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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1936592 No.1936592 [Reply] [Original]

>board is called "do it yourself"
>full of posts where people beg other people to give them advice

that's not doing it yourself. that's called being helped. if you did it yourself, you wouldn't need help.

>> No.1936607

Some kind advice: being "clever" isn't working out for you.

>> No.1936713

you cant do something without knowing how to do it first, dumbass

>> No.1936734

No, if another person DID it, THEY would be doing it.

THEY aren't DOING it, they are helping YOU, DO IT.

YOU are ultimately the one DOING IT, "YOURSELF" regardless of the amount of external guidance or input

>> No.1936822

Plus there's no harm in asking
Chances are someone's done what you've been thinking of doing and might know a way of doing it better then you've thought of

>> No.1937147

I fuck up.
I ask.
Someone gives good advice
then i do it myself.


>> No.1937191

>board is called "do it yourself"
>people don't construct entire body of knowledge for a skill in a complete vacuum "themselves"

>> No.1937196

>not paying a professional "yourself", so that he does it for you

>> No.1937223

The only stupid question is the one not asked.

Is it also unacceptable to consult the works of other people, such as books and websites, in order to "do it yourself?"

>> No.1937232

I completely agree. they don't want help they want exact step by step instructions on how to do things and they want to do it for nothing and without tools. I have said many times this board should be renamed /difm/ do it for me.

It's one thing to ask advice, it's another to demand detailed instructions.

I did, I grew up before the internet and when something broke I had no one to ask and had to figure things out myself. now people want instant gratification and results and that is not what DIY is.

The one that pisses me of the most here is that in 90% of the cases the question the person is asking can be answered with ALL the information they need by transplanting their question directly in to google.

This is really the last place I would ever come to ask for help anyways, because 80% of the responses are abusive when you post something that you did yourself, or down right dangerous, trolling, or lies for the "lulz".

>> No.1937238

>doctors shouln't be paid because they are just aplying the knolege they got in college
Does that sound retarded? Well, that's what you sound like

>> No.1937253

On occasion I find people who truly appear to need help and who it is obvious did their due diligence in googling first.

But all too often some dingus asks a question and I just copy and paste that right in to google and voila! the answer is in the first or second result. OP will say he googled but he didn't.

People who ask for help doing things and that thing is extremely dangerous and the OP obviously has no clue about it, then rages when no one will help him kill himself.

People who rage because you won't hold their hands and walk them through whatever it is step, by laborious step.

you are correct I didn't know how to do any of the following until I did them:
fix an evaporative cooler.
replace the heat exchanger in a furnace.
rebuild the rotating beacon from an airplane.
replace the window regulator in my truck.
replace the oven igniter on a gas stove.
rebuilt a trailer I found in the desert.

all of the above I either figured out how to do myself or watched a video on youtube. Only when I exhausted all avenues of my own did I go on a forum and ask for help.

point is most people who come here don't even try.

>> No.1937368

>Fridge breaks
Normal people
>does research online
>asks around in a few forums and watches a few youtube videos
>concludes they can fix it
>fixes it (hopefully)
>immediately disassembles fridge
>cant figure out how to fix it
>probably gets sprayed by mystery liquid in the process
>goes online and bashes maytag/Samsung/etc for making shitty fridges and bitches about how nobody makes anything that the average man can fix anymore
>blasts boomer music from garage while trying to fix 96 Miata
>also not researching anything
>"fucking jap cars..."

>> No.1937505

So you didnt do it yourself then. You had the help of a youtube video

Also you are retarded

>> No.1937519

yeah nah you're a cunt. consulting external sources for information is not mutually exclusive with doing thing yourself. If you can't figure out how to remove a screw so you learn how from any of the myriad resources available, you're still doing it yourself so long as you're the one holding the screwdriver when the screw gets removed.

>> No.1937538

I was born in the jungle, a pack of wolves attempted to raise me, I told them to fuck off since I wanted to eventually post here with a clear conscious.

>> No.1937667

well mister fucktard I was not entirely clear but most of those things I figured out how to do without the aid of the internet because it wasn't around.

The window regulator of my truck was the only thing I consulted youtube for, everything else I just figured out.

>> No.1937693

hehe cats fighting lol

>> No.1938029

>blasts boomer music from garage while trying to fix 96 Miata

>> No.1938031

>OP tries to sell his house
>has to hire a contractor at enormous cost to redo all his nigger rigging because it's all done bass ackwards and nothing is to code.
>"heh at least I didn't resort to any external resources"

>> No.1938036

nice fiction piece. I'm sure your twilight wolf fucking fiction is titillating as well.

>> No.1938421

100% guaranteed your nigger rigging is substandard.

"Municipal code? That's for pussies!"

>> No.1938463
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100% guaranteed it's not "nigger rigged".

>> No.1938487

Is there anywhere else, anywhere better, where you can find threads with someone who accidentally shot a water heater?

