last chance i ever give anyone. Im never being nice again.

>> No.2043507

Im sorry about your friend. I know how horrible it is to watch someobes mind deteriorate like that. It goes from them being an asshole and acting like a psycho junkie once in a while, then they apologize

"sorry i was just high/ needed to get high that's not me"

Then they'll act normal once in a while, then they're half normal and half junkie

And eventually the normal person becomes an act and the junkie version becomes who they are.

>> No.2043528

Install cameras and fine residents that let in strangers.

>> No.2043529

>company doesn't want to pay to secure the building, so wagie puts himself in legal jeopardy to solve the problem

>> No.2043537

Wasted get

>> No.2043543

Don't even bother cleaning it and just tell the owner of the complex someone is letting homeless people in that are destroying everything. Don't even bother doing your job until they find out who is doing it and toss their asses to the curb. If the owner isn't noticing the homeless destroy the place or is too lazy to put in a security camera to catch who is letting them in then I doubt they'll bother finding out whether or not you're cleaning up the daily mess of piss and vomit.

>> No.2043549

Literally just don't do anything and look for a new job. If your boss doesn't care about homeless shitting and pissing in his building then he won't care about you not doing your job. What's he going to do, call you out on not cleaning? For all he knows that week's worth of shit and piss is just from a single night of debauchery. If he does know that means he also knows who is letting them in and isn't kicking them out or yelling at them, which means the problem will never be fixed and it's time to fuck off.

>> No.2043611

Alot of times they had a home and friends and family. Everyone has a price tag to some people. How much would you need to profit to make it worth never taking to this person again. For an addict, it's usually a lower price tag. Some people would die for their mother. Some people think stealing their mother's antique jewelwry and pawning it to get $50 to spend on crack is completely rational. Some people would say, im lucky i have a friend that would lend me $20, i will make it up to them because i value them! Other people, will call you and say they desperately need $20 because they don't have diapers for their baby, then never ever talk to you again. Honestly i would just have given the dude $20 for drugs if he asked lmao but he had to lie then ignore me over $20.

>> No.2043668

Homeless are drunks and junkies, pure trash beyond redemption.

>> No.2043711

>find piece of scrap wood.
>place on spikes
>safe from other homeless

>> No.2043727

>those high pitch noise makers like they have at the mall, to kick the teenagers out.
Those were made specifically to kick teenagers out. I doubt the homeless getting into the building can hear the frequencies that those things emit.

>> No.2043746

I dunno. I knew a Chinese family whose house had a permanent permeating mothball smell.

>> No.2043813

>socially unacceptable
Not the same thing as a true mental illness.

>> No.2043814

/tg/ thanks you for this thread

>> No.2043819

>tfw dude at meeting with like 6mos sober asked me for gas money maybe 2 months ago, gave him $20 and I haven’t seen him since
I’m sure he needed a case of beer or something. He claimed he needed gas to get home, I had a 5 and some 20s, he said the 5 wasn’t enough even tho 2gal would be plenty to get anybody home from a meeting and grab their wallet. Oh well, hopefully he turns up alive again, idgaf about the $20.

>they had a home and friends and family
This is something worth mentioning. Between my dad and my old best friend, it takes these people a lot of time to burn down so many bridges that they become homeless. My dad had to disappear on binges like a dozen times over ~20 years before he finally didn’t have his old job to crawl back to.

In the 5 years after I moved away from that best friend, he got help from his in-laws with a good job at the company they owned, then his aunt let him move in and got him a job, then I helped get him into halfway, then some girl he conned on OKCupid who did literally everything for him including getting him the best job he ever had, and then our other best friend who was trying to cut back on drinking and got hooked on dope and ended up losing his career, stealing rent money from the roommates, getting arrested for nodding off in a Wendy’s parking lot, then ODing and dead within maybe 6 months of giving the first friend a couch to sleep on. He fucked up literally every chance, and during this time he had a handful of theft charges and stuff and he was in jail long enough to detox, but got released with probation and easy shit, but he would rather lie and steal and get high than wake up in the morning and go to work like the rest of us.

