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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1795085 No.1795085 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking imperial units and american standards for plumbing.

In Europe, you have nice metric copper tubes. Everything is simple. 12 mm is 12 mm OD, 15 mm is 15 mm OD and so on. All pipes follow this standard, HVAC, plumbing, etc.
In US (and other shitholes that adopted inferior unit pipes for some reason) you have fucking plumbing pipes, where 1/2 inch is not an OD or ID, but some weird ass shit that is deprecated, you have HVAC pipes where 1/2 means 1/2 OD. Imagine my disappointment, when I bought rigid 3/8 plumbing pipe for AC and it was actually 1/2 inch AC.

>> No.1795087

Lots of plumbing shit is in imperial here in Germany.

>> No.1795090

Still, it doesn't make sense. REEEEEEEE

>> No.1795096
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>> No.1795097

That imperial standard is international, and it sucks. European standard is better.

>> No.1795141

The 1/2 in NPT is the ID. Also, when it comes to any sort of pipe threads, tread carefully. There are just so many types for each country and application.

>> No.1795147

Retarded rest Europe.
Lithuania has the right way:
Years > Months > Days > Hours > Minutes > Seconds.
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss master-race.

>> No.1795149
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>not learning metric AND imperial.
Imagine being a grown man and getting angry cause you don't know what 1/4-20 x 1 1/2" or m5 x 20mm means.

>> No.1795150

That's the most retarded one.
>When is my dental appointment?
>In the year 2020....

>> No.1795158

Hey, did you know that 1/4 inch thread bold can be bolted in M6 nut?

>> No.1795161

Sure, just give me 50 cm of 1/2 inch threaded rod. Oh, and 1'6" of M12 threaded rod

>> No.1795164

UK Gas engineer here I learnt the Imperial way and the metric way was easy to get used too , even learned sheet metal weathering /lead work years ago .

>> No.1795635

The most optimal time configuration is yyyy/mm/dd and everyone knows this.
Denying this is like denying metric is easier to scale than imperial.

>> No.1795637

>The most optimal time configuration is yyyy/mm/dd
This. ISO dates are naturally sortable.

>> No.1795642

>This. ISO dates are naturally sortable.

No sane code sorts by shit like that where some clown puts in 3 for march and someone else has 03. You use things like milliseconds since the millenium.

>> No.1795645

>user error makes best dates not work
people not using the same format doesn't impact the usefulness and universality of iso dating.

>> No.1795648


comprehend much? I said nothing at all about that, and merely addressed the sortable claim. Carry on, anon.

>> No.1795651

>>some clown puts in 3 for march and someone else has 03
>not using the same format
anon. with all due respect, shut the fuck up.
you had a little uh-oh in logic. I corrected you.

>> No.1795693

The nominal size is a guaranteed minimum ID.
It's generally based on flow
The nominal size is OD.
Its generally based on structural properties

Different focus for different applications

>> No.1795699

>In US (and other shitholes that adopted inferior unit pipes for some reason) you have fucking plumbing pipes, where 1/2 inch is not an OD or ID, but some weird ass shit that is deprecated, you have HVAC pipes where 1/2 means 1/2 OD. Imagine my disappointment, when I bought rigid 3/8 plumbing pipe for AC and it was actually 1/2 inch AC.
I'm an MEP engineer that specs a lot of this stuff. You are a retard and clearly incapable of basic information gathering.
Literally every supply house will give you details I have likely drawn an example of to explain to you how to properly size pipes by application. If you call them for an explanation, they will explain it to you in terms so simple, even europeans can understand them.
This is also a reminder to everyone that Americans are better at manufacturing equipment, as a whole, than Europe.
American-Japanese partner products are literally better than any other products in the world and don't require a euro-tax, which is why europeans are now having to rely on the fucking chinks instead of exporting manufacturing to their smarter neighbors in the balkans.
Europe is literally trash ran by entitled and ignorant trash people.

