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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 24 KB, 150x150, poggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1853910 No.1853910 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best thing you've ever /diy/-ed
If you can include:
>purpose for build
>explain your design process
>if you still use it today

>> No.1853920

a VHF analog tv trasmitter back in the early 2000, i used to stream porn

>> No.1853936

tell me more?

>> No.1853939

what do you wanna know

>> No.1853975

did you transmit porn or did you stream it to another device or what?

>> No.1853993

i transmitted porn on analog TVs

>> No.1854022

based, any lulz?

>> No.1854035

it was pretty funny, i lived in a small town and definetly had it covered, my frind would call me to play some porn they can watch home

>> No.1854072
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I built a smaller version of me designed to replace me when I become obsolete and unrepairable.

>> No.1854118

>a house
>to live in and save money
>i basically redrew prints from a house I picked out online that had floor plans
>still using it

>> No.1854147

nice. got any schematics handy? recommended tool list?

>> No.1854248
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Used it to service and repair old tube radios. everything you need to get them working in one box.

contains an isolation transformer, variac, ac amp meter, ac volt meter, dc volt meter, dc milliamp meter, dim bulb tester, the white wire connecting 2 blue sockets is used to connect a DMM amp meter for precise amp measurements.

>> No.1854521

I am building a shed right now. I kind of fucked it up so last night I rage quit, going to take the roof sheathing off tonight or tomorrow and try again.

>> No.1854524

A relationship with a pretty girl

>> No.1854529

i built a shelby cobra kit car back in the day. still have it but barely ever drive it

>> No.1854760
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My entire upper floor.

>Pic related
>The purpose is to live in it
>I basically just based the floor plan off some house in built in the Skyrim CK years ago. Just start building frames and move 'em to where-ever feels best at the time. Work from there. ez pz
>I'm about to use the damn thing once I can move in.

>> No.1854769

You don’t have nearly enough outlets and lights in that setup.

>> No.1854777
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I fucking knew it

>> No.1854787

A child. Takes a lot of fucking work. Well, fucking fun of you enjoy it, which you should.

DIY people need more children. We can educate our children better than the rest of the world.

You owe it to humanity to raise intelligent and thoughtful human beings.

Don't worry about money. My old ass great depression neighbor told me, "of you wait till you're ready, you'll never be ready."

>> No.1854883

>larping faggot

>> No.1854884
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>> No.1854887

Yes, we need to act now so we can raise the next generation of autists to carry on with our ... wait, what's our plan again?

>> No.1855205

Enjoy and experience life, propagate life, protect life, teach, die, repeat.

>> No.1855213

Any educated man would tell you to absolutely worry about money, and not to have kids until you have the means to take care of one
Most people dont truly understand finances even for themselves

>You owe it to humanity to raise intelligent and thoughtful human beings.
You owe it to your kids to be in a comfortable stable living condition where they can grow up in a stress-free environment
Thats how you facilitate raising good humans, by not putting them behind the 8 ball right off the bat

>> No.1855405
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Built all of these without nails, just jute rope and bamboo. I'm in my bamboo and jute phase. All jute rope I bought I had to wash because it smelled like diesel fuel.

>> No.1855561
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Becuase many other things I have built were built on it. The DIY that keeps on DIY-ing

But if we're talking about the best end-use thing, then it's the deck I built at my grandma's house a few years ago. Many BBQ's and countless morning coffees have been had on that deck.

Also my grandma is in a lot of clubs and comittees and stuff like that in our small town, so it drums up more business for me when people see it and want me to build them something too.

>> No.1855583
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Best, dunno. Favourite, my rmh. Use it all winter.

>> No.1855598

WiFi parabolic antenna.
A wok lid, and a USB WiFi stick with external antenna. Hole for the handle slightly widened, USB stick behind with threaded connector through the hole, antenna screwed in from the other side. Connected to free WiFi from a few streets over, for a few years, saved me hundreds.

>> No.1855900

Used a phone charger and a computer fan as a/c in a box i built to grow weed.

>> No.1855930


>> No.1855959
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Cedar patio table. Came out remarkably square (I'm shit with a circular saw) and very strong (3 people can sit on it). Legs come off for transport, if needed.

