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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2025375 No.2025375 [Reply] [Original]

Well, I was moving a dresser while moving out of my apartment and bashed the corner into the drywall. It's too big for one of those little patch kits and I have weeks until the apartment walkthrough evaluation. Now's a good time to learn drywall. Anyone have any good DIY homeowner/etc drywall tutorials they like or advice? I watched a few vids on how to cut, brace the patch piece with wood, and put the patch piece in but taping and mud I'm clueless on. Also I know there's a little hand power tool that cuts specifically the depth of the drywall without risking hitting any electrical. I'd prefer using that over jab saw to avoid hitting pipes/electrical so tips on what those are called/etc would be great.

>> No.2025382


>> No.2025384

Post the damage and how big is it? I once made a backing for a patch with a piece of cardboard, woodglue and string, then plastered to fill in the hole.

>> No.2025393

Watching now, is this that old lady who does like hardware how-to vids? I completely forgot about her but used to watch some years ago.
Ah, damn I didn't take a pic. It was getting dark and I was in a rush to drive to new place and unpack. I kind of don't want to bone my landlord as it's a really nice old lady who I owe a lot to for risking rental on me when I was jobless and homeless. Hoping to do a good job for her.

>> No.2025395
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holy god she's getting old man it feels bad. i haven't seen her in years, what a based old lady

>> No.2025652

Anyone else have any tips?

>> No.2025657

dude if you can't get it fixed just tell her you're sorry and give her enough money to pay for a repair and a little extra

if it's a small hole though just re plaster it

>> No.2025658


>> No.2025659

>sand the immediate area
>mix some plaster
>wedge something in the hole
>apply plaster
>waita couple of days
>sand smooth if your floating is shit

>> No.2025662

There's like 80 different drywall compounds you can get. It's the actual mixture you apply after hanging the drywall I need to understand. Why are there so many, what's the use case, is it based on geographical location needs sometimes, etc. Anyone can do a college kid job, I don't want to for her sake and I want to use the opportunity to learn.

Ya'll came in here just to oversimplify and be a dong but truth be told everyone can do what you're suggesting unless they're missing arms.

>> No.2025669

well you haven't told us what the damage is mate.
if it's just a small hole to repair you'll do fine with one coat plaster the hardest part will be color matching the paint

If you want to do a """professional job""" you need to remove the entire damaged board, fit a new one, replaster the entire wall with a undercoat plaster, apply a finishing plaster over that, and then paint the wall

>> No.2025672


>> No.2025678
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>drywall mud

>> No.2025686

He said it's too big for a small patch kit. No one would replace an entire sheet of drywall to fix one spot. That's not a professional job, that's a fucking idiot who's never touched drywall's take on it.

>> No.2025706

>t. not a tradie

>> No.2025719

I know this is bait but I got a degree, worked in my career field for 8 years before leaving to take up plumbing where I've been for 9 years now. Stop projecting.