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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 738 KB, 2048x1536, 1597180220870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1884777 No.1884777 [Reply] [Original]

So basically my dad is about to die and I'm 19 from Serbia, never had any electrical / electrical engineering experience even though my dad is an electrician but he didn't give a fuck about me lol. He has a big house that he uses as a workshop with like a billion electrical thingy ma jingy. He finished electrical school but I don't know where to start, any free or at least cheap online courses or books I can get to at least try and comprehend it all? I also like physics very much. Thanks.
>Pic is related but its not my pic lol

>> No.1884783

Give actual pics you ding dong, then we can get a baseline and name stuff for you to research and learn about

>> No.1884784

"My stupid dad who doesnt give a shit about me is going to leave me a small fortune"
You're fucked in the head brother, just sell it and use the proceeds to sit in a serbian insane asylum for the rest of your life

>> No.1884797

LMFAOOO, he's only leaving it to me cuz he has 0 relatives left and can literally gift it to the government if he wanted. He's been the biggest faggot jerk to me my whole life and you don't know my dad so you can go fuck yourself buddy.

>> No.1884800

eh he has basically everything, every bosch machine ever, every powertool, every tablesaw, grinders, like literally ever screw in the world, batteries, clamps, microwave parts, washing machine parts and whole washing machines (including my mom) old and new tv's, he knew how to weld and has one of those welding machines, he was good at soldering and shit, old keyboards and cassette players, vinyls, a lot of pc parts, random scrap, light bulbs, wires and a lot more. Is there a way that you can contact me? Anything is fine

>> No.1884801

Why not just go to school to become an electrician/electrical engineering (I'm not sure which, based on what you described, because electricians don't typically have workshops; they work out on job sites.) Regardless, workshops can basically print money if you know how to use the things in them. A lot of people have to learn to do things, AND THEN actually go buy all the things they need. You only need to do one of those steps, and just getting an education is the easier one of those two steps. Functional, producing workshops are fucking expensive.

>> No.1884802
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>print money
Worth dying for.

>> No.1884805

Yeah he has like a really nice professional workshop that's huge. Basically have 1 large shed and one actual big house with 2 floors filled with scrap metal, washing machines, generators, rotors , blenders, all types of machines.
Sadly I can't actually become one the usual way, I'm in an art high school right now 4th year (there's 4) and I kinda wish I finished as an electrician cuz it all looks cool to me. So I gotta learn somehow else cuz I can't really go to that house a lot but I spend like 60% of my day on the PC lol. So pls help me become electrical engineer cuz I obviously have the capital to do so.
nice joke I can't breaf

>> No.1884810

how much you want. i buy it

>> No.1884811

I wouldn't go under 6000$ unironically, it has so much useful stuff

>> No.1884816

You have no clue what useful or not

>> No.1884820

trust me I do, he can talk for hours about all of that shit, never had something break or not work except batteries being used up of course

>> No.1884821

>I'm in an art high school right now 4th year
Your dad sounds like the based one, he probably was pissed because you're a faggot?

You are OP after all.

>> No.1884825

Eh the only reason I'm a faggot is cuz I'm an OP. Got a great gf to whom I'll probably get married with. I'm a graphic designer but I'll switch to UX design and was thinking about doing all of that electrical stuff in my free time.

>> No.1884846
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>based electrician chad dad with a big fucking workshop
>son is an artist

>> No.1884851

shut up nigga he lost his job 10 years ago and basically sold shit online lmfao

>> No.1884852

sounds like he was awesome.
shame his son turned out to be such a disappointment.

>> No.1884853

OP should follow xir dream of becoming a soyy farmer.

>> No.1884861

You're saying he could have given it to the gov but decided to give it to you so I doubt he hates you.

>> No.1884866

>be practicing electrical engineer/signal processing engineer
>be visual artist who regularly gets commissions
>be published musician as well
get on my level

>> No.1884875

>visual artist
elephant poo
>published musician
You uploaded your "music" to soundcloud?

>> No.1884880

no, I'm signed to a label

>> No.1884881

You said you were 19. Go fuck yourself, you’ve achieved nothing.

>> No.1884885
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>I'm signed to a label
Yeah? Me too.

>> No.1884886

I'm not OP

>> No.1884887

Laughable lying little faggot. Signed to a record label in Serbia? You must play the empty vodka bottle. You're dad was a man. You sound like a bitch. He probably paid for your shArt school degree too.