>> No.1856183

I know a guy with a Cobra coupe, another guy with a GT40, and a third guy with a GT40. None of them ever drive them.

Why do people never drive these cars? Are they extraordinarily uncomfortable or something?

>> No.1856207

My old EDC knife.
Fully concealable combat knife that'd be legal to carry for a minor in germany. In other words less than 12cm of blade, single edged and as flat as possible to prevent printing.
>Design process
I took a piece of steel (old machine file), sketched on my blade (I chose a sheepsfoot for easy sharpening) and a rough shape for the handle, cut it out with an angle grinder, adjusted the handle until it felt right, then ground the blade at low rpm.
>if you still use it
No. The moment I turned 18, I started carrying a dagger instead.
>inb4 unavoidabe "muhgunz superior"
I have a concealed carry license, but I see no reason to carry half a kilo of revolver all the time. The benefits of living in a civilized ountry, I guess.

>> No.1856225
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Our shop. 50'x100' main building with a 25' lean to off the back side. My old man and I built it back in 99. Use it every day and has saved/made us who even knows how many dollars over the years. Its still a project in progress too as it keeps evolving and will never be completely done.

>> No.1856228

Pick one please

>> No.1856320

A kid, only took me 45 seconds.

>> No.1856322

u connected to ur neighbors wifi??

>> No.1856324

looks really good anon, you gonna put a finish on it??

you can increase its strength with a crossbar on across the outer legs

>> No.1856356

Why? sheepsfoot brings the pointline at an angle, making stabbing easier. Kinda like those kabar tdi meme knifes, except with a straight blade. Also increases wound size compared to a spear or tanto point, as the blade cuts through the whole stab. Only downside is that it penetrates slightly less, but unless you're expecting armor or thick winter clothing, that's not a problem.
Besides, german medieval combat knifes were mostly sheepsfeet to. I doubt people would have stuck with the design for a thousand years if it did not work.

>> No.1856381

Coffee shop, then a Burger King that had better signal.

>> No.1856809

That’s fucking amazing. how’d you power the wok(usb)? i imagine active wifi would drain a 9v

>> No.1856887

you haven't died yet?

>> No.1856908

Why would he?

>> No.1856940

gas poisoning

>> No.1856968

electrical engineering is truly the most noble form of autism

>> No.1856992

did you do the concrete yourself? I have a similar building with a gravel floor I want to concrete. I was thinking maybe I could work on it slowly and do sections at a time every year or something.

>> No.1857048
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There is a 30x50 section in the main building that is heated and insulated that we had help pouring when we put the building up, but all the other concrete we did ourselves. We just dug out the dirt floor inside and poured it in sections like you are planning. And then after we got all the inside done we moved to the slab outside.

We did all the pours but the last one with a vibratory screed we built with a 2 hp motor and an offset weight set on a couple of boards to span the forms. It worked pretty good, but that first outside pour was just too damn much and about killed us. So I built a roller screed for that last pour and it was so much easier. We just bull floated the pours we did and edged them with an edging trowel so its not the smoothest finish in the world, but it works for shop stuff! Then we came back and made some saw cuts for cracking after it had cured up a bit. Only had a couple places where it has cracked in a spot that wasn't a saw cut.

Not bad for a few rednecks...

>> No.1857122

Because driving a desirable vehicle, particularly one you’ve sunk a lot of time, work, and money into, fills you with Constant anxiety. You always feel like you’re about to be slammed into by some dumb teenager more preoccupied with their phone than driving or, even worse, that you’ll do something stupid or that you’ve already done something stupid like to the brakes or whatever and something awful will happen to your precious car. So you keep it locked away where nobody can hurt it and only you can appreciate its mystical splendor.

>> No.1857361

>DIY people need more children. We can educate our children better than the rest of the world.
Does this include all the Bepis clones?

>> No.1857362

You made that bike out of bamboo and jute rope? Impressive.

>> No.1857395

Very nice. Thats exactly what I was planning. The only thing is I dont know anything about concrete pouring or finishing.

Did you have the concrete delivered or did you mix it yourselves?

>> No.1857929

We had it delivered. IMHO it isn't worth it to mix yourself for bigger quantities.

Plus we get a pretty decent rate on concrete. The company we buy it from has a gravel pit on our property so we get the "friends and family" discount.

