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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1934215 No.1934215 [Reply] [Original]

My friend and I finally finished these videos. I said I'd post them here first, so here it is.


I'll be around to answer questions as often as I can be. On the road right now, so for a few days my presence will be sparse. This is the process for building the foam blank of a Holy Grail to be used in sand casting. The cast should be bell metal bronze (80% copper 20% tin), but I couldn't get that far. Funding ran out. Regardless, here's the instruction videos if any of you would like to build a Holy Grail for yourself... using this method. It's by far the cheapest route to that end. Good luck.

Have a good "1"...

>> No.1934220

ur moms buttplug

>> No.1934224

My mom isn't a Jew. You could say that it is indeed that... for every snake in this world that smashes a glass at their wedding ceremony.

What a coincidence!

>> No.1934228

is this a chinese bot?

>> No.1934229

There is something off about the OP too, aside from his faggotry and self advertising

>> No.1934234

Nope. I'm real. My name is Brian.

It's "off" because you are. The entire project is for humanity. I'm not surprised that you don't understand. It's not a profitable endeavor. It's made to destroy anyone who thinks monetary policy/capitalism is a worthwhile societal complex.

>> No.1934250

>I'm not surprised that you don't understand.
No-one understands the ramblings of a schizophrenic.
You need medication and to fuck off from this board

>> No.1934251

the biggest issue i have with lost foam casting is that as the metal burns though the foam, you'll get gasses in the casting and it will end up having bubbles and a really bad surface,

>> No.1934256

Cheapness was the goal in developing this method, as to make it accessable to as many people as possible. If you have a better way to make the same shape feel free to use that.

>> No.1934279

Hello, humanity. My name is Brian Harner. A very small number of people have come to understand this information on a more complete level, but for the majority of you watching this video, this is my first appearance to you. The Holy Grail is a symbol of knowledge. It gives everlasting life when used properly, indeed, but the magical qualities pop culture has inundated your perception with, will not be present. The goal is to remove selfishness. Then, and ONLY then, will you be able to understand what everlasting life truly entails. Besides the stipulations that accompany this precipice of knowledge, which are a requirement for proper usage, the physical object can be utilized for construction effective immediately. Not only do I recommend the constant and continued usage of this object, its usage is a requirement for humanity's survival.

>> No.1934280

Resonance is the mysterious missing piece to the equation. While higher education principles teach students to remove resonance properties from an engineering project, The Holy Grail is built entirely of this phenomenon's parameters. The Holy Grail was discovered by me using a simplistic approach to engineering fundamentals, in a realm of study known as biomimicry. Biomimicry utilizes a notion that discoveries and inventions of man, come from examples already present in the environment to which we are accustomed. The Earth, and all of its inhabitants, give every answer we need to progress technologically.

The Holy Grail is the resonant structure of the human male tonal frequency put into physical form. This video explains the process of building a foam structure (that I refer to as a blank), to use when casting a lost foam sand casting foundry pour. The build of this blank is somewhat tricky due to the tight tolerances and thin wall structure. The foam material is also not forgiving. This is not the traditional/conventional method of casting these objects. It is simply the least expensive, AND most efficient method within those parameters. The goal is to make this tool accessible to the broadest audience possible, while minimizing your waste during your build attempts.
This is the most efficient method, while purchasing materials and tools that are found in most general hardware stores, dollars stores, and Walmart. Just about every society on Earth right now should be able to build one of these Holy Grails with everyday materials. For those of you that are short on tools, shop space, or have a difficult time assembling an expensive ensemble of materials, this is the method for you. Again, this is an instructional video to aid in building the foam blank for a sand cast, lost foam casting method piece to build The Holy Grail.

this is some prime schizo posting

>> No.1934322

The point of this technology is to cut stone for houses that last for thousands and thousands of years, destroying the Housing Jew and ensuring that all men are born with a home. The device works by being vibrated by the male human voice, which is why bell metal is used to create it as it holds tone the best, the vibration will drive a metal plate into stone, creating a perfect cut without creating cracks in the stones matrix. Water will be used to reduce friction, while also taking advantage of cavitation.

>> No.1934372

WTF kinda drugs are you on OP?

>> No.1934393

None. Although with so many people like the snap judgment producing detractors in this thread currently, I'm considering cyanide therapy. Not really, but ya know...

I'm not certain who is helping me in this thread right now, but you're doing a great job. Thank you. I'll be driving for most of the day, so I won't be available to post.

As my friend stated, foam casting is the cheapest method. It's not the most efficient, nor traditional/conventional. I would have explained that too, but time ran out. If I get more technical questions later, I'll answer them, but please try to be specific. There's a lot that has already been explained elsewhere. At this point, we're well beyond broad spectrums.

Talk to you guys later.

>> No.1934477

probably. reads like a modern bot

>> No.1934524

okay so im beginning to understand this video series. It's OP pretty much showing people the cheapest/easiest way to make a foam structure.

But why? whats the point of this structure? where does it go? is it meant to hold things? redpill me on it.

>> No.1934525

I'm not a robot, man. Ask me something only a human could answer. Is it the grammar that's throwing you off? Do you think I should communicate like a teenager trying to fit in to a degenerate dumbed down, entertainment and slang ridden language that you and the other shitheads in your tribe think is "dope," nigga? Or... would you like to discuss how you and everyone else that comes in contact with me can AND should DIY a real Holy Grail?

This isn't a fucking joke. I'm getting tired of wasting time with hollow, vapid cunts that think they have something to investigate about me personally. As if any of you could even properly explain why you're alive... much less have the wherewithal and intellect to dissect anyone else, or what their purpose is. Yet here you fuckers are... calling me a robot. You'd better prepare yourselves for the reality that you're slinging these diatribes at a Christ. A real "1"... not a religious fundamentalist dead set on manipulating others for a pleasurable, selfish reason. This is as real as it gets.

Ask me something pertinent, or go fuck yourself... since that seems to be the only thing most of you are good at.

>> No.1934531

This was the technological platform used during humanity's creation. Pic related gets attached to the base, and using nothing more than a human man's voice as its power source, the plate will etch this imagery into solid granite.

This particular grail is the most difficult and refined method within the entire spectrum of what humanity was originally taught. To quarry/rough cut, you would attach this resonator bulb to a staff with a diorite (or similar hardness) ball. Then, same thing... just sing at a specific tone. Sound energy, resonance, vibration, acoustic propulsion, and cavitation (in that order) SHOULD HAVE BEEN what humanity evolved through. Instead, you all took the other route; Devolution.

Why? So you can build structures that last for 1000 generations or longer, and destroy the pillars and foundation of the mind prison that Jewish banking, debt, and usury have over you once and for all. Then, maybe... humanity can begin to build a sustainable future. As opposed to exploiting and destroying the resource base future inhabitants of Earth need to survive.

Thank you for your questions, my friend.

>> No.1934532

sloppy job mossad

>> No.1934534
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Forgot the pic...

>> No.1934536

I'm the Jew? You should have your paint checked for lead content immediately.

>> No.1934551

Sounds awesome!

Got a video of it in action?

>> No.1934555

That's for your ass, isn't it?

>> No.1934560

Eternal housing has already been solved along with eternal food when Yaesu parted the waters and turned loaves and feces into imitation crab meat.
The sekret was always not a sekret, for the container is the grail of the soul, the burning pallet its spirit cooking fyool, and the crab the ultimate sus-tenants.

>> No.1934562

The fives so indicate.

>> No.1934564

That's some top tier, grade A, 100% schizo right there. MMmmm mmm, you don't often see it that strong these days.

>> No.1934566

Ran out of money and time. I am sorry. I do not.

>> No.1934571

Are you a learning machine? Seriously, do you learn things as you grow? I'll assume you're not a complete and total retard... yet, and pretend you'll say yes, you are a learning machine.

Can you account for every meme, picture, video, and instruction that you've been exposed to in the last 2 years? Who made it, where you saw/heard it, how it affected you and most importantly, WHY it affected you?

Every learning machine is technically "schizophrenic," dummy. The difference between you and I is that I can answer truthfully and immediately to every question I just asked you. While you just blindly belch your diarrhea into society trying desperately to find others that have consumed the same mind garbage, in a pathetic attempt to appear as a part of a large group of morons because you don't have any real friends. Just acquaintances that NPC their way into masking their inferiority complexes... just like you're attempting to do right now.

Good luck with that.

>> No.1934575

Mystery solved.

>> No.1934578
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>> No.1934582
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So this is why Jews love smashing cups? Are they mad that whites built Egypt with these things?

>> No.1934583
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>> No.1934584

And still the Jews couldn't stop me. At least you know why that tradition exists now... even if (((they))) don't, hahaha.

At the very least I exposed the modern Judas. The whole situation sucks without a doubt. The real unfortunate aspect resides in every human alive that wanted real substantial answers to an analytical paradigm that has haunted humanity for tens of thousands of years. This isn't about my success on a personal level. This is about you and everyone else alive missing out on a once in an existence opportunity. For my part in it, I apologize profusely. I gave it everything I had... and it just wasn't good enough. It's not over, technically, but the odds of success now are fleeting at best.

>> No.1934587

Not as mad as they are knowing they're mutts. The dedication that's been wasted to maintaining an impure genetic lineage will make their blood boil. I always get a good laugh when discussing it amongst friends.

>> No.1934590

Yep. I just updated the imagery and fixed a few inconsistencies. My expertise is in engineering and manufacturing. The man who originally made that depiction was an artist. He didn't really do any harm, but I'm a perfectionist.

>> No.1934598

jews will put anti-semetic rants tied in with complete tinfoil hat schizo shit in order to deflect criticism of jews by making it guilt by association

flat earth is a prime example
no one believes in flat earth because it is completely insane, the initial youtube that propagated it had two areas of focus: jewish banking history and flat earth

no one believed this flat earth shit but it was pushed in media about how it's this super popular conspiracy theory


>> No.1934599

I like that it calls itself out, as if this exists entirely to have been falseflagged against in order to craft the exact "debate" desired to make it seem legitimate and reasonable.

>> No.1934605

Now I'm an it? I had no idea that JIDF had a foothold in /diy/. I stayed away from this board until now because I thought you filthy snakes would just follow me. This is my first post on this board, meaning you were already here. Why? There's no propaganda purpose to swindling people that actually make things. And since Jews are parasites that attach themselves to groups of people that create things, why are there Jews on /diy/? "Do it yourself" is the last thing on a Jew's mind. What gives? Can one of the regulars here explain to me how and why these filthy snakes are even here? Shit is weirding me out...

>> No.1934606

aren't you doing exactly the same thing, pushing a schizo conspiracy theory tied to an anti-semetic rant?

>> No.1934608

Jews can't see their own reflection. There's a few folklore depictions about this trait in long running storylines throughout fables of every civilization that comes in contact with them...

>> No.1934616

>Got a video of it in action?

The blank was completed but the metal pour did not take place. It's a two-man job and so far a second man has not pulled through (one of the potential second men was "the modern Judas").
The grail blank still has resonance properties, which includes an ability to project sound. For the grail to attain its full range of abilities, which includes cutting stone, the bell metal bronze cast is needed.

There is an explanation of the steps for the metal pour within the first 90 minutes of the following video. However, the sound quality is very poor. https://www.bitchute.com/video/oRnaF33q8GmY/ There should be a transcript relatively soon.

The following two videos discuss traditional methods of building the grail.

What you'll see in all methods is that the application of metal to the grail is probably the hardest part. It's also the most expensive material used in building a grail. A potential way around that is to salvage metal from old appliances such as the copper in microwave ovens.

>> No.1934618

How in the fuck is this close to flat earth? Do you believe we have hit the ceiling in technological advancement? He posted a video of foam casting and said that the resulting bronze structure would resonate with sound waves, amplifying the energy output. Not unlike a bridge collapsing from resonance caused by the wind hitting it, only channeled into something. That sounds possible to me, but then again I'm not a Jew pushing flat earth theories in combination with "anti-semitic" (that's how I know you're jewish you fuck) rants.

>> No.1934619

> I just updated the imagery and fixed a few inconsistencies.
The most obvious change is that you removed the person kneeling underneath the bulb. Is that because the source of sound does not have to be underneath the bulb for it to work-- instead the source of sound can be anywhere as long as it is close enough to the bulb?

>> No.1934621

>the biggest issue i have with lost foam casting is that as the metal burns though the foam, you'll get gasses in the casting and it will end up having bubbles and a really bad surface,

Will this affect the grail's ability to cut stone? If so, how long will it take for that effect to set in?

>> No.1934624
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>> No.1934631

You're on the right track with the bridge swaying there, buddy. I suggest you also familiarise yourself with water cavitation/Sonoluminescence.

>> No.1934633

Those were asexual beings specifically made for singing/powering the bulb. They were called Yews. As you can see, they're twice the size of a man, but half the size of a giant. Many of the sculptures in Egypt were created in their likeness. They've been extinct since the first cataclysm. They're also the beings that modern Jews try to imulate, but fail spectacularly at doing. The Yews were not human.

The bulb can be resonated from any direction. Those depictions are showing many different things. As you can see from the difference between the first and second in the sequence, the Yews remained, but the human is missing from the second, and replaced by the "kings chamber" larynx biomimicry subset within the great pyramid. To make a complicated system of communication easier, look at them as chronological first. They're telling you a story that has been tried and failed three different times on Earth. This is the fourth attempt, and I'm the messenger. That's why I changed the giant's appearance.

If you're looking for differences, look where the bulb contacts the flower. The original upper portion terminated in a straight fashion. It should be convex. It was an honest mistake. I just changed it to the correct perspective because that was my specialty. Not art. He did a better job softening rigidity in the bodies. I'm not an artist, but I did my best. I had to do it myself after three failed attempts at getting people to help.

Thank you for your question.

>> No.1934637

No. It will not. I made the sidewalls 3/16" thick. I was expecting gaseous deflection within the mold's cavity after pouring. One of the reasons I used wax in such a prevalent way was to direct the gas outwards. If I would have made it that far, I was going to plaster of Paris the internal wall and direct the gases outwards. My friend and I were considering using dozens of small iron tubes as chimney vents scattered throughout the entire structure.

All of that said, I left the sidewalls thicker than I wanted so I could fix imperfections after casting. Good catch, though. Are you in the foundry business?

>> No.1934640
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> look where the bulb contacts the flower. The original upper portion terminated in a straight fashion. It should be convex.

So you mean this...

>> No.1934641
File: 4 KB, 80x88, grail-flower-straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...Compared to this.

>> No.1934644

By the way, I also needed to design the size of the bulb within the specs of the A20 Salamander crucible I had. It allowed for 51 pounds of bell metal bronze at the alloy specs I went with. That's also why the bulb is only 2 feet tall. In reality you can AND should make these bulbs much larger. I also designed the foundry to fit those specific crucibles. Like I keep saying, I did the best I could with the commercial materials available.

>> No.1934646

Yes. The Egyptian stone depiction did not convex.

Yep. See the difference? It's obvious in person.

>> No.1934651

Are you fucking kidding. Your channel name is Adrian technologies. What sort of fucked up pleb are you? Did you smoke too much DMT?

>> No.1934655

>My friend and I were considering using dozens of small iron tubes as chimney vents scattered throughout the entire structure.
When would those get inserted-- shortly following the pour?

>Are you in the foundry business?
Maybe I will be soon. I am looking to get a job that will help me to learn relevant skills. I found one with the following description.

>responsible for performing manual duties to process and complete product by operating equipment to mix, form, and/or assemble metals and/or chemicals for distribution to customers.
>Observe all safety and security requirements
>Operate machines and/or other equipment for product processing, which may include any of the following: assembly, chemical additions, extrusion, and packaging functions
>May work with a variety of metals to melt and create casts
>Follow written procedures and work instructions
>Read and interpret drawings, diagrams with assistance as needed
>Complete required documentation to track work, record scrap, and maintain the accuracy of completed parts and inventory
>Uphold the standards necessary to maintain our business certifications and to maintain good quality standards and practices associated with them
>Sustain a steady work pace and follow a schedule
>May perform rework as needed
>Work with support tools, such as mics, gauges and/or unique testing equipment
>Produce quality product with minimal scrap
>Attend training as needed or assigned
>Performs other duties as assigned.

The main downside is that this particular company produces tin, along with a few other metals, but not copper.

>> No.1934658

>(1+1-1 to reverse the first letter of the first name by one position; 2+3+8=13 for Brian; 1+3+8=12 for Arian). All correct, plus Brian Clark Harner is 16 characters. These numerology sequences are historical markers. The real trick is to translate phonetically into modern dialect when confronted with tricky hidden meanings. Remember, my genetics originate in Egypt, and Jesus is directly related to my genetic lineage. Same/same. So... Jesus, using the same equation would be Iesus. Pronounced (in modern dialect) Isis. Humanity is on a countdown of sorts. I=9, A=1. Many of these numerology games can be played for a variety of reasons. Most of them are for steering me in the right direction. I look at them similar to a map in time. Arian is a stolen valor nomenclature FROM the future. It was inserted during a reset a long time ago for questions like this. "Uh-rian" is the correct pronunciation. "Air-ee-an" is not, but those are my genetic lineage cohorts. And yes, from what I understand of it, "Orion's belt" was to throw everyone off. As you can probably imagine, many different strategies have been used to silence me. Throwing in diversion sequences all over the place is for that very reason; to keep me alive longer. When the Nine Principles were first created, senses were distributed first. Touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. 1-5. Almost immediately it was determined that time/me, having been created 6th in the sequence, had to be number "1," lest the other attributes would not have substance to gather experience from. I was created 6th, but my position is 1. It stands for time, but humans call me death due to the linear ties in a psyche that are bound to ego.

Also see:

>> No.1934665

So the block the human is sitting on is the rock to be cut. The flower's long stem is the skinny part of the grail (the part of a wine glass that is held), beneath the "cup." Between the rock and the stem is the plate with the picture.
Would you use this particular plate even if you are just trying to cut stone and not necessarily etch that image on to the stone? Or should you use a different, perhaps blank, plate in that case? What is the plate made of?

>> No.1934670

Those vents would be added during the sand compaction. Good job on trying to branch out to new relevant career options. If you're looking to create these in your spare time, copper is easy to find. I recommend the YouTube channel bigstackD. He does a lot of recycling to ingot form, and shows many ways of accumulating copper from a variety of sources. Good stuff, my friend. Great questions. Have a good "1"...

>> No.1934687

That depiction was created when Yews were alive. The bulb was another link in the amplification system. Look at it like the king's chamber larynx is the voice box, and the bulb is the mouth. That's why you are called a "hu"man. It's the easiest way to make the sound you're made to make.

