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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1825120 No.1825120 [Reply] [Original]

Home security general.

Moved to a shitty area with junkies in it. Need to do something for security. Needs to be preventative since LE won't do jack-shit even if I have video evidence. cameras would do nothing. Bonus points for non-lethal since I am a fucking leaf and if a burglar stubs his toe in my home I will go straight to jail.

>> No.1825134

Get a dog

>> No.1825150
File: 100 KB, 1045x553, Mul-T-Lock-brooklyn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bars on windows, reinforce door frames, Install deadlatch CORRECTLY, get some high security locks like pic related or schlage priumus external locks, put an alarm security companies stupid logo on a stick by your front door, beware of dog sticker, NRA sticker on front door

That'll make it really hard for someone to gain entry, and deter people and get them looking at your neighbors. You'll never stop someone from breaking in, you just want to make your house look harder/more dangerous then your neighbors.

>> No.1825152
File: 71 KB, 774x960, ssz6mpt3aez41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't Jew out on your security either. I know some of this stuff is expensive but your families safety is worth it. Sure you can find cheaper locks but if I can card your door or use a bump key is it worth the money saved?

Hire a local locksmith to do a security consultation. We need the work

>> No.1825156

Man Im horny. The thumbnail looked like ladies legs.

>> No.1825201

>NRA sticker on front door
Nah that will only get junkies interested and rob him when he isn't there.
I hear stickers that mention off site recording/monitoring are pretty good.

>> No.1825322

As >>1825201 aluded to, this is a below par idea.

>> No.1825439

Visible cameras. Don't even need a real camera. Seen tons of stories where a guy has crime happen in his front yard, installs a door sensor that has a red light and rigged it to turn on a some floodlights whenever triggered and the crime stops.

>> No.1825469

getting jogged is part and parcel of living in a modern world

>> No.1825472
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some curtains.

>> No.1825486

Silicone broken glass along the top of your fence on your side.
Nails through a board and camouflage in garden/flower bed outside of windows.

>> No.1825536

What can do to to increase garage security? No windows and I've already ziptied the door opener release. Should I reinforce the doors to prevent bending by prying from the bottom?

Lights. Some spotlights have a low/high setting so they're on but them increase brightness when they sense motion and

>> No.1825568

If you can always have a washed pickup truck in your front driveway that will help a ton

>> No.1825586

Carpet tack strips are another option to fuck up some fingers

>> No.1825636


>> No.1825641

You're probably fucked, barriers will only do so much if there isn't an armed response behind it.