>> No.1795733
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Except no. They all are tubings. Which means standard is retarded.
Engineers can calculate their fucking guaranteed minimum ID and pressure drop on paper (or CAD, nobody fucking cares). No need to use this as diameter of pipe. Plumbers do not need to know this shit.
>This is also a reminder to everyone that Americans are better at manufacturing equipment, as a whole, than Europe.
>American-Japanese partner products are literally better than any other products in the world and don't require a euro-tax, which is why europeans are now having to rely on the fucking chinks instead of exporting manufacturing to their smarter neighbors in the balkans.
Didn't US start all this "made in china" meme? Huh.
Also, Americans have nothing to do with Japanese products. They use SI units though out, Americans just can't use SI units and always use subway sandwiches.

>> No.1795744 [DELETED] 
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>I don't know why pipe sizes are the way they are
We know. Go look at pic related. It's free on the internet, even for Eurotards.
>Didn't US start all this "made in china" meme? Huh.
The US wasn't even in China's top 3 trading partners until 1986, and hadn't started really trading with them until 1970.
>Also, Americans have nothing to do with Japanese products.They use SI units though out, Americans just can't use SI units and always use subway sandwiches.
This is one of the stupidest statements I have ever seen.
1. The United States is one of the original signers to the Treaty of the Meter, and helped establish the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, which presides over the International System of Units. If anything, America using both U.S Customary Units (which is not Imperial) in addition to Metric Units just shows that Europeans are stupid and have to be limited to units that use easy math.
2. America is Japan's second largest trading partner and largest military ally. If you think Americans are integral to Japanese design and manufacturing, you're literally a fucking idiot. Literally half the country runs on GE energy and American electrical standards.

>> No.1795746
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>I don't know why pipe sizes are the way they are
We know. Go look at pic related. It's free on the internet, even for Eurotards.
>Didn't US start all this "made in china" meme? Huh.
The US wasn't even in China's top 3 trading partners until 1986, and hadn't started really trading with them until 1970.
>Also, Americans have nothing to do with Japanese products.They use SI units though out, Americans just can't use SI units and always use subway sandwiches.
This is one of the stupidest statements I have ever seen.
1. The United States is one of the original signers to the Treaty of the Meter, and helped establish the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, which presides over the International System of Units. If anything, America using both U.S Customary Units (which is not Imperial) in addition to Metric Units just shows that Europeans are stupid and have to be limited to units that use easy math.
2. America is Japan's second largest trading partner and largest military ally. If you think Americans aren't integral to Japanese design and manufacturing, you're literally a fucking idiot. Literally half the country runs on GE energy and American electrical standards.

>> No.1795758

Still, that should be 12,7 mm pipe, not 1/2 inch.

>> No.1795766

Know what really sucks? When you have metric and imperial pipes.
I have imperial pipes (made in US of A) in my house, but for some reason, I can't find imperial fittings or new imperial pipes here. (Long story short, after USSR collapsed we imported and copied a lot of shit from US, and then we slowly switched to chink-european stuff... And for short period of time copper was luxury pipe eveyone wanted yet nobody could afford.).
Closest metric alternative to 1/2 is 16mm, and you can't find it. Like at all. 15 mm fitting just doesn't fit on 1/2 pipe... Can I just sand the 15 mm fitting bore and solder pipe?

God bless America. Fuck Europe.

>> No.1795768

I do actually use imperial when cutting metric threaded rod sometimes tho

>> No.1795771

And I use metric cutting imperial threaded rod... Because it is cheaper there, and chinks just can't manufacture imperial screws for shit.
No, seriously, imperial fasteners - I never broke the head off on. Metric - every fucking time, because they are chink

>> No.1795777

>gets absolutely btfo by engineer
>tells the engineer what it should be anyways
>it's some fucked off number instead of an even .5
gtfo yurocuck

>> No.1795780

>2. America is Japan's second largest trading partner and largest military ally. If you think Americans aren't integral to Japanese design and manufacturing, you're literally a fucking idiot. Literally half the country runs on GE energy and American electrical standards.
And the other half by German standards.
Japan's grid is a fucking mess.

