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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 31 KB, 360x480, Football-CP-Base[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
190630 No.190630 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/. My main board, /ic/, has failed me, so I came to my second board to say this


We should make a team for the 4chan cup. it's like almost every other board on 4chan has done it but us.. all we need to do is compile a list of 23 /diy/ related things that we can make as players, and make a logo, and then pick an anthem for us.. it can't be that hard, can it?

>> No.190631



>> No.190634
File: 29 KB, 243x129, DIY Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I forgot to mention, if we want to actually play a game before october, we need to have the team ready in two weeks to play friendlies

Here's my logo suggestion..

>> No.190636

wouldn't it be better to use a version without that silly ending thing? Like this?

>> No.190641

1. Fingerbox
2. Nixie
3. Chainmail
4. R.C. Circuit
Just trying to get some ideas going here

>> No.190651

We could just stick MacGyver on the team

>> No.190650


Lightbulb terrariums!

I might have to start another thread

>> No.190652

"Identifying Wood"..?

Yeah, it's wood.

>> No.190655

Other requirements for a team:

It needs to have a gold player (best player, max stats), a silver player (2nd best player, almost max stats), 2 bronze players (3rd and 4th) with above average stats, and everyone else gets an average stat of 66.

Gold - 99
Silver - 88
Bronze - 77
Regular - 66
Goalkeepers MUST be 66s.

We also need to give players skillcards
5 "P" skillcards, and 5 "S" skillcards. Golds get 3, silvers get 2, everyone else gets 1.

You also need a formation, and people to take free kicks, corners, penalties etc etc.

>> No.190676
File: 36 KB, 315x518, platformofdoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat /v/ at their own game

>> No.190678


Anybody wanna set up a wiki page?

>> No.190689

Too late. They've already decided who can/can't participate like two weeks ago.

>> No.190749

Yeah, that's for the main tournament in summer. We can still enter friendlies that are in two weeks, and the qualification tournament + its friendlies in September/October
We just need patience, and more contribution.

>> No.190753

How to contribute besides the 23 /diy/ related things?
Looks like we already have a logo and anthem

>> No.190756

That;s just it, we need more /diy/ related things. So far we have:
Fingerbox, Nixie, Chainmail, R.C Circuit, MacGyver, Identifying Wood, Lightbulb Terrariums and.. The platform of doom.

We need 15 more, and then we can make our wiki page, and start thinking on tactics to beat everyone. It can't be that difficult to think of 15 /diy/ things, surely?

Metal Detectors is a common thing for /diy/. The "Wooden wedding ring" thread was a popular one, that could be incorporated.. there's a lot we can add, I just don't want it all done by myself

>> No.190771

5. "Kid" ( I know we all hate that, but it's used so much we might as well)
6. Macgyver
7. The Dumpster Diver
8. The Cheap-ass (I know some people here build things just cause they don't wanna buy anything)

>> No.190773

4.R.C Circuit
6.Identifying Wood
7.Lightbulb Terrariums
8.The platform of doom
10.Dumpster Diver
12.Metal Detectors
13.Wooden Wedding Ring.

Well, we're over half done. With the anthem and the logo, we could just get some tactics and be ready

>> No.190775


>> No.190778

D.I.Y Hard (or /diy/hard)

Or, something about how anti-fleslight /diy/ is.

>> No.190784

That and >>190775 will put us up to 16 players, meaning just 7 more and we can make a team. Anybody have ideas for tactics and formations and who should be our best players?

Also, I suggest "Blueprints" for the team

>> No.190790


What about something completely useless like blacksmithing?

Most faggots on here seem to want to do that shit.

>> No.190796

4.R.C Circuit
6.Identifying Wood
7.Lightbulb Terrariums
8.The platform of doom
10.Dumpster Diver
12.Metal Detectors
13.Wooden Wedding Ring.
17.No Fleshlights

Good enough list.. 5 more people..

>> No.190802

The Punk
The Artsy/Craftsy

>> No.190806

You know, if the cup is always using "trollpost" as a meme, we could take advantage of goalpost framework and make it our goalkeeper.

>> No.190807

yeah! and we could do something like "Trollpost: Built specially by /diy/ to win the cup.."

>> No.190818

4.R.C Circuit
6.Identifying Wood
7.Lightbulb Terrariums
8.The platform of doom
10.Dumpster Diver
12.Metal Detectors
13.Wooden Wedding Ring.
17.No Fleshlights
19. The Punk

Well, it's a start. Who has ideas for the starting 11, and the formations? Here's my idea

=====MacGyver====Dumpster Diver==
No Fleshlights============Cheapass
=Lightbulb Terrariums=WoodWeddingRing=
=Identifying Wood========Fingerbox==

or in short

Gold and silver on the CFs, Bronze on the LM and RM

>> No.190819

Looks good to me. Seems like a fair representation of a board with only 200k posts. If /3/ and /n/ can do it, we can too right?

