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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1829320 No.1829320 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/ I come with a very special project I hold dear and want to do right. I decided that your help is essential for this endeavor.

This is very simple. I have been trying since March to get a small art workshop for an asistance house for children. The project has changed a lot since me and two classmates came up with the idea but ever since we started I have wanted it to have a DnD flair. At some point I even got a children friendly campaing ready but that got scrapped.

So my situation is this. I want this workshop to be memorable and help these kids to actually have fun and also for me and my mates to have it too. The fuckers have ghosted me for a while so only me and the kids matter.

What diy crafts can we make that could get related/used as props por a possible storyline for the kids?
So far I have come up with crayon play dough golems, rubbish knights and the classic origami dragons.

>> No.1829494

static electricity tricks - water bending around magic PVC wands. colored Baloons they draw on, and sticking to stuff. my son is batshit crazy for drawing monsters. like it's all he wants to do. Is this boys only? is it "Arts and crafts" or can it also be some play acting and games? how long does workshop last? what are goals aside from "be fun" and "catch Covid" ?

>> No.1829675

you might wanna look into little physics experiments, like making empty teabags fly by lighting them on fire. I like your idea but I cant be of more help, sorry

>> No.1829683

my grandma used to make santas with my siblings and I out out toilet rolls (cardboard bit) with red paper, glue, colored pipe cleaners etc

>> No.1830143
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flash paper can be a cool prop. write them a letter they read it and it goes up in flames once you take it back.

>> No.1830341
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demonstrate something cool you can do with practical adventure gear like rope. Or buy hundreds of marbles and move something heavy across the floor with them. Make slime out of cornstarch and green food coloring. dry ice experiment. baking soda in a 2 litre for a big pop. (stand back far and view behind glass or safety equipment. bottle rockets that look like dragons etc. one of those staves that pops open. magic tricks. slinky tricks. yoyo. really anything can be incorporated into dnd so the possibilities are endless. hope this list helps yall have fun.

>> No.1830683