>> No.1795784 [DELETED] 

>Japan's grid is a fucking mess.
Tokyo, Yokohama, Tohoku, Hokkaido are moving to 60 Hz in the future.
They do not need to change their voltages as they are compatible with US voltages and equipment.
At the face of things, it looks like it's a mess, but it can be converted pretty easily and will likely be moving to US standard electrical equipment over the next decades as Japans trade with the US far exceeds the European equipment and it just makes sense.

>> No.1795787

Will they move away from the ridiculous 100V too?
At least make it 110 ffs

>> No.1795790

>Japan's grid is a fucking mess.
Tokyo, Yokohama, Tohoku, Hokkaido are moving to 60 Hz in the future.
They do not need to change their voltages as they are compatible with US voltages and equipment.
At the face of things, it looks like it's a mess, but it can be converted pretty easily and will likely be moving to US standard electrical equipment over the next decades as Japans trade with the US far exceeds the European equipment and it just makes sense.
Most equipment is already cross compatible despite the voltage and hertz differences. Hertz mostly affects circuits that require consistent timing. Why the Europeans chose 50hz is an absolute mystery to me, but europeans do stupid shit literally all the time. The voltages only really matter for heating elements, which is also not largely a concern as Japan typically manufactures their own consumer goods to their own standards.
I still expect them to make the change as it just makes sense to have equipment compatible and also simplifies logistics.

>> No.1795791

see >>1795790
While the US technically uses 120v, in most actual applications, it's 110 and most equipment made for 110 doesn't actually get exactly 110v, it's usually within 3-5%, which is why 110v works on 100v in Japan.
The big difference is split phase appliances, which are 200v in Japan and 240v in America.

>> No.1795792

>Why the Europeans chose 50hz is an absolute mystery to me, but europeans do stupid shit literally all the time.
Because it's a rounder number.
America chose 60Hz because Tesla liked it best.

They didn't need a good reason since it didn't really matter.

>> No.1795800

I was being nice. The real reason Europe uses 50hz is because Germany is a stupid pretentious country and let AEG use an inferior voltage because math is hard for Germans.
Tesla didn't prefer 60hz on a whim. 60hz is far more efficient in, check this crazy shit out, 3 phase systems - which the vast majority of electrical grids run on.
The reason Japan got fucked up and is having to undo Europe's mistake in their region is because the US assumed the UK would be compentent in rebuilding Japan after the war and, surprise surprise, they fucked it up.
50hz is literally has 15% less transmission efficiency, and requires Europe and Eastern Japan to spend more money solving their power outages and heating issues than the people that can do basic math.
This is also an example why blindly accepting the metric system is fucking retarded. You should follow actual science and not simplified math for seething eurofags.
Bonus Point: Europe will never be as power efficient as the US (given the same technology) because of this stupid fucking choice made by the consistently failing Germany.

>> No.1795801

I will never forgive imperial sizes in PCBs. This triggers OCD

>> No.1795804

>60hz is far more efficient in
Define efficient. Higher frequency means less iron in transformer, but more copper in the wires of transmission lines.
DC is the future. Semiconductors are mature enough for this.

>> No.1795809

>Define efficient.
You're about to say something stupid
>more copper in the wires of transmission lines.
You just said something stupid. Transmission lines use aluminum - the most abundant metal on earth.
>DC is the future
You said another stupid thing.
Infinite phase is the future. 0% power loss. Electricity suspended inside a tube. Unfortunately impossible, the Germans have a hard enough time getting the hz right, they would never be able to understand electromotive tube technology.
>imperial sizes in PCB
desu, imperial done correctly is likely to be much better that metric but electronics should have their own standard dictated by the voltage and amperage used.
That is truly mathematics only the Americans and Japanese can understand.