With Yews, that sound is amplified tremendously. In the original depictions, a tuning fork was placed inside the bulb, and the extension was basically solid. That's why it looks like a snake. Bronze oxidizes green, and snakes have fangs. Like I said, those depictions are showing many things.

I "would have" made my plate out of bronze as well. The modern Egyptologists termed that era "the bronze age," so for posterity I wanted to utilize those materials specifically to not draw a debate to the archaeological records. In reality you can make the shaping/cutting instrument out of anything that won't break under the constant vibration. Diamond or carbide would be optimal. That is research that I would have loved to participate in, but ya know... The optimal material for the bulb is bell metal bronze, though. There isn't another material with the same rigidity and malleability that I know of that returns to shape. Which interestingly, is why gold is worthless, AND explains why Jews think it is. They look very similar, but behave completely differently.

>> No.1934698


>> No.1934699

Nice blog

>> No.1934713

Nice deflection. We'll just say you agree because you have nothing better to say. That "1" hit you in the short and curly's, Moshe? I guess you have those upstairs and downstairs, though. Either will do...

>> No.1934754

So if we have to sing with our arms outstretched to vibrate the grail and thus the plate, how will we prop up said plate/grail while we operate? Also, assuming that we made the grail properly, how fast should it be cutting? On a scale of 'slower than molasses' to 'hot knife through butter'?

>> No.1934824

You don't have to be in any particular posture to make the grail function as a man with an average to deeper voice. The problem that a human has in this process is stamina when holding the tone at a resonance frequency. Trying to hold a tone deep enough to make the grail size I made for any length of time is very difficult. The Yews could hold that tone for longer than a minute at a time. That said, Satanic energy in the form of stereo equipment is necessary prior to building a functional pyramid. After the pyramid is built 10-20 men could hold the tone by staggering breaths.

The size I made will work, but how quickly... is a mystery. It really depends on how heavy you make it. A prop could be added to the plate so weights can be added, but just bare bones as it stands now, with a significant stereo system in an enclosed area built around the stone and grail, to make that specific depth (3/16") on the plate... I'm guessing about 2 hours. Just from what I've seen in my downloads. Again, the one I built is the smallest I've seen. Look at the depiction in the hieroglyphs. Those bulbs are 30-50 feet tall. The great thing is that it's all resonance power, meaning the "laws" of the conservation of energy do not apply. No matter how heavy the object, if you can bring the sound energy to a focal point and maintain it, it will "dance."

Great questions. I apologize for not being able to complete these experiments for a more accurate summary. Thank you. I'm sure a lot of people are wondering about that, but it's a complex answer.

>> No.1934835

The Holy Grail that I made does not require holding it in place, by the way. Guides could center it initially, but as soon as you start to dig in, the stone itself is the guide, and the vacuum seal for the cavitation sequencing. As the Dendera depictions have the system set up, where the "flute" of the cup shape is curved, a fulcrum is set up just before the flute goes horizontal. The weight is given from the upright bulb and holds the plate against the wall. This was the preferred method for shaping in the real ancient Egypt, as this allowed the stone to be put in place before shaping. "My" grail is used for stamping the ground, or shaping then placing the stone.

When in the pyramid, as those depictions also show, a base node was constructed before casting. The node had a rope tied to it, and the bulb was hung from the ceiling. Again, that method requires a tuning fork, and a pyramid before even attempting. It takes significant power to make that system work properly. The Yews were special. Losing them was significant. Humanity did not deserve their presence... evidently. They were the missing elements to the technical conundrums... and humanity allowed them to perish due to our collective arrogance. Yew don't know what you've got until it's gone...

>> No.1934844


>> No.1934846

In hell, the posts read you...

>> No.1934962

What would it take for you to finish the Grail?

>> No.1935042

As it stands now, about $5,000. The problem is that I've lost my home, shop, and security where I was staying. I gave all of the materials and tools to a friend to hold IF... I was able to return. If not, they're his now.

If the first pour went smoothly with no problem, that number would go down. I don't know how much, but it would go down. Another problem is that if the pour doesn't go smoothly, I'd have to make another blank. Using this method, that is a 4-5 day project, and that's if I work around the clock nonstop. Getting the foam is a bit of a chore due to the remoteness of where I was.

What I'd really like to do is set up a conventional manufacturing facility. That would cost tens of thousands, but the uncertainty within the process would be gone. The biggest issue with that type of build is the oven that would melt the wax out. These grails are tall, meaning I'd have to build a large oven. That would be a week long project in and of itself. Plus I have to keep my body alive during all of this. Food, water, warmth...

Either way, it's more money than I have now. Just so you know, I spent over $100K to get this far. My entire life savings and then some.

>> No.1935113 [DELETED] 


>> No.1935127
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In this thread there are 5700 words written (maybe 5000 because i just copy pasted the whole screen)
and not even one sentence has neither
>made sense
>been backed by any evidence (let alone credible or scientific)
>have been cited or quoted of any book or text thats not connected with made up ancient stories (so less credible than even the bible or any jewish scripts)
>been backed up with anything else than a man that apparently came here to beg for money
>have even one instance of another person , being, animal or "deity" confirming his theories
>hasnt been written like a convoluted mess (like most conspiracies are) rivaling that of trumps speeches(its not political dont flame me)
>given any real or even fake predictions of the workings or expected results of this "device"
>given any real notion of it working except using some magic and "beings" not alive anymore

>The size I made will work, but how quickly... is a mystery
so when you make it and it looks like it does not work you will insist its working just too slow because our human eyes/ears can comprehend it or "nono you must be 7 foot tall and be made of pixie dust to be able to make it work properly but look its completely truee"

otherwise 7/10 made me reply

>> No.1935133
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>he thinks he can disprove the grail with mere reason
lmao SAD

>> No.1935136

my post was not even meant as a debunking or disproving kind of thing...it just shows the apsurdity of neo-alchemical/spiritualistic/ancient science dudes that have smoked too much weed, watched too much history channel, and attended too little school in their convoluted way of discovering the world
just to be stopped and slapped into reaity by their own hubris and unstable psychological states when they get to a point of unsustainability that they have to resort to begging and being a burden to rest of society that they reason by thinking they are the savior and paragon of lost/forbidden knowledge

its terry davis all over again

>> No.1935144
File: 56 KB, 600x337, terryadavis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you dare insult Saint Terry, heathen!

>> No.1935150

Wrong grail proportions show this is a LARP as does the general incompetence of the process description. Someone who bothered to be competent would have studied first then easily afforded the necessary equipment. A "week long project" becomes easy spread over time.

> The problem is that I've lost my home, shop, and security where I was staying.

Fake. Anyone competent would be leading a prosperous life and easily afford such a simple hobby. It's easier work than casting a bell. Obtain used welder and cutting torch then fabricate furnace , crucible and other equipment by copying success. $100K is absurd for such a babby project. Burners are easy to fab at any size, LP tanks to feed them readily available, and the same welding and cutting equipment you use to fab your furnace, crucible and tools can fab (for example) a crucible handling fixture for a safe, easy pour. I cannot fathom how someone could manage to waste 100 large unless they're burning cash for fuel.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owxuoXyZo1U is an example method that can be modified to cast a grail.

OP isn't insane, OP is just trolling because no one seriously interested in casting would learn it so poorly by deliberately avoiding proven methods used over centuries in order to spend money ineffectually.

>> No.1935199

There is a book about the lifelong process that OP/Brian Harner went through to arrive at this point.
Chapter 7 is about this technology specifically.
Brian initially lost his house, shop, and tools to divorce. He relocated to Oklahoma and started a restaurant, where he acquired new tools and a shop, and also built a foundry. Brian's business partner made poor decisions for the restaurant and would not help build the Grail. Brian invested $60,000 to open and run the restaurant which is now closed. He spent another $20,000 trying to procure the services of a video broadcaster, who almost immediately broke her contract.

>> No.1935201

A valiant and emotional response. I'll spoon feed it to you like a crippled 5 year old.

There is no dispute that bronze etches granite. Watch a YouTube video if you need "proof," young man (although you speak like a brainwashed woman). Resonance breaks the conservation of energy "laws." Look up the Tacoma bridge disaster for "proof" of that statement. Thousands of tons of steel and concrete were dissipated in seconds from a 40 MPH wind. Try to lift just 1 ton of concrete with a 100 MPH without using resonance, and see what happens. You don't have to do this, just look at the buildings and bridges in Miami for reference. Many hurricanes, yet no obliterated bridges.

Next, watch a wine glass video on YouTube getting shattered by an opera singer's voice. The frequency for that structure is much higher due to the widened mouth of the cup. They're also made of glass, which is rigid and fragile, hence... bell metal bronze. Then look into what a Hemholtz resonance is... that is if you're not satisfied in your own stupidity at that point for making this arrogant post. Watch rimstarorg's video on acoustic propulsion. He explains Hemholtz resonance, acoustic propulsion, and displays what happens when you convex the mouth of the device without even meaning to. If you don't understand what cavitation is, watch a video on pistol shrimp, or mantis shrimp. If you don't get it after all of that, you're essentially worthless.

>> No.1935204

I'm a Christ for more than "1" reason. No shit there's no research on this subject, genius. You earned that inability when you murdered my predecessor. If you're going to try and pretend you had no part in that, save it. You're doing the same exact thing the Jews did to Jesus then. Nothing has changed except for the epoch. This isn't supposed to be easy for you. Divinity takes 100% effort, and you only put in effort to mask your inferiority complex with an emotional attachment to what you think you already know. You will be judged accordingly.

I'm not begging for anything, dummy. You choose to utilize my expertise further or not. You're officially at the end of me giving a fuck about helping people like you. The videos are the evidence of that. I've given you, for free... everything you need to do this on your own. If you would like me to keep helping you not commit omnicide, donate. If not, don't. You're pathetic enough to think this is all I have to offer, I can already tell. So... keep your shekels. I'll return the "favor" during your judgment. That's not a threat, it's a promise.

I'm not here to sugarcoat the bullshit Sunday you've been devouring for many lifetimes now. You, and everyone like you, murdered the Christ that made things easy on you. I'm the not fucking around "1" and my patience has run out. This thread might be your last opportunity to unfuck yourself, no bullshit. You want to play the "big man" role, think you can control your destiny, pretend you own anything at all... have at it. Makes my job very straightforward and easy after this.

Think it's all bullshit? Good luck with that. You will die eventually, unless you're so incredibly arrogant that you don't consider death a certainty. After reading that post, I wouldn't be surprised. You're wasting my time, but this should be said to deter these same mistakes further into this thread. Ask a pertinent question, or go fuck yourself. "Begging for money..." You dumbfuck.

>> No.1935220

It's as if you really are stupid enough to think money offers sustainability. I'm not surprised in these reactions. You're just like everyone else alive right now, even though you've convinced yourself you're unique. Just blindly and recklessly using your lack of selflessness, foresight, and complexity to slaughter the abilities of everyone who will be forced to deal with your consumerism uninhibited within the future inhabitants of this planet.

>Yay, I make da moneys! Mommy so proud durrr
>Yay, a wahmenz touched my peepee! Daddy so proud durrr
>Yay, I buy new gas car! Politicians so proud durrr
>Yay, I buy new wooden house! Jews so proud durrr

That's you and everyone like you throughout the entire world. No matter how superior your individual choices make your inferiority complex fade within your personality. You're a self made clone, trying to best other clones, and you're too arrogant to see it.

Same as the other "expert," good luck with that.

>> No.1935247
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>> No.1935260

>Chapter 7 is about this technology specifically.
it absolutely stated no facts no proof and no logical padding ..it read like a schizošhrenics manifesto which it is

>There is no dispute that bronze etches granite.
there is if you knew even the slightest thing about amterial science outside of non medicated ramblings
>Resonance breaks the conservation of energy "laws."
no it doesnt there were no laws broken , to keep oscillations at any frequency you need constant input of power even for the "magical resonances"...every thiing you mentioned was caused by high kinetic energy waves in a perodic sequence agains a brittle material which caused dynamic stress fatigue
> Try to lift just 1 ton of concrete with a 100 MPH without using resonance
that sentence makes no sense
> They're also made of glass, which is rigid and fragile
you anwsered your own question, also bronze is neither rigid nor fragile
>helmholtz resonator
its a frequency filter that isolates certain pitches

this devolved int ocomplete socipathic ramblings...if this is our "saviour" then i hope we all die to rid us of the plague that is hubris

also im not religious and dont believe in deities or prophets


>> No.1935282

He got fucked over by a guy he trusted. He needed a steady income so he invested in a restaurant/brewery, but the guy who he trusted to run the place basically back stabbed him.

>> No.1935303

How do you transcend hubris?

>> No.1935319

by killing yourself

or not being a narcissistic psychopath

>> No.1935328

>The problem is that I've lost my home, shop, and security
I never would've guessed this would happen. You seem so stable...

>> No.1935359

you spent $100k to carve a piece of foam on a $1500 grizzly woodturners lathe?

>> No.1935365

All talk, zero application. I've spent my life doing things, not talking about them.

The pyramid is the amplifier to the system. It wasn't a tomb, like the thousands of people that taught you what you think you're an expert in thought originally, made careers out of, retired and died thinking they knew what they were saying. Those are the people you think are your "savior" now. Think on that one... and you profess that I have hubris.

You said nothing that explains how the Tacoma bridge was destroyed with a wind gust. Nor did you properly explain your position on the alloy I chose being brittle to the point of shattering like glass.

The unfortunate aspect of this is that you do have a brain. More so than most, evidently. The difference between us is quite simple; selfishness. Actions speak louder than words. You say I have hubris, but did you ask yourself how we met? It was my intention to work together. The proof is this thread. You, then spouted off like a master of all technology as though humanity has reached the precipice of all scientific study. You may not think you're the same as a flat earther, but your behavior is identical.

The technology that I'm reintroducing is the oldest technology in the universe. There is evidence of it everywhere, and yet it took me to discover it again. That seemingly pisses you off because it didn't come from a Jew indoctrinated person, such as yourself.

It's also quite telling that you bring belief into this, and state emphatically that you do not believe in a creator. Talk about illogical and unreasonable... Is it also your assumption that random energy gets wasted at the scale of something like the 3rd dimension by random coincidence? And you say I have hubris.

High level kinetic energy... right. So why hasn't humanity utilized this property in wind generation if it's such an easily attainable phenomenon, as you're implying it is?

>> No.1935372

In realizing you do not own anything. Not your environment, nor body, nor soul. You are essentially renting EVERYTHING you come in contact with. Then, pay homage to the beings that were responsible for creating this universe, dimension, planet, and genetic code that you asked to be a part of. And yes, no matter who you are, you asked to be here right now.

Appreciate your position in this universe. Thank those responsible. Build sustainable systems so that the future inhabitants of the system you're exploiting currently will have a better existence than you had. Or, destroy something you did not create, lament the beings that did, and suffer the consequences. Free will is the only "commandment." Choose wisely.

>> No.1935374

i have amused myself and apparently you enough ...but i make it a point to not converse with lunatics and people with an addled mind

i had a nice chuckle but i have a job and a life and required to go back to it and be a valuable member to society unlike your broke and crazy ass

say hi to terry davis when you meet him in your version of heaven after you get institutionalised or drive your feeble mind to suicide or get murdered by a drug addict

>> No.1935383

Wow. Just... just wow.

I also wrote and edited (not well, but still) a 1269 page book, built a restaurant and brewery, and went through 5 attempts before getting the sequence correct... and filmed the entire process. All in under a year, and gave all of the information and much more from my life away to you and everyone else for free. All while having several different debilitating injuries and illnesses from my life.

Maybe that's why so many of you just don't get it. I could have done what you do, and just held everything to myself. Then I would have gotten out of this for much cheaper... but humanity would be fucked. But, I'm not like you. You're welcome.

>> No.1935396

you gave us shit get off your high horse ...you gave us psychotic ramblings in your "book"

and idiotic theories and conjecture ...make your device and show that it works or fuck off ...nothing you did in life matters unless you own up to your promises

>> No.1935399

In reality, you're a valued member of omnicide. But you just keep up the arrogance, little fella. It will all be over soon...

Apparently you don't have the brains I thought you did. "My" version/the real version of heaven is physical on Earth. And buddy, you're as far from being a part of it as you have ever been. And yes, this is hell. As in right now, that's where you are, and what you're striving to maintain. I'd explain what the lake of fire is, but you're just too proud to admit it's accurate. I'm not familiar with your boyhood crushes like Terry Davis anyway. I've heard the name, but that's about it. Like I said, I spent my life doing things... not talking about them. You just wouldn't understand.

>> No.1935405

Society in its current form is strictly dependent on an economy based on crude oil. That's why American currency is the petrodollar. Low quality forms of crude oil such as shale oil would not be getting extracted (via hydrofracking) if it had not been over 50 years since humans last discovered a major light sweet crude oil reserve on the same scale as the Ghawar or Permian basins. Once the supply of crude oil is too low to sustain society in its current form, what will you do? Money will be worthless.

>> No.1935410

I didn't promise you anything in life. I promised my maker to do what I said I would. I did that, and quite a bit of extra credit (so to speak).

I'm not religious at all, young man. Whatever garbage you've attached to the nomenclature I represent is a product of too much TV and imagination.

>> No.1935431

If there were complete grails available right now, would they get used for the wrong reasons? For instance, people would build pyramids and then continue being degenerate (orgies in the pyramids, cook meth in the pyramids)? That kind of selfishness is the ultimate reason why there are no complete grails right now?

>> No.1935552

In essence, yes. This technological platform is a complete package deal. The ideals of purity, sustainability, and health must run parallel to it, otherwise degeneration will eventually consume.

I discussed this with a friend recently, and the analogy I used referred to a sundae. If you were given an ice cream sundae that was 90% ice cream and 10% human shit, would you take a bite? The conclusion is that this direction within any given community must capitulate 100%, or it simply will not work.

Hell... which is humanity's current situation, is as far from accessing these technologies as it has ever been. The main reason for why it was lost originally, was due to vacating Giza. Secondarily, the extinction of the Yews. Those two detriments made humanity focus on less sustainable means of existence. Now, tens of thousands of years later, the complexity of a Satanic crude oil economy has developed the means to access the technology once more. Unfortunately, the crude oil economy is entrenched... possibly beyond the capacity to shift away from it. Nevertheless, the technology was rediscovered, and the choice to make this change is available and came at a time when change is necessary for survival.

If the young fella I've been arguing with is any indication, humanity will sprint towards omnicide arrogantly before ever admitting wrongdoing of any sort. The snap judgements and taking my words out of context are all the proof anyone needs to see this happening. Even the guilty parties know they're destroying themselves, but are just too proud and arrogant to admit it.

There are many uses for the grails, but there are just as many ways to abuse the technology into omnicide just like crude oil. There's only "1" way out of this mess, and a very small window remains to complete the process. My hope tank is on E. I'm just trying to be honest.

