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1901003 No.1901003 [Reply] [Original]

Just a newbie tradie here, was wondering what the elections may hold for future work aspects.

Does having a Dem/Rep President have a huge impact on the union trades flow of work, and if so, in what ways can I try to plan ahead for this?

>> No.1901092

No but the economy sure does. We finally got caught up this past week in hvac service after working 3 weeks behind for 4 months. People are running out of money; we have higher end customers but it has hit as a bit as well. Our electric department is dead, plumbing is still a couple weeks behind after hiring 2 apprentices. Trade skills are infrastructure; demand only grows with the population, but fewer technicians are entering the field

>> No.1901496

So, can I expect that as everything is tightening wallets all over, it may not be a very active dispatch seeing were looking at a recession -doing the welding gig, and worried about the job prospects drying up

>> No.1901566

There’s always welding work. As long as you’re working industrial and are competent at your job you’ll be fine. Thing are definitely slowing down though. I work commercial construction and the work from home covid shit is going to change commercial spaces permanently.

>> No.1901597

>demographic replacement will continue
>the brown hordes are happy to work for 1/4 of your pay
>as inflation and cost of living increases, wages will continue to stay stagnant
>employers will hire the brown slaves because they are dumb and dont complain about terrible working conditions and wages

in our lifetime we'll see the dissolution or radical restructuring of unions and their comfy wages will be a thing of the past

look at the trends, look at the numbers, in no metric is there any indication that trades/labor work is going to see an improvement for the workers

>> No.1901621

I believe this, as sad as it is.
The working man has no power, the politicians get paid huge amounts of money from lobbies to continue to take working class power.
I honestly dont know how much longer this can go on until we hit a breaking point.

>> No.1902098
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It is the opposite here. A bunch of commercial places emptied out because of COVID and bosses and landlords have been using the opportunity to fix problems and make improvements while buildings are empty. We were a bit stacked up at the end of last year and we are absolutely slammed now. We are booked into the next year already and we've been working through the COVID thing without stopping.

I live in a right to work state. Union jobs were always rare outside of government and certain high dollar jobs. That said, the only groups feeling pressure from immigrants are people in unskilled and semi-skilled jobs. So, if your main selling point to your boss is you are white and you passed 8th grade, well, Timbuk 3 didn't write that song about you. The days of graduating high school, getting a decent job, working there for 30 years, having a spouse, a few kids, a nice house, and two cars on a single salary are long since gone. It is just some places took a little longer to get the news. Shit man, even something simple like a forklift cert can be enough for you to stand out in the field.

>> No.1902241

>That said, the only groups feeling pressure from immigrants are people in unskilled and semi-skilled jobs.
That's not true at all

I personally know of multiple companies who have instituted diversity policies for their workforce. Once enough of them get in, nepotism will take over. A perfect example of this is IT, a few pajeets got in and hired only other poos and now the entire server room smells like feces and spices. Look at what has happened to trucking, it used to be some real deal cowboy shit and supremely male/white, now it's almost exclusively niggers and spics. The same thing is happening to the trades, your anecdotal personal experience doesn't apply to the macro scale

>> No.1902282

>the brown hordes are happy to work
I doubt it, one of the ladies at home depot complains about the niggers,she says most of the time someone asks them to do something, they just say no and eventually get fired.

>> No.1902541

i didn't say work with ethic and passion

they will fill positions that need a body in them for a marginal wage. other more motivated employees will pick up the slack, and mgmt will extend timelines and expenses to accommodate it

because you are absolutely forbidden to say "some workers are severely shit" and when they happen to be some foul shade of brown you get in trouble for "racism". I've seen it happen more times than i can count, this in blue collar work too not some Huff Post office.

Did you not notice how everything has gotten 400% more pozzed since nigger floyd died? A huge engineering/GC outfit near me put out a simping announcement that their biggest priority in the next 5 years is to significantly ramp up diversity in the workplace.

>> No.1902543

Federal and state/local government clients won’t be too hyped to hire electrical contractors made up of “illegal
Brown hordes”. My job is pretty safe dude.