People don’t end up sleeping under the bridge overnight. Even the red states have so many programs to help anybody who wants it. But if they would rather get high than be a functioning part of society with a hot shower every day, I don’t have much sympathy.

>> No.2043827 [DELETED] 

this guy either has steve irwin balls of steel or is a fucking huge retard. black bears arent agressive typically, but if you literally stalk it, expect to have a bad time.

>> No.2043838
File: 25 KB, 386x501, perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you fighting a battle to clean up the building when literally neither the residents nor the owners care? fuck it. just don't leave anything you own where the feral dindus can steal it, and relax. or get a different job like other anons have said.

>> No.2043916



How about you get a couple of guard dogs and set them lose on a couple.

The rest will scatter and stay gone + you have some new companions who are willing to evict idiots for you.

>> No.2044663

I had a friend like that. She was shooting up coke, ditched me & all her other friends that didn't shoot up because she couldn't hang out with us without throwing a huge fit about nothing just so she could storm off mad for no reason and go on a week long bender without interruption. Her white knigh ex boyfriend decided to show up at this point where she was obviously crying for help and sent her that cartoon where the junkies in the hole and a few ppl stopped and asked if he was ok but then, the (ex) junkie showed up. jumped in and said "ive been here before, i can show you the way out" lmfao which is hilarious because he literally dove right in making her drive him around to get dope, so now the bitch is on dope, coke, and pressed xans which were straight fetanyl. Hes shoiting her up, but its for her safety! she can only get high with him. Cuz he's gonna make sure she doesn't do too much. Lol. He was basically mind controlling her into thinking hes the only person that would ever care about her. He left her to come on her vomit multiple times, one time he dragged her out of his house and put her on the sidewalk, because his "mom will find out if the cops come and you od here with me" eventually she left there, moved in with this dude's friend who just happens to be a crackhead! So add that to the list of activities. Meanwhile, i haven't talked to her in months because the psycho bf threw a brick through my 2nd story apartment window and almost got me evicted, because she gave me a line of coke at her own birthday party so IM A BAD INFLUENCE but since they broke up, she started calling me. I let her stay for a couple months, it was a huge mistake.

>> No.2044667

Now we used to party like kinda hard before so when she pulled up with an 8 ball of crack i said fuck it, its a reunion then it spiraled from there into me her ,& my fiance being complete degenerates for probably a month. Days without sleeping, 2 crashed cars, multiple events where I'm not even sure what the fuck happened.. then she ended up imagining sn insane delusion that my fiance was "hacking" her bank account when in reality she was xanned out and hitting up every atm she could for crack. Then she flipped the fuck out because she had hep c so we wouldn't fuck her anymore and she literally called the cops and said he was beating her and on meth which was really fucked up because like 8 cop cars showed up and i was just like fuck it i. Just gonna take her home and they said, ok mam that's a good idea.

>> No.2044676

Yea eventually you gotta adult and get away from these people. I’m too old to deal with that drama anymore. Eventually you realize that spending the night in jail and having overdrafted bank accounts and xanax car accidents isn’t the norm.

>> No.2044717

Not all moths, just your moth er

>> No.2044727

Lmao you're maintenance right? Just set up sprinklers to go off in places they like to sleep.

>> No.2044732

Or another solution would be to use HIGH strength bed bug medicine and spray it in their normal dwellings. I once accidentally exposed myself to top grade begbud poison and I was in immense pain for two days.

>> No.2044740

Fun fact: i know dr. Narcan personally

>> No.2044747

Just put some job applications out that should drive them off

>> No.2044752


>> No.2044856

Put up a sign and a camera saying that if you let in non-residents who are not personal guests you will be kicked out.

>> No.2045782

Can you buy flashbangs/other audio-visual disruptive non-lethals?

If no peperspray the bastards

>> No.2045866

>anon gets his hands on a 9-banger. Anon makes national news and gets put away for possessing and using a DD.

As much as I'd get a laugh out of it, I advise against this.

>> No.2045879

The beauty of insecticide lies in it being completely legal to spray everywhere.

>> No.2045885
File: 97 KB, 900x900, 1557164009428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking nigger

>> No.2046003

Dictionary tape to crossbow dart

>> No.2046004

Baby Shark

>> No.2046007

>Seething citicucks gonna seethe.