>> No.1795814

>Tesla didn't prefer 60hz on a whim.
He literally did though.
He had zero math to support his claims.
>60hz is far more efficient in, check this crazy shit out, 3 phase systems
[citation needed]

>> No.1795816

Bitch, celcius is the retarded arbitrary scale base around water freezing/boiling.

Also describing peoples height in meters is just fucking gay, no way around it.

>1.8meters? lol manlet

>> No.1795817

>celcius is the retarded arbitrary scale base around water freezing/boiling.
Look how arbitrary it is, it's based on a specific well defined thing!

>> No.1795819

>You just said something stupid. Transmission lines use aluminum - the most abundant metal on earth.
Not quite. In some places you have low-voltage lines made out of copper. But yes, transmission lines are steel cable surrounded by aluminium.
>Infinite phase is the future. 0% power loss. Electricity suspended inside a tube
Wrong. Future is having neutral going though water line, and live going though gas line.
No, seriously, DC is the future. No skin-effect, cheap transformers*, no need to sync frequencies, etc.
Kelvin masterrace. This way room temperature IQ is high as fuck. Room temperature IQ in subway sandwich units is 70, which is acceptable, but not quite. Celsius is lowest IQ ever, imagine having IQ of 25

>> No.1795820

>pulls the ol' make a baseless statement then ask the other person to prove it
lol nah senpai. If we're actually going into the technical details, Tesla originally wanted 25hz and Westinghouse engineers wanted 133hz. After arguing and redoing shit over and over, they arrived at 60hz 110/220v as the most efficient means for AC motors and single phase distribution after transmission.
50hz was determined the lowest acceptable efficiency for AC motors during this time period, using 110/220, which again begs the question on why the fucking moronic AEG/Germans decided to use it.

>> No.1795821

Alright I misused "arbitrary". Celcius is still dumb outside of a laboratory though.

0°= a little cold
25°= feels great!
35°= heat advisory, please check on your elderly neighbors

>> No.1795824

>50F - cold
>75F - ok
Just as random

>> No.1795825

> In some places you have low-voltage lines made out of copper.
I have been doing this for 10 years, very prolifically for 8, and have never heard of someone willing to waste copper like that, assuming you mean Low Voltage like most of the industry does and mean anything < 1000v.
>Future is having neutral going though water line, and live going though gas line.
NFPA is calling. They want your license.
>celcius is the retarded arbitrary scale base around water freezing/boiling.
>Also describing peoples height in meters is just fucking gay, no way around it.
People mostly use cm but it's still pretty fucking stupid.
6'0 human is 182.88cm
5'10 is 175.26cm
Where US Custom makes sense, cm just looks stupid af.

>> No.1795826

I suggest new scale.

0 = 25C
10 = 30 C
-10 = 20 C

>> No.1795828

>increments of 25 is stupid
>0°F - Need proper cold weather gear
>25°F - Bit cold, might need some proper underwear
>50°F - Beautiful sunny winter day. Light jacket recomended
>75°F w/ slight breeze - Literally perfect weather.
>100°F - Typical August day in the south. Drink plenty of water and wear sun screen. Don't overwork yourself.
>125°F - Why are you in Spain. Only stupid people settle there.

>> No.1795829

>and have never heard of someone willing to waste copper like that, assuming you mean Low Voltage like most of the industry does and mean anything < 1000v.
Yep, 220/380 lines. I mean, it makes sense to use copper if you mine fuckton of it.
11kV+ lines here use aluminium.
>NFPA is calling. They want your license.
I have propane tank as gas supply, so I don't need license, because what are they gonna do? They can't disconnect my tank.
As for fire, cement and asbestos

>> No.1795831

Yep, retarded AF.
Comfort temperature should be 0 degrees. Colder - goes into the negative. Hotter - goes to the positive.