>> No.190820

Formatted the goalhorn into something that we can put onto our wiki page when we make it


>> No.190830

I made our wiki page!

>> No.190831

looking at it right now. Looks good!

>> No.190833

Can't we think of anything better than Artsy and Craftsy? Other than that, it looks good.

>> No.190836

Feel free to suggest players if you feel there are some that don't deserve it

Also, is OP still around? Do you have PES?

>> No.190837

does anybody think they can post images of the players? some are obvious and easy to find like MacGuyver, No Fleslights and Wooden Wedding Ring, but some like Homebrewbro, Artsy, Craftsy and /diy/hard may be difficult

>> No.190839

I can download it, but because it's like.. 6gb, and I need to add in all the teams, i wont be able to do anything until maybe Easter, and that's at a stretch. Maybe somebody from another board with the game can test it?

>> No.191128
File: 248 KB, 787x464, soccer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here is a possible plan I thought of:
Gold and Silver as forwards/forward-mids.
Bronzes at those two positions because they have the most influential passing moments. (had the top-mid black and left brown switched initially, but then decided the top-mid position would not have much difficult passing)

Might be risky having blacks as forward wings, but with this style of play, it shouldn't be too much of a hindrance.

I figure that this formation can play one of two styles.
>1. Championed by the Brazil team
>>Have each player staying in the far back of their red zone (defensive/offensive "zone"). Then when other teams defenders/midfielders come up and we gain ball control we utilize our multiple passing routes for an effective counter-attack.

>2. Similar to England's formation, but with wings being pushed WAY up.
>>This is a much more offensive way of playing, but just as effective. Rather than waiting to take the ball form the opposing team and counter-attacking, you control the ball in the middle/sides slowly making your way up and wait for a break. The deep wings (hopefully won't be stupid enough to get caught offsides too often) allow for distractions for the forwards to break away into striking territory.

I know it's a lot, but after reading feel free to alter it, improve it, insult it, call me a faggot

Also, 66's are the blacks. Cause, ya' know, 4chan.

>> No.191133

Here's what I read from your post:

> Hey guys everyone else is doing this why aren't we doing it? I'm not saying it is fun or that there will be any benefit but if everyone else is doing it shouldn't we do it too? Isn't that how things work?

>> No.191358

So you're saying to use.. 2-6-2? I would presume that the bronze and black towards the back are defensive mids?

>> No.191360

Why not get a represenation of our board into the spotlight?

Of course, it is fun, it's brilliant fun. If you've ever seen any of the games, you'd know its fun. There's upwards to 300 viewers for babby cup, and for the main tournament there's 2000 people, and that was with 4chan down.

>> No.191361


The 2-6-2, only spoken of in tales of old. They won't know what hit em'

>> No.191362

Neither will our goalkeeper when he's hit by 20 shots a game.

>> No.191388



>> No.191390
File: 61 KB, 431x300, 1275296794736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also put hannibal in the team, because hes always got a plan and shit

>> No.191397


Hell, I would be happy if our goalie only faced 20 shots in a game. If you compress the whole formation in like a spring, it looks like a good defense. My delusions make me happy

>> No.191418

>/diy/ Related
>/diy/ related
Doesn't MacGyver already cover all that shit?

You want tight? I got tight.


That's as tight as 2-6-2 will go.

>> No.191508

Anybody got pictures I can put on the wiki?

Also, somebody tested us against the current champions /m/

We won 5-2.

>> No.191509

The current champion is /k/. /m/ merely is the champion of Babbies.

>> No.191511

Even if you won against them, it's not an official friendly, so it doesn't count.

>> No.191513

it's just that everyone who tests has /m/ play shit, but germanbro has them dominate.

>> No.191516

It's because we have a coach, he tells GermanBro when to switch players or change the formation. This happens with most teams.

You can't expect the AI to have the same intelligence as a human coach, PES' AI is retarded.

>> No.191517

.. a coach?

>> No.191519

Yes, let me explain it to you.

Every board is allowed to choose one official coach, the one that will guide GermanBro to do the changes in players, formation or mentality during an official match. We leave the testings mostly to the official coach, while we give him suggestions, he sees what the best formation is according to him and that's what he gives to GermanBro. They contact him during the match in Skype. Guar/d/iola was /d/'s coach, Cozmo was /pol/'s coach, Dragonfag was /vp/'s coach, GoldTiger is /m/'s coach. Get it now?

