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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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190732 No.190732 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/,

I did make this thread on /r9k/, but didn't have much luck. I've written up a list of all the skills I wanted to learn/improve as atalented /diy/erand, before I die, I would like to be efficient in each one. So far my list is:

-Hand shadows
-Yoyo tricks
-Morse code
-Zippo tricks
-improved vocabulary
-Sign Language

Now i'm not trying to 100% master these, nor am I expecting to complete this overnight. I'm trying to figure out what feats I need to accomplish so I can strike these off of my list. Any links/tips/advice?

>> No.190783

no juggling? you can get the basics down in under an hour if you have decent instructions.
I know theres a method of using a binary tree for morse code, you follow the branches a few times and after a while you kind of just pick up the sequences.

>> No.190787

I knew I was forgetting something. Yeah, definitely add juggling to the list. Also I should mention that I have made a start on knitting, made heaps of scarfs/squares/beanies (really gotta do something more ambitious).

>> No.190792

Put one ball in each hand.
Throw the right hand ball in air
When it reaches its peak throw left ball to right hand
Catch right ball with left hand

Nigga, you jugglin'

>> No.190793
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>> No.190794
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There, enjoy. It's the only thing I can help on.

>> No.190797

Ziploc trick.

Wear jeans
rub it up leg to open it
Rub down leg to light it
Light that stoge you just flipped in your mouth

>> No.190799

look straight ahead, keep the top of the arc at eye level
start with one ball and try catching without looking.

>> No.190801

Improved vocabulary

Get a program called anki( I prefer android version)
Get an sat vocabulary deck
Make bitches moist

>> No.190902

you can learn magic from dvd-s nowadays... a lot of magic dvd-s are up on demonoid just search "magic".. for starters i recommend ellusionist's kard klub and crash course. not sure they are up there atm though. also get a few decks of red bicycle rider backs and some sponge balls

>> No.190907

me again... found the perfect set:
you're welcome

>> No.190909

This, Search demonoid 'magic'

>> No.191371

Bump, any idea what feats I need to perform so I can 'complete' these?

>> No.191372


this is awesome

>> No.191375

I prefer holding a zippo w/ thumb on bottom index and middle finger on top. Squeeze... it flips open, if you are dextrous enough you can also light it with your thumb as it pops open in one move. Should be an easy squeeze, not too hard or you will send the zippo flying or cause the cover to twist on the hinge and not close properly.

>> No.191441

I used to be able to snap my fingers against it to light it. Ill have to find mine and try again

>> No.191476


for the yo-yo tricks get a decent yo-yo, go on youtube search yo-yo tricks find the expert village channel and learn from there. the guy is kind of annoying but he's a good teacher and he's a 15th degree yo-yo master

>> No.192107


>> No.192122

>improved vocabulary
>I would like to be efficient in each one

Proficient is the word you're looking for.

>> No.192221

for sigh language just learn finger spelling, google it or youtube it. and also learn how to say ''how do you sign....'' then find a dumb/deaf person and have a fucking feild trip

>> No.192222

fuck quads

>> No.192224

3rd post's the newfagyest

>> No.192240
File: 276 KB, 235x160, safety ninja.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find a dumb/deaf person
>just learn finger spelling
>misspelling field

>> No.192545
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>> No.192573

I took ASL (American Sign Language) at a local Community college. I only took level 1 & 2 and I could actually have a conversation with deaf people. it's really easy to lean if you're interested in it.

also community college = relatively cheap

>> No.192664

this site helped me learning some basic skills, but I was too lazy to go on...

>> No.192738

Your approach to learning is also very important: I recommend the following; works for me; your milage may vary:

Beware of mixing languages.. Trying to learn sign, morse code, and improving vocabulary concurrently will not be as efficient as learning them consecutively.

If your have any length of commute to school/work, dump the music and start listening to books on tape (vocab), practice ventrilloquism, whistling, etc. Nothing too deep, and certainly nothing requiring printed material, but its really a great way to practice, no one can hear you, you're a captive audience, it happens at the same time everyday, you're alone, there's nothing better to do, less chance for indirect homelife to distract you... Golden opportunity to get ceertain types of work done. Image you have 10-15hrs commute per week. I consider myself at a semi-pro level on a musical instrument after spending 5hrs a week over 20yrs. I have 10hrs of commute to deal with currently, and most times I am busier (and get more accomplished) on my drive to and from work than I do the entire 9hr day on the job.

Also, I sometimes wondered if I was screwing myself out of my chill out time by not vegging out to music. I found that the car is no place to "relax". Its the most dangerous shit you will likely ever do. Better to stay engaged, and then you stand a very good chance of living long enough to complete your list.

>> No.194071

one last bump