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1884248 No.1884248 [Reply] [Original]

Can I expect to make more money than what I’m making now ($19/hr) with an AAS in Welding? I have a BA in Creative Writing and currently work for a soul-crushing office job and I want out. My local CC has a welding program and I’m interested. Is welding the way to go to escape the 8-5 or are there other, more powerful AA/S degrees out there?

>> No.1884256

>I have a BA in Creative Writing
lol faget

>> No.1884260

Hur hur, yeah I know. But it’s not too late to do something else.

>> No.1884279

Wait- is your soul crushing job IN creative writing? Or are you doing technical writing when you really want to be writing books

>> No.1884281

Cont. Because im a welder that wants to start taking creative writing courses. Welding is complete hell

>> No.1884282


>12 hour days
>7 days a week

Beats the hell outta a 9to5

>> No.1884290

Should’ve clarified. My soul-crushing job doesn’t have to do with writing at all.

>> No.1884292

Aside from the ego stroking creative classes can provide, I don’t see the point of paying an institution for them. I’m sure you can find groups of people who sit around sharing what they’ve written. Good writing is rewriting and you know how to rewrite by reading good writing. If you want to write you’re going to write regardless of your major, so you might as well major in something good. Should’ve known that year ago.

>> No.1884293

That sounds terrible. My dad did maintenance for a nice hotel and he seemed comfy wearing his grey jumpsuit and fixing different things around the property. His department had a whole basement shop with tons of tools for various different jobs.

>> No.1884296


>> No.1884330
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>creative writing
>soul crushing
>hay guise i know i wanna be a welder :D
Yeah man, it's a fucking cakewalk. Come work with me for a day, and my boss who went to college to work in a metal shop totally isn't a mongrel IQ alcoholic subhuman dumbfuck and is a great guy to work for. You're gonna love the 105° shop with no A/C and inadequate ventilation. I fell more and more fulfilled every day and it's not just the production managers cock up my ass either. Truly a rewarding experience. <3

>> No.1884341

Can’t you join a union?

>> No.1884346

That sounds like a union job to be honest.

>> No.1884360

Shop work is going to pay similarly for the for the first couple years, then better, then top off very quickly. It's going to be extremely fucking hot, and you will usually be starting fuckearly am in the morning. I clocked in at 4:30 today and got off at 3:30. This is not uncommon in the industry. My shop is air-conditioned by shop standards but that means it will be 10 degrees cooler inside than outside and who gives a shit if it's 100 out, you're still working in 90 degrees heat 10 hrs a day. My gig is a little different because I do toolwork so it's a little machining, a little welding and a little of everything else but if you're a production welder you'll be doing the same movements over and over non stop all day sometimes for weeks straight. Also, you will get maybe 10 paid days off a year if you're lucky, time off in this industry is non existent. You are better off finding a new job with your fancy degree than taking 5 years working back up to 19/hr

>> No.1884424

Thanks for the mental image. I’m guessing not all welders work per project doing things like building brewery pipe decoration, etc? You’re probably being sarcastic when you say fancy degree but the truth is I don’t know how I can market it.

>> No.1884445

Those jobs are out there but they're much much harder to get just starting out

>> No.1884464

My uncle was a machinist with Fairchild then went into HVAC for citibank and made a fuckton of money.

>> No.1884465

why are trades in the US filled with absolute retards?

Look at them in Europe and its all normal people doing this stuff, but in the US its all convicts and drug addicts.

>> No.1884473

>in europe

>> No.1884480

In America it is very hard to get into the unions

>> No.1884481

Become a medical tech-the trades suck and companies hire Mexicans to kill wages.

T.25 year pipefitter

>> No.1884486

Wages have plummeted because of immigration. Personally I don’t mind Hispanics but they work for cash and aren’t covered under workers comp or get any benefits so they’ve ruined the pay scale for most of the trades.

>> No.1884510

Wetbacks. They work really hard at fucking the job up and a white man has to fix it if they aren't babysat constantly. So essentially you need 1 White man for every 4 or so spics on the job or you're in for a lawsuit down the road. Wetbacks are a net loss overall.

All the people who stayed in school work white collar like tech etc. Only the dregs of society work in the trades competing with/babysitting wetbacks.

OP go into HVAC. It is the one trade you can go anywhere in the country and get hired right away and make good money. But the union apprenticeship is like 6 years and you have to go to school for like 90 minutes or something after work like 3 or 4 days a week. I remember it being a total pain in the ass. But union you'll make like $60+ an hour plus benefits. Even in nonunion shitholes you'll make over $20 an hour.

