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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1971864 No.1971864 [Reply] [Original]

I have realized what the human race is missing from their rest period - the shower bed.

Can you imagine it? I have. Its something like a bed, except it has a tent over it, and it sprays a cool mist over your body that creates a superior sleeping experience. When you wake up its like woah im totally refreshed waking up to this cool mist!

I have been experimenting with taking naps and sleeping in the shower to see if I am more rejuvenated or feel more refreshed. I think its working.

What if sleeping in a sauna like environment is actually more healthy? Next time I think im going to bring some Himlayan Salt, perhaps some other influential factors - to of course, create the worlds most luxurious and healthy shower bed experience!

>> No.1971895

>8hours of sleep in a super moist environment
Yup I can't see anything going wrong

>> No.1971901

I am going to ignore what you said because your pic is too low res.

>> No.1971937

>something like a bed, except it has a tent over it, and it sprays a cool mist over your body
They had these at shopping malls in the 00s. It'd massage you with water jets.

>> No.1971954

>> swamp ass

>> No.1972020
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I've been sleeping in the shower for years you pleb...

>> No.1972021

They're all over the place in Las Vegas

>> No.1972075
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I got you, senpai.

>> No.1972173

You can just turn on a humidifier in your room when you go to bed. I live in a one-room so I just boil some water with the windows closed rather than dish out the cash for a single use apparatus.

>> No.1972234


>> No.1972240

Sounds like Chinese water torture

>> No.1972360

Fuck off Karl, your idea is shit

>> No.1972421

You must weigh a lot op....

>> No.1972614

No one man should have all that sandwich.

>> No.1972615
File: 1.15 MB, 2000x1600, catgirlsmartbecauseglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All dies Brot ist eklig scheisse schlecht durchzubeissen mein allerliebster nahestehender mit unfreundlichen Grüßen sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

>> No.1973290

>leaving the stove on overnight
goodnight, sweet prince

>> No.1973333

How many servings is that sandwich?

>> No.1973383

What exactly do you think would happen anon?

>> No.1973385

Are you going to use a CPAP or some sort of face mask so you can breath?

>> No.1973396

>How many servings is that sandwich?


>> No.1973462

It just sounds like you need to put a humidifier in your room. I get super dry when I wake up in the morning, and taking a shower humidifiers my eyes and nose with all of that dry build-up

>> No.1973912

I think this post is more than a coincidence. I've been having dreams recently about a shower room. It's more than a shower. It's a pitch black room where wind blows and rain falls. I've been researching to see it such rooms exist. Part of the idea is sleeping in there. Just a weird coincidence I think that's all.

>> No.1974648

There are Sensory Deprivation tanks.
You float in 1000s of pounds of epson salted water, inside of a closed tank where its isolated from all noise and sound.

>> No.1974669

Where the heck can I get this for $5.99?!?!

>> No.1974673

Jokes on you OP I have been sleeping in the park while homeless people pee on me for years.

>> No.1975911

fetuses do it all the time bro!

>> No.1975937

Ahh the golden shower nap... Patrician's choice!

>> No.1976026

You have obviously never been to America

>> No.1976152

I turn it off before I actually sleep, but the room stays humid for hours.

>> No.1976634

Looks like it's sold at "Pick n Save" grocery stores in the US.

>> No.1976811

imagine the mold

>> No.1976815

To be fair if I shit before bed and I don't get 100% clean separation (very rare) I'll usually have bad swamp ass right before bed too. Doesn't matter how much I wipe or if I use wet wipes. Just cannot get it all out without showering.

>> No.1976898

Or, hear me out anon, you get a humidifier instead of water boarding yourself in your mold closet every night.

>> No.1978204
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, B6321DED-B788-4C41-8083-A4B0DA854634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a full on Vick’s humidifier for 99 cents at this sketchy (non chain) dollar store, because I guess the control knob/pot didn’t work. It was always on and couldn’t adjust, which was fine for me. I guess the store probably got a pallet from a retailer who either threw them out or liquidated them. Good ole chink manufacturing shenanigans cause so much merch to be trashed

>> No.1978206

Sorry to tell you this anon, but you’ve been getting abducted nightly by ayys, RIP ur butthole

>> No.1978217

And someone welds you inside there.

Yeah real awesome. Sign me up for THAT!

>> No.1978218

I use a humidifier and a dehumidifier at the same time to see which is more powerful

>> No.1978828

Ive eaten those and they are mostly bread