>> No.1884889
File: 311 KB, 220x220, DF467AD3-0D10-419F-AA60-8506E4577B37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the joke hits.

>> No.1884890

fuck off
>you're saying he could've the lowest requirement in life
Yes, also I never said he hates me
Thats some random faggot, I'm OP

>> No.1884891

no you fucking retarded burger lmfao that's not me, I'm OP, school here is free (you can't relate cuz ur an Amerilard) I've never even made a song.
also we don't drink vodka that shit is not strong enough

>> No.1884893

not bullshit but it's not some big label, just an indie drum and bass collective

>> No.1884901


sell all that shit if you dont want it, you useless crybaby fuck. theres ebay for a reason dickhole

>> No.1884904

lol no thanks faggot, I wanna use it and if I do use it and I don't like it I will sell it all and blow it on coke

>> No.1884933
File: 221 KB, 866x1390, black-african-man-in-shorts-shirt-and-hat-sitting-playing-bongo-drum-F282T5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bullshit but it's not some big label, just an indie drum and bass collective

>> No.1884937

how old are you anon
if you're younger than 20, let all of us tell you right the fuck now: don't sell it. don't. even if he was a faggot. you will regret it. at the very least, put it in some lind of storage.

>> No.1884948

Okay I'm under 20 but what do i fucking do with it???? Can you like contact me privately or something bro

>> No.1884952

/diy/ Yugoslav wars between gay serbian artist and croatian aerated terracotta merchant when?

>> No.1884956
File: 29 KB, 430x650, 1520631495286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb lazy nigger
You post pictures in this thread where people will give you an honest answer for what the shit is worth, since none of us are going anywhere near your shithole country

Are you retarded?
It was LITERALLY the first post
What do you think someone sending you a private message is going to do? Take a flight into fucking Serbia?
No, he is going to ask for pics you faggot

Im starting to think you arent smart enough to utilize any of these tools, you certainly dont have the ambition to.

>> No.1884962
File: 218 KB, 550x1148, 1591870918306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just an indie drum and bass collective

>> No.1884970

Marina Abramovic is a satanist fuck her
I said I literally can't be there it's like half an hour drive and I got shit to do wtf? Maybe I can talk to someone and I'll send them pics of useful shit you stupid fucking nigtard

>> No.1884980

you can learn to do his job on youtube.
If you can actually do physics, you would be wasted as an electrician though.
My dad was also an electrician who was an asshole. He didn't give me anything, he just died, so I took some of his tools I found in his garage, studied physics at university and now I'm a research scientist.

>> No.1884984

Remember when I said you have no ambition?
You are just confirming it by pretending a half hour drive is a long way, or that a 19 year old drum and bass composer has any sort of life or any sort of responsibilities

I hope you get completely raped by a reseller who finds the one or two things actually worth a fortune that you will inevitably miss from your incompetence and laziness

>> No.1884997

I literally don't care bro, stop acting like I have nothing better to do and I won't get ripped off.
damn bro nice holy fuck can I like talk to you somewhere privately like discord: Johnnye#0488

>> No.1885056

>I literally don't care bro
We know, we have been saying that since the beginning
What makes you think someone is going to trannycord to private message you and talk?
You are a lazy fuck who doesnt put in any effort or care, yet you expect people to go out of their way into a different platform and do hard work for you?


>> No.1885060

No I'm not, the literal point of me making the thread is asking for help so I can do shit on my own, I just don't know where to start and I need a guiding hand. I'm going there in a few days but talking with someone who's experienced in this field and I'd take pics

>> No.1885063

That's the real cringe right there

>> No.1885067

>including my mom

>> No.1885071

yup basically if you're older than 5 and say "yikes" yo should probably kill yourself. also are you an electrical engineer?
what about you, are you one of those?

>> No.1885074

Im an electrical engineer, it took 4 years of college

>> No.1885078

holy shit dm me on discord brother, I have so many questions Johnnye#0488 ; we wuz tesla serbian n shiet

>> No.1885085

gas zoomers when?

>> No.1885087

>I have so many questions
You get those questions answered in college

>> No.1885088


>I know what I got. No tire kickers, no low ballers, no trades

>> No.1885089

Why gas them when you can rob them blind?