>> No.1902548

It doesn't matter how "hyped" they are, all it takes is one elected faggot or a vocal group of activists to start bitching and they will flip in a heart beat

I'm watching it happen all over. Your specific position may not be affected tomorrow, but sooner or later you'll be experiencing it to some degree.

wait until the dems get back in power in 2 months or 4 years, bet you a million bucks there will be new laws passed at light speed mandating minimum "diversity requirements". Hell those mandates are already in place for many .gov related positions.

just be aware that's what's coming down the pipeline, depending on your niche and area you may take longer to see it personally

>> No.1902549

They absolutely do, or they sub it out. Like 50% other power company's white union work is subcontracted out to illegals

>> No.1902568

Sounds like the union is fucking up.

>> No.1902985
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>diverse engineers
Just what we need

>> No.1902998

You’re absolutely wrong and a seething child with a victim complex. I live in an extremely leftist area and the contractor I work for still beats out the companies you whine about because we have proven track records doing the specific kind of electrical work we do, and they own their own heavy equipment so we don’t have to waste time or money by renting.

Not in my local, and not in the counties I work in. Sounds like it sucks to be you.

>> No.1903004

Dude, we're just trying to warn you Beaners and pajeet absolutely will take over your skilled labor job if given the chance.

Congress says their job is to keep housing prices high and wages low, so the shitskins will continue to come unabated

>> No.1903013

Actual diversity with qualified people in the workplace is absolutley the best way for flexibility, creativity, and problem solving.
If you have a bunch of yes men or a bunch of people who think and act exactly the same way, you are hurting yourself.

Of course just blindly hiring some nigger for a quota isnt actually building diversity on your team.

>> No.1903024

There arent enough qualified niggers and women for everyone to have diverse hires tho

>> No.1903043

IF you can't offer enough money to hire qualified engineers, the white guys aren't going to be good either.

>> No.1903048

They could offer 500k a year and still not hire any whites. That's the point of the diversity policies. It also reduces the pool of applicants you can select from.

No, the hire for 500k isnt worth a white man for 100k.

>> No.1903115

Federal work is governed by Davis Beacon "prevailing wage" laws which mandates that all contractors pay their workers union wages.

With a Democratic President that means a boom for construction/builder ""skilled""" trade unions because that means promised work in the future. Who doesn't like Democratic Presidents are typically industrial trade unions who have seen free trade agreements wither down manufacturing jobs in the US.

If you follow the history of industrial trade unionism (unskilled labor, job protection for life) -- CIO compared to craft trade union (5 year apprenticeship, guaranteed layoffs) AFL, then they're entirely different fields.

A Republican President is a mixed bag, but by most accounts, they're generally anti-union; right to work / open shop / merit shop. Non-union shops pay less, but guarantee work throughout the year, generally.

I'm a union electrician in the second largest city in the US. I might be the only left-leaning voter on the whole jobsite (and even then I'm a moderate on most issues). Most guys are Republicans to Far Right Republicans to conspiracy guys.

>> No.1903240

kek, you're full of shit and a reddit nigger

>> No.1903245

wow, you are absolutely cucked by the system. I don't get why you support it.

>> No.1903404

It is true that pajeets will only hire other pajeets.

Poo begets poo

>> No.1903478

You misunderstood, I dont

>> No.1903485
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>their biggest priority in the next 5 years is to significantly ramp up diversity in the workplace
Translation: If you're good at your work, you're responsible for the hard carry.

Reminds me of days doing CAD work in college. Something that took an average around 2 hours while I got it done in <10 minutes. They absolutely could not wrap their head around stuff like designing for additive or subtractive processes and wonder why that $3000 workstation never worked the way they intended. They never got around to learning hotkeys or how to queue up instructions and commands in their head. Engineering has lost its rigor, they're literally training overpaid worker drones.

These days I just do work at my own pace. It's mediocre by my standard but significantly above average by work standards. The hyperproductive energies can be devoted to more important things, like APM in RTS games. Can't go fighting what I can't control. It's bad for morale.

>> No.1903537

1. change your name to jose gonzalez
2. get new SSN card, drivers licence, etc
3. take new dox to place where you got certs/degrees, pay them a few bucks to redo your diplomas with your new name
4. check the hispanic box on all government and business forms
5. get that sweet sweet minority contractor money

>> No.1903612

The negativity on this board is really something to behold.