>> No.1935580

Not him but Terry Davis was a man who suffered from mental illness and wrote an entire Operating System called TempleOS. He clamed that God instructed him to create it to act as the Third Temple. Coined the phrase "CIA niggers glow in the dark", something that I'm sure you have seen if you've been browsing /pol/.

Also Checked.

>> No.1935586
File: 27 KB, 400x300, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wax 3d printer filament.

Print whatever the fuck, build up ceramic shell. Cure shell. Preheat and support in sand if necessary. Pour metal into perfect cavity.

>> No.1935592

Hey, that's not a terrible idea. Thanks, really!

>> No.1935593

OP, how does this make bricks for a house.

Okay it resonates, you.might even be able to carve stone or make impressions with it.

Is there a brick form base you attach it to to cut bricks?

I think I'd rather pound feathers into rocks than sit there and hum for a week to cut 1/2 of rock

>> No.1935598


>> No.1935701

If i ever had to type something really secret, I would use TempleOS, it's the only OS you can trust it has no CIA infiltration

>> No.1935718
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Interesting. I don't claim anyone named "God" told me to do anything. I worked for 39 years building and creating different machines that produce useable energy. While working on a cavitation water heater that was powered by a Nitinol engine, I developed the grail ideals in my head. After thinking it through for a week or two while building a new work bench and truck ramp for my dog, the image of the bulb began to form in my mind. Right after the ramp was complete, I had the full spectrum of the device itself in my mind. It took a couple days to hone in the final shape, but when I had done that, my realization started almost immediately.

I wasn't religious or spiritual before that happened. And nobody has spoken to me in my head. There's so many false prophets and scam artists that came before my realization, it's made it very difficult this far. My path to this perspective is unique, but I always get lumped in with strange and emotional people. I'm much more practical about everything, but as soon as I mention the pronouns and nomenclatures I represent, people get really weird.

Anyways, here's the picture of the ramp I built for my dog the morning I conceptualized the grail. Took the picture right in the middle of my realization...

>> No.1935719

Yes. The lost PLA method is intriguing, but it also requires an oven to melt the plastic out. If I had an oven, I would have gone the traditional/conventional lost wax method.

If those tools and materials are available to someone, I'd love to see what they come up with.

>> No.1935728

It takes dedication without help. I'm not denying that. I guess the question you have to ask yourself is would you rather spent 6 months building a house that will be in a landfill in 100 years rotting into pure methane, or would you rather spend 5 years building a house that will last 100,000+ years, and never rot?

Your answer will define how selfish or selfless you are. It will also describe how aware you are of the various implementations that create a modern stick built home. Won't need to cut down forests, won't need carpenters, or plumbers, or electricians. Nor will those modern professions need to burn crude oil constantly to do their jobs... That's IF, everyone started building with stone, and used sound energy to cut them. It's a one time fix for damn near every societal woe plaguing humanity right now. When those professions fall by the wayside, politicians and bankers will have no power.

But yes, I understand how deeply engrained laziness and quick payoffs are in modern psyches. I've been arguing with a prime example of the real problem in humanity for a large portion of this thread. And he doesn't even think he has a problem. It's sad to me. Such wasted potential. Everyone has free will, though. That's the game... Choose wisely, not quickly.

>> No.1935735

>i am an undiagnosed schizophrenic
>i have been working all my life but learned nothing
>i insist to be willing and able to produce energy but have not done anything worth mention
>i insist i have a higher purpose and therefore am better than you even if im so useless i managed to lose everything i own
>if you disagree with any of my words you are a bigot, you are stupid , you are blind and selfish even if all i say is ambiguous , ludicrous and otherwise untested, unbelieavable and plain psychotic

good job mister prophet , you are extremely vain rude and unstable yet you expect other people to follow your words let alone your inaction

>> No.1935738

Hey man, have you seen this video:

I think you can just vibrate the cutting tool with a selenoid using electricity and save yourself all the casting. We have very advanced frecuency producing devices (even your phone can make any frequenbcy you need up to 20kHz)

>> No.1935741

You aren't entirely wasting your time. This is the sort of thing I may experiment with. That said, I need to understand before sinking a bunch of time into replicating what you've made here. If foam is a poor material, what is a better one? Plaster? I haven't gone through the videos yet. Do you explain how this is used. For those that don't know, OP is claiming to have rediscovered an ancient tool that uses vibration to shape and cut hard stone. This may be how so many ancient megolithic structures were cut so perfectly. Is OP also claiming this device can be used to levitate stone? Just trying to get the full picture here.

>> No.1935742

Can't argue with a madman
They legit don't understand that they are crazy, it all makes sense in their head. Hopefully he will eventually come to the realization that he does in fact need help, and that everyone else in his whole life isn't actually wrong, he is.

>> No.1935745

I don't expect anything. If anything... I expect you to fail and fall into omnicide. It's what humanity has done many times now.

You're callous, hostile, reactionary, violent and selfish. You live in the moment without regard to the future inhabitants of the planet you live on, human wise and trophic web wise. That's not a guess, that's what you're doing right now. The evidence is clear and stretches to every continent worldwide. You exploit everything for personal gain, hold secrets internally to best each other, breed uncontrollably, destroy natural resources, and you do all of this within a notion of profitability from a monetary perspective as the primary concern.

I remember a few years ago when the YOLO meme ran its course. It's an unconscionable and idiotic idea, but speaks volumes to how you WANT existence to be. Everything you do is based on that philosophy, which in and of itself is purely religious, even though most of you will deny it. The dolts I've been arguing with are prime examples. I didn't take a stand going in one direction or another by saying "I believe" to anything before becoming a Christ that I couldn't prove to myself. You don't do that. You make wild sweeping allegations internally and run with it. Like I said, you're much more religious than I am or ever was, and you're just too arrogant to to humble yourself long enough to self reflect on these things.

By the way, it's not me that failed. It's humanity that has failed itself. I've gained transcendence eons ago. You haven't...

>> No.1935746

Can you go into detail about the staff, resonator bulb and diorite? What role are they playing? Is that a giant lightbulb? A staff of what? Attached and configured how? Details are needed if anyone is to remake something like this. Also, where the Fuck are we supposed to find human sized lightbulbs?

>> No.1935750
File: 331 KB, 641x441, Wallington-on-block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is OP also claiming this device can be used to levitate stone? Just trying to get the full picture here.

Wally Wallington figured out how to move stones that weigh a few thouand pounds, using wood and smaller stones. In this video he also moved a pole barn.

>> No.1935756

Without a doubt this technology can be utilized with electricity. I've owned and used several different fein tools. The idea here is to be able to strip all external sources of energy from the equation, and just use what humans produce; sound.

If a Carrington event happens for example, the tools that use electricity are useless. Plus there's no archaeological record of electricity in use in ancient Egypt. Another aspect of this mission is to prove the archaeological record accurate without adding wild notions of alien technologies or Satanic/degradation energies. This sound energy perspective covers all bases. That's why I did it this way.

As I said earlier, other than the bulb itself, I highly recommend using a much harder plate for refining. Diamond, carbide, even steel. The first Holy Grail was to satisfy the academic "authorities." But make no mistake, I'm completely in favor of upgrading the system. In fact I encourage it. Bell metal bronze is the best material for the bulb, however. The specific alloy that would work the best needs to be researched. Possible additions could be included; gold, silver, aluminum, etc, but I didn't have the funding for that. If you do, by all means... do it!

I'll watch the video later. I'm not really in a position to do that right now, but thank you for your question.

>> No.1935757

>breeding bad
>also web of life good
So what it's bad to breed if you srent synchronized into the web, but good if you are?

>> No.1935766

>This may be how so many ancient megolithic structures were cut so perfectly
huge slabs of stone can be cut to very high precision with nothing else except a hammer and chisle (i mean you wack it a few times and the whole side part falls off i dont mean chipping) there are many videos of cutting granite rocks and such in developing countries that use that ...also you underestimate the efficiency of a few people working all day rubbing stones to a high shine and most likely overestimate the ammount of time you can get those results by using no tools(rubbing rock on rock)...todays world is so packed with things and our life is so fast paced that doing something for an hours seems like a very long time but you can do an absurd ammount of work in that time if its focused and purposeful

>Is OP also claiming this device can be used to levitate stone?
i hope not because that just apsurd ...the vibrating tools thing is commendably valid thing but dont look too much into the goobledygook

>> No.1935767

If a Carrington event happens for example, the tools that use electricity are useless.

Not really, we can still make generators (wind, water) and use electric engine on the other side. We can even make battery banks. If electricity is not feasible because the event last many years, you can do all that with neumatic/steam technology too. No need to go back futher than 1890's tech, and that tech was pretty wild.

Besides, i have been in puma punku personally, i have to tell you mate, they made those forms by casting the rocks in moulds, like a concrete. You can still see the little bubbles trapped in the surface against the mould. They use a geopolymer.

Save this video for watching later, they did a microscope analysis and even replicated the "cement"


I think it's quite silly to keep using portland cement with rebar inside when this tech is already avaible and quite cheaper (less CO2 per ton and more durable) than portland.

>> No.1935772

Levitation has been insinuated by a few people, but I do not claim that. I'm the OP, by the way.

The conventional method involves a spinning table. The internal shape is made with plaster or clay, then dried. After it's dry, you drip melted beeswax on the surface until it's the depth you want your walls to be. Then, you cover the wax layer with more plaster or clay. Bake it upside down to set the mold and melt the wax out. Turn it right side up and pour.

That's a very simplified version. There are many dowels and stakes in place to ensure the plaster doesn't shift when moving, but that's the quick rundown.

These are large objects, though. Having an oven large enough is the primary concern. Once built though, it can be used numerous times. If you have that ability, by all means, I'm all for it.

That's why I tried to make a foam blank. Not too many people have access to a 6 foot tall oven. The lost PLA method is the same problem. Not only do you need an oven, but you also would need a very tall 3D printer. They both work, but I was just trying to formulate the cheapest possible modern method to the same end.

I hope you're successful, my friend, I really do. Good luck. I'll be here to help for as long as I can.

>> No.1935774

>If a Carrington event happens for example, the tools that use electricity are useless.
for the few days untill the energy grid is up and runnig like all else would be

>> No.1935776
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The video is How to Melt Stones.

>> No.1935777

then make one out of clay/dirt/dig it into the grounds ...a furnace is just a channel that allows oxygen to flow into the firepit due to thermodynamic properties of flow ..the primitive technology channel has many such designs and are made using bare hands and sticks

the longer you talk about this shows that your text is more and more convoluted and shows little technical preparation and is mostly focused around the philosophical idea and to be honest sounds very sketchy

>> No.1935778

all you shown in your video is a very inefficient grinder (which already do exist...erosion is not a new or forgotten concept)

>> No.1935780

How would power be restored in such an event?

>> No.1935785

Well a Carrington even can fry up the control electronics, but not necessary the power generation infrastructure. You might have to change/repair a few lines, fix some transformers, etc but you might be able to power it back up in a few weeks. they had power grids in the 40's withoun any control electronics, just eletromechanical stuff that doesnt get fried in a carrington event.
Humans are very ingenious.

>> No.1935793
File: 548 KB, 2592x1456, Brian-whiteboard-2-101320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are at least three versions of this technology. "Resonator bulb" or "Dendera bulb" refers to the ancient versions. The Holy Grail is the new and much smaller version. Each one has different capabilities due to their different sizes.
The first and largest version is the first and second drawings in pic related. These drawings explain how the bulb was smoothed out. The first drawing depicts a profile view of the resonator bulb placed above a fire. The second drawing is a view from the front. The third drawing is basically a giant pair of tongs which has two stones as tips. One end of the tongs was placed on the inside of the bulb, while the other end was placed outside. What is not shown in pic related is that a staff was connected at the back/closed end of the resonator bulb. That staff was rotated (usually via animal power) to make the bulb spin. Overall, the bulb was smoothed out by applying the tongs while the bulb was spinning over a fire.
When the resonator bulb was complete, it was hung from the ceiling of the pyramid using a much smaller diorite bulb (I know, several things are called bulbs here).
The second version of the technology, also called a "resonator bulb," is the first drawing in the second row. This is very similar to what is depicted in the Dendera Bulb hieroglyphs:
The main difference from the hieroglyphs is that this bulb is balanced on a fulcrum instead of being held by a giant.
The drawing to the right of that one is the holy grail.
A good analogy for the three is: diesel truck, car, motorcycle.

Brian talks about this in these two recordings:

The shape of these bulbs may resemble long, skinny lightbulbs, but they were made of bell metal bronze, so they could not have been used as lightbulbs.

>> No.1935794

The staff needs to be cast with the bulb, so bell metal bronze. It's important to transfer the vibration directly. The entire structure should be one solid cast, but I didn't have a crucible big enough to accomplish that.

You may have noticed the nodules on the stones of the real ancient megalithic structures? The tooling that was formed on the staff's end fit those. With a diorite ball, same thing. The nodules on the stone were for tight tolerance fitting. The diorite balls were for very large rough cuts. Same system, just different purposes.

The Holy Grail as I made it was the most difficult and refined methodology... art and extreme refinement. Everything else is easy once the hardest part is accomplished. At least that was my goal...

>> No.1935795

you turn it back on lmao ...all the crucial systems are well shielded and filled up to brim with protection and redundancy measures to ensure the core things dont "blow up" also most off them are dug deep down into the ground and made like a nuclear bomb shelter ...if there was a solar flare strong enough to destroy the main infrastructure and controll systems we would have much bigger problems than losing electricity (we would be most likely cooked from bot high intensity microwave and most likely be bombarded with aditional and deadly ionising radiation like UV and X-ray)

>> No.1935796

>What is not shown in pic related is that a staff was connected at the back/closed end of the resonator bulb.
This is incorrect: the staff is shown in the picture. My apologies.

>> No.1935797

Thank you. I was going to cover that next.

>> No.1935798

Not OP, but you're deluding yourself if you think it means anything to be "a valuable member of society". That basically just means you treat the planet and others as things to be used and abused like a sloppy narcissistic teenager.

>> No.1935804

Equilibrium. You're better than unmitigated breeding strategies that force the species into another Easter Island, Rapa Nui conundrum. But if you're the idiot I've been arguing with, maybe you're not better than that.

>> No.1935808

Correct. In fact I visited a pyramid in America yesterday. It's called the Ames monument. Pretty neat, but purely Satanic. Nevertheless, it was a great show of effort. Too bad it was nothing more than a historic marker.

The pyramid is the key to amplifying this energy perspective. Once that's accomplished, the sound energy perspective is a cakewalk.

>> No.1935815

Once we have the first pyramid, we'll leverage its resonance properties to build more pyramids?

>> No.1935817

>but purely Satanic
that literally has no meaning

>The pyramid is the key to amplifying this energy perspective. Once that's accomplished, the sound energy perspective is a cakewalk.
and you totally went over the deep end and missed the whole point of my post

>> No.1935823

You and I can do great things together. I dedicated my life to making machines that stored energy from a pneumatic perspective. I was literally days away from completing a cavitation water heater powered by a Nitinol engine when this Chist mission began.

I hadn't built the vacuum chamber to cast the Nitinol properly, but other than that, I had all other aspects of production completed. You are absolutely correct in your synopsis, my friend. I'm partial to MDI pneumatic engines for electricity production. I would have upgraded the body to run on steam. That said I haven't been able to find a more efficient engine for those purposes. Any ideas?

As for the Peru structures, I've been there too, and studied it for years. There are many aspects of elevated technology that I am not authorized to discuss yet. I've spoken about them with a couple of people in person, but otherwise I'm focused on the starting point. Let's get this right, then upgrade. That's the mission. It's too bad I couldn't meet you in person, my friend. I love the way you think. Practical and pragmatic. The Christ stuff wouldn't be a problem with us. We'd be too busy working. Great stuff.

>> No.1935826

Just based on what you're saying here, it seems like you won't be able to make the grail without spiritual evolution. Perhaps collectively or maybe personally. The way you flare up and lash out at nonbelievers is evidence that you have some self work to do before this grail will become manifest in your life. We can't create beyond our limited perspectives without first fully surrendering to god, source, great spirit (whatever floats your boat). You have a lot of ego tied up in this whole thing or at least you seem to.
For the record, I'm interested in what you're proposing, but you must understand this is a lot of effort and time and money to replicate what you're talking about. And how are we to know it will work or that the materials/dimensions are right?

Also, in the Egyptian illustrations the lightbulb apperatus appears to be transparent. Bronze is definitely not. Are you saying that was an artistic miscommunication? The Egyptians seemed like pretty deliberate people. They carved a ton of things in stone in massive pyramids to preserve knowledge for thousands of years. How do you know it's an oopsie on the Egyptian's part?

>> No.1935831

Oh yes! The Russian guy. Same basic idea, but Satanic. Plus he needed a direct drive bar from his speaker setup.

>> No.1935833

Oh... I didn't realize you posted a screenshot of my book. Thank you.

>> No.1935835

The problem is manipulating the mold itself. That process works for a bell shape, but not a grail.

I'm a machinist, guy. Your constant attacks toward me speak volumes about you... not me. Feel free to leave me alone any time, my friend.

>> No.1935837

>Also, in the Egyptian illustrations the lightbulb apperatus appears to be transparent. Bronze is definitely not. Are you saying that was an artistic miscommunication? The Egyptians seemed like pretty deliberate people. They carved a ton of things in stone in massive pyramids to preserve knowledge for thousands of years. How do you know it's an oopsie on the Egyptian's part?
If it appears transparent, that portrayal was used to show the "snake" inside of the resonator bulb. The snake represents the tuning fork. A snake was used for this representation since it moves by winding itself into curves, much like the way sound waves look when depicted on a graph over time.
>In the original depictions, a tuning fork was placed inside the bulb, and the extension was basically solid. That's why it looks like a snake. Bronze oxidizes green, and snakes have fangs. Like I said, those depictions are showing many things.

>> No.1935839

Thanks mate

> that I am not authorized to discuss yet.
Who is this person that has to authorise you? lol the rock are out there in the wind. I went with a compass and checked the magnetic fields, they concentrate the field in the middle, those rocks were casted and magnetized at the sime time. Pretty wild, I do think it mostly some tech we kinda ignored. Mostly based on vibration, like the early MASER prototypes before we discoveres the LASERS, and some sort of better understanding of electrostatics. Pretty advanced tech i felt like a caveman inspecting nuclear reactor ruins, lol.

You can heat water with cavitation? i didn't knew that.

>> No.1935842

Have you heard about ceramic blanket insulators? If you need a temporal oven to do the wax process, you can just use this crazy blankets and some nicrome wire and make a very effective curing oven, maybe you can get it op to 300C no problem, the ceramic blanket in very cheap and when you finish using it you can roll it up again. It's so insulating i was able to melt bronce in a can just with that stuff.

