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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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194369 No.194369 [Reply] [Original]

Yo /diy/!

I'm planning on renovating my room, and I'm unsure what to do with my tall, hideous windows/sliding doors.

It needs to have curtains for sure.

Any ideas? I was thinking of just putting my computer desk behind it or something as it looks kind of awkward by itself.

>> No.194379


>> No.194583
File: 136 KB, 475x302, 1331697774640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you wanna do with the windows? get rid of them or just cover them up?

>> No.194648

most horrid schematic ever of a room. how about a goddamn picture?

seriously, I would love to input, but, I only see about 1/3 of a room there.

>> No.194674

your just an idoit....dont need any other info unless you wanna measure the wood for the person..just relax fooker
if you wanna get rid of the windows just tear them out...if you were to rip down the drywall and see the guts of the wall you would see headers above and bellow the window made from pieces of 2x4...you could keep them in but you would have to replace the hole with other 2x4s from a 16inch centers...center being the middle of the last stud 16inches out...put another 2x4 and repeat

>> No.194676

from the outside you would have to put plywood up then find siding that matches your existing siding...inside drywall....more might have to be done if you have electrical running threw but i dont see any in your picture....hopes this helps if you need anymore help ask in detail and ill try my best and if you dont understand what i said ill try to explain it better...good luck

>> No.194706
File: 18 KB, 819x460, solution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your just an idoit....dont need

Uh, OK.. I guess you are right then. Pic related for a solution OP. Great thread.

>> No.194857

That looks like a great and simple solution. OP should really do this. /thread

>> No.195213

Ikeafag here. I think a barn door would be an awesome solution for this problem. Ikea carries the infamous and widely used PAX system. You can buy doors that run on a ceiling track [or a ceiling and floor track, if you do so wish]. The white doors have mostly opaque panels that you could install LED strips on the backside of and light them up. A pull down blackout shade [IKEA sells these too; so does Target, if I am not mistaken], would keep out any unwanted light without restricting movement of the door. It's sort of a grandiose solution, I suppose, but it's an awesome one. You can visit IKEAhackers website and see some of the cool shit they've done with plain PAX doors.