>> No.1857951

>. The company we buy it from has a gravel pit on our property

>tfw there's not even one gravel pit on my property

>> No.1858027
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I wanted an enclosed patio but the zoning doesn't allow for it. So I built a "carport" with a corrugated metal roof and slab and just framed that
Pic not related, but it's like this one, flat roof though.

>> No.1858782

>>tfw there's not even one gravel pit on my property

Must feel bad man...

>> No.1858817
File: 189 KB, 878x899, Overall Shot 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electronic dart scoreboard for cricket. Posted it here a couple times before. Designed and built a couple years ago now, gave 3 away to family, sold 1, and the last I'm thinking about giving to the company dart league. I breadboarded it, sourced the parts, designed the PCBs, machined the housing, wrote the code, etc...

Currently renovating my house, turning the 2nd bedroom into a library. Should be done in a month or two, and I think that'll take the crown for my best project when done

>> No.1858842

That's wood my dude...

>> No.1858870
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The wok lid acts as a reflector, concentrating the signals that hit it at a single point. It is a passive component and requires no power supply. The USB WiFi stick ran off USB as usual.

>> No.1859429

Where is the face?

>> No.1859499

This is rad.

>> No.1859501

"tfw" means "that feel when"

>> No.1859529
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x1836, 20200706_195828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen size bed for me and the waifu (and the kids when the little shits sneak in), mostly lumber vutting and screwing with the added difficulty of having to cut and paint everything, then move the parts upstairs and assemble them in the bedroom. I messed up some measurements but overall it does its job well and we like it.

I don't have pics so here is a weather vane I just made for my father's birthday. Cut the sheet metal with a jigsaw, stuck it on the gas stove to color it and added some clear varnish.
The ball bearings are hand spiners.
Not the finest work but pretty pleased with how it turned out given the small time frame and use of materials that I had laying around. He likes it.

>> No.1859742

Pretty good answer anon.

>> No.1859744
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Chicken Coop.

>> No.1859921

Fuckin' lol, fuck those bylaw fags. Like I understand reasonable bylaws but isn't limiting what you can and can't build on your own property putting a limit to your liberty?

>> No.1859928

>isn't limiting what you can and can't build on your own property putting a limit to your liberty?

By being a citizen of this country, you agree to abide by federal law
By living in a state, you agree to abide by state law
By living in a county, you agree to abide by county code
By living in a city, you agree to abide by city code
You can even get into subdivisions and HOAs that you further agree to abide by their codes

Its part of living in a society
Go live in unincorporated parts of the country in the mountains or in the deserts, youll have more "liberty" there
Youll also not have any easy access to amenities at all so you will 100% fail

>> No.1859931
File: 344 KB, 915x843, TheGoldenRules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this from a pastor at church, its 7 golden rules to follow
Its a pretty good list to helping you become better as a person, we all need some guidelines to strive for

>> No.1859937

That's a good list, especially coming from a church. While it says science should trump religion and superstition, the third line seems to be anti-vaccines.

>> No.1860032

When did that change?

>> No.1860035

>the third line seems to be anti-vaccines.
It seems to be "my body my choice", but your choice is supposed to be dictated by proven science so it would be pro-vaccine. Logically it seems consistent, but it doesnt sound like anything most churches would put out.

>> No.1860036

It didnt

>> No.1860135

lick the boot harder

>> No.1860165

The image would depict the feel, generally via a facial expression. Easy mistake-a to make-a.

>> No.1860211

Not an argument
You agreed to these terms when you bought the house, should have moved elsewhere if you didn't agree

>> No.1862057

how many chickens you got anon?

>> No.1862061

I built a human being. I had a partner, we weren't sure whether we were making a male or female human. But we enjoyed building it. We worked on it after work in the evening and sometimes in the morning.
Pretty cheap to make, all we needed was a bottle of vodka, and some craft beers.

>> No.1862220

using this tutorial : https://youtu.be/P_dLgyz3e2U

>> No.1862582

he even built the rope out of bamboo and jute rope

>> No.1862587

>drawing and sewing with the gloves on
for what purpose

>> No.1862616

I'm pretty good at building paper aeroplanes

>> No.1862629

protip on bed building: I used 2x motorised mattress frames to build super king size bed with storage underneath and raising backrest that turns our bed into cinema
Hanging 65 inch screen on wall overlooking it now
Just one of many projects I DIYed but very comfy one

>> No.1863759
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Coin operated sculpture that rocks back and forth to a closed tape singing Summertime.

