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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1853388 No.1853388 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of knicking my hands. What is your favorite work glove?

>> No.1853420

>What is your favorite work glove?
thicker skin on my hands.

I've tried all the gloves. They all suck for finer movements. Even those style of gloves suck for anything other than basic tool use like cutting sheet metal with snips and using drivers. And even then, just getting screws on your bit with those gloves gets old fast.

>> No.1853451

HF 7 mil

>> No.1853459

I don't particularly like gloves but my hands get too beat up otherwise and periodically need to be reminded that wearing them is needed
I have some forearm length anti-cut that I use for nasty shit like stainless foil, cutting steel with a grinder and the like, but I'm always abrading the knuckles off them which annoys the fuck out of me. Some heavy leather ones for welding and grabbing rapetastically hot metal out of heat treat ovens and of course the old disposable nitrile ones for messing around with evil chemicals

>> No.1853523
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None because I'm not gay

>> No.1853596

Ansel hyflex for sharp/wet shit, mechanix impacts for everything else

>> No.1853735

Bitch mits are for bitches.

Op they have weekly meetings in every town.

>> No.1854156

you're not tough for making bad decisions

>> No.1854164

I like gloves like what you posted for like yard work and using grinders and stuff. Welding gloves for welding/forging. Aside from those things I don't wear any.

>> No.1854208

hey! lockport

>> No.1854217

>tuggin on a wirenut to make sure I have a solid splice inside a surface mount light fixture
>wirenut slips off mid-jerk, top of knuckle gets sliced by the sheet metal edge of the fixture
Personally I’m too dumb to pay closer attention or be more careful next time I’m working in a fixture like that so I’m making the choice to remember to wear my gloves. I have the Milwaukee nitrile covered/dipped ones, they work pretty good and they’re even nice for concrete work. Just slap em around the next day and the dried off mud just falls off. Got em at Home Depot.

>> No.1854476

Gloves are for bitches. Get man hands unless you're working with metal or glass. You're more likely to fuck yourself up with a glove than without. Shit will snag and take your fingers with it.
Gloves are only useful to prevent metal shavings from permanently embedding into your callouses or glass from slicing you like the spic down the alley promises to do.

>> No.1854488

Sorry, my preferred evening activity is not digging massive wood splinters out of my hands and/or risking infection.

>> No.1854620

anyone who thinks gloves are for bitches, is only doing pussy work that does not require them to be working with gloves.

>> No.1855525

My favorite are just cheap leather gloves that fit loosely, and welding gloves for when I'm welding or forging. The reason I like the cheap leather gloves is that I like to put on and remove them quickly for tasks that require gloves. I work almost exclusively with metal. But I also am usually machining it. It is not considered safe practice to wear gloves around moving spindles so you are constantly wearing and removing gloves. I do have a lot of the hyflex cut resistant gloves that I get from work. But even those are not quite fine enough for changing inserts.

>> No.1855529

Thanks for digging the trench, monkey. The plumbers will be pleased.

>> No.1855562

Usually I buy in bulk pic in OP, unless I'm doing metal work. I often forget to wear them, but they can be nice for sharp tasks and rough cut lumber. All useful gloves wear out fast. Don't get conned into buying 15-20$ gloves that fall apart just as fast as $2 gloves.

>> No.1855631

So you turn your nose up at soft handed office workers for not doing something manual but you disrespect people who do jobs more manual than yours? Your self esteem must be abysmal. Get therapy and stop being a dick needlessly online.

>> No.1856435

I wear nitrile gloves when working around machine tools. They'll tear off and do not dangle. I also keep my fucking hands away from spindles, chucks etc.

>> No.1856466

Thin "cut-proof" gloves when the bosses is watching and thick padded bastards when ripping out shit like honey locust

>> No.1856509

Maxiflex gloves are easily the best gloves I have ever worn.

>> No.1857751
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redpill me on Mechanix. are they meme? will they wear out faster or slower than the Hobart mechanic gloves i currently have covered in duct tape because i'm too lazy to go get new ones?

>> No.1857769


They're good gloves for what you pay, just search for a good deal because some retailers will jack up their prices beyond the RRP.

>> No.1857770

>but cut and puncture memes
> mesh still punctures it
fuck those gloves.

>> No.1857771

they are at costco 2 pack for 10 bucks ?
they ok.