>> No.1884518

Welding can pay if you're on the road hitting pipelines or the oil patch, but this economy is fucked. OTOH mechatronics is easier, a lot more interesting (I weld for fun and have more welding equipment than many small contractors but wouldn't want it as a job) and the skillset is versatile. CNC machining is fun but it rarely pays well and again the economy is fucked.
Mechatronics is a gateway to industrial maintenance (did that before joining the Air Force which is an even better idea because early retirement which I've been enjoying since 2007) which can be very comfy and if you're good you're likely to be the last guy they lay off because their specialty equipment needs you.
I also performed workforce training after taking welding and CNC machining for fun after retiring. If you're good consider teaching. Many programs have excellent benefits that beat the shit out of the working world. That's why my local CC is full of retired G.I.s with training backgrounds working for fun money.
I didn't take mechatronics as I'm prior avionics and have sufficient background for what I do, but were I looking for a civilian career I'd be all over it. Robots and industrial control systems are complex and the nature of the work means it must be done hands-on and experience cannot be effectively bypassed. Welding and machining can be done by mongtarded trailer trash but techier fields weed them and the diversity hires out.

>> No.1884521

HVAC confirmed tasty and experience pays. My bro has his own very profitable business servicing commercial (avoid homeowners) accounts. Pajeets would rather be blinded with a burning penis than upgrade their chillers, but they absolutely must have them to run their stores and will pay what it takes to keep their old shit running.
Since we're buds I had him show me when he troubleshot my heat pump and replaced the compressor. It's physically easy work. (I already do my own car/truck AC.) His equipment fits in a pickup truck for most jobs and he doesn't have or need a storefront. HVAC and sparkies are mostly like that and buy what they need from suppliers as they need it.
You can also work with used car lots who usually need AC work but lack the equipment and skills.

>> No.1884561

The trades used to be the beating heart of the middle class. Now after basically unlimited hispanic illegal immigration for the past half century almost all of middle class wagies were cast aside in favor of mexicans who will do it for pennies. This combined with outsourcing the manufacturing base to China/Mexico is why there's barely any great jobs anymore and most people in the trades are undesirables.

>> No.1884770

>They work really hard at fucking the job up and a white man has to fix it if they aren't babysat constantly
>eeeeeeesss no mai faul
>eeeeeeesss ehfine
Chef here, not in the trades but I was thinking about a career change, probably wont though idk. Anyways, fuck spics, they cant cook for shit. They take any shortcut they can, prep bullshit half assed trash like it's a taco truck, and deny it no matter how obvious it they did it.

>> No.1884796

If you think hospitals are any different you’re a moron. I’d much rather be cutting, welding and grinding than doing any kind of medical work.

>> No.1884999

Vote democrat then. They want to make individuals in management (even executives) criminally liable if they knowingly do illegal shit. Republicans just want the illegal stuff corporations do to be financially punishable, basically just a cost of doing business. I do machine maintenance and the number of places that have blatantly illegal immigration practices is astounding. The agricultural places i've been to sometimes even have little huts where illegals can get their "papers" to apply for work. Management knows all about it because when illegals dont have the necessary paperwork they get sent to these little huts (on paper, separate companies to avoid liability) to "help" them find their paperwork.

>> No.1885005
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>Vote democrat then.
Suckstart a shotgun you fucking puke. Democrats are why there's 30 million illegal spics in California and why the unions have been absolutely destroyed by them.

>They want to make individuals in management (even executives) criminally liable if they knowingly do illegal shit.
Imagine being this fucking gullible...
Literally kill yourself you buffoon. It is people who think like you that have destroyed California and can't figure out that spics and niggers and faggots don't belong in our society. Lay your head on a railroad track and take an Ambien you fucking absolute scumbag.

>> No.1885009
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>republican lobbies introduce right to work laws, are union busters, destroy regulation that punishes hiring of illegals, are the CEOs that hire illegals and outsourced jobs in the first place
>"its the democrats fault unions have been destroyed"

You just cant make this shit up, people like this actually exist.

>> No.1885010

Will never happen
The republicans have convinced the poor white americans that the illegal mexicans who cant even read were the ones who gutted unions and deregulated everything.

Scapegoat the mexicans, say you hate the mexicans as part of your platform, the retarded among us believe it heart and soul and will vote directly against their own interests.
Rinse and repeat.

>> No.1885011

>The republicans have convinced the poor white americans that the illegal mexicans who cant even read were the ones who gutted unions and deregulated everything.
Greedy union bosses were responsible for their own demise.

>> No.1885029
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The union bosses busted their own unions, and lobbied for right to work laws that made making financial agreements within unions illegal in 3/4 of the states in the USA!
Checks out!

>> No.1885030

its never too late to kill yourself lol

>> No.1885041

>missed the operative word

>> No.1885043

Oh yes, they were very greedy
So greedy in fact they pushed laws that made it illegal for them to collect union dues!

>> No.1885052

>what is cause and effect
Only a jew can argue the way you do.

>> No.1885343
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>anti union
You're just a dumbshit that gets replaced by Paco and Sanchez every chance your employer gets. Republican politicians only want to LOOK like their tough on immigration by sending in ICE to make a big violent scene every now and then. It's good TV and gets the republifags all smiling lol. But Mexico and South American are HUGE, there will ALWAYS be more spics to fill in after an ICE raid. ICE is just a waste of money. Making Corporate managers liable for knowingly hiring illegals is the only way to go. Otherwise an ICE raid is just the cost of doing business.