>> No.1795837

>Fahrenheit temperature scale, scale based on 32° for the freezing point of water and 212° for the boiling point of water, the interval between the two being divided into 180 equal parts. The 18th-century German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit originally took as the zero of his scale the temperature of an equal ice-salt mixture and selected the values of 30° and 90° for the freezing point of water and normal body temperature, respectively; these later were revised to 32° and 96°, but the final scale required an adjustment to 98.6° for the latter value.
Oh look. Germany fucked something else up. What a surprise.
Celcius really isn't that bad but it's not as good as Kelvin.
>I have propane tank as gas supply, so I don't need license, because what are they gonna do? They can't disconnect my tank.
>As for fire, cement and asbestos
Jesus Fucking Christ. RIP when that sparks off.

>> No.1795841

And easier to build clocks with

>> No.1795842

>50hz was determined the lowest acceptable efficiency for AC motors during this time period, using 110/220, which again begs the question
Not "the lowest acceptable", it was the answer to what are best frequencies to run motors, which was 50Hz-67Hz according to the Westinghouse engineer they asked. AEG wasn't involved at all there.

AEG actually used to use lower frequencies than 50Hz, they upped it to 50 just to reduce light flicker. It had nothing to do with motors.

You can read up on the story here:

>> No.1795846

>Celcius is still dumb outside of a laboratory though.
You don't need to be in a lab to observe water freezing or boiling.
Tell me an easier to observe temperature dependent phenomena to base a scale on, that's as distinct, common, and repeatable.

Fahrenheit originally based his shit on the lowest temperature his hometown in Germany reached.

>> No.1795847 [DELETED] 

>Not "the lowest acceptable"
>what are best frequencies to run motors
So, in other words, 50hz is the lowest acceptable
>AEG wasn't involved at all there.
Didn't say they were, but that also doesn't change the fact that they chose the lowest acceptable voltage because muh math is hard
>You can read up on the story
>implying I haven't been talking about that already
Be honest. Are you from Europe? You sound like a European.

>> No.1795849

>Not "the lowest acceptable"
>what are best frequencies to run motors
So, in other words, 50hz is the lowest acceptable
>AEG wasn't involved at all there.
Didn't say they were, but that also doesn't change the fact that they chose the lowest acceptable frequency because muh math is hard
>You can read up on the story
>implying I haven't been talking about that already
Be honest. Are you from Europe? You sound like a European.

>> No.1795854

Dude just read the article, it's an interesting read I promise.

The 50Hz-67Hz is from a specific situation, it is not some universal law of what motors run the best at.

>So, in other words, 50hz is the lowest acceptable
"best" and "acceptable" are very different things.

>> No.1795879

you idiots use 110V. ten hertz do not matter compared to that inferior voltage.

>> No.1795880

Is this you?

>> No.1795884

then tell me why the railroad uses 16 1/2 Hz.
because the motors manufactured back then run best on lower frequency's.

>> No.1795891

>below 0°C i better drive carefully there could be ice on the road.

I want to heat this bearing to 100°C put it in a small pot and then in a larger pot of boiling water.

>> No.1795896

to be fair when Fahrenheit made his scale all sorts of different temperature scales were used in Germany.
then when they switched to metric they decided to use Celsius.

USA decided to stay in the past and continue their inferior imperial system

>> No.1795901


Farenheit was also changed at some point. Neither unit is ideal regardless. Any real scientist knows unit conversion is trivial and for calculations uses Kelvin.

>> No.1795903

Motors run fine on 40Hz or 20 Hz or even 16 2/3 Hz. Just needs to be designed right. Or have VFD

>> No.1795908

Electrican here
in Europe all tradespeople use Kelvin for calculations which is easy because Celsius and Kelvin are on the same scale

for example a Thermistor gets heated from 25°C to 50°C then you calculate with 25K temperature difference.