>> No.1885092

i aint got the assets for that currently desu
actually true but you wont scam me for my stuff

>> No.1885094
File: 8 KB, 250x250, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dead can't own anything, anon

>> No.1885099
File: 60 KB, 621x815, random.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers were a mistake

>> No.1885103

holy shit true
fucking disgusting

>> No.1885110

The fact that OP doesnt understand nuance is amusing to me

>> No.1885111

what can a 'workshop' like OPs produce that people would actually? can you legit sell shit out of your garage and make bank?

>> No.1885113

fuck you mean?
my dad did and he used to make some serious bank, average monthly salary was like 400 and he would make than in a week, I go to a summer vacation like 2 times a year and stay for a month in greece on nice islands n shiet

>> No.1885264

I need to know, why does nobody in this thread capitalize their letters, puncuate, or otherwise write sentences longer than three words?

Oh, I do know; 50% bait, 40% trolls, and 10% dumb kids on Corona vacation. When WWIII hits I am glad you will all die in a dirt pit from drone strikes and anime withdrawal.

>> No.1885289

Do you like listening to music? Buy a shitty looking stereo reciever from the 70s or 80s that looks cool to you. Something from Fisher, Kenwood, Marantz, Yamaha, Pioneer etc. They were often sold as a series (entry level, mid level, etc). The entry level models of most series are pretty cheap and not a big deal if you fuck it up. Then get on audiokarma.org forums and search the forums for posts about your model and read up then start fucking with it and testing it with your test gear.
If recievers are boring to you, boom boxes may be more your style, can also work on them when their powered by battery to reduce chance of you fucking up your test gear or yourself.
Lastly, all electronic test gear has a make and model on it, just google for it and youll almost always find operator manual .pdfs and dudes on eevblog talking about it.
Learning to repair and diagnose electronics is pretty sweet imo even if you dont know a whole lot. If society collapsed I imagine if you had the ability to repair electronics/wiring you'd be a lot less likely to be tied to the hood of a car and turned into a slam pig by a powerful faction of raiders.

>> No.1885291
File: 42 KB, 760x253, Kenwood-KR-5600-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like listening to music? Buy a shitty looking stereo reciever from the 70s or 80s that looks cool to you. Something from Fisher, sherwood, Kenwood, Marantz, Yamaha, Pioneer etc. They were often sold as a series (entry level, mid level, etc). The entry level models of most series are pretty cheap and not a big deal if you fuck it up. Then get on audiokarma.org forums and search the forums for posts about your model and read up then start fucking with it and testing it with your test gear.
If recievers are boring to you, boom boxes may be more your style, can also work on them when their powered by battery to reduce chance of you fucking up your test gear or yourself.
Lastly, all electronic test gear has a make and model on it, just google for it and youll almost always find operator manual .pdfs and dudes on eevblog talking about it.
Learning to repair and diagnose electronics is pretty sweet imo even if you dont know a whole lot. If society collapsed I imagine if you had the ability to repair electronics/wiring you'd be a lot less likely to be tied to the hood of a car and turned into a slam pig by a powerful faction of raiders.

>> No.1885294

Stereo anon here again, how do you know whats useful or not? A guy can collect a ton of useless shit over the years that is only good for just basic tinkering and basic repairs. The tools may work but doesnt mean theyre worth a high price. Regretting I suggested advice to you because you sound like a lazy nigger who will probably just end up selling this trash on craigslist or in a yard sale for meth prices. Post pics or kill yourself infront of your dad before he dies.

>> No.1885529

Nah he spent like a lot of money buying brand new stuff i'm talking about thousands of dollars closer to 10 grand

>> No.1885530

damn bro sounds good, add me on discord cuz I might be gone in a few days and I don't have phone data lol: Johnnye#0488

>> No.1885532

>10 grand
>a lot

>> No.1885541

Why did this poster reddit space?

>> No.1885545

I mean only for a shit ton of brand new equipment, not counting for all the metal, electronics, all thing ma jingys n shit. Plus for a Serbia it's kind of a lot plus we bought all of that shit for cheaper than an american would pay even though I will probably move to America a year or two but I just want to have a big head start

>> No.1885548

>I will probably move to America a year or two but I just want to have a big head start
You need a college degree for any job, nobody is hiring an immigrant who watched youtube videos and thinks he knows what he is talking about

>> No.1885552

Mate your dad probably had a hard life that you can't even begin to imagine. One day you might understand who he was a little better if you go through some hardship yourself. Don't be so harsh or you'll end up being everything you hated about your father

>> No.1885554

Im not the underage retarded OP, but I disagree.
You making excuses and concessions for a shitty persons behavior is exactly how you become that same shitty person. Because youll have all the excuses for yourself too.
You have to recognize and condemn a toxic parents actions for what they were to learn and grow better from them.