I think you may have a better result with a lost wax process, more precise and less machining required later, it seems very large to work-hold it on a metal lathe.

>> No.1935844

>Your constant attacks toward me speak volumes about you
this is my first time i was in this thread but i read all the posts and by going lower and lower you can clearly see the inconsitencies of your words

especially >>1935831 >>1935833 here where yo udont even remember your own wrtings yet you say
>he difference between you and I is that I can answer truthfully and immediately to every question I just asked you

also insisting you are a mechanical enigneer yet the mechanical engineers i know and studied with know how to do all those things you are struggling with and would not bleat about purely wrong understanding of natural laws that we call science

also your arrogance and selfishness knows no bounds and should not be manifested in a self proclaimed prophet that insists he is transcendant in his knowledge and understanding

>> No.1935847

That's how we built Egypt. Yes, sir.

>> No.1935848

>You can heat water with cavitation?
Not him but here is a short video on it.

>> No.1935853

Essentially yes. There is nothing wrong with having children, but just shitting out kids with no regard to sustainability is how you end up like Africa/China/India/whathaveyou.

>> No.1935854

Satanic energy degrades. Divine energy does not, and was defined by John Keely as the ethereal plane.

I didn't go off the deep end. You're just trying to quantify what I'm saying with binoculars in the shallow end of the pool while wearing your special helmet.

There's nothing you've brought up that hasn't been covered by me in several areas. I'm trying to be cordial nonetheless, but as I said before... feel free to fuck off at any time.

Just so you know, there is no "Satan." That's just an idiotic notion concocted by people with more imagination than sense, and that's coming from a Christ. Pretending that the hierarchy of this universe would waste energy on creating a being whose sole purpose is just to fuck with you speaks volumes to your selfishness and ego. It's liken to assuming the universe's existence is random. Just different sides of the same self serving coin. Everything has reason and logic attached. Saying otherwise is a show of pride and ego... and no. You are not special, unique, or superior to anything right now. Your entire species is staring extinction in the face, and you have the audacity to think you're accomplishing something.

I'm not even special. You made that assumption when you tried to quantify what I meant by telling you I'm a Christ. What my version of that nomenclature is defers from yours tremendously... obviously.

>> No.1935855

you now went even deeper over the end by talking about things again unrelated to my original post

>> No.1935858
File: 74 KB, 500x288, that-would-be-funny-if-it-werent-so-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wiki John Keely

>> No.1935862

It's not an oopsie. The transparency was to define the tuning fork properly.

I'm an amalgamation, my friend. I call the being you're referring to humanity's maker. I take my direction from him, but I'm shackled to humanity's collective presence. Hence, amalgamation.

I agree that it's an expensive endeavor. Not according to the self serving "experts" in this thread, but having just tried to complete the project, I concur with you.

I lash out in frustration when emotional plights enter the foray. It's not about belief and faith. Belief is emotional in conception, and if anything... my "gospel" is the scientific method. Not the profiteering Jew laden version, the simplified ideals that every human uses unknowingly; hypothesis, theory, proof.

When people attack me without those ideals in place, they're talking to a mirror and they don't even realize it. You're different, and I hope this reply helps you understand me and why I do what I do easier. Trust me when I say that I had no idea I was a Christ until it happened.

I had Jesus' scars for almost 9 years, and a "crown of thorns" tattoo, as well. Until Easter of 2019, I thought I was just an everyday dude, no bullshit. It's as weird for me saying it as it is for you hearing me say it. I'm also "the beast." Little did I or anyone else know that the beast is also the Christ of the new age. The antichrist is Jared Kushner by the way. I didn't know that until I became what I am now. All of this was a surprise to me, my friend. Honestly.

>> No.1935865

Humanity's maker authorizes my every movement. If it were up to me, I'd just go die. It's really the only thing I want right now.

Jim Gregg's cavitation water heater patent was bought out by an Iranian oil conglomerate from what I understand of the situation. But yes, indeed. Cavitation is a primary example of Divine energy.

It's too bad there aren't more men like you. It's makes me tear up thinking about people like you suffering from their idiocy. I'm also sorry that we're meeting this close to the end. I'm sorry, brother. I really am. All I can keep saying is I did the best I could.


>> No.1935867

I have not thought of that idea. Will it set a clay or plaster mold? That's really the main issue. Melting the wax doesn't take a significant heat source. But setting the mold does and is important because the sidewalls are thin. Any breakage or cracking can really fuck up the tolerances.

Yeah... machining one of these is possible, but extremely inefficient and wasteful.

>> No.1935868
File: 149 KB, 2048x2048, 1526593369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
what no pussy does to a mf

also please keep this shit coming op heres a prompt:
itt you dismiss quite a lot people, yet you yourself contributed nothing of substance to anybody in order for you to have any respect or for your opinion to matter. Doesnt that not align with your idea of community?

>> No.1935869

I didn't realize that was your first post. My apologies. You sound exactly like the guy I was arguing with yesterday. I never said I was a mechanical engineer. I was a machinist, and know very well the lack in practical application that engineers suffer from. That's why they always come to us for advice on how to actually create what's in their head.

As for the rest of your rant, I've already explained this. I'm trying to work with you guys. This thread is the proof of that. What exactly is your goal here? Are you just trying to feel superior?

>> No.1935872

I posted the screenshot of the book. I was just trying to tell Brian that he already knew that video quite well.
were posted 1 minute and 9 seconds apart so it did not take long for the realization to be made.

>> No.1935874

>what no pussy does to a mf
OP has two children and was married twice. His second marriage lasted 10 years and ended a year and a half ago. That aside, what is your point?

>> No.1935877

>has two children
implying they are his children

>> No.1935878

Truly my favorite aspect of /diy/ is that its a boomer schizo catchcan and you end up with gold like this once in a while

>> No.1935882

>clearly ignores a direct question

In every post you sound like what a stupid person thinks a smart person sounds like

postt pics of children

>> No.1935885

>and ended a year and a half ago
so before or after he had christ delusions in "Easter of 2019"?
no wonder he burned through all his money to not pay alimony lmao

>> No.1935891

thats what im saying ..every post is getting all more convoluted ...he tried at first but trying to hold his acted out persona but stupid shit and plotholes are more and more evident

or hes delusional and his delusions are jumping around however you turn it someone is extremely bored

>> No.1935892

And what is your purpose for posting this statement? To show off your intellectual superiority to us plebs?

>> No.1935899

i want into the screencap

>> No.1935928

For plaster the only requirement is that you go VERY VERY slowly, so it may take a few days with that size, but it's totally doable, you might even be able to do it with a space heater if you use these blankets.

Here are some tips from a similar process:


Once you have your cured mould, you can bring it to some bronce foundry and ask them just to cast it inside.

>> No.1935965

That wasn't me replying to you. Why would you want to see a picture of my kids? What would that do for anything?

You don't seem to understand that you "feeling good" about me doesn't matter to me in the least. All you're doing is trying to act superior while trying to trip me up. I've talked to thousands of people during this mission and every one of them starts like you; skeptical. I welcome that, but now you're just being a cunt. I'm done wasting time with your kind.

Congratulations? I'll keep answering questions, but I'm finished trying to make up for your lack of intuition and logic. All people like you want to do is sling shit hoping for an argument. You dumbfucks got me to bite a few times in this thread, but I'm going to keep it on track from here on.

>> No.1935967

Kick ass, my friend. I'll pass the information on to my friends. I didn't know about these. Thank you.

>> No.1935978

> I was a machinist
doesnt know the most basic mollding technicues ..i highly doubt you ever touched any tool except a screwdriver in your life

>> No.1935985

You couldn't tell that the person who made that post was not OP?

>> No.1935989

The marriage ended shortly after the Christ realization. As stated in
Most of the money was spent on running a restaurant and securing the services of a video broadcaster.

>> No.1935991

Can you be specific about the "inconsistencies" you are seeing?

>> No.1936008

Control is the forbidden fruit. When subjects clash with selfish personalities who've built up a specific image for how existence works, all they know is attack attack attack. That particular young man is just another chicken in the pecking order of a failing system... even though he's convinced himself that he's a fox in the henhouse.

It's sad. That's all I can feel for people like that. He won't even realize he's just a chicken until the slaughter. IF... the slaughter comes to fruition. He's the one that has to change to stave it off. My guess is he will never relinquish the perceived power that comes from control. Sad. It really is.

>> No.1936037

>psychotic ramblings intensify

>> No.1936107

In this post
I asked how the electrical grid would be restored after a Carrington event. Given the answers in
why are you concerned about preparing for a Carrington event? Is it due to fuel sources for the grid e.g. crude oil?

>> No.1936114

First by dispersed, local means to produce needed parts for the infrastructure required for survival. Much equipment not connected to grid would be unaffected and there's an impressive amount of that. Simple vehicle and other engines would be little affected or undamaged and a few vehicles in survival use can do considerable work. Mechanical injection diesels would be usable right off (some even have pneumatic starters). Most carbed vehicles would be unaffected and since not all later vehicles would be taken out many of those would remain usable while the rest were repaired. Emission rules would not matter so primitive carb (and mechanical LP conversions) would abound. Typical riding mower and other small engines would be unaffected. Reversion to more primitive industrial machinery where required would take time but is even more practical than making it the first time. As power like small hydro came back online it could be used (again) to make calcium carbide for lighting, welding and industry.
I'd be helping along with typical manual machinists, weldors and mechanics. Coal mining would rapidly resume for power production and home heating fuel. Turning out stoves etc is basic work. Refineries would run on aux power after repairing damage and many energy extraction areas would be more than self-sufficient.

>> No.1936144

Dude... I don't know whether to be impressed by your confidence, or horrified by your ignorance.

The first thing you forgot to address is food. Next water, then warmth/cooling. The actual necessities for keeping a human alive.

I really do hope you're right, but we both know (or should know) that skilled and educated blue collar workers will be concerned with their own necessities, not everyone else's that didn't learn how to take care of themselves.

Just so you know, everything I'm talking about would not be affected by a Carrington event or EMP. Literally nothing would change. Using the current model of energy usage on Earth, everything would be affected at the same time. How can you not see how badly that would fuck things up?

>> No.1936149

I read this twice now... And I'm almost certain you're conflating a Carrington event with an EMP.

A Carrington event is a power surge. In a strong one, many of the electronic devices and the power grid itself in most areas will be so overstimulated they will catch fire. A Carrington event doesn't just shut down electricity, it stimulates it to the point of overload. And just "shutting it off" will not help.

I'm not saying everything will be fucked indefinitely, but the problems it would create for a functioning society would be enormous and permanent. There isn't enough crude oil left in the world to rebuild what would be destroyed, nor to keep it functioning after the collapse.

You're downplaying this situation way too much. I'm not trying to be a dick, but seriously, are you confusing a Carrington event with an EMP?

>> No.1936161

To compound on these, a Carrington event is a "level" of CME. That strength of a solar storm occurs every 150 years, roughly. The Aurora stretches as far south as Mexico when that level of storm hits, so it's been well documented for a very long time. And just so you know, it's been 162 years since the Carrington event.

What I'm talking about is a once in 12,000 year storm. It could destroy the unprotected grid elements indefinitely and permanently. This type of storm would be more like a series of storms that could last for months. Imagine a Carrington event, but stronger happening every week for 6 months. This has happened before, and it's a certainty that it will happen again. This isn't a maybe it will, maybe it won't scenario. It WILL happen, guaranteed.

I do apologize for laying it on so thick, but damn, man. You seem like a well rounded guy. I'm weirded out that you're downplaying this so severely. Is it that you don't think it can happen in your lifetime? Do you have children?

>> No.1936186

>Implying the gubmint would ever in a million years spent money on infrastructure rather than importing more of the third world
You and I both know that our electrical grid is about as protected as a donut left out in the open at a fat guy convention.

>> No.1936263

I asked the question about the Carrington Event and you've answered it. Thanks. So in lieu of electricity you've focused on sound, steam, and pneumatics. In this thread and elsewhere, you've talked about the following technologies:

Ethanol, including cellulosic ethanol
Nitinol engine
Hydrogen (along with that, electrolysis and radio wave technology/John Kanzius' machine)
Magnet motor and, in general, Patrick J. Kelley's book A Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices
Toroid core
Mu metal
Micro hydro power plant
Cavitation, including harmonic resonant micro cavitation, cavitation water heater (Jim Griggs' hydrosonic pump), Johann Grander's water purification system, hydraulic ram pumps (use cavitation bubbles to pump water uphill), and elevated micro hydro power plants
Acoustic propulsion
Robert Green's steam engine design
David Richards' steam powered machine shop: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdj-vOveiEFWe3vnGoJUag
Wind and solar energy
Air pressure, including using air pressure tanks as batteries
Lithium Air batteries
Mechanical drums
Element 115
Wally Wallington's wood cribbing/method of moving stone blocks
And perhaps now ceramic blanket insulators and https://www.bullseyeglass.com/image/PDF/TipSheets/tipsheet_08.pdf

Other things:
>Produce electricity when and where you need it, as opposed to relying on a large-scale electric grid
>There is a loss of energy when mechanical energy is made into electricity
>Two opposing energetic paradigms: Satanic/explosive/degrading and Divine/implosive/ethereal plane which makes overunity possible

By the way, a Carrington event is guaranteed even if humans get our shit together?

>> No.1936267

Most things just need to be reset or have fuses replaced

Cars particularly, even modern computer ones start out as a big metal box. The emp can't induce that much current when the whole thing is a metal ground plane for all thecircuits. In emp tests the worst thing is the car turns off and needs to be restarted.
Which would be pretty bad and cause a lot of accidents

>> No.1936270

An emp damages devices by inducing current in them bro

>> No.1936281

yup, and in all components, all at once, and at all frequencies. Enough to rip electrons from insulators, turning them into conductors.
People have no idea how damaging they can be. Obviously depends on the energy, but an EM pulse is a huge, varying E-field that will permeate everything to and beyond saturation.
diodes aren't going to help when all materials are at a 100kv potential difference every mm.

>> No.1936284

>diodes aren't going to help when all materials are at a 100kv potential difference every mm

I dont think we are going to have much to worry about if there was such a massive burst of radiation. You would be instantly killed.

>> No.1936292

it doesn't have to be a large amount of total energy, it just has to be concentrated. "pulse" is the operative word here. you can get many kV /mm the sharper you make the pulse.

>> No.1936435

Thank you for that encapsulation. Yes, a Carrington event is a guaranteed occurrence. The strength and longevity of the event itself has yet to be determined.

This will sound crazy to some of the people in this thread, but when I die/go home, I give a basic rundown on my perspective of preparedness, and odds of success that the human race has in surviving beyond a collapse. A report of my mission. There are ways to help without interfering with free will, but there has to be motivation to do so. At humanity's present course, I'm recommending a Carrington event or worse.

There's an interesting theory by a guy I can't remember the name of that calls this once in 12,000 year solar storm a "nova," as per the supernova phenomenon. It's basically a "burp" that Sol lets out similar to a CME/Carrington event but releases in all directions. There was a Carrington level event in 2012, but the Earth just barely missed it. There's no hiding from a "nova" event. They're both on the table for options.

Humanity needs to understand that this is not their planet. There are many species here that are suffering due to humanity. Their opinions will also be considered en masse. Considering that, and how the hierarchy feels about humanity now, which is not good, my report is humanity's last chance.

I know how that sounds, and I know how people think I'm crazy, but that's the situation as it stands now. Either way, yes, a Carrington level event is a guarantee to occur regularly indefinitely on a 150ish year cycle.

>> No.1936443

Yes, but an EMP is high pulse and quick. In other words, recoverable. A Carrington event is low pulse and sustained during the entire solar storm's life. As the Earth spins, it has the ability to bathe the entire surface numerous times. Any exposed wire, basically the entire energy grid worldwide and almost every electronic device will accept the supercharged particles like an antenna. The wires then super charge like short, and if the storm is sustained, they will catch fire, explode, or outright melt. In other words, a Carrington event is unrecoverable.

There aren't enough powerline workers, fuel for their vehicles, so spare wire, or spare transformers to restore this energy system to its present capacity in less than a year at best. And that's if it's an all hands on deck, nonstop, fully dedicated workforce. Those people have families and ties just like everyone else. I doubt they'd drop everything, leave their families, and work without breaks for a year straight... but it is a possibility. All of that is based on humanity as a whole calmly waiting out their progress with no refrigeration, warmth/cooling, or public water... and zero entertainment. Plus money will be useless.

Still confident in your plights to decency?

>> No.1936444

>my report is humanity's last chance.
When the Carrington event comes a number of humans will survive and "just" have to live without the electrical grid- right? Or could all of us be removed from Earth depending on what your report is?

>a Carrington level event is a guarantee to occur regularly
That is just the nature of the sun? The solar flare is guaranteed- but is it guaranteed to strike Earth?

>> No.1936497

I don't know if you can tell us, but is there an ETA on when that carrington event will happen? Like, will the lights go out as soon as you hit the ground or will we have a little more time? Any signs to look out for so I know when to blow my savings on canned food and shotgun shells?

>> No.1936519

there is no use in it man as soon as you see posts like >>1936270 >>1936281
you can see that people have no idea what they are talking about and have never had any real experience with electronics outside youtube conspiracy videos

>> No.1936522

an event like what you mentioned with sustained high enery electromagnetic waves for days on end would literally cook everything and anything on the planet and would not have to worry about electric power because we would either be dead instantly or we would starve in a few days because everything else would be destroyed including crops and animals ....and that is under the assumption that the electromagnetic waves wouldnt ionise the athmosphere which would cause spontaneus electrolysis of the atmosphere or turning our atmosphere into plasma due to the breakdown of air insulation and the planet core

>> No.1936524

My report will signify many options. The Carrington event scenario is what I'm recommending, but my opinion is not the only one involved. And yes, humanity will deal with Sol as long as you remain in this solar system.

There's no real way to predict what will happen. My superiors are taking my treatment much more personally than I am. The best I can do is off the extents.

Worst case: I get murdered, committed, kidnapped, or ignored completely. You'll see "the rapture." Extinction after a drawn out suffering process by means of omnicide, annihilation, or suffocation from acidification of the oceans, a shutdown of the thermohaline conveyor, and blight. Mars... basically.

Best case: I complete my mission with a strong possibility of capitulation by every human alive. I'll go home. No doom, no suffering, and stress will be essentially eradicated. Very unlikely at this point, but that's what I'm working for.

If you're looking for the odds on which spectrum humanity will fall into, I'm about 99% sure you'll choose arrogance and fail. This thread's tone is shifting, but in the beginning I'd say this is a primary example for the worst case scenario playing out. Like I said, my superiors are disgusted by what my eyes see... and generally speaking, I agree.