>> No.1795924
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>> No.1795942

and for shit like cable pipe and glands we got pg and metric (with weird pitch)
>Most equipment is already cross compatible despite the voltage and hertz differences.
it affects mostly induction motors, dont they get used alot in HVAC? Ok, some never ones might be 50/60hz but its not like every room in tokyo has its own HVAC unit, i doubt they trash a billion of those on their own cost

>> No.1795975


how is this DIY related?

>> No.1795987


>> No.1796026

>metric base 10=bad
>Fahrenheit 0-100 scale=good
Why are americans like this?

>> No.1796028

only from chaos comes order. start with order and end up with chaos. also imperial makes the morons easily to identify.

>> No.1796030

True, if you see someone use feet and inches the odds are very high it's an American.

>> No.1796035

Yes, I bought wrong pipe because of unclear standards.

>> No.1796042

This. Doing machining classes here in the US, they're teaching us both.

>> No.1796053

>Future is having neutral going though water line, and live going though gas line.
Is this bait

>> No.1796066

Why learn both when de facto the whole world has converted to the superior system?

>> No.1796078

Shit. That does suck. Your country is like the Jeep brand of countries.

>> No.1796096

Lada of countries.

>> No.1796113

How many hectoseconds did it take you to type up thay post, OP?

>> No.1796122

About 0,2 kiloSeconds.

>> No.1796125

Go back to the tropics, you massive faggot.

>> No.1796133
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>Future is having neutral going though water line, and live going though gas line.
What could possibly go wrong with that?
The only thing involved in this discussion with a room temperature IQ is (You).

>> No.1796156

>he doesn't know about switch mode power supplies

>> No.1796217
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>> No.1796219

*with the help of nazi scientists

>> No.1796411

Not with the help, they actually put them in charge.

>> No.1796434

Yet still nazis used subway sandwiches based units

>> No.1796435

>Yet still nazis used subway sandwiches based units
NASA specifically uses metric because they know the rest of the country is retarded

>> No.1796473

Germany switched to metric before Hitler was even born.

>> No.1796509

Merica uses freedom units because thats what the rest of the universe uses, FUCKIN PROVE IM WRONG BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1796536

The better part of this system is that none of the major countries already use it, so you won't get some jerk off country claiming that they made everyone else fall in line with them.

inb4 Canada. I said MAJOR country

>> No.1796539
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>Americans just can't use SI units and always use subway sandwiches.

>> No.1796549

>below 0°C i better drive carefully there could be ice on the road.
There can be ice on the road when the air temp is above 0°C because the road temp is not the same as the air temp

>> No.1796551

It's very clearly a joke. A poor joke, but a joke nonetheless.

>> No.1796570
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It is joke.
It is high quality joke.

>> No.1796603

soul vs soulless

>> No.1796608
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Cry more faggot

>> No.1796639

He doesn't use penis as unit

>> No.1796710

Funny enough that NASA didn't standardize on the imperial system through everything at the time of apollo. Take the computer for example, for all of the math behind the guidance the used metric system and then converted it to imperial for anything that it displayed for the astronauts. Not standardizing on one system gave them a lot head ache later on.

>> No.1796715

Where's the ground faggot?

>> No.1796751

This is T-T , so every house has its own ground.

>> No.1796781

So much this. You're just a brainlet if you can't understand both.

Spoiler alert: metric isn't the objectively superior system in every regard, and neither is imperial. Both have their uses, hence why, when combined with systematic inertia, the whole world hasn't agreed on using either except for the scientific community. For calculations metric is always easier but for practical day to day stuff imperial has it's niche.

>> No.1796783

>Also describing peoples height in meters is just fucking gay, no way around it.
Heights are wierd if you were previously used to the base 10 metric system: 5'12'' feels like 62 inches (50+12=62), which should be less than 6', which should be 60 inches in a base 10 system. Of course, they're the same thing. This would be useful if all humans would be 5'X'' tall, but they aren't, and although I know 4' and 6' something people are tiny and tall, respectively, I need to translate that back to metric to visualize it. At least metric is a continuous measurement throughout the relevant height range.

