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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 120 KB, 789x460, 1332700955654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
186019 No.186019 [Reply] [Original]

Can any one tell me the toxicity levels of ammonium chloride gas and what the safe level of exposure is. I'm thinking of doing a project(pic related) and plan on doing my work out doors, I would just like a general idea of the hazard level of the project. Also, I will be dumping more projects related to this one and would appreciate any that you guys have.

>> No.186021
File: 390 KB, 800x1200, 1332696370390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.186022


>> No.186104
File: 247 KB, 376x4096, 1332694779915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't set them off in my house. Gotcha.

>> No.186295


>> No.186298


Your bomb is dumb, gay and useless.

Ammonium chloride in itself is quite harmless chemical. Hydrochloric acid and ammonia solution are much bigger problems.

MSDS: www.sciencelab.com/msds.php?msdsId=9927431

>> No.186317

Is that you Garrett?

>> No.186460

Seriously, are you retarded or just suicidal? A small amount of ammonium chloride gas will scar the inside of your throat/lungs. It WILL kill you. Dont try make shit from the anarchist cookbook(where this pic is from), that shits just retarded.

>> No.186471

Not all glass shatters easily upon impact. Being that I actually work in a lab, I find it really, really difficult to believe that the test tube in that picture would shatter on contact as intended. They're ridiculously tough, and you're giving them some extra shock absorption.

>> No.186473

The anarchist's cookbook was targetted towards douchey, cowardly, useless, and rather stupid teenagers. Most of the things in the book don't work, because the people who would use them are too stupid to realize it, to cowardly to try it, to useless to make it properly anyways, and too douchey to let them have something real.

>> No.186487

the Anarchists Cookbook is just a classic now. it was written in 1970 about and nothing like it was around then. it was banned in the US for a while.

>> No.186505

>A small amount of ammonium chloride gas will scar the inside of your throat/lungs.

>> No.186688


>> No.188151

The thing with the anarchist cookbook is that if you have read it, it works, but as you see in the image, the text is not from it, and is intended to troll people.