>> No.1936528

Do you honestly think this would be the first occurrence of such an event? These events are normal on a geological scale. Humanity building an infrastructure with electricity as the primary source of energy is what's strange.

Look beyond your own existence for once in your life.

>> No.1936533

thats kind of my point ...if there were such an event it would not cause any real damage or catactrophe

and if there was a carrington event strong enough to cause destruction on that kind of scale then it wouldnt matter because we would all be dead

>> No.1936534

Mirror effect.

I learned about these subjects from Cal Poly course books and Portland library books in 1990 when I was 10 years old. My dad was a civil engineer working for the city. After the "toned down" version of the Carrington event that hit Quebec in 1989, my dad was doing a report on this type of event hitting the Portland infrastructure, and all possible scenarios within that paradigm.

Try again, young fella. You probably weren't even alive when I learned all of this. And if you were, this subject matter was as far from your mind as selflessness is now.

>> No.1936536

That's incorrect and extremely oversimplified.

>> No.1936555

>superiors, my mission

So you're an alien missionary now?

>> No.1936604

Do you think things would have gone better had you been awakened *after* a Carrington Event? Usually I've noticed people are more open to new options if they are desperate. Or will that me *my* job to convince them?

>> No.1936609

You don't seem to understand how potentials actually function.

>> No.1936625

I dont think you do.

If there 100kv potential between every mm on earth eg +-50kv then everything would turn into a plasma arc and we would all be dead and the planet wpuld explode. You dont know what you're talking about you just threw out some scary sounding numbers

>> No.1936638

That's not an entirely inaccurate assessment. Again, dramatically oversimplified, but fairly accurate.

>> No.1936646

There's no way of telling if things would be "better" or not. The numerology fit for this timeframe, so that's what happened.

It was never not "your job." Anyone alive had and continues to have all the same abilities my predecessor and I have. The problem is the same as it has always been; intention. The majority of that aspect can be defined by "1" simple internal strategy; selfishness or selflessness.

The question you need to ask yourself is quite simple, are you living for the benefit of your own life, or are you living for the benefit of humanity's prosperity in the future? I've spent my entire life living within the parameters of the latter. That is the quintessential aspect of righteousness. I was in no way pure or Divine before becoming a Christ, but was righteous in my motives for everything I did.

That's why my education and training was so much more different than just about everyone alive. It made for a very difficult life. But I stayed focused.

>> No.1936683

Can I help you with anything?

>> No.1936731

I really don't like to say it, but money would help the mission. Me personally? Not really, although I do appreciate the offer. In all seriousness I'm beyond medical help from a current human technological perspective. There is help that can be given, but humanity hasn't reached that platform yet.

There's plenty you can do that will help you, though, which will make my afterlife more worthwhile. Read my book. Read and listen to the links on Kim's website. If there's nothing that you can do to make humanity's situation better from an equilibriumist standpoint, spread the information to those who can. Learn how to make ethanol. It's the easiest introduction technology to these platforms that I've mastered. Then study the aspects of cellulosic ethanol, zero in on the feedstocks most readily available to you, determine the proper enzyme for it, and start distilling. Also study the distillate sequence for crude oil, and what reserves are left. The distillate sequence for crude oil is as follows; gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, diesel, then asphalt. Next, get into pyrolysis and start utilizing the plastics that are filling dumps for fuel until you can transition to pure ethanol.

There's a lot more, but that's a good start. Spread this information to everyone you know. Become the expert. Thank you for your question. Have a good "1"...

>> No.1936751

Not him but there was a place I was looking at for a stone quarry. It has an old style goat farm on it, what enzyme would be good for those?

>> No.1936759

That's not me (OP) you're replying to. You seem like a well rounded guy, like I said before... if that was you.

I think you're focusing on extremes. I also said that the extreme you're referring to would cause extinction, and that is definitely a possibility. I'm trying to explain the point from a middle ground standpoint. The sequence is already happening, which I've explained already.

My goal here is to alleviate the planet from the human plague. I will accomplish that goal with or without your involvement. Dead or alive. A Carrington event is an option to destroy the current infrastructure and still keep humanity alive, at some deteriorated capacity. My superiors have a much better view of the future outcome of any of these options. I'm just saying that is what I'm more than likely going to recommend... especially considering the treatment I've received here, which is quite possibly the last time I will speak publicly. I mean fuck dude... this thread was supposed to be about building grails... and look at what YOU have decided to talk about. You're trying to make this personal, and it's anything but from my perspective. Just saying.

This is a microcosm of humanity's real problem. Selfishly trying to best everyone else, when we should be working together...

>> No.1936762

His book is linked here >>1935199

>> No.1936770

It would be living in the goats mouth and stomach. That's more of a lab type of sequence, so my advice (unless you're already in that profession) is to study what's already been determined. There was a very large focus on cellulosic ethanol in 2007 by George W. Bush. He granted a company called Novazymes millions to research it. They were successful, but king nigger buried the information, then sold every retard that supported him a false premise of being an environmentalist. To me, it was the single greatest con job in world history... but I digress. Apologies, but this has been a long life watching this bullshit happen from the sidelines, while also watching "the crowd" fall for the propaganda.

If cellulosic ethanol is an interest you have, start experimenting with toilet paper. The process is halfway done at that point, and doesn't require any exotic enzyme concoctions. I linked a young man that did that very thing on YouTube. Great video. Very informative. I can't recall his name, though. Apologies. Once you have a firm grasp on the sugar sequence within plant life, the world's propaganda system dissolves. Good luck, my friend.

>> No.1936771

I dont understand how extremely slow stone cutting is helpful though. Even granting it is effective, you cant amplify power this way. Even resonating doesnt create energy from anywhere, it's about increasing peak movement by continually adding a tiny bit of work.

If I'm buzzing my mouth on one side of the horn to make the bell vibrate, it's still just my mouth doing the work.

>> No.1936778

I would welcome assistance in making transcripts of my conversations with Brian. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kim-wrate/
If you find the task too difficult due to the sound quality, let me know. I can at least make louder versions of the recordings. Currently I don't have any transcripts completed. When they are complete I will link to them in each video's description, so you'll know whether a recording already has a transcript done or not.

Also, feel free to upload any relevant web pages to archive.is.

Other than that I'll add to the answer in

Money will be used to construct a grail manufacturing facility and to purchase the land that will be used to construct the first pyramid. The desired plot of land has been identified. There are other details to this as well, which are discussed in the last two paragraphs of
The overall issue is that a substantial amount of money is needed, maybe unless certain people decide to help in unexpected ways.

Otherwise the most important things for you to do are 1. study, understand, and apply the information at hand, and 2. spread the information. To add to #1, consider doing what you can to prepare both yourself and whatever community you are in/end up in for a societal collapse type of situation. To add to #2, consider documenting the relevant aspects of your own journey. Share what you learn and what mistakes were made. A possibility is to make and post videos like OP did, so others get the message of what you are doing, how you are doing it, and why.

Thank you for wanting to help.

>> No.1936780

It comes down to the internal matrix and grain structure of the stone itself. Longevity is the goal. You could utilize Satanic/explosive means to quarry stone for a home, and it might last, but if you tried to do that for a pyramid, the pyramid would crumble under the constant vibration. Satanic energy implements cause cracks and microfissures within the matrix, Divine sources do not. They increase the resonant capacity.

This is all about getting that first pyramid done, completing the second sequence in the Dendera bulb depictions, then building the civilization. After that first pyramid, it's easy. The first "1" will be difficult, I'm not arguing that... but it's worth it. There is nothing else of value to the human condition currently, no matter how much labor, time, or sacrifice is necessary to complete that goal. The first sequence of the Dendera depictions is almost done... as this thread shows. The next step is clear.

Just so you know, any money I do receive will go directly to completing the second sequence/building a pyramid. That's the fabled "third temple" from religious doctrine by the way. Its placement is also complex, but I've covered all of that several times. There's only a handful of people that know where mine will be placed... if I get that opportunity that is.

>> No.1936784

Ah, I guess that's why free masons are all satanic. They are breaking the rock apart with chisels.

>> No.1936795

As well as using the knowledge for personal/selfish gain. But yes, you are correct. It's the energy platform they're worshipping, otherwise it's indirectly funneling to me, and they don't even realize it. There is no Satan. I do resemble all of their imagery, though. And as my friends can attest, it creeps me the fuck out. What they are doing is the single greatest invasion of privacy in the history of mankind.

Arguably, it's the main reason why I imploded my happy, comfy environment when this all began. I'm trying to protect them. This is dangerous ground we're treading into here. The simpletons will attack this post without acknowledgement of the rest of the thread and archive that's been setup for me by my friends. Very astute of you, my friend. Lots of shit like that all over the world with different groups of idiots.

>> No.1936801

>See this thread again
>From ~50 posts up to 200
Fuck me; The tinfoil hats are gleaming tonight boys.

>> No.1936806

the crazies be crazin i tell ya...second coming of terry

>> No.1936810

Right after I made this post Black Sabbath War Pigs came on the radio...

Much more poetic than my take, but relevant.


>> No.1936811

Right on cue, LMAO. The timing, though. And these simpletons think they're informed. Thanks guys. I needed a laugh.

>> No.1936835

ok boomer

>> No.1936949
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>> No.1936982

One more thing. In addition to applying and spreading this information, don't forget to preserve it. Make paper copies and store them somewhere safe. To use less paper you can minimize the size of the margins, print on both sides of the page, and use the smallest font you can read without strain.

>> No.1937007

Greetings Mr. Harner,

I recently wrapped up your book and stumbled across this thread while doing some more digging. Since there’s no simpler way to communicate with you than through this forum, I was wondering if I could pick your brain.

While I have plenty of questions about your book and some of the fascinating technology discussed within it (which I’m currently barred from pursuing due to knowledge and financial constraints), I was curious as to your thoughts on the current corona fiasco and what’s in store for us peons in the immediate future. You mention many times that the forecast is grim, due in no small part to our own ignorance, however are there any topics you could discuss freely, or at least without being cryptic? COVID, crypto, the very recent hunter Biden leaks etc.

Thank you and God bless.

>> No.1937019

Not Harner but, uh, saying 'god bless' is a risky thing to do. 'Maker Bless' is probably better, you'd have to ask him. Not trying to be a dick here, just trying to be helpful.

>> No.1937067

I thought you were going to stay on track.

>> No.1937211

I’m still wondering whether or not that’s just semantics, but duly noted.

>> No.1937309

The Corona virus situation is a prophesied countdown. I explained this to everyone I knew in person right after I launched my book. I got it done 1 month and 10 days ahead of schedule. "The Great Tribulation" as per the bible ended on December 21st 2019. Can you think of a worldwide date that people were focused on exactly 7 years prior? It made the rounds...

Anything with 19 attached is referencing Jesus and myself in the countdown of messengers. He was number 9, I am number 1. There's a lot that can be seen in numerology if you understand this premise. A hidden language that is produced by the hierarchy and humanity's maker directly. It's done this way to not break your free will.

This situation is forcing humanity to see things my way. Self segregation is the biggest lesson to learn. It wasn't just the virus teaching this in the last 10 months... All I know is the lessons will get stronger and more direct. I expect things to get nasty after the election, but ramp up significantly after 11/11, the first anniversary of my book, and get positively terrifying after December 21st. There's a unique grand conjunction happening on that date, just so you know.

The Biden garbage is just political theatrics to keep your mind focused on shit that doesn't matter. The Jews want you playing a game you can never win. Doesn't matter who wins the election. If you play their game, you lose. Anything and everything is possible... as long as you stay focused and playing their game. Then... they win, you lose. Ultimately both lose, but Jews can't see that far into the future. All they know is control. It's about money, and the control of that system. If you're in favor of desegregation, miscegenation, lobbying, selfishness, or the political process as it stands currently, they control your mind. The Biden shit is just mind junk food to keep you unaware of that notion.

Thank you for reading my book, my friend. I hope it helps.

>> No.1937318

>He posted a video of foam casting and said that the resulting bronze structure would resonate with sound waves, amplifying the energy output.

Easy to design and model in software rather than be constrained by inability to produce the result due to lack of skill and discipline and management. Once proofed then the goal is precisely known and the production process may be chosen with that end in mind. Process exists to accomplish goal and inflicting obstacles by choosing a process at which one is not competent is not helpful.

Saying "I only want to do it this way because I know this is the way to do it" without ever having done it nor mastering the process is self-defeating. If you want an object of x material produced to y dimensions with z tolerances find the most effective way to get that. Otherwise one chooses traps.

This unironically is like the shipping container problem. Containerists who never used let alone mastered containers only know what they imagine containers are good for without being informed by experience. The purpose of a tool is not the process of making the tool, the tool is the goal.

Casting is poor way to form metal. It's imprecise leading to an imprecise product. A more precise way to form metal is to machine it from billet. If the product works then it will be demanded and economies of scale will make it cheap. Another more precise way to form metal is spinning it. The same lathe which spins it cuts the mandrel over which is is spun, and the spun components like the machined components can be precisely welded together. The amateur only considers crude processes because he imagines those are best due to lack of knowledge. Musical instruments like horns are spun, not cast. Their joints are soldered or brazed. They are precise and effective at producing precise ranges of sound.

>> No.1937323

It is just semantics. The problem with the nomenclature God, is that it has different meanings due to the indirect nature of the name itself. People conjure up all kinds of nonsense in that nomenclature's name, then develop an ego from it. Atheists hate it, religious people pretend to understand it, then make the mistake of attaching catch phrases to it that play to an emotional paradigm used to control their "flocks."

Humanity's maker is direct and encapsulates everyone. It doesn't matter what your belief system is, you can utilize that nomenclature and be fairly-100% accurate just by using it. Atheists can use it in reference to Earth, and they're not wrong. Religious zealots can use it in reference to "God," and they're not wrong. Etc etc etc.

It's a mind upgrade. Changing this nomenclature brings everyone together, stifles confusion, and elevates certainty. "Father," as utilized by Jesus, was the same idea. When religions refer to God, that's who they're referring to. Using "humanity's maker" directs your prayers to the accurate source. It was done to help this situation, not insult anyone's fragile sensibilities.

If you're directing your energy to the correct source, it doesn't matter what you personally choose to use, but using "God" can create problems in those that listen to you. Something to consider...

>> No.1937325

This. OP is a self schilling loon with no clue and an egyptian fetish. Come back with results not baseless theories to jerk off to.

>> No.1937330

>anything with 19 attached is referencing Jesus and myself in the countdown of messengers. He was number 9, I am number 1.
Sounds reasonable, I haven't read your book so can you give me a quick rundown of how you figured out you are 1?

>> No.1937335

A holy grail? Thank god I am not a Christian, and In our religion we don't believe that objects can have supertitious powers.

>> No.1937346

there is no use in trying to speak logic with him and his followers the same way there is no use in trying to debunk any kind of religious apparition form a believers mind

its not about logic or reason ..its about belief and hope, and acting against that persons beleif and hope causes them to close up even harder to the idea of belief and hope because without it they are empty and unfulfilled (that is the reason why the most adamant zealots are people with weak psychological states , people that feel abandoned and broken like recovering addicts , and people indoctrinated from an early age)

every question not directly approving of his belief was met with a hostile rebuttal of either saying you are uneducated , close minded or simply just evil

every question asked to help percieve the effectivnes and use or otherwise any kind of proof of concept and scientific evidence (or any kind of explanation not covered in a spew of pesudo-scientific words) was rebutted with a call for beleif and trust of their ideas because its the "right and proper way"

and otherwise any other question not actively endorsing his views and ideas or otherwise reffering to the OP-s mental state was rebutted with promises of vague eternal damnation, and grandiose sense of self worth while talking about himself and his so called mission

as im sure my own post will be considered to be an attack on his belefs and i will most surely be reffered to in an insulting tone and considered not worthy or otherwise buzzworded into oblivion

>> No.1937347


>> No.1937351

And the arrogance cunts make snap judgements, have not studied the very long list of me covering why I didn't take those routes, have no idea what overshoot is or why you're responsible for it, and have to mentally project their inferiority complex by shit slinging and acting superior.

Fuck off to a Jared Kushner thread. You threw your lot in with him a long time ago.

>> No.1937352

you're right. Place your pineal gland near your screen and feel the apologetic zeta-waves from my omnicock, fellow ascendant.

>> No.1937361

Happened during my realization. Take the first letter of my first name and reduce 1 character. Brian = Arian. A=1. Same thing for Jesus.

>> No.1937362

I'm not a Christian, and neither was Jesus. We're not "religious." We're not like you...

The Holy Grail is not superstitious. It also appears your religious zealotry does not partake in grammar either, nor the scientific method, nor proper research. Congratulations. You're a self made clone. Such an accomplishment.

>> No.1937369
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>ake the first letter of my first name and reduce 1 character. Brian = Arian. A=1
pic related

>> No.1937384

I genuinely hope OP can get some mental health help. These sort of ramblings and delusions are a tell tale sign of schizophrenia .
The whole number associations and believing you are god is extremely common.

>> No.1937404

Everything you said I've covered previously. Firstly, a lathe for a project of this size would need to be very large just to accommodate the boring bar. The billet would need to be several hundred/thousand pounds which would require a hydraulic hoist or chain hoist just to chuck the material. The billet itself would be custom and cost tens of thousands of dollars, maybe a hundred or more. I bought 150 pounds of bell metal bronze from Proto and spent an hour discussing this very thing with one of their engineers. My total (120 lbs of 99.9% pure copper and 30 lbs of 99.9% pure tin) came out to about 1500 dollars delivered.

I spoke to the owner of Patterson Hornworks in May of 2019. He only does repairs, and said manufacturing for spun brass and bronze has essentially disappeared in America. "You'd be better off casting it." Was what HE said. Nevertheless I tried to move forward with spinning. The problem is the size of lathe necessary and the internal block mold. Watch from 2:55...


I had a full wood shop, but I've explained why that didn't work. The dead horse keeps getting kicked, though.

The entire project was designed to teach people how to create these for themselves for the most inexpensive way possible. If I wanted to be like you/Jared Kushner, and make significant profits while burdening the future inhabitants of Earth with my nonproductive consumerism for the rest of my life, I would do what you would have. I'm not like you. Reread your post, then reread this post. You're guilty of everything you've accused me of. Mirror effect. I told you about that too... and people like you say I'm on a high horse. You're just talking to yourself. I'm done responding to this arrogant garbage. I'll just say "already covered that" when dolts like you spout off again.

>> No.1937418

Did you mean to respond to

>> No.1937514

Oops. Yes. I'm sorry.

>> No.1937576

If you had a yuuuge enough 3D printer, how would you ideally go about powering both it and a computer?