>> No.1863787

Life, liberty, property. Fuck your faggot HOA fees right in the pussy!

Also I built shelves that are pretty cool I guess.

>> No.1863893

Are you thinking of mfw?

>> No.1863974
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More /o/ than /diy/, but I resurfaced cylinder heads with a spare picture frame and sandpaper once

>Didn't take pic because I didn't want to get WD40 and aluminum powder in my camera
>Engine rebuild on a tiny budget
>Flatten the top of old work bench by clamping laminated wood to it
>Stuff paper towels under valve cover to keep head from rocking because I had no other way to affix it
>Pull glass out of picture frame because I didn't want to spend money on glass
>Glue sandpaper to glass
>Lightly sand cylinder heads until flat
>Irrigate every oil and coolant passage with an entire can of brake clean then even more WD40 in oil passages to remove the aluminum
>Put engine back into car held together with zip ties JB weld and hose clamps
>mfw it works perfectly

>> No.1864796


>> No.1864798

mfw and tfw coincided as they convey different things, and had nothing to do with the newfag inrush making everything about "feels"

>> No.1864802

If you think owning an iphone, going on vacation, and paying 10$ a month for streaming service are signs of prosperity, you are exactly the type of person who isnt ready to have kids
You and your girlfriend both without real jobs are fighting to keep the lights on in your rented house, you have to get your own shit together before throwing a kid into the mix.

>> No.1864889

Lawny. Giant piece of shit pain in the ass but worth it. Learned a lot. Can't keep a riding mower running to save my life so i wired a receiver to a sabertooth brushed 24v motor controller with a pair of geared wheelchair motors.

Scraped it for parts. Mutherfucker was Maxim Overdrive dangerous and got stuck all of the time.

Got a few WL Toys A959s and a bunch of other shit to make a glorified yard Roomba. With scale up and add features as i go. Eventually I'd like a decent and affordable open sourced version to help fund itself, help others, and grow my useless robomower swarm.

>> No.1864892

This. I'm a suicidal autist so i got that problem solved. Why the fuck would i want to have kids in a world where BLM shithead rioters are considered to be in the right by ANYONE.

fuck that

>> No.1864893


>> No.1864906

>Why the fuck would i want to have kids in a world where BLM shithead rioters are considered to be in the right by ANYONE.

The bible says every man is equal, created in his own image. Dont they know that? Why would they pretend that they arent being treated as equals when literally god says it to be so?

>> No.1864911
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Fuck that gayness. Foot the bill for the special snowflake insurance and play bumper cars with the rest of us.

I was over $7,000 not counting the bike into a 79 sportster show bike. Dude with like 10 in the same bike rolled up as i was rolling mine off the trailer for it's first and last car/bike show.

>man, that's a good looking bike but wtf do you do with it? Just hide it in the garage and hope greasy fingerprints and zippers don't find it?

Rode it home after and all weekend long after that. Was a bastard year for harley but i was already committed. Nearly done i realised trailer queens suck dick to own and it wasn't any fun to ride.

Sold it for 2k. Bought the limbo here. Put about $800 into it and drove it out of the scrap yard. Only problems have been 3,000 year old electric windows and a carrier bearing.

I'll never have a trailer queen again. One of the best decisions I've ever made.

>> No.1864922
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>tfw my life is a "gravel/rock" pit...

You folks are fucking up if there's very much rock there.

Breaking rocks is easy. Man has been doing it since the dawn of time.

I loaded out 1,400 ton in 1 day last week. Roughly $10 a ton. Not sure what overhead is but my wages, wear and tear, and fuel for the loader is well under $100,000 a year. That was a $14,000 day and there's very few days i sit bored. Not even at work 1.5 hours and I've sold roughly 150 tons. $1,500 and i haven't even finished my coffee.

The crew this go around puts out 5,000 ton a day on a good day. They were here about 90 days last time. I'd say conservative average of 4,000 ton a day and 25 days off. So 65 x 4,000 ton x $10 a ton. 2.6 mill.