>> No.1857942

You’re not just a faggot because you suck cocks, you’re also a faggot because you take them in the rear

>> No.1858014

>too good for ppe
>shit my body is failing

>> No.1858246

I like these “gtek by polykor” cut resistant gloves. Good mix of dexterity and abrasion/cut resistance for general shop work. I do a lot of welding and fabricating, wear them mostly for the fab and grinding, obv heavy welding gloves during welding.

>> No.1858254

They are not a meme I have been using a pair for a while now messing with concrete.

>> No.1858285


>> No.1858306

Unironically this.

I'm a firm believer in PPE.
Getting home to your family at the end of the day in one piece - is way cooler than a trip to the emergency room because you " didn't want to look like a bitch "

>> No.1858547

Stop helping stupid people. Don't tell them that! Let them die and natural selection runs its course :)

>> No.1858603

I nearly cut away finger with hole saw... Still not gonna wear gloves and shit, because this way I'd probably spin round on drill hanging from ceiling or something

>> No.1858608

>I'm a firm believer in PPE.
Same. I religiously use the appropriate gloves, safety glasses, ear plugs, and a 3M half mask with P100 filters depending on what I am doing. It is so cheap to protect yourself, you'd be a fool not to do it.

>> No.1858620

This. I'm quickly turning oldfag and I'm surrounded by buddies with fucked up backs and hands and eyes because they're too tough / busy / lucky to care about any potential injury. You don't gotta be a bitch about it and wear some heavy welding gloves when you're opening your mail, but if you're getting into some real shit put your fucking PPE on.

>> No.1858725
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basic and cheap Docker gloves, 3€.
best ones.
I do everything with them.

>> No.1858963

Maxiflex or whatever combination they have. Any nitrile foam coated glove will do.

I didn't like Ansell Hyflex as much.

Obviously these are just general work gloves. I wasn't the type to use them until I started getting more wood, and even worse metal splinters.

>> No.1859093

PPE depends on the job.

High speed, low torque operations like grinders or cordless drills, are more of a risk of cutting yourself, from sharp edges or having the tool skip on you, but won't tear your arm out of your socket.

Low speed ( or high speed for that matter) high torque , such as a pipe threader, CNC, mill or drill press, will fuck you up for life without even slowing down. These are the instances where is is advised NOT to wear gloves, lest they get caught and pull you into the machine.

>> No.1859227

I worked in a tire shop for a while. We used gloves like the OP to keep from getting too filthy, but I always cut the fingertips off my index finger and thumb. It helps with dexterity, no more fumbling around with tiny shit.
At the end of the day, you have to face the fact that gloves are disposable PPE and depend heavily on the job you're doing. That being said, you could probably half the number of nicks you get by first thinking before you act, and understand where your hand is gonna go when that nut breaks loose.

>> No.1861028

Try working in a pulp mill where everything is covered in caustic chemicals. Within minutes your hands will be fucked and you'll suffer from horrific sunburns for the rest of your life where you had prolonged contact because the sodium hydroxide dissolved all the lignin out of your skin.
That said gloves around equipment with lots of inertia is a massive no go, nitriles only so you don't get sucked in.

>> No.1861061
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Unironically, black and decker leather work gloves with silicone caulk rubbed into them.

>> No.1861225

If you like having yellow hands from the dye

>> No.1861230

PPE is cheap; the hospital is not. Eyes don't grow back and even a small injury can lead to a lifetime of pain, immobility, or loss of function.

Don't be a fool, protect it before you use the tool.

>> No.1861231

>What product should I use for my DIY activities

>> No.1861802

Just buy the nylon nitrile dipped ones for like $5 for 10 pairs

>> No.1862812

gtek. breathable. snug fitting. I have wide hands so I need at least an xl(10) size glove. my fingers seem to be too short for most xl gloves but the gtek ones fit really nice.

>> No.1863041

The walmart/HF cheapo version of these with the thumb and 1st finger cut off

>> No.1863307

Tillman 1420xl. I use them for welding, grinding, torch cutting,building fence, and any other farm task that usually tears up hands. I'll throw on some nitrile gloves in the shop from time to time when fucking with paint, tons of grease, or other messy shit just to make cleanup a bit easier.

>> No.1865403

Get the Mechanix MPACT variety, holy fuck those are nice. I would trust them for a 50cc scooter glove.

>> No.1866045

I have used many pairs of mechanix over the years
modern mechanix gloves seem to wear out faster. any work with sharp or abrasive materials will tear holes in your gloves within a short period of time.
the fastfit models are nice but the rest are too expensive for how quickly they wear out and they have a significant break-in period.
i switched to disposable nitrile-coated work gloves that come in packs of 10 for 5 bucks. haven't looked back.