>> No.1937701

When you 'sing' into the grail, do you need to do it across the top like you would blow to make a bottle sing? Directly into it, or just do it nearby?

>> No.1937723

Those applications are driven by electricity. Same as you would do for any computer and 3D combo now. There's really nothing special to the lost PLA method that differs from the lost wax method. You need the same support structures within the matrix of the plaster or clay because when you melt it out, it needs to exit the staff/flute. Then you'll have to turn it over to pour.

When I sang directly in the bulb opening of the blank, it vibrated the whole room I was in. My friend was very excited about that when I gave him the blank. He did all kinds of experiments. The resonant tone is my voice almost perfectly. He took the bulb in another room and as I spoke to his wife, it was still vibrating lightly. He could feel it, and got very excited. In a pyramid the amplification multiplies significantly. I can imagine how strong that would be, but the issue without a pyramid is longevity of the frequency produced. That's also an issue with the pyramid, but a choir would alleviate that concern. If you sang directly in the opening of the bulb, you'd also feel the wind exiting via acoustic propulsion. Otherwise it doesn't really matter. The grail can accept the frequency from any direction.

>> No.1937731

Here's the video I was talking about in case people are too put out to find it on their own.


>> No.1937735

you said before that you never made a prototype because you could not make it since it was difficult to make in one pice and you lost your funding before you could make a working part

yet now you say you made a funcional piece that works

also why is tehre no footage or proof of your success with the "vibrating room" since you managed to film everyting else apparently

>> No.1937761

The foam piece/blank worked, but it was foam. I posted 5 videos of me making it... in case you didn't notice.

There's a reason why I don't take pictures, guy. I'm not a videographer either. I'm well aware of my lack in skill with my video production, which is exactly why I hired a videographer for about 20k. She backed out and screwed YOU over. You probably wouldn't be such a cunt if she had done her job, but maybe that's the point. You're being tested by everything that happens...

I wasn't thinking about a random guy on the internet when I was saying goodbye to a very dear friend while crying about his father dying. I felt responsible. You could have found all of this out by being meek, humble, and curious. Now the thread is almost done, and it's people like you why I probably won't engage this type of interaction again. I didn't do anything to deserve this treatment. You opened the dialogue by being a cunt. That's how you'll be remembered. YOU wanted it this way.

>> No.1937764

And by the way, there's close to 30 hours of footage that hasn't made it to YouTube yet. I'm planning on telling my friend to just keep it for himself. And some of it is quite funny. I fucked up 5 times and filmed most of it. Your loss. Enjoy that superiority complex...

>> No.1937783

Is acoustic propulsion a reason why the Grail/bulb was hung from the ceiling in ancient Egypt, as described in

>> No.1937806

No. Those bulbs were huge, comparitively, and hanging upside down. When the depictions and hieroglyphs were made, it did come in quite handy, though. If the bulbs are used to stimulate cavitation within the plates of an electrolysis apparatus, and they're positioned horizontally, acoustic propulsion would only increase production. That was something I was researching last summer. That's a good use for miniature grails. Somebody asked me at the time "what's the smallest one of these can be made and still used?"

I went into a 2 hour rant about how the size I was making was about as small as you could make a stone forming grail, but there's many uses for this technology. Producing rapid movement submerged in water being one of them. You could probably make one 6" tall and get real usage out of it. Then again, you could use the body of the grail itself as the electrolysis/radiolysis tank... but that wouldn't work for bell metal bronze.

I hope you realize how much information I'm dropping on you. Most people would hold this stuff as a secret. Thank you for your question. I appreciate when people are curious. You never know what i might talk about. Good job.

>> No.1937826

I hope so, too. I think you are telling me this technology can be used to produce hydrogen.
>Producing rapid movement submerged in water
Could this technology be used to speed up the flow of water through tubes? Could it be used to power a hose, for instance? Could it be used with a hydraulic ram pump, or is that sufficient as it is? The concern over using the Grail/sound technology with tubes is that the cavitation bubbles can wear down the walls of the tubes, especially if those tubes are pipes.

>> No.1937863

Frequency can produce hydrogen, but the grail itself can aid in production. Not produce it directly. And no, to the best of my knowledge, it will not help the flow of water. If that is a possibility, I'm not aware of it.

>> No.1937916
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>It's "off" because you are
nah dude, yoour are full on shizo
and I dont get it why always shitheads like you are the ones doing the "not for profit" bs, profit is pretty straight forward metric in small scale to measure your success. Free-trade is the natural, unobstructed process between "humans", its for "humanity".
But what do I know, I am not a schizo.

>> No.1937950

Is there anything special about Black Holes other than their gravitational properties? Can they be used as wormholes to traverse space or be gateways to other universes like some scientists believe? Or is all that bunk?

>> No.1937964
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Sir, this is a Wendy's

>> No.1938338

OP, you said you needed a bit more cash to complete this prototype of yours. About how much are we talking here?

>> No.1938346

I've had a bad feeling about COVID and can't shake the feeling that they're gonna double down on it, it's probably gonna be 3-5 before the new normal comes around the corner and that's not gonna be too exciting.

Your book was certainly interesting, I imagine many will refuse to read it due to the somewhat personal nature of the book, or at least many of the chapters, perhaps because they doubt your self-professed mission statement. I won't lie, I stuck through on the promises of self-liberating technology and I'm pleased with the results, its much to consider and has reaffirmed my want to get the fuck out of the city.

If that's the case, then we're on the same page. I can see why the "God" nomenclature can be problematic, but I've always associated with an all-encompassing creator being, though I will take what you said into consideration.

>> No.1938349

Mostly bunk, to get a good idea of what a black hole is stretch out a fabric and put something heavy on it. In effect a black hole is just a weight so heavy on the fabric that if you fling a marble at it no matter how fast you roll it, it cannot come out to the other side

>> No.1938390


>> No.1938415

So basically what we already know.
Thanks for the answer.

>> No.1938417

I'm sorry, my friend, but this thread burned me out. I was expecting a much more realistic approach to my stuff. You've done a great job, and I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you. This is probably my last post, though.

I'm willing to speak directly to you if you'd like to continue the conversation. Get ahold of Kim, if you have any more questions. Same for anyone who is lurking and wanted more to come from this. I really am sorry. I'm done with these cunts. Good luck, my friend. Have a good "1"...

>> No.1938445


You can spend all your life and money chasing ghosts

>> No.1939497

Good luck on your mission, man.

>> No.1939510

what the fuck is this thread

>> No.1940314

It's enlightenment.

>> No.1940332

I was most interested in the two or three anons that were on the same wavelength as him and had read his books.

>> No.1941340

>The first thing you forgot to address is food. Next water, then warmth/cooling. The actual necessities for keeping a human alive.

Water has been a solved problem for a very long time and is easily accessible in civilized areas. The water table won't be changed by a Carrington event and agriculture can quickly adapt. For example enormous amounts of arable land are left fallow in the US because big agra dominate by economies of scale but there is remains plenty for classic "victory gardens" (which were just that in WWII).
Survival warmth is a matter of clothing.
Big agra is actually one of the easier things to fix because the reasons for chasing extreme efficiency to be competitive are less important when demand grossly exceeds supply. The largest tractors in the world are built by US farmers (Farm Show magazine has some of them) and have been constructed since long before GPS. Fuel would be prioritized to agra as in war.
Every bit of previous tech remains available because it's so easy to revive in production. I've spent my entire adult life and most of my childhood studying such things because I enjoy it.
In areas where SHTF is the norm like Africa society still functions. Techier societies can adapt swiftly with all effort focused on doing so. Radio comms will be restored quickly by amateur radiofags building crystal sets (in worst case scenarios, but equipment disconnected in structures which are effectively Faraday cages will be unaffected).
My confidence is based on the previous slow solution of the same sort of problem over time. Add modern knowledge and there's no need to relearn the Industrial Revolution. Humans are expendable and the species evolved to BENEFIT FROM DEATH which adapts populations to resources. Everyone dies and the fit still thrive. Useless eaters will simply die earlier as they did only century or so ago.
China was a smoking ruin in 1948 and had neither Marshall Plan nor efficient Germans nor intelligent economists.

>> No.1941343

BTW before electricity was convenient steam was used often as was compressed air so that is viable for shops along with line shafting powered machine tools. Some steam powered hobby shops remain and solar is a fine way to heat water.
Look up "railway shop practice" etc on the Internet Archive for a very interesting variety of steam and pneumatic tools.
Also note electrical systems could be contained in Faraday cage equivalents to work as part of a resilient, dispersed grid.
Solar and steam power (solar can augment other heat sources as preheat or additive heat) are a combo with untapped potential and don't require exotic tech to work. Once you have steam you can power local generators which can be protected from external threats.

>> No.1942529

> The water table won't be changed by a Carrington event
But what about all the chemical and nulcear plants that will get fucked up by such an event? I grew up on a river in Virginia that only ever had small fry fish. My dad told me this was because a chemical spill killed all the fish in the river years ago and the only fish that were left there were the ones in the creeks and streams that feed into the river.

>> No.1942663

>That sounds possible to me
He also said that the sound would materialise spiritual energyband that it was used to build structures. Are you, by any chance, American?

>> No.1942667

You should create a crowdfunding campaign to embarrass yourself and potential backers in front of an even larger audience.

>> No.1942679

Also, why is it always burgers? I've been handed a manifesto printed on A4 by a (mostly) homeless guy who seemed kind of loopy in my home city of Budapest before. It appears he's kind of well known on the streets. He styles himself a philosopher and managed to capture my attention for a handful of minutes. I browsed through the writing, it was nothing out of the ordinary, no magic, messianic stuff, or conspiracies, mostly sociology stuff. It was just a dude who thought he was way deeper than he really was. He even did sensible things like collect signatures for political action, and handed them in through the right channels. I never ever encountered something like OP outside of the US. Most of the people who seem to be on par are usually scam artists and don't believe what they're selling.

>> No.1942720

Poor healthcare, poor or non-existent social safety nets, strong indoctrination of religion from birth.
OP is the type of person who will be homeless when he gets older

>> No.1942825

Do eurofags really believe this shit?

>> No.1942850

Do you have an alternative explanation? I'm pretty sure people like this exist over here as well, but the difference in frequency/exposure seems to be off the charts. In my eyes, mass gullibility is a markedly American problem in the western world. How many suicide cults were there in Europe in the last century? I'd be surprised if it were even half as many as over there.

>> No.1942856


Heavens gate and jonestown are famous and bad, but arent unique

>> No.1942859

Hm, discounting the suicide of captives in states of war, the ratio in this article comes out to two to one, so color me surprised.

>> No.1942917

Im a burger, and its very evident.

Mental healthcare is piss poor, and is highly stigmatized. Getting 5150ed against your will permanently labels you, is enormously expensive, and doesnt ever actually help. Everyone knows this. Your GP just throws prozac at you and pretends everything is suddenly ok, even though it takes a lot more personalized approach to really fix anything.

Also they dont 5150 people for having weird religious views. Call it a religious view and you can say whatever insane shit you want and nobody questions it.
Its normalized, much like its normalized to pray away your bi-polar and schizophrenia. I grew up religious, I know of several people who have serious mental health issues and refuse to get medicated or helped because for some reason its viewed very negatively in Christianity. Just pray your Bi-Polar away I guess.

There is a reason homeless people are homeless, and there is a reason they all talk conspiracy theory or religious gibberous.
For actual normal well adjusted people who end up homeless, they eventually get back on their feet in short order.

>> No.1943203

I'm the last anon who the OP responded to, since it doesn't look like he's coming back; what most interests you?

>> No.1943207

Oh, I meant like it was weird that people knew op, and agreed with him and understood what he was saying.

I dont understand how this can possibly amplify sound. Resonating isnt amplification. You're still driving it with one voice. Even his stone melting video, it's like hours and hours to cut a very small rock with a normal amplifier, basically just an oscillating cutting tool.

>> No.1943209

>Oh, I meant like it was weird that people knew op, and agreed with him and understood what he was saying.
He was samefagging himself dude

>> No.1943213

Sadly, many of the scientific details discussed in the book go over my head, but it's worth noting that such discussions are mostly focused into only one chapter of the entire work.

If I understood correctly, such works require instruments of scale in order for them to be implemented in an efficient way, and if you subscribe to his theories on Ancient Egyptian technology (which I personally find more believable than the current "scholarly" understanding of it) then you can understand why massive structures such as the Pyramids of Giza were built on such a scale and with such precision in the first place.

I shouldn't be the one explaining this stuff, here's the link directly to that chapter where OP discusses it himself. Perhaps some reading context will provide the answers I could not. https://pastebin.com/e3660Jd4

>> No.1943229

Well yeah but he doesn't know

>> No.1943232

I hate to disappoint boss, I’m just a tard who likes reading obscure internet threads.

>> No.1943235

Mental hralthcare is piss poor over here as well, but it's not compounded by fundamentalism or overprescription nearly as much. These people might just kill themselves over here, another thing Hungarians are disproportionately prolific at.

>> No.1943391
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Interesting stuff Op. I don't have to agree with you on everything to find a reason to be constructive. I have wondered what the story was with this shape for a long time now. Never heard of it being analogized to the biblical holy grail but I find a lot of what you're saying interesting and overall the project is a worthy endeavor.

The shape appears in nature quite a bit. Biomimicry does yield some useful inventions but even if it just sparks some curiosity it's worthwhile. Have you ever noticed some insect wing covers are covered with this thousands shapes resembling these grail cavities?

Do not worry about funding. You have almost everything you need already by the looks of it. There are a number of ways you could fabricate these things as well. Lookup metal spinning:

Metal Spinning a Bowl on a Lathe:

I think you can use your wood lathe to do this. You can even make the wooden blanks for this on the lathe. You can buy or build the pulley/bearing tool they use. The idea would be get 80/20 copper/tin sheet cut to discs and spin form it. Scale the grail object based on the thickness of the material you're able to get for your tests. That way, you'll have more uniform wall thickness. You can then try different thicknesses of sheet and adjust the scale accordingly. The phenomenon should work at smaller scale too, so you will save money making smaller thinner test models across a wider range of shapes and thicknesses.

Form the 2 halves then braze together with silver solder or something.You could also try TIG welding it if it has to be all 1 material. I bet it will still work even with a brazed connection.

What type of mold material were you going to use if you had cast this?

If you want it to be "perfect" surface finish you'll want to use ceramic shell molds and waxes instead of sands and foams.

What dimensions are you trying to build this to?

>> No.1943394


>> No.1943395
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>What dimensions are you trying to build this to?

Was it this?

>> No.1943397
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Very close, Op. Was this your intention when you set out?

>> No.1943479

I'm an anon who was responding to him in this thread (not him samefagging by). AMA.

>> No.1943482

Why are you leading on and encouraging someone with mental illness?

>> No.1943483

What would we ask you? Also would rather get info from Op TBQH, hope you faggots didn't scare him off. He may have been onto something

>> No.1943485

The "housing jews" got him, they couldnt let his secrets be revealed

>> No.1943489

He was so close. His casting technique would have worked but would have been rough. Spin forming would be way easier.

>> No.1943501

Not the op but I've spoken with him. He was going to use petrobond sand for the mold. As for the scale the blank he already made was (about 2 foot tall), by his figuring, the smallest he could make it and have it still work, but he fully suggests making it as big as we can for better results. I don't think the finishing is all that important to the device, though if you have a better way he fully supports you doing that. The reason his instructions are the way they are is because he wants everyone to be able to make this on their own, and the foam blank method can be replicated with shit you can get at any old hardware store.
Again, his goal is accessibility of this tech to everyone.

I want to see this in action myself, and I even offered to drop the 5g on him myself, but he said he wanted this to be crowd funded by many people, not bankrolled by one dude. A little disappointing, but I get where he's coming from. I do want to make one myself but I have no experience with any form of machining/foundry work.

>> No.1943502

I believe him. Simple as that.

He got frustrated with all the guys calling him a shitzo and decided to call it quits on this thread.

>> No.1943504

>I believe him.

So there is a TON going on in this thread.
What exactly do you believe to be true in this thread?

>> No.1943505

>I want to see this in action myself, and I even offered to drop the 5g on him myself, but he said he wanted this to be crowd funded by many people, not bankrolled by one dude. A little disappointing, but I get where he's coming from

I dont, that makes 0 sense at all.
You want people to get on board, you have to show them results. If it truly was what he said, getting it out there to the people would be #1, by any means necessary. He wouldnt get hung up on something so meaningless in the long run.

>> No.1943509
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The book in >>1935199 is written by him, but a quick rundown can be found in pic related.

>> No.1943512

I didnt ask for this retards manifesto, I want to know exactly what YOU believe of his story is real, and why exactly you are still hanging out here hoping he comes back.

I mean its really not that hard to believe a man had a mental breakdown, lost his career of 30 years, lost his wife, lost all his savings in poor investments with a partner who cut off his ties from his craziness, and now is so broke he cant even cast a bowl in copper.

His other claims are whats important, im curious as to why someone impartial believes.

>> No.1943522

He thinks the effect will be more pronounced if the device is larger? That may be true. But all he has to do is create an inexpensive small scale version to prove the effect in any measurable way. Then let other people worry about making larger versions. All he needs is proof of concept.

It's fun to think there could be some forgotten tech we could all have access to and although it's unlikely, there is still a remote possibility. I do find it interesting that there are so many stone carvings worldwide that can't be easily explained. Helical star shaped holes in granite, places like Khalasa temple, Pyramids of Giza, stone archways in Peru, etc.... Either the timeline is wrong or our understanding of their technology is wrong.

>> No.1943633

Stones still need to be mined and then moved around after cutting.

>> No.1943692

>by any means necessary.

This is where the selfish mind cannot comprehend selflessness. You sound like a manchild that never mentally matured beyond the high school popularity contest stage. I see why so many agree with you in this thread...

OP here. I personally called the man that offered me 5K. He understands. There's no reason for me to give you the pleasure of knowing why I did what I did. If you drop the cuntiness, maybe he'll explain. His call.

You're all about to find out just how serious this entire situation is. You'll wish you had handled it differently. You had your chance and you blew it.

Only reason I'm replying is to hit the bump limit quicker. Have a good "1"... ayylmao.

>> No.1943740

The first four lines aren't THAT different from a lot of occult books I've read

>> No.1943754

To your past point, I think it’s safe to say both are wrong.

>> No.1943767
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>You're all about to find out just how serious this entire situation is. You'll wish you had handled it differently. You had your chance and you blew it.

What does this mean? I actually came in and gave you fabrication advice, did you even read it?

>> No.1943795
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If you deferred from the "norm" in here, I apologize, my friend. Thank you for your advice.