>> No.1938513

>make thread asking a question
>first post is a Covid tourist pretending to be outraged that OP didn't first comb through enough google pages and youtube videos to write a dissertation about the subject

>> No.1938594

are you the fucking van retard? I don't believe anybody else is braindead enough to make that post

>> No.1938610
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>> No.1939823


Lol, i bet you ignore anything anyone every taught you. Fuck learning the alphabet from my teachers, I'm going to make my own language!

>> No.1939824


You wouldn't know if it is or not, maybe everything you do is nigger rigged because you don't consult anyone or anything external

Dunning Kruger in effect.

>> No.1939829


T. Whitney that had to learn how to farm and survive from natives

>> No.1939849

Giving people advice is not doing something. Talk is cheap.

Can't believe a thread died for this

>> No.1939880

I started learning to do things about when I was 7 or 8. I would help my dad change the oil in the car and lube the chassis (something people no longer need to do). Watched him change tires. Watched and helped him do simple carpentry. I would take shit apart all the time.

I learned from him how to solder. I even made a few things on his lathe, and built things in his small shop. When I was 11 my parents got a divorce. My mother was psycho and so my dad took off. From that point on I learned a few minor things from an uncle like how to solder copper pipe and other things, but mostly how not to do carpentry (he was pretty bad at it and I could tell even at 13).

In grade school I took a wood shop class and learned more basic carpentry, plus basic drafting. Hell back then we could bring guns to school to work on them and no one cared. The teacher had a sharps breach loader next to his desk all the time.

In high school I took an electronics course and mostly just fucked off in it, but learned the basics of electronics, and electricity. The teacher was a laid back Vietnam vet. They had a bunch of Short wave radio equipment and I would mess with that. They had a TRS 80 model 1 computer and I messed with that.

I then would get occasional work with a general contractor where I picked up more knowledge of carpentry, and even helped him build his wood shop (foundation to roof).

My mother was constantly fucking with the house and bought books from readers digest on DIY. One of those was a book on doing home electrical work (which I still have).

>> No.1939881

When I was about 15 or 16 I came home from school one day and the house was hot as fuck. We live where it gets over 105° f in the summer. We weren’t allowed to use the AC because we were poors so we used an evaporative cooler which was not working right. We complained about it but my mom did not want to spend money and/or bug my uncle to come over and get it working. So I said fuck it and went up on the roof to see what was wrong.

The water was off because of a leak, the water wasn’t coming out of the spider properly, and it wasn’t dripping down the pads, plus the float valve had broken off and fell in the water.

I pulled the power, reattached the float valve with some fender washers, fixed the leak in the water line, unclogged the spider, opened the holes in the troughs above the cooler pads and viola! It Verks. My mother was quite impressed. I had never worked on a cooler before. But I fixed it by working on each individual problem and not going to the internet (which no one had at the time), calling someone, or running to a library to spend hours trying to find a book on how to fix coolers. I used my general knowledge to figure it out.

Code? What code? there was nothing code about this.

I would take care of the cars when I was a teenager because my mother didn’t believe in preventative maintenance and would only add more oil never changed it. I was constantly having to beg her for money to keep the cars working.

In my 20’s my mother had a shed built in her back yard by an actual professional. But all he did was build it. I put in the wiring, sockets, outlets, switches, etc according to the readers digest book. When she had power run to the shed I wired it up. It was up to code from 30 years ago (you don’t know me).

>> No.1939884

While I was off at college learning to fix airplanes she had her sister come over and do all sorts of adding on to the house. When I came back from college and needed money while I looked for a job I spent months fixing all the fuck ups her sister did: Fixed all the wonkey boards for the patio roof, opened up a wall and fixed a plumbing leak, and a bunch of other shit too long to list. I also finished the shed doing the insulation and drywall. I learned drywall from my mother who did it for about 3 years.

Over the years I picked up shit tons of knowledge and experience from just doing things. In 2012-2015 I learned how to fix old tube radios and fixed more than 60 of them, plus tons of test equipment.

I fixed my washing machine (I had never worked on one before), same for my refrigerator.

This is where the internet is a fucking god send. When I was in sixth grade I took a class on small engine repair (twice in 2 years) because it was fun, but I learned more from mustie1 in 2 or 3 months than that entire class. I recently used that knowledge to buy and fix several pieces of lawn equipment, then sell them for way more than I put in to them.

