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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2020484 No.2020484 [Reply] [Original]

>his tool handles are varnished

>> No.2020485

>owning wooden handled tools
What a faggot

>> No.2020490

Still never got sauce on this pretty slavic lady

>> No.2020542

>Looking at another man's tool

>> No.2020551


>> No.2020554

They're too hard to after pounding my prostate, otherwise.

>> No.2020583

Hand Sweat is the best varnish

>> No.2020601


>> No.2020640

crotch sweat is better, ask me how I know.

>> No.2020642

nobody will touch your tools?

>> No.2020645

Nah, just makes them smell good.

>> No.2020654

How do you know?

>> No.2020693

>his plastic shit breaks

>> No.2020707

How will OP ever recover?

>> No.2020745

Acrylic tool handles are stronger and more impact resistant than wood ones. Stop living in the past.

>> No.2021273

>he doesn't mark his territory

>> No.2021278
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>his lineman’s pliers aren’t scratched up and dented and dinged from using them as a hammer

>> No.2021286
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>his linesman's doesn't have at least one chip blown out from cutting a live wire

>> No.2021310

>he uses the word varnish
You know that's not a thing, right Anon?

>> No.2021321

Tell that to Mathias Wandel. He used to work in the trades, i think.

>> No.2021334

I used to work in the trades and fucken boomers use the word varnish to describe everything from polyurethane to stain to paint.

>> No.2021389

A varnish is just a finish that is primarily oil, solvent and resin. A great deal of finishes can be accurately described as a varnish including some paints and stains.

>> No.2021392


>> No.2021401

Cool, show me your acrylic handled hammer.

>> No.2021406
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>his tool isn't as few solid pieces of metal as physically possible

>> No.2022182

This. This should be standard for claw hammers as well.

>> No.2022339

Did he varnish into thin air?

>> No.2022341
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>putting more wear on your body to save a few dollars on a handle every decade

>> No.2022353

>putting more wear on your body
if swinging a hammer is wearing your body your ass is too fat or too anemic to even remotely consider any kind of labor, please try going to a gym because labor absolutely does not "wear" on your body unless you're just over exerting and hurting yourself like a dumbass.

>> No.2022355

doing anything 10,000 times will eventually cause wear. and doing something 10,000 times with a heavier tool will cause more. please do some serious introspection before posting again

>> No.2022361


No idiot, our bodies repair themselves quite good and unless you have some condition like arthritis you will be fine, video related. Old timers are very plentiful in the trades and they all do just fine. The people who wear out 90% of the time just lift wrong, over exert, and just are generally retarded.

>> No.2022362

100% of the old people i work with have aches and pains from lifting their trowels all day every day. you are a larper and should should avoid spreading misinformation based off your dumb opinions.
t. equipment operator for a commercial masonry construction company

>> No.2022374

oh yeah your anecdotes are so much better than my video proof, and for my anecdote my 60 year old dad has been swinging hammers since he was 20 and my grandpa before him was a carpenter too. Only problem he has now is dementia and my dad is doing fine so far.

Your crew is probably a bunch of old bumble fucks who don't know how to lift or carry for shit, hurt themselves when they were young, and never bothered to properly recover/retrain themselves (unless they have bone problems or a slipped tendon or something)

Maybe you should stop being a larper faggot because im the only one here with any sort of proof. But you already know and realize this hence why you're seething and trying as hard as you can to discredit me. Instead of learning how to use your body im gonna guess your fat ass probably just sits in a cab all day, jerking off your ego about how much you're saving your own body while the guys under you are doing things wrong. Tell me who you work for so I can make sure to never give you money faggot, you should find a new job that doesn't have anything to do with labor.

>> No.2022388

I never imagined one nigger could larp this hard

>> No.2022396

you are so mad lmao

>> No.2022420

>100% of the old people i work with have aches and pains from lifting their trowels all day every day.
100% of old people have aches and pains in general

>> No.2022459

Holy shit this dude

>> No.2022467

You're a retarded bitch. One of our guys is like 200yrs old and probably smashes more nails/pussy than you ever dreamed possible.. we all use all metal hammers because we actually work, have been in the business, and aren't children that don't know what the fuck they are talking about...

I never gave a shit really, though I have always thoughts one piece of many things is better than 2 pieces that break apart... but to be such a pussy to make such a retarded claim lol wtf you actual vagina.

>> No.2022475
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>> No.2023710

Oh snap