They are pretty heavily invested in good equipment but sumbitch. I'd never take 5 cents a ton to watch my money drive away.

Hell, depending on core drilling results i might even burn my house down and quarry it one day. Kek

>> No.1864931

Mutherfucker ive lived in a county with under 2,000 people all of my life.

I'm over 2 hours from a fast food joint besides pizza hut.

We get along just fine and we don't have to buy PTO mounted sheers to cut through all the bullshit red tape.

If I want to build an outhouse on 50 foot tall stilts i can do it. I can also fall and die while everyone laughs.

I'll never understand giving up so much of your freedom just to be able walk to mcdicks.

>> No.1864932

Lol. That guy is wrong it's always been face

>> No.1864936

Meh, i grew up in a run down trailer park and had the time of my life.

If you get your shit together you'll be the ones confused for grandparents at the ball game.

>> No.1864937
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>> No.1864939

Generations of free shit. Entitlement. Democrats elected on the promises of more free shit. Blame the republicans when any small thing goes wrong. Play the victim. "I deserve this?"

Much like a toddler they throw a fit when their free toys get taken away and blame anyone but themselves when they get it taken away for being a shithead.

>> No.1865017
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Damn dude, painting a pretty good picture of your life here

>> No.1865032

Based retard

>> No.1865042

Hey now, growing up in those conditions effects his education and overall well being, It doesnt automatically means his intellect is low!

>> No.1865061
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Based reversal

>> No.1865121
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>> No.1865169
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didn't have cable and analog just switched to digital so rabbit ears didn't work. made this as a quick fix. actually worked well. don't even remember what happened to it.

>> No.1865189
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x2268, IMG_20200714_093244643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built this for a friend and his wife. Still needs some sanding and a coats of linseed oil before the woman spills something on it, but it's currently in use. Built the thing using only hand tools, so that was cool. Wish I did better on it, but I got a cool 300 out of it so I guess I can't complain.

>> No.1865328

Looks fucking dangerous

>> No.1865372

>This. I'm a suicidal autist so i got that problem solved. Why the fuck would i want to have kids in a world where BLM shithead rioters are considered to be in the right by ANYONE.
>fuck that

Stop believing all the media mass hysteria. Yeah there are some snowflakes out there stirring up shit, but most people are good folks, especially in smaller towns. Someday either the good folks will have enough of the bullshit and stomp out the snowflakes, or the entire country will burn down to the ground and the snowflakes will be the first ones to starve to death because they're worthless sacks of skin. Either way we need to keep producing decent human beings that will be ready to take over when the time comes.

>>tfw my life is a "gravel/rock" pit...
>You folks are fucking up if there's very much rock there.
>Breaking rocks is easy. Man has been doing it since the dawn of time.
>I loaded out 1,400 ton in 1 day last week. Roughly $10 a ton. Not sure what overhead is but my wages, wear and tear, and fuel for the loader is well under $100,000 a year. That was a $14,000 day and there's very few days i sit bored. Not even at work 1.5 hours and I've sold roughly 150 tons. $1,500 and i haven't even finished my coffee.
>The crew this go around puts out 5,000 ton a day on a good day. They were here about 90 days last time. I'd say conservative average of 4,000 ton a day and 25 days off. So 65 x 4,000 ton x $10 a ton. 2.6 mill.
>They are pretty heavily invested in good equipment but sumbitch. I'd never take 5 cents a ton to watch my money drive away.
>Hell, depending on core drilling results i might even burn my house down and quarry it one day. Kek

>TFW too busy farming and ranching to run my own gravel pit too...

>> No.1866701

>Why the fuck would i want to have kids in a world where BLM shithead rioters are considered to be in the right by ANYONE
No-one thinks the rioters are in the right, that's just a meme you dip. But you're right, don't have kids, you're clearly not up to it.

>> No.1866707

>Wish I did better on it
That comes with practice

>> No.1866718


porn isn't based you fucking coomer. neck yourself

>> No.1866723

Eric the car guy is that you

>> No.1866730
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just finished this new desk so my wife and I can have battlestations facing eachother.

>> No.1866731
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Don't have the motivation to finish it up, its done in my head.

>> No.1866732


Nope, sorry. Just some random farmer...