>> No.1939885

Let me tell you my process for how I fix something:
Something breaks or does not work.
Replicate the problem, and localize it.
Is this something I have seen before? if so use that fix.
If not depending on what it is maybe do some trial and error.
Still no worky.
Search issue on internet/youtube.
Try suggested fixes.
Repeat until issue is fixed or I run out of possible fixes.
Go to reputable forum (not 4chan) that is relevant to the problem. I don’t do this on 4chan because threads do not stay around so if something is fixed no one would know how.
Explain in direct and to the point language what the issue is and provide pictures and any information I have.
Answer questions politely in full sentences even when respondents did not read my post.
Try fixes.
Report results with relevant details.
Ask more questions/answer questions (always politely even if I get frustrated).
Never rage at people who are jerks (ignore them). Your ability to do this is a prime example of whether you have the patience to DIY.
When a solution is found, report back that it worked and exactly what I did so some other shmoe can learn from me and find a solution on the internet.
Thank all those who helped me.
Do blog post and/or youtube video if problem was particularly vexing or no one else had posted a solution.

That is how you /diy/.

>> No.1939917

How is it DIY if your dad taught you.

>> No.1939979


For real, it should be DDIM, dad did it himself.

Imagine if he knew you were claiming credit for what he taught you, shit bird.

>> No.1940118

because I have a dad. unlike either of you.

>> No.1940421

So your dad did it?

>> No.1940462
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>> No.1940590


>when something broke I had no one to ask and had to figure things out myself

Such as?

Why are you here if it's so bad?

Your whining brings nothing to this board, get the fuck out.

>> No.1940900

I repaired the heat exchanger in my furnace until I could afford a new furnace. Parts were not available for my unit. When the furnace was replaced 5 years later the repair was as good as the day I did it.

I replaced the heat exchanger in my brothers furnace as well.

I never once consulted a youtube video or looked up on the internets how to do it.
I'm this guy

try harder

>> No.1941369

why is this thread still up what the fuck

>> No.1941432
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i'm pretty sure no one can do anything for you here apart from giving you advice or sharing what they did
it's still better to follow instructions/advice someone gave you online than asking your wife's boyfriend to do it for you and being incompetent cuck for the rest of your life, everyone have to start somewhere, maybe you will like doing something by yourself, maybe not, you don't know until you give it try

only annoying thing on this board is brick vs wood cope threads

>> No.1942160

How is DIY if I was motivated to start by your call to action?

>> No.1942171

Nope. Not really. Look at linux noobs for an example. Copy someone else's work, paste as per instructions, and fixed without learning anything...

>> No.1942281

oh really? Then how did the first person do it?

>> No.1942300

> first, you must invent the universe

>> No.1942330

>shit people say when they're trying to look big-brained

>> No.1942396

>if you dont know how to do everything you cant do anything

>> No.1942417

yeah cause we should all make our own tools since buying someone else's work isn't doing it ourselves
actually we can't buy because we didn't make the money ourselves, currency isn't something we created
every human should all spend their time lapping granite surfaces so that when they want a ruler they can do it THEMSELVES
2/10 made me reply

>> No.1942456

Oh boo hoo a thread died

Have you seen the fucking threads on this board

>> No.1943190

>Grew up before the internet with no one to ask for help.
And now there is internet, and a new way to figure things out. Research what a thing is, rope some anons into debating what metal piece X is, or finding a manual.
You're still doing everything yourself. Others can talk about it and tell you what you could do and be another source of information, but you're still doing it all yourself.

If any outside input whatsoever ruins DIY for you, then immediately throw out every single tool, jack, machine and item in your shed and garage, because you didn't make that set of philips head screwdrivers, those hex keys, that angle grinder or that nailgun. And the few tools you did make, you made from parts made by other people, and if you use them, then that's outside assistance, and by your measure no longer DIY.

>> No.1943253

you're a retard, that's how everybody without autism learns to use Linux based systems. If you don't have a sub saharan IQ you will at least get the gist of what you're pasting. Are you actually telling me you learn it inside out before even using it?

>> No.1944568

>Dunning Kruger in effect.
You are correct in that I am at the stage of I'm pretty good but I know my limits.

Thank you for the compliment.

>> No.1944858

Yes thats how things get done.
Not by knowing but by discovery.
You discover how to do things by doing them.
You discover what worked what didn't and what needed improvement.
Only animals and vermin lack the ability of discovery.
Oh, thats right even vermin like mice learn by discovery, as do dogs. So how dumb do you need to be to lack the ability to discover things.

>> No.1946324


>> No.1946348
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Asking isn't the problem, how people ask is the problem.

>I want <thing>, I don't have any tools or skills, give me a step by step instruction even though it's a bad idea and <other option> would be much better, but I won't take that as an answer.
>I will not do any research on my own, you do the work for me. I also will not give anything back such as progress pictures or a conclusion on how it went.
>I'm in the process of doing <thing>. I made sketches, did some research on the internet. Most things are clear, but there are a few specific questions I have. I came to the conclusion that <option A> is better for me because of <reasons>. What do you think? Here's some progress pictures.
>I'm interested in a mutual exchange and am willing to give something back.

It's not something you can solve. The first type is simply how most people are. Just keep ignoring the threads or tell them to fuck off once.

>> No.1946363

>small brain still incapable of realizing how small-brained his post >>1942171 was

>> No.1946373
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