I've covered why brazing and welding will not work several times. Not in this specific thread, but I have. Spinning "could" work, but the chuck head would have to accept the staff/flute preformed. Again, there's only 1 thing in this thread that I haven't specifically covered previously, and that 1 thing is relating to a modern form of setting the mold/wax melting. It's amazing how professional some of these guys think they are, without even looking into the extensive lengths I've gone to to rule out their "expertise." Regardless, thank you for trying even if they didn't.

"It" means time is running out. No need to sugarcoat it. 144K out of 8 billion looks likely. You will see the summation of prophecy in your lifetime. Are you confident or frightened?

Oh... and bump! Loool

Pic is some old woodworking I did...

>> No.1943857

> There's no reason for me to give you the pleasure of knowing why I did what I did.

I mean, its always fun to hear irrational people do irrational things, for irrational reasons. But all in all I really dont care.
I dont believe for one second you found another dumbfuck who was actually willing to fork over $5k to you, who by your own accord has some serious fiscal responsibility problems.
Its just you samefagging yourself.

If you had actually convinced some random that you had figured out something of value, he would have spent that 5k at a local shop with a cnc lathe who would have proved your concept. He wouldnt have given it to you who, someone who has shown a severe lack of experience and skill in casting.

This is where the mentally ill mind cannot fathom common sense.

>> No.1943860

>"It" means time is running out. No need to sugarcoat it

You mean the Federal mandate on halting evictions during Covid? You'll be out on the street homeless very soon?

>> No.1943878

He's going to report back to the superior aliens that we need to be culled almost completely.

Not sure what that is going to accomplish. Apparently free will was a mistake, but the superior aliens can't even drop some pamphlets on how to live correctly to begin with.

(Inb4 the bible or some more esoteric text) you cant try to guide people with some hidden revelation BS. You need a clear unequivocal message. 95% of people still have a hard time understanding the non aggression principle and how bad the government's monopoly on force is. This is like 80iq philosophy but that still cant make a dent in people being shitty. We're all supposed to build stone houses and that's going to make us better people though.

Lol its judgement day though. The superior aliens are culling us for our own good because 4chan was mean, and nice to their emissary.

>> No.1943887

>We're all supposed to build stone houses and that's going to make us better people though.
It's the other way around: technological advancement without spiritual advancement leads to degeneration, which virtually always involves an increase in the level of destruction humans do to their environment. That is why OP talks so much about purity (in his book) and why he is somewhat harsh.

>> No.1943888
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I am a verifiably different person from both OP and the potential patron. I'm the one who has interviewed OP: I posted
It is true that the $5000 offer was made. This person also gave OP $500 back in August. That is verifiable, though one of them would have to take a screenshot of their PayPal history. I'm guessing that due to the way this is going, they will not see the point. I myself gave Brian (OP) $200 and he gave it back. I haven't posted pic related anywhere else yet, by the way, so there's no way anyone else could have it.

As for
OP has been on the road and technically homeless since October 9th.

For a more detailed timeline of events compared to what has been presented in this thread, up to October 15, see https://www.kimwrate.com/Letter-to-Brians-Ex-Wife.html

>> No.1943891

Mr. Harner, do you take bitcoin?

>> No.1943900 [DELETED] 

this is a gay fucking grail go read the book of aquarius dumb grailposter

>> No.1943906

So why did the aliens send one guy instead of giving us all visions or dropping pamphlets and making their clear superiority and wisdom obvious?

>> No.1943930

Has he considered making Geodesic Domes to sell to stoners?

>> No.1943934

1. Humans are the reason there are no "aliens" on the planet in the first place: we kicked them off tens of thousands of years ago. 2. The only mandate in this universe is free will.

Given these two factors, there is no purpose in the "aliens" (i.e. the hierarchy of the universe, from humanity's maker up to the Nine Principles) making it that obvious to us that we should capitulate to their ways. All the information shared by Brian (mainly in his book) and his work on the grail thus far is about as obvious as they are willing to make it, at least at the current point. They want us to demonstrate curiosity and take genuine interest in our own survival, improvement in quality of life, and ultimately, our own transcendence. The more genuine curiosity you demonstrate, the more information you receive.

The reason the message from the hierarchy was given to one man, to then give to the entire species, is that the message is all-encompassing. Every aspect of the message must be capitulated to in order for it to be implemented successfully. The message is given to one man to ensure that this individual can portray the message in completeness. If instead multiple individuals each received only part of the message, none of them would understand it in completeness, and thus they would not really have the message after all.

The reason this particular individual is the one to have received the message is that he figured out a substantial portion of it for himself, and he was righteous in his intent. The message must be relayed by a person who can be trusted to do so selflessly, and his life's work is how he proves himself worthy. This particular individual, who lives at a time in history in which the message is needed most, is what the hierarchy/"aliens" refer to as the Christ. The Christ is a man- not a god-, and is therefore not omniscent, but he knows what we need to know in order to solve our problems.

>> No.1943943
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>They want us to demonstrate curiosity and take genuine interest in our own survival, improvement in quality of life, and ultimately, our own transcendence.
>. The message must be relayed by a person who can be trusted to do so selflessly, and his life's work is how he proves himself worthy

So they picked a guy who used >>>/x/ and bitchute as his main platforms to spread the word of something so important?

>> No.1943963

Then you're right. Free will was a mistake.

If on one hand we've been lied to by the housing jew or etc, theres no way to escape for 99% of people. because the alternative is to listen to what sounds like crazy people talk about the revelations they received. the hierarchy needs to come and zap all the liars that are making it impossible for people to get a straight answer.

Even if they did come down and project god in the sky and in my mind, I would just think it was DARPA's shit and they were finally going to start culling people for Agenda 21.

Which would be pretty indistinguishable from the hierarchy, except for who is getting sterilized

>> No.1943978

Do you have any better suggestions? I'm serious.
I'll give you a rundown. /pol/ and /x/ have been the main outlets Brian has used to talk to people on the Internet since June 2019. This thread includes all he has posted in /diy/. The grail instructional videos are on YouTube. I run the BitChute account, and I picked that over YouTube since YouTube is compromised. He asked me whether I will post the recordings of our interviews to YouTube and I think they will receive more views there, but they are also more likely to be removed. A major part of the message is purity, and that includes genetic purity. That's currently one of the most controversial topics on the planet. The SiteSell website is also mine: I've made minor edits to the e-mails from him that I have posted, and I uploaded the unedited e-mails to archive.org. I'd like to upload everything to archive.org soon enough, including mp3s of the interviews. His book is on pastebin, and I've posted a collection of his 4chan posts to my own pastebin account. He also made a thread on the Jeff Bridges forum: https://nicko62.websitetoolbox.com/post/salvation-10253639

After he made this post
I suggested trying a forum named Project Avalon. Apparently you have to be a member to post there, so he applied for membership a week ago. As of yesterday he has not heard back yet.

>> No.1943989

>he would have spent that 5k at a local shop with a cnc lathe who would have proved your concept.
You have a good point, sir. In my defense I don't know shit about machining.

>> No.1944014

>the hierarchy needs to come and zap all the liars that are making it impossible for people to get a straight answer.
It is true that this has been made more difficult by LARPers. People see BS and they think that's all there is. It's so hard to discern a straight answer through all the noise that many just give up and settle for what seems to be a fuzzy, middle-of-the-road, "reasonable" approach.
>Even if they did come down and project god in the sky and in my mind, I would just think it was DARPA's shit and they were finally going to start culling people for Agenda 21.
The thing is, truth is discernible. It comes in a particular form and is experienced in a particular way. Paranoia is not helpful, and it always results from looking only at surface appearances without any reference to internal, physically-invisible sources. That is why the word-free form of communication is referred to as "internal harmonic resonant capitulaton."

Phyllis Schlemmer channeled the Nine Principles, and the information was published in a book titled The Only Planet of Choice. In page six of the pdf, IHRC is described: https://ia600201.us.archive.org/21/items/TheOnlyPlanetOfChoice/planet_choice.pdf
>When we speak of what our language is, it comes from deep within. It reaches different degrees but it is a tonal language. In your languages on Earth you speak in a box and then you throw it out.
>And our language, it is within. It vibrates from the body, do you understand?
Page 27:
>The civilisations have indeed visited Earth, but do you understand that when you have communication with your mind, it is not necessary to have words? It is difficult from where we are to give explanations in your words. We have concepts that cannot be explained in your language, for you do not have the words to explain. If you could read our mind... if we could communicate with your mind in the essence of pure telepathy, then we could convey to you what we are trying to transmit.

>> No.1944015

Page 104:
>So, if we researched the language of dolphins, we would move closer to learning your own manner of communication?
Page 182:
>When the day arrives that we may communicate with you, and you may communicate with others in a form of mind language, those that exist upon your planet will begin to truly evolve. We have been in observation, and the sadness that we feel is because there is so much difficulty in the mode of which you communicate. We have observed that what you speak is not what you think. It is tragic that your mode of communication is used in the manner, but the day will come when what is in the mind of one will be directly understood by another, because then no one upon your planet Earth will be able to speak in a manner that is not truth.
>Verbal language is the only means at this time for one human to have a means of communication with another. This also is important: how a word is used releases energy into universe, how a word is dignified releases energy into universe. The sadness of humankind is that they banter this and they banter that, and they do not understand that what they banter creates a difficulty for the Universe, for it dissipates energy. However we caution in this manner: you cannot go from the language of your existence to a completely new language, for humankind has tendency of resistance, and when people resist, they become immobile and rigid. Therefore you humans must find a bridge, in other words you must begin to educate in the nature of language, not just bring out new language without people understanding the reason. In your world humankind does not hear what is said, so therefore listening is of great import.

>> No.1944016

I'm writing all this because Internal Harmonic Resonant Capitulation (IHRC) utilized with righteous intent is the only way to get to the clear and complete truth. I'll go on.

If you look at my website you might see that I am a distance runner. I've always regarded the races I compete in as substantial and fairly quick ways to test ideas, which include mental approaches to the race. Running is much simpler than developing advanced techologies, but at least both activities are objective and rooted in physical reality. As such, it has served as a major outlet over the course of my life for the development of IHRC ability. At a trail race I ran shortly after finding Brian's book, there were multiple instances where the course was not marked clearly, and I deferred to my maker regarding whether I was going the right way. Such communication comes in the form of a particular feeling. This feeling is more genial and reassuring than anything in the physical world, including words. Communication via IHRC is much lighter than words.
I wrote this post, which was originally an e-mail to Brian, in an attempt to demonstrate the physical results of using IHRC and connecting with one's maker: https://www.kimwrate.com/Morgan-Hill-Meat-Grinder-2020.html
Archive.is link: https://archive.vn/cNR0a

Internal harmonic resonant capitulation is explained in Chapter 3 of Brian's book.

>> No.1944078
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Metal spinning suggestion anon here, Well, I can't say for sure whether or not Op is crazy, it kind of reminds me of Close Encounters of the 3rd kind, when the UFO witnesses all had an inexplicable desire to go to the Devil's Tower, even though it was allegedly the site of a chemical disaster.

Brian may be nuts, but some of our most important discoveries came from unorthodox minds. Look at Tesla. Total nutcase, and yet here we are. I'm not saying Brian is Tesla reincarnated, I'm saying though you would all do better to be less adversarial with folks who think unconventionally. He's not hurting anyone. What do you care if he's wrong? And what if he's right?

The man wants to build a shape, and he doesn't need money, is not begging, he'd like advice on finishing it, and wants us to build one for ourselves. Anyone who would attack this guy is doing so out of despair and misplaced anger.

My advice to Brian is to not even bother explaining anything and instead just approach this as an art project. That way, folks don't get scared off by the implications of what you're saying.

Look into buying microcrystalline foundry wax. I can't tell you my source because then the price will go up. But you can find microcrystalline waxes online and from china. Machine the wax blocks like you did your foam blocks. As long as you don't spin the lathe too fast the wax will hold up. It will be very heavy though. Then you can build the backyard earthen oven another Anon mentioned and harden the shell / melt out the wax so you can pour your bell metal inside.

If I imagine 2 bells, one is heavily corroded and has rough irregular surface finish, and then I have a second bell, perfectly smooth finish, which one is going to resonate sound better?

I'll think some more about your project Brian and I'll check back and offer any other advice I can come up with. I'd like to see you succeed, even if it's just in making a cool sculpture.

>> No.1944080


Let me know what your dimensions are for the device. I will build one too, but I'm using the angles from the GoyScouts logo I posted earlier, and at much smaller scale. If the shape works to resonate the sound effectively I'll have a local bronze shop cast a larger one. I think for now smaller is the way to go until the proper angles and thickness is discovered.

Was the compass & square image I posted earlier close to your working dimensions, Brian?

>> No.1944081


It's also worth noting, Brian, you don't have to be someone who discovers anything important for your life to have been important to us. Hang in there. Keep on living, even if it's just to spite the rest of them. Don't give in to the temptation to let the negativity motivate or drive you, because it could just as easily turn to adoration, both of which you should continue to work independently of, toward whatever makes you feel fulfilled.

>> No.1944159

>Brian may be nuts, but some of our most important discoveries came from unorthodox minds

There is a gigantic difference between savants/geniuses who have trouble assimilating into the world and regular dudes who just develop schizophrenia.

Go walk the streets of chicago or Seattle or hollywood boulevard. There are tens of thousands of people exactly like brian who are just out of their fucking minds, homeless never to be in real society again.
Brian never made a prototype, and it's pretty clear he isn't going to pull it off before complete homelessness, you are just witnessing the early stages of someone's demise

>> No.1944172

>Do you have any better suggestions? I'm serious.
There are thousands of forums and thousands of video hosting sites, you cherry picked the two that get niche traffic and have 0 credibility and then gave up.
Now I dont think this horse shit is going to be believed by anyone no matter where you put it, but you didnt even TRY to go through popular outlets.

I would think the effort would have been a little bit more if you truly bought into this

>> No.1944181

I've been in contact with Brian for 2.5 months. At what point did I say that I gave up?

>> No.1944183

Can you be specific about what qualifies Brian as being schizophrenic? No one has done this yet. During his realization process his family had him see a practitioner, and they had to let him go with no diagnosis because they had insufficient grounds on which to make one.

>> No.1944208

I'm not a psychiatrist, but him stating that he isn't Christ, then offhand dropping that he's "a Christ" might be a sign of mental illness.

>> No.1944210

I do not have that capability, my friend. Thank you nonetheless.

>> No.1944215

Existence itself IS obvious to the selfless, rational, intelligent, and humble, dummy. Nothing "owes" you anything, you pathetic entitled manchild. This is THEIR universe. You're just a moron whose renting everything he comes in contact with... and rent is due.

Jesus was your "pamphlet," by the way, and people exactly like you murdered him before he could complete his mission. Thusly, you got stuck with me, and you'll be responsible for my death as well.

Pic related... kinda.

>> No.1944219

There is partially a problem of semantics here, which is that the word "Christ" has two meanings. Christ was Jesus' last name. At the same time, the person given the complete message from the Hierarchy (there are two such people every cataclysm cycle) is called "a Christ." To be honest, that terminology has possibly made delivering the message more difficult than any other factor. The problem is that it is hard to find a more encapsulating term. "Messenger" is too non-specific, since the Christ comes forth at a certain time in history and in a certain set of circumstances. We could try a term such as "The Hierarchy's timely messenger," but that is not as concise as the term "Christ."
For more information on this term, see >>1943934

>> No.1944220

Kim, you doing an exquisite job, young lady. Absolutely Divine.

Thank you.

>> No.1944222

You mean to treat us like children, but refuse to give us an education. Yes given these conditions, apparently you're right and you need to slaughter all these dumb kids that dont know any better and have never been given a chance at an education.

>We told you once 400+ generations ago and have made no effort since then to expand on your education or offer concrete evidence. Why cant you pull yourself up by the bootstrap while the archenemy constantly lies to you about everything?

Doubting thomas was still saved bro, even if he couldn't believe until he saw the wounds.

The education is just supposed to come naturally and you feel it when you are attuned. Well the archenemy either has planted so much doubt you and the hierarchy is doing a piss poor job attaining us, or you guys are doing a perfect job, and we really are complete genetic failures and our Qi sensing organs are so atrophied you are completely right and you need to kill us all.

Gg. Cant fight that logic.

>> No.1944228
File: 517 KB, 950x583, 20200706_142111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The longer the bulb, the more gradual the angle, is the rule of thumb. Mine was roughly 2' tall standing on end, which is about as small as a workable stone cutting instrument would be. My angle terminates at the opening. As opposed to pic related, where the angle is more gradual and the opening has a sharp convex. Pic related is also roughly 30-40 feet long. Use the human as reference.

I considered machining wax, but you're correct. The rpms need a reduction. The wood lathe i bought for this project had a low setting of 510 rpm. An engine lathe would be better suited, but the steady rest would have to be forgiving/cushioned. I built one for the wood lathe out of skateboard wheels and coated them with packing foam. But... the lathe ran too fast.

I hope you're successful, my friend. Be quick about it...

>> No.1944233

My body is trashed, my friend. Call it the hierarchy's insurance policy if "adoration" does materialize. No matter what, I long for death. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the sentiment and cry when I have to explain it to worthy people. It's not your fault that the collective of humanity deserves this. Work hard, my friend. After expiration, I'll do everything I can to help you succeed. Have a good "1"...

>> No.1944244

Education? I gave you a book with a week's worth of reference material, dozens of interviews, several videos, and thousands of posts on this website.

You read a small handful of them in "1" thread, made an arrogant snap judgment, then proceeded to rip my entire life apart as though your pathetic attempt at appearing "normal" to other irrational, reactionary, man children during omnicide is some kind of virtue. If you're "average," the latter in your post is accurate, and you have nobody to blame other than yourself.

>> No.1944249

Ignorance is no excuse. Being lied to your entire life is your fault. All are damned.

>> No.1944253

What do you want?

>> No.1944272

>At what point did I say that I gave up?

The moment you decided that youtube was "compromised" so you didnt even bother to get the word out on there, the second you determined you were going to stay on shitty platforms that nobody uses.
Thats literally losing before you started

>> No.1944283

>Can you be specific about what qualifies Brian as being schizophrenic?
>There is partially a problem of semantics here
There is a problem with semantics here with Schizophrenia too.

Its being used as a catch-all, nobody knows or cares about this guys actual clinical diagnosis.
He is using abnormal mental gynmastics with number associations to create some unbelievable prophecy out of thin air. A prophecy with a ton of caveats and odd prerequisites all based around a really stupid concept. Its all vague, he couldnt even create his own invention. Its literally "im 14 and this is deep" wrapped up in extreme narcissism prancing around like its not.

It has literally made him homeless and destroyed his career and family life.
He joked about killing himself earlier, now he is literally saying he "longs for death".

He isnt the first to have a mental breakdown, or as you call it a "realization", and he wont be the last.
But its pure fucking mental illness thats going to make this guy eat a fucking bullet.
The reason people are giving you resistance is because its all a bunch of horse shit.

