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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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192574 No.192574 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking into building a underground shelter. what do you guys recommend i use to build it. The pic shows what i'm kind of thinking. Some sort of hinged door, not sure how to waterproof it though. Basically, i'm lost. Any suggestions?

>> No.192581

two units stick, one unit iron should supply your tools, then you need another 6 units of wood planks

or, try googling.. even just a little.

>> No.192583

>two units stick, one unit iron should supply your tools, then you need another 6 units of wood planks


>> No.192587

You might want to ask /k/ as well as they are into this kind of thing.

>> No.192591

Bakor's "Blueskin" is the superior, DIY and idiot proof method of waterproofing a foundation, pool, roof or in your case shelter.

>> No.192593

op here. Being from /k/, I know that isn't a good idea.

>> No.192604

Find out how deep you want the soil to go before the roof of your shelter starts. Find out how many cubic feet of soil you'll have.

Figure out how much a cubic foot of saturated soil weighs.

Do some math and add 20%; that's how strong it needs to be.

>> No.192606

shipping containers underground.

>> No.192627


hurrdurr wall strengf

>> No.192635

cars get buried in sand, inside shipping containers.

Sand is heavier than soil and doesn't hold its own weight as well.

Shipping containers need only a little reinforcement to survive it.

>> No.192693

hope your loaded

>> No.192797

how big are you planning on making the shelter?

i recommend just concrete and bricks and if you keep the shelter under 30 square feet a normal reinforced concrete dekking would suffice if not construct cemented pillars where needed.
cheap and sufficient/

also for the vent a minimum of two and not straight down

>> No.192806
File: 215 KB, 495x729, bomb.h21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ventilation MUST be forced air, to prevent accumulation of gasses.

>> No.192815

thats why you'll need two

without an airflow gasses wont leave the cellar

>> No.192826

Have never heard of diffusion, or convection.

>> No.192841
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Has clearly never heard of heavier than air gasses, such as Radon, or toxic Carbon Dioxide buildup in confined spaces. Carbon Monoxide could be a problem too if you add a generator or gas stove.

Simply put, better safe than sorry for underground shelters.

>> No.192854

What is it with 4chan that attracts these people?

o Wants to build an underground shelter
o Wants to live in a van
o Wants to live on the road like a hobo
o Doesn't want a normal job, wants get-rich-quick schemes
o etc etc etc


>> No.192858

Because 4chan attracts dreamers and thinkers outside of the realm of conventional / normal thought.

>> No.192860

here you go op.

>> No.192863

>Wants to live in a van
Obligatory down by the river

>> No.192881

Don't you mean "freaks and losers"?
I'm sure as fuck far from being what is considered the norm, but it's like they're not thinking things through. I'm sure some of it is what my father used to refer to as "suffering from an acute case of extreme youth", meaning they're not old enough to be very smart yet, but please! It's like they're not even trying to think these things through first!

>> No.192888

One the codebreakers working under the OSS / CIA would walk around in the dark, eating marmalade, wearing a bathroom, and wouldn't bathe for days on end.

Who the cares about whether or not people conform to social norms?

>> No.192889


>> No.192890

who the fuck cares why they do it, and you have no proof of your claims. would you rather this board was just "how do i put nails in a board" every thread

>> No.192920

*high five*

>> No.192966

OP here, I guess I should add that i kind of want to build it as a weekend retreat to be by myself in nature. It doesn't really need to be shipping container size.

>> No.193004

you will not see much nature in your hole in the ground.

Unless by "nature" you mean a crop of pot plants. which would just be dumb.

Why not get a tent?
Build a lean-too shelter?
Build a small cabin, the size of one of those little storage buildings. (this would require less effort then a stinking dirt-hole)

>> No.193025

>missing the point

>> No.193174
File: 14 KB, 233x270, chrisfarley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.193413


OP, that's Mike Oehler's website. He sells a book called the $50 and up underground house book. He solves the usual problems of underground houses by digging into the side of a hill.

>> No.193596

>wanting to regress back to being a caveman, live in a hole in the ground like a base animal