That way we have more control over the players and we avoid the AI retardness fucking us over.

>> No.191520

Dragonfag? I thought his allegiance is to /n/? hmm, I need to lurk moar.

So uh.. /diy/nosaur, think you can be the /diy/ coach?

>> No.191522

I would, but you see, friendlies are done with conditioning equal for all, I wont be needed as a coach until october. We'll have 6 friendlies between now and then though, so you can enjoy those as /diy/ sweep everyone.

I've organized a friendly with /po/, if that's all right with you guys..

>> No.191523

Oh, right, I don't really remember which board he coached on, it probably was /n/ indeed.

Get some people to test and see who gets the most positive results with the current formations of the teams you want to test your team against.

>> No.191524

Dragonfag managed /n/, Preston /vp/.

>> No.191525

You can be appointed as /diy/'s official coach right now, just tell GermanBro. Then you'll start managing the team in the friendlies.

>> No.191526

There's no special need for managers in the friendlies since the condition isn't random and fatigue, cards or injuries not accumulated.
The AI will only do retarded substitutions if positions aren't covered by the bench, in which case he loves to move the gold player to that position.

>> No.191527

We already know from Dragonfag that we've had very good test results.I think overall it was somewhere along the lines of 5W, 5D, 4L... that's pretty good, right?

>> No.191528

You can't cut yourself some slack. Friendlies are the testing ground and are serious shit. Try to maximize your results and build a reputation (especially in the rankings, position circklejerking mostly).

>> No.191529

What's the point on seeing the results of someone else when what really matters are your results as the coach? You need to test out stuff until you find a formation that's works the best for you.

>> No.191531

Well.. I don't have the game, nor the money to buy it, nor the time to torrent it, make all the teams etc.

>> No.191532

I can do it.

>> No.192104

So far: 7W, 6D, 8L.

Ehh, not great

>> No.192642

/ic/ here, we want a friendly

>> No.192655


>> No.193003

So we're taking /ic/ ad /po/

Who is the last board that we can play?

>> No.193400

Let's play against /o/. They're into cars and mechanics and shit. We're into.. well, general handiwork

>> No.193441

/ic/ vs /diy/ today.. roughly 5 hours until then.

It will be our team, captained by MacGyver vs /ic/s team, captained by LOOMIS. They've copied /sp/ tactics, and we're.. well, we have MacGyver

>> No.193452

I hope MacGyver takes their brushes, their easels and canvas and turns it into some sort of goalscoring machine

>> No.193583

It's starting

>> No.193584

We're playing now!


>> No.193734

We lost 2-1.. but /ic/ are really good.

>> No.194179

Argh... MacGyver should have had that one goal in the 35th minute. Our one goal was a beautiful volley though.

Does anyone have an idea of when the next game will be played?

>> No.194186
File: 248 KB, 618x421, victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a friendly with /po/ on saturday

7:40 CEST. 6:40 GMT. 1:40 EST.

>> No.194192

> /pol/ logo

I see, continuing on the same line as the original /n/.

>> No.194217

Don't forget, /jp/, /mu/ and /sp/ all have ripped logos

>ignoring the fact /diy/ won

>> No.194398

Why were you playing as /vp/?

>> No.194429

I thought we already agreed on calling each other Mc/diy/vers in a thread back when this board was first made
>inb4 nobody went on /diy/ for the first week

>> No.194437

>using /diy/ during the first week
It's copied from /vp/s testing channel

>> No.194801

Do we have any ideas for kits?

>> No.194807

Deep cycle batteries.

>> No.194809

That's retarded. /diy/hard all the way

>> No.194808 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 714x249, 1332632642849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger I fucking came. Link to build log please

>> No.194826

we are /diy/ldoes

>> No.194899

The kits should be like.. really stereotypical white with blue denim overalls drawn on.

>> No.194903

I like /diy/ke

>> No.195104
File: 294 KB, 301x450, diy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.196359

Who else do we want friendlies with? Who should we challenge?
We could have /cgl/ for a friendly. Essentially Men vs Women.

or /toy/.. making shit is something we both do.. I don't know.
Does /toy/ and /cgl/ sound good to you guys?

>> No.197034

What do we want as our custom kits?

>> No.197261

/diy/ will be playing /po/ in 16.5 hours.

>> No.197571

just over 2 hours to go

>> No.197669

MacGyver and Dumpster Diver were an incredible pairing..

/diy/ 4-0 /po/!

>> No.198048

That 3rd goal was sweet as hell.

When is the next friendly, and against who?

>> No.198198

We haven't got it organized yet, but we're challenging /cgl/ and /toy/.

>> No.198880

/toy/ accepted, so we'll put that on the wiki later