>> No.1885564

Well I do have a higher education in UX design and many degrees, I can just get a job by an international company and most probably get transferred to like San Francisco.
true he had it hard (no pun intended)
OP here but not retarded, I have never done such shitty things like my dad did, I don't really hate him nor do I not love him but its inbetween

>> No.1885567

Read a fucking book, nigger. That's how a lot of people separate paragraphs in the digital age, since it's no longer a waste of paper. I've seen it in ebooks years before rebbit came to be.

>> No.1885577

Dude it's the fucking internet, who fucking cares how you type? Especially on 4chan

>> No.1885582

Ignore these cucks OP, my dad was shit alcoholic and i basically had to move out when i was a teen due to abuse

People who had normal parents never get this shit. Good luck on your electrical endavors, its a great skill/trade to learn

>> No.1885585

Read the post chain.

>> No.1885590
File: 421 KB, 1024x768, lolGTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP has to be a trolling or is just severely mentally hindered. Giving up hope and insterest on this one, gentlemen.

>> No.1885592

Thanks bro I know how it is, retarded fags who have had amazing parents but shit on me for being "lazy" while in actuality I'm not even free when I don't live under my parent's roof, it's how slavic parents work.

>> No.1885594

Go fuck yourself, instead of trying to give me lectures or valuable sources you just spew bullshit like a nigtard

>> No.1885595

>he didn't give a fuck about me
I can see why.

>> No.1885601

>ux design


>> No.1885603


>> No.1885606

>graphic designer
>ux design.
>doesn't know shit about tools

>> No.1885612
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>> No.1885615


>> No.1885624


>> No.1885660
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>> No.1886003

This board is so easy to bait.

>> No.1886057
File: 121 KB, 648x475, 1577577065023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baiting /diy/

>> No.1886063

>workshops can basically print money if you know how to use the things in them

I kinda have a workshop going, pls tell me how to make monies.

>> No.1886071

Rent out your holes.

>> No.1886253

Still a pussy little bitch who will forever live in his father's shadow

>> No.1886316

>Stupid dying dad

You deserve to get brutally ass raped

>> No.1886385

It's good to hear another serb dying.

>> No.1886387

I like taking bait, its good batting practice for when I need to shit on and trash real posts. Its all the same to me.

>> No.1887611


kill yourself faggot

>> No.1887614

people can't comprehend how shitty bad parents can be

>> No.1887747

americans truly have no compassion

>> No.1887748
File: 18 KB, 294x294, Oh-boy-Here-we-go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another soft baby "man" crying on 4chan about his daddy issues.

>> No.1887750

>put it in some lind of storage.
by the time OP is man enough to use whatever his daddy left him he will have spent more on storage then whatever it is, is worth.

this is literally the worst place to ask for help.

fuck off

>> No.1887778

Find a local electrician and offer to be a free helper on the side to learn and see if you like the work. It's of great use to anyone with electricity being vital to civilization.
I've been a lifelong /diy'er and professional (jet mech, industrial maintenance, vehicles and more) and when I want to learn the basics I humbly find a skilled mentor and tell them they get some motivated free help for a bit in return for some training and experience. I've done this with motorcycles, cars and trucks privately and volunteered at my local community college in return for welding booth time and machine shop time. People like volunteers and it builds your human network. The car mechanics who taught me advanced work on multiple brands building vehicles from wrecks bought lunch and I got all the free parts there was room for when we went salvage yard harvesting. My motorcycle mentor got a free mechanic (I was already an aircraft mech but bikes are different enough to merit some training) as did the school, who I ended up working for.

>> No.1887850

>Why not just go to school to become an electrician/electrical engineering
Because not every pleb can go? You need to have decent grades and there are specialized exams that you need to pass in order to get in college. Not to mention most of it is hard if you aren't into electronics.
He said he is 19 so that means he finished high school, he could go again to change profession but that's up to him.
I would suggest him that he starts repairing stuff as hobby, it will take a few years to learn things but it can be a worthwhile thing to do.