>> No.1866733

I envy you, though. I am too invested in my city. I wish I could have a shop.

>> No.1867219

Of course. In the future, I'd like to work with better material as well. I had no experience working maple before this and it's a fairly tricky wood at times. Still, from this one project I learned much, so I am content.

>> No.1868510

looks cozy anon!

>> No.1868562

An experienced man will tell you everything can be taken away but your mind. All your planning and preparation can be thrown out in an instant, and what remains is who you are and what you've learned. As someone who's lived both rich and poor, I can tell you what matters most is your mind and who you're with. I was happier and stronger when I was struggling.

>> No.1868569

you charged your friend $300 for an unfinished coffee table? Were they being charitable to you?

>> No.1868650

They actually expected it to cost a lot more. It's all solid soft maple with traditional joinery, without a single power tool touching it once it left the lumber yard. I just wanted to give them presentable before my buddy got deployed. Once I finished resawing the boards for the top and lower shelf, I rushed myself through 3 days of good work to get it done on time, with a fair amount of minor injuries along the way. They love it, but every time I look at it, I see a new mistake I made.

>> No.1868652

Did you ever fix the servo jitter?

>> No.1868667

>I was happier and stronger when I was struggling.

This isnt about you and your mental constitution
This is about your young kids in their formative years, where your kids have to live, what your kids have to eat, their ability for extra curricular activity, their ability to have quality time with their parents, the parents relationship, and the overall stability of all those things and more

Sure you can send mom to work, you can work overtime or maybe 2 crappy jobs because times are tough
You may be mentally tough enough to handle it, but it stresses and strains every other part of your life directly affecting your child

Is there a chance you could lose it all overnight?
Is that justification for young adults who dont have a stable life to have a bunch of kids because "youll never truly be ready?"
Poor people literally need shamed out of having kids, I dont feel one ounce of shame saying it
People are quite literally better off never being born than some of these households they are shoved into

>> No.1869647

Cuck. Kids need to grow up knowing the harsh truth of the world...that it fucking sucks and everything is cope

>> No.1869685

terminated most of the switchgears in a facebook datacenter

>> No.1870599

Thanks. It's not too shabby for $170 in pine and Douglas Fir if I do say so myself!

>> No.1870606

The mindset of the trailer park dweller

>> No.1870652

electric bike.
>made the battery from used laptop 18650s
>would ride it to work
>tried to do a wheelie and now battery needs to be re-soldered
>also it caught on fire on a road with no sidewalk
im very proud

>> No.1870664

Bitchin. Need one of them myself.

I can't find a pic at the moment but back in 2014 I built a 300B stereo tube amp loosely based on the Western Electric 91B. Has Edcor power/output transformers, 660VAC oil filled motor run capacitors for the filters/couplers, and a remote.

>> No.1871221

>I can't find a pic at the moment but back in 2014 I built a 300B stereo tube amp loosely based on the Western Electric 91B. Has Edcor power/output transformers, 660VAC oil filled motor run capacitors for the filters/couplers, and a remote.
In English, professor.

>> No.1871554
File: 2.13 MB, 1080x960, eeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't shilled my gas bike in ages. Pic related.
I got about 60 miles out of it until I got bored and scrapped it for parts.

>> No.1871558
File: 1.92 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20200724_090553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the new one, about halfway done.

>> No.1871856

Okay but I wanna see the lower floor and outside of the building.

>> No.1871910
File: 397 KB, 750x549, newcap-sparks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not best, but favorite /diy/ was only made possible with the help from /ohm/ and /ham/ when they found me some replacement capacitors for my old TIG welder HF circuit. I couldn't get the originals had no idea what to look for, but some anons found surplus soviet radio capacitors that were way overkill but work great and were like $15 a piece. Thing welds like a dream going on a few years now I think.
lmao are you also the guy who built the 2x72 belt grinder out of plywood?
I think the creosote buildup will catch up to him sometime late this winter.
I remember that roller screed with the predator engine, shit's cash - you should sell those.

>> No.1871915


>> No.1872125

Nope, never built a belt grinder.

>> No.1872261

>remember that roller screed with the predator engine, shit's cash - you should sell those.

Yup, that roller screed made that last pour a breeze. I actually need to do some more concrete work someday, so I'll throw an engine back on it and try it out again!