>> No.1903614

Nobody chooses to be a tradecuck, its all high school dropouts. So yes they are bitter.
You cant be surprised by this

>> No.1903625

You're just mad that you're didn't get a 23&Me to verify you're 1% Iberian peninsula Hispanic and therefore a recipient of diversity quotas and preferential hiring practices.

>> No.1903631


one drop of poo ruins an entire barrel of honey - old russian proverb

>> No.1903632

Blacks that have gotten licensed to do something or that have achieved some other form of licensure frequently perform better than their white colleagues.

This is because blacks generally come from poorer circumstances / need to prove themselves in white dominated arenas. So the cream rises to the top, so to speak. Meanwhile, whites, many of whom had, on average, more and better opportunities, tend to make up the rest of any given population of professionals.

t. two of my cousins and one of my aunts married darkies

>> No.1903634 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1903635

If a white and a non-white person with exactly the same qualifications present for a job, in many polities it is literally illegal to hire the white person.

Solution: become transracial.

>> No.1903752

>we need people that think differently
Like toddlers and mentally handicapped people (you). Get some real diversity of thought up in there instead of just tyrone from the ghetto.

>> No.1903754

>Blacks that have gotten licensed to do something or that have achieved some other form of licensure frequently perform better than their white colleagues.

>> No.1903763

If you were good at your job, it's not a problem. Just remember that.

>> No.1903811

This is too depressing.

>> No.1904002

Can confirm.
Not like spics are going to high schools or colleges, lapping up our best and brightest for <whatever spic industry they're in>

>> No.1904029

Ultimate secret right here:
Learn more than one skill. In fact, learn as many as you possibly can and try to balance your commitment to developing those skills based on the work at hand. The best workers in any field are the guys with a wide variety of knowledge that they can apply in novel ways to find solutions others normally wouldn’t.

Imagine a car mechanic who does 90% suspension work suddenly having to troubleshoot and solve a cooling system problem. If he had some basic plumbing and/or fluid power knowledge, he’d have a much easier time than if he’d dedicated his entire career to changing out bad shocks. You never really know when just a small piece of knowledge or exercise will help in a big way, so it’s best to learn as much as you can about as many things as you can.

You’re the only person who can prove you’re more valuable than some random illegal willing to work for peanuts. You have to sell yourself like you’re the premium option that doesn’t simply do the same job at a higher cost, but rather one that justifies its investment by providing services the cheap options simply cannot. And if there’s nothing you can do to prove yourself the better option, you’d better start considering a different field of work. That or try starting your own business. That, of course, will require learning a whole lot about business, management, regulations, etc, which brings us back to square one: don’t just learn the bare minimum to perform your job, learn whatever is needed to be the best at your job.

>> No.1904513

This is the truth. If you ever stop learning, you’re dead.

>> No.1904578

Oh you're a retarded poltard...

Toodles to your shit job, dumb hick...it'll be gone in a few years

>> No.1904606


lol get a load of this guy who has clearly never been to a union meeting

>> No.1904618

>Actual diversity with qualified people in the workplace is absolutley the best way for flexibility, creativity, and problem solving.


As demonstrated by the all of nations that have had great success in science and engineering, like ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome, Ancient China, Britain, Germany, Japan, 1950s America and the Soviet Union. Right?

>> No.1904620

>meaningless boomer talk about a world that doesn't exist anymore.

Highly skilled engineers and tradesmen often don't get the chance to put any of those skills to use anymore. It doesn't matter how good you are when nobody will interview you or seriously consider you for a job.

>> No.1904625

honestly , not really . if Biden gets elected he would more or less continue Trump's policies, the only thing changing being the media reporting on those policies.

>> No.1904649

Keep thinking shit like that and it’ll come true, bud. 999/1000 people may never give you a chance but that doesn’t mean you should just give up and wallow in self-pity. If you don’t know how to prove yourself, ask your interviewer how you can. Hell just asking something like that could kick off a really interesting interview. If nothing else, you might learn something for the next interview. Experience isn’t just about the tasks of a particular job, it’s also about working with people as a team, interpersonal skills, that sort of thing. The way you carry yourself everyday and especially when the pressure is on (like, oh I dunno, during an interview) says a lot about you as a person and a worker. If you give off the vibe of someone not suited to the environment, chances are the interviewer is going to pick up on it immediately.