You can go on youtube and find all sorts of retards who have called themselves prophets and have small followings of retards.
Its just convenient that you are doing it on a board where I frequent so its easy to call you a faggot to your face.
Otherwise I would just ignore your retards and let you go about your business watching your mentally ill leader kill himself from such an extreme mental breakdown

>> No.1944287

You're talking to yourself again.

>> No.1944291

Theres a lot of personality to go around okay?

They could have sent a poet or manifested to all of humanity. Instead they sent a word salad spewing /x poster talking about resonance amplification. His greatest proof is melting rocks which could be accomplished with a $15 oscillating tool from harbor freight, its bit some amazing new principle.

>> No.1944295

Just because Brian isnt responding to every post, he admitted he was seething reading them earlier.
At least giving him the reality of the situation is marginally better than throwing money at him feeding his delusions.

Maybe his mad might put some sense into him

>> No.1944319

I have taken interest in him because he proposes the most thorough set of solutions to the problems faced on Earth that I have yet seen. If you can find superior solutions, let me know. Otherwise, if you think humanity is doomed to degrade the natural environment and deplete its resources to a point where we can no longer live on Earth, understand that I am not content to just give up, and that is why I listen to Brian.
I will guarantee you that Brian is not going to kill himself: he is not supposed to. He has been longing for death for the last year and a half, and he has stated this many times. His health problems make it physically painful for him to exist, and he longs for death because death will bring an end to his pain. Even so, he is not going to voluntarily end his physical existence. He looks past his own desire for relief from pain, and chooses to stay here as long as that is what is needed.

>> No.1944327
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>he is not supposed to
Until he has another "realization" where he is told to kill himself, which he will make up some vague justification for.

Again, this guys delusions are not unique in the least bit.

>> No.1944342

You're replying to me/Brian, dummies.

The only people in here with mental disorders are you guys. It's called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You're acting like it's your job to police this thread. Weirdos. I've asked you to fuck off several times, yet you remain... desperately trying to tear me DOWN to YOUR level/normal.

You've yet to define normal, by the way. What I can say with mathematical certainty, is that the collective accepted zeitgeist of modern societal structure is in the middle-end stages of omnicide. Don't take my word for it. Watch Dr. Sid Smith's presentations on YouTube. Ya see, dumbasses... you're not really arguing directly with me. You think you are, but your opinions don't mean anything in this game. And to be honest, you seem quite perturbed at the real minuscule stature you represent.

Which is why your OCD has control of your ability to fuck off. If you do happen to get control over your emotional state, the offer remains. Feel free to fuck off ASAP. Thaaaaanks.

>> No.1944345

>You've yet to define normal, by the way.

We could always start with not having illusions of grandeur so strong you ruin your life.

>> No.1944347


>> No.1944353
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My old reflux still for those digits...

>> No.1944361

Andrea Yates consistently displayed violence and suicidal tendencies, was given official psychiatric diagnoses, and was placed on psychiatric medications. This situation is precisely the opposite. Brian is as non-violent as it is possible for a person to be. He will not commit suicide, which is a form of violence.

I'll give you the verbatim question and answer. I texted him at 3:19PM asking,
>If you care to answer this question from the thread. Would you ever kill yourself? Are there any possible circumstances in which you would be instructed to do so?
At 3:28PM he answered,
>No. My directives are simple. 1) I'm not allowed to hurt myself or anyone else. 2) I can't break anyone's free will. That said, I'll allow humanity to let me atrophy to death in their chosen system of governance. I'm not going to add to the Jewish banking hegemony/get a job that is taxed adding to the stranglehold of government subsidization of planetary finite resources that have a grand equation summation called omnicide. In other words, my life (at least right now) is in humanity's hands.

In mid-October I spent two straight days with Brian: he is the most trustworthy person I have ever been around. It's close to impossible to hide anything from him, and that is a welcome change from the usual games people play with each other. Of course, I cannot prove it to you since I do not have 47 hours of video footage. I can tell you that there is no reason for me to say this if it is untrue since I do not financially profit from saying it, and apparently it does not make me look good in the eyes of other people, either.

>> No.1944364

Again, it's as if your cognitive dissonance at the MATHEMATICAL fact that you're currently living in a state of omnicide escapes you. It's pathetic. You're behaving like being uninformed and downright stupid is "normal."

It's not my fault you're taking your own existence for granted and being stupendously ignorant to the current state of life on Earth. You probably don't even know what omnicide means. No matter what I say, you're in for "1" hell of an awakening. But... ignorance is bliss, right? If there's anything you're an expert in, it's that.

Have fun riding that "normal horse" right into omnicide. In all seriousness, you're more suicidal than anyone alive. And the worst part is, you don't even realize it. Second worst part is you're willing to kill the entire planet doing so.

Put your existence on the line, big man. Tell me right now that you don't want my help during judgment after your expiration. Let's see just how stupid you really are.

>> No.1944366

Not him, but you're a faggot.

>> No.1944367

>Put your existence on the line, big man. Tell me right now that you don't want my help during judgment after your expiration

Get fucked faggot

>> No.1944372

>This situation is precisely the opposite
They both have grandiose delusions, she finally had one that told her to kill.
With how much he obsesses about his own pain and wanting to die, it wont take long for him to get the "ok" from one of his delusions.
"Nobody on earth is taking you seriously, they have chosen their own faith" or some such nonsense, look at this drivel here >>1944364

Its a tell tale delusion of grandeur.
He watched one too many greta thunberg speech before huffing glue

>> No.1944373

Spineless too?

>> No.1944378

You should seek help before you end up hurting more people.

>> No.1944379

How bout results? Evidence? Modelling? Math? Proof of concept? Small scaled model? Something to shine a light of reality to all this gibberish? All I see is some lonely guy talking himself into some fucked up shit and acting like everyone unironically agrees with him, his hocus pocus and finding symbols in shit for his hatred of jewery. Any mech Eng doing fet could model the concept quickly and cheaply. But hey, I guess this asshole telling his life story to those who will listen is evidence enough. Not actual proof cause u know the govmt aliens will probe me.

>> No.1944384

>All I see is some lonely guy talking himself into some fucked up shit and acting like everyone unironically agrees with him
Its clearly him pretending to be 2 or 3 people ITT, its actually kind of sad.
He is holding onto the fact he went in for a psych test and they came out "undetermined"
Yet you know he didnt show his manifesto or these threads to the shrink, they would have thrown him into the psych ward

>> No.1944387

>With how much he obsesses about his own pain and wanting to die, it wont take long for him to get the "ok" from one of his delusions.
The realization happened 18.5 months ago, and just prior to it he was nearly on his deathbed due to hidradenitis suppurativa. How much longer will it take for this supposedly-inevitable "kill yourself" delusion to occur?

By the way, again-- do you have any superior solutions to humanity's problems? I'm being serious. I want us to survive long-term, and if there are better ways of going about that than what I have heard from Brian, I am willing to hear it.

>> No.1944389

>do you have any superior solutions to humanity's problems?

Dont put your faith into mentally ill 4channers would be a start.

>> No.1944393

Who has been hurt?

>Yet you know he didnt show his manifesto or these threads to the shrink, they would have thrown him into the psych ward
That was in April 2019. None of this existed yet.

>Its clearly him pretending to be 2 or 3 people ITT, its actually kind of sad.
I already explained that I am a distinct person from OP. >>1943888

>> No.1944394

Tell me more.

>> No.1944395

>I already explained that I am a distinct person from OP

Ah I get it, you are grossly Bi-Polar.
Lord knows, no impartial person can be this fucking retarded.

>> No.1944398

If you are going to listen to delusions of grandeur to save the world, maybe start with an old raving homeless guy who has been homeless for longer than a couple weeks.

At least you know he is truly in it for the long haul as opposed to this kid who sounds like he is going to off himself.

>> No.1944402

I posted a photo of my PayPal dashboard. It shows my name twice. What would qualify as worthy proof to you?

>> No.1944406

>as opposed to this kid who sounds like he is going to off himself.
I already explained that he's not going to, so I do not see how this conversation can progress any further.

>> No.1944410

Keep telling yourself this, because "1" day its obviously going to happen. You havent really dealt with real homelessness yet, just wait till you get into the system and realize how fucked you really are.
>What would qualify as worthy proof to you?
You have proven yourself to be so crazy, I dont think there is sufficient proof that can be had.

>> No.1944412

I've also posted my links to my website and to my BitChute account where you can hear us talking to each other, by the way. I don't see much more of substance I can do here.

>> No.1944414

>I don't see much more of substance I can do here.
Get yourself a psych evaluation if you believe a word he said

>> No.1944416

Can you state in clear terms what you want, in general?

>> No.1944418

I never pass up an opportunity for a nice chat with a crazy homeless fucks. Its so much nicer doing it online where you dont have to actually be near their dirtiness and unpredictable actions.

Why exactly are you here?
To proselytize your run of the mill crazyperson?

>> No.1944430

>Why exactly are you here?
I wanted to read his posts. I asked him quite a few questions in this thread. I've learned from other people's posts too. I've posted in order to answer the questions that I can answer.

Of course, what you want to know is why I am having this particular conversation now. I've stated why I have been curious about Brian's message and decided to listen to him. So what I am doing now is seeing whether I can make a solid case for what I have been told by him. You teach what you have to learn, and having to state this case refines my understanding of it.

>> No.1944460

Not brian but will you post your work on /diy/ when you finish it?

>> No.1944540

Brian here. For all you mealy mouthed keyboard warriors consumed with fear... say here, right now, that you do not want my help during judgment.

If you don't, and you've been talking shit, you're admitting through inaction that you're afraid that I'm telling the truth, which I am, and you can't admit it. Pathetic.

>> No.1944715
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can someone give a QRD on that the fuck I am reading?

>> No.1944730

schizoposting. it's impossible to summarize further.

>> No.1944768
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He tried to sell the idea that his massive buttplug was used by giant fags to break rocks and it turned into grandpa Simpson on /pol. It's prob the most amount of autistic traffic diy got in a while so the mods seem to enjoy it.
Then we got this motherfucker with some kinda God complex and undiagnosed psycho issues who likes to jerk off to Carrington events. From what I'm gathering they like to have gay conversations about buttplugs and electrical storms while getting buttfucked by giants. For a moment I almost thought there might be a modicum of truth in it but these faggots are too busy jerking off than modelling/simulating their theory. Maybe if they knew what resonance and amplification was this thread might of gotten traction. But it's basically psycho babbel now.

>> No.1945141

I’m another anon but if you’d consider what OP has said with more of an open mind, perhaps you’d be able to harvest some knowledge out of the information that’s being presented.

Dismiss whatever you like, but realize that there are nuggets of wisdom presented before you.

>> No.1945171

>but realize that there are nuggets of wisdom presented before you.

I realize that the human voice is roughly around 90 dB max and even a crowd of people wouldn't do shit even at resonance due to the squared distance law. It's why the opera singer needs to be a foot away from the wine glass. Of course a crowd of people can make a bell sing, but softly, not at rock cutting forces even if it resonated a sharp bit, and not at ultrasonic frequencies which is where you need to be to cut stone. Even if you somehow placed the singers in constructive phase, you wouldn't have enough fucking room for them to stand or enough power. Shit they could spin gold back then into coils and wire, had quartz, and they had the bagdad battery, it would of made the story more believable. Instead your psycho leader filabusts with his life story, making him pathetic and more relatable, sprawling you into a nice paradigm of shit and emotions, not wisdom.
I realize this is a con for attracting blind cult followers with a leader so wrapped up in his narcissism and obsession for bullshit that when his shitty scheme is criticized, there simply isn't an intelligent rebuttal in the design of the con. Just have an open mind, not a critically thinking one. It's fucking brutal. That's the knowledge harvested from this fucked up information I've been given. I haven't dismissed a goddam thing.

>> No.1945183

See >>1934824
Basically, a stereo system will be needed to build the first pyramid. Once that is complete, a chorus will be able to use the sound-amplifying effects of the pyramid to effectively power the grail when inside of the pyramid.

>> No.1945260

Who's gonna hire a schizo anyway though? Another thing to mention is that women in these scenarios are still dating if they're hot. Those meds suck and make you fat, that alone is unacceptable and I'll never take them, they cause side effects, you know they combo it with antidepressants and people just take Seroquel despite it's side effects? It's insane. I took risperidone accidentally once, like 9 years ago and I still feel retarded from it. You're pretty right on everything I'm actually looking into my memory issues because of this post.

>> No.1945279

Again, all bullshit. Doubling the effect is a 3db rise which is the least amount of noticeable change of sound pressure detected by the human ear. Sound power is exponential, solid materials attenuate sound without the use of power no matter how you arrange it but more importantly, you're delusional. If those dick washers used sound to vibrate a bell to cut rock, it wasn't from the fucking human voice or even some giant. Furthermore you still have to achieve 19-26 kHz, which is basically outside of human hearing. So sure a few guys can make it "dance" but it will be 1/2 the needed frequency, 1/1000000 the power. And that's if they are in phase.

Another wildly delusional point, where he claims the laws of conservation don't apply because of resonance, is bullshit. Sound power is lost as the singer broadcasts his voice over distance. Resonance is a completely different concept, and has nothing to do with conservation. It's like saying if you had a crowd of opera singers in a colleseum vs a front stage house, they can all sing and break the glass from the stands because the seating is round not square.

Wave simulations are cheap and easy to fashion. Breaking your delusion will be hard and expensive. Only you can break the cycle of bullshit and see the truth for yourself, if there is any in the cult.

>> No.1945287

The opera singer wouldn't need to be a foot away from the glass if they were in a pyramid, dummy. Everything you say has been covered, and you're not in any way "debunking" anything I've said with your meme buzzword garbage.

If I'm trying to start a cult, what would be the basis of this "cult," dummy? My goals are sustainability, cohesion, ending wealth inequality, and I call myself an equilibriumist. Everything you do and have done is based on cult inspired tactics. Conservative, liberal, rich, poor, "educated," uneducated, etc... are all based in a philosophical way that you can say to yourself that you feel superior to others. None of your bullshit works. Everything you do is destructive and ends with you destroying your planet, or the inhabitants of it, or both. That's a fact that you and every other "normal" (nice cultist terminology btw) idiot on earth religiously self prescribe to.

If that wasn't the case, you'd be utilizing Net Primary Production/the trophic web of life on Earth as a bragging right. You cannot do this, because the more you exploit the resource base of Earth for selfish endeavors, the more you kill, maim, and destroy. And still... you religiously claim to be "successful and normal."

You're fucking talking to yourself, dumbass... AGAIN.

>> No.1945289

It's like you just will not equate a pyramid structure into your equation. You're embarrassing yourself, dude.

>> No.1945290

>Consider what OP has said with more of an open mind
Consider using your critical thinking skills that your education evidently failed to install in you.

>> No.1945292

Consider adding human impact on Net Primary Production into your "installed" ideals of what you consider normality or success. Otherwise you're just killing yourself and you're too arrogant and/or stupid to realize it.

Where does the trophic web fit into your delusions of "normality?" Or are you too stupid to have added the impact of resource depletion into your model of success?

>> No.1945336

If this were true you'd have no issues modelling/simulating this. Lots of guys tried. This is old hat, with claims that it's an antenna, an amp, etc. Fact is nothing is ever amplified without additional power. Concentrated, but not amplified.
>meme buzz words
You mean physics? Math? Wave propagation?
>basis of the cult
Power over people to satisfy some physiological need, just like Manson, but you're just really bad at it even if you're effectively scraping a small following. The con gives them no platform to stand on except lunacy and strawman arguments.
>everything you do is based on cult tactics
You mean demanding proof? A model? Proper physics terms? Pointing out you're not the only one who's tried these tactics of fuckery?
>everything you do is destructive
You have no idea what I do buddy. You don't even realize I'd like to see you gain traction.
>u'd be utilizing net primary production
No thanks I'm not into religions or cults based on delusion. I like to stick to repeatable facts.

See this is why your a cultist. Instead of considering a cheap workable model, which would only enhance your position and development of this project, you make this arguement political and philosophical, over and over, exemplifying the definition of insanity. Then you got your little butt boy here >>1945289 who's only retort is non sensical at best, just like your con. I for one would of loved to see critical exploration of ancient acoustic concentrators as stone cutting tools. There is some plausibility in the concept but it lacks alot fundamental shit.

If you even believed in this bullshit you'd model it instead of defending it with religion. Hell I'd even take a postulate in the model. I would contribute to it as would many others, if it was based on fact, or reasonable assumptions. Too bad you're too fucking delusional to even attempt a stab at actual sanity. You go on now and rant about how the world is gonna end, it's really helpful.

>> No.1945373

Nice rebuttal. I'm sure that hiding your lack of reasoning skills behind bargain bin buzzwords really resonates with the ladies.

>> No.1945491

>calls Net Primary Production cultist
>has the audacity to say he wants "proper terminology"
>hasn't heard of a recording studio apparently
>reiterates what I'm doing is cultist

Little fella, it doesn't matter what you think about your goings on in life. You offer no solutions to a mathematical certainty that ends in omnicide. But I'm sure you have some imaginary idea about humanity finding some alternative form of energy usage that does nothing to quell or stabilize over population. Which ironically will multiply the negative effects of Net Primary Production.

>talks to himself for the umpteenth time about cult followings

>> No.1945495

This post says everything about what your goals are in life, and reiterates that you just don't get it.

I feel bad for you guys. All the religious zealot fanatics have jaded you to real solutions to every physical problem you have in life, but you can't help yourself to put me in the same category as zealots. It's sad to me, but never forget that you did this to yourself. This is the summation of your free will. Too bad you'll have to wallow in it as opposed to celebrating it.

This is my last post in this thread. Good luck to all of you. And by the way, I'm not surprised that you're too spineless to say you don't want my help after expiration. It's really the only good move you've made in life this far.

Goodbye everyone.

>> No.1945585

Bruh, pellet bed nuclear can give us enough energy for above and below ground ecologies growing hydroponic food for an increasing population for hundreds of years.
Fusion would give us 10k years, we'd have generational ships by then.

I'm not interested in being saved by a christ that threatens my eternity with petty human emotions for making fun of his bullshit on the meanest website on the internet. I feel really bad for you and your wife. Did you have kids too?

>> No.1945603

Man I don't care that the world will end. I don't want your help if it happens, noone does. I just wanted to see if what you claimed was possible, or had some truth in it. This was about some magic machine and you're trying to be a saviour by obsessing about a stone cutting method that has little relevance to humanity surviving a cataclismic event. I hope you enjoy your arguement in hell. See ya there pal.

>> No.1945608
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>> No.1945619
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>> No.1945619,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where did you get all this information?