We are a lot less angry out here and live a higher quality of life for under half what y'all make. We don't have to worry about fast food or cutting out the avocado toast because it's 2.5 hours away by horseless buggy.

Stay mad

>> No.2046009

What fucking property rights? You ever heard of property tax? None of us own shit. Some of us just pay a big up front cost and then every year until we die for more rights to it than the next guy.

>> No.2046021

My buddy got his 4 wheeler stolen. After the 3rd robbery 5 of those guys camped along the woods in an old rv with a bait 4 wheeler. For two weeks.

Sure as shit 2 guys in a pickup came in and loaded up the 4 wheeler. Then one guy blasted the truck radiator with an axe and they beat the living shit out of the thieves. Then they called the cops and when the cops took them to the jail or hospital or whatever those 5 guys split into 2 groups and robbed the theive's homes while they were gone and burned burned theif truck to the ground before the tow truck showed up.

>> No.2046023


>> No.2046029




>> No.2046031

Less old people aid and more drone doses

>> No.2046032

You saw it here first folks. Time for a gofundme

>> No.2046035

A coke dealer probably saved my life. We were childhood friends and I told him I wanted to try it. He said "I'll give you 100 pounds but I've seen you try to quit drinking." "You'll ruin your fucking life." 10 years later still not done coke.

Of get cancer I'm buying a glass kitchen table fuck it

>> No.2046087

Or you could just find out whose doing it by installing a camera and then have them evicted like a normal person who doesn't just want an excuse to hurt people.

>> No.2046145

>How are you so intolerant? Just keep cleaning up their human waste.

>> No.2046149

>cleaning up human waste without demanding bio hazard pay

>> No.2046318

Motion sensor lights. Turn on the ac make it uncomfortable in there higher a security guard hell get a speaker and pump in an annoying sound like an alarm. That or kick out the lady letting them in.

>> No.2046568

>They want to get high and do nothing.
I thought this was everyone, though?
>entire thread is full of absolute anti-homeless outrage, insisting they're subhuman in /diy/'s most recent /pol/tard nigger roleplay thread
>thread suddenly flooded with a ton of formerly homeless drug addicts who have apparently started to get better
If these are the same people, I genuinely don't understand the dual mentality that's held there.

>> No.2046654

>cant into reading

The last group is all talking about how they were pieces of shit, but even at that extreme they werent a big enough piece of shit to be homeless.

>> No.2046768

>our useless communist libfuck retard DAs
you sound derange. this is why you'll only ever be a fucking janitor.

>> No.2046771

>Only low iq hayseeds would be content outside the city.
perfect for retards and schizos.

>> No.2047463

>I thought this was everyone, though?
What kind of person has absolutely no drive for self improvement or motivation to succeed in life?
>waah waaaaah /pol/
Oh, one of you people

>> No.2047464

You can accidentally do whatever. The law is against intentional traps, and they would have to prove your intent in court.

>> No.2047465

Followed by four decades of living under communism

>> No.2047467

He's not wrong

>> No.2047685

He's not projecting. Different anon here. That's a reddit tier post. A second thing that tells us you are reddit (besides the shit-tier content of your post itself) is that you end the last sentence of posts with a period

>> No.2048207

Probably the safest and smartest idea if not the cheapest that didn't involve brutalizing someone at their worst or trap OP in legal/moral entanglements would be the Raspberry Pi to the buzzer system and video camera route in my opinion. Tie those two systems together and eventually you have evidence to solve the problem. Use the Raspberry Pi to log the times and then simply take that log to the matching video recording time. The troublesome tenants that are feeding your bum problem can then be taken to management and/or law enforcement.
I know, not an easy or exactly cheap option but cameras and raspberry pi are getting cheaper all the time and if you have all of that evidence and management and/or law enforcement still won't fix the problem take the footage/evidence to the other tenants right after you find yourself a new job. They will either protest loud enough to make management listen or they will leave too and let the whole problem get bad enough for management to straighten up their attitude.

I know, this is kinda the nuclear option and by no means easy and i am sorry for that, but sometimes the only way to win is to lose. Good luck.