Don’t got those pesky people skills? Well guess what fucko, you ain’t learning them in this shithole. Go work somewhere outside your comfort zone for a year and get to know the kinds of people you would “never associate with.” Learn from them, learn about them, teach them whatever you feel could be helpful to them—be it work related or not—and help each other out. The skills develop naturally.

Nobody wants to hire a nervous, timid baby or some arrogant jackass with only negative shit to say for a big-boy job. If you can’t carry yourself properly, someone’s going to end up carrying you and nobody wants to do that shit. How’s that for “Boomertalk”?

>> No.1904654

>More inane boomer babble

OK Boomer

>> No.1904712

Half of my pajeet and chink engineering classmates could barely speak functioning English in addition to having moderate autism. They found work much more easily than the American students who were often more skilled.
It's because they cost $10,000 less per year to hire. Businesses don't have to pay payroll taxes on them.
Thanks Boomer.

>> No.1904719

>They found work much more easily than the American students who were often more skilled.
unlikely. American's are very rarely more competent than foreign engineering students. They are more confident, however, and are really great at making mistakes when what you really want is someone who pays attention to details.

>> No.1904772
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>pay attention to details
>cant speak your language

>> No.1904775

You obviously have not had the privilege of being a millennial in the sciences or engineering. The international students are lazy fucks. Always have to end up picking up the slack, because they wouldn't do their work or would try to cheat and cut corners.

>> No.1904794

>they wouldn't do their work or would try to cheat and cut corners
To be fair, when the work actually got done, it would often have to be corrected and redesigned. They weren't always lazy

>> No.1904798

I drive a forklift without a cert all the time
should I get it just so I can line up another job quick if my employer fires me / goes out of business?
I'm fairly competent at it, don't think I'd have too much trouble with the test.
just wondering if it's worth, how much time / money is it?

>> No.1904909

>I might be the only left-leaning voter on the whole jobsite
That's because you're a faggot

>> No.1904952


Breh Hispanic just means of Spanish descent. Even if your family is entirely Spanish with no native admixture you are still 'hispanic' and check that box. Or do whatever the fuck you want and check it regardless, you still count as a minority and it's not like anyone is going to 'prove' you aren't. Literally no raisin not too except personal pride.

>> No.1904953


>Ancient Egypt
>Soviet Union
>>>>>>>>Not diverse

Imagine being so absolutely historically ignorant. Hey bud, mind checking how many emperors of Rome were actually of Roman ethnic origin? I'll wait.

>> No.1904958

>oh no that truth makes me uncomfortable
>better compartmentalize it away

>> No.1904963

It's a redditor it's not here for truth it's just here to counter le evil nazis

>> No.1904971

The international student union in minnesota in 2004 kept copies of previous semester tests different professor had given. They would "study" by getting together the night before and review the correct answers.

>> No.1905033

Changing the answers on your tests is racist

>> No.1905314

>Hispanic just means of Spanish descent. Even if your family is entirely Spanish with no native admixture you are still 'hispanic'
Wrong. Spanish people are considered european/caucasian/white. "Hispanic" means you descend from Central or South America. If you come from a 100% Spanish family that happened to live in Colombia, before coming to the U.S., you can claim hispanic. But, if your family just came here from Spain, you are not hispanic.
Honestly, though, unless you become a politician later in life, who gives a shit? Just check the box. You don't actually even have to change your name. Say your from a mixed family. It's not like falsely claiming to be native, which can actually get you in trouble. Nobody verifies that anyone is actually hispanic. And, if for some, stupid reason, someone decides to dig up your lie, tell them you're trans-hispanic.

>> No.1905333
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Nah I was right, we were both right in that anyone can claim it.


>> No.1905408

How could we ever forget the black Roman emperors? Or the soviet-vietnamese or the pajeet-Germans.
They was kangz.

>> No.1905409

Tests are racisss, my fren

>> No.1905534

So many faggots on this board who haven't gotten their OSHA training.