>> No.1796881

> talks about 60Hz efficiency
> still uses retarded and super wasteful 120v

Take some electricity lessons before you open your mouth

>> No.1796959
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-t. Am 1.78 / 5'10"

>> No.1796964
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>Abloobloobloo my autistic numbers
>It doesn't perfectly divide and I'm too retarded to do math

I get it, but at the same time, who the fuck cares? There's charm, it's human. Also ima rustle everyone's jimjams, month/day/year is objectively the best. Who gives a fuck about the year? Nothing changes knowing the number of the year, and everyone knows what number it is anyway. Similar for the day; there's not a lot of info for you to grasp if it's the 4th or the 16th. But months? They tell you something. They paint the scene. If it's August, the image of it being hot as shit flows into your mind and you emotionally understand the date. December, March, etc, you get a real, human sense of the date in mind. You don't get that if you start with the year or day, it's too mechanical and divulges nothing. Months first provides the most data and humanizes something as fucking boring as the date. But I suppose soulless Europoor robots wouldn't understand this concept.

>> No.1797097

> day month year

>> No.1797301

>increments of 10 is stupid
>-10°C Need cold weather gear to survive
>0°C Is cold, water starting to melt
>10°C Cool weather, long sleeves
>20°C Perfect weather
>30°C It's hot, shorts
>40°C It's really hot, run the aircon
>50°C You'll probably die without protection

>> No.1797316
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>the whole world hasn't agreed on using either
yes they have lol

>> No.1797427

What the fuck you talking about m8.
t. electrical engineer

>> No.1797428

No you stupid shit. Motors were one of the main application, the other was lamps. NO ONE ould use lamps flickering at 25 hz. We stop seein the flicker at around 50-60hz. What the fuck

>> No.1797446

>60hz is far more efficient in, check this crazy shit out,
You have no idea how to calculate the efficiency of some frequency over another, you're talking shit.

>> No.1797594

>i doubt they trash a billion of those on their own cost
There will probably be a rebate program but the change is happening either way. >>1796536
>none of the major countries already use it
Japan uses it.
>120v is wasteful
Get a load of this idiot.
Quit larping. /pol/ is where the summer children are supposed to hang out.

>> No.1797604


>> No.1797681
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>> No.1797685

Literally nothing. You account for those in design of transformer or motor by selecting thinner plates, different iron, etc.
That said, higher frequency = less iron in transformers, thicker lines.
Lower frequency = more iron in transformers, thinner lines. For same efficiency.
>Get a load of this idiot.
120V is really low voltage, that requires thicker wire.
In 220 system, you can have 2,5 mm^2 (14 awg)cable for 3600W, while in 110 you need 12 awg for 2400W.

>> No.1798129

poo poo pee pee butthurt

>> No.1798239

#12 wire can safely handle a maximum of 3600w @ 120v dictated by the 2017 NEC 70
#14 wire can safely handle 5500w @ 220v dictated by the same authority.
Where the fuck did you learn about electricity.
You literally sound like a high schooler or a European.

>> No.1798302

In Europe we have different standards, apparently (or different breaker labeling / I/t characteristic).
1,5 mm^2 is used for 10A CB, which means that you can draw up to 2200W continuously. And wire is rated for 17 amps.
2,5 mm^2 is used for 16A CB, which means that you can draw up to 3600W continuously. And wire is rated for 25 amps.
4,0 mm^2 is used for 25A CB, which means that you can draw up to 5500W continuously. And wire is rated for 35 amps.
This is how we size cables.
Now. AWG - I don't fucking know AWG.
I was wrong.
12AWG is 3,3 mm^2, so it should have max allowable current between 25 and 35 amps, so 30A sounds reasonable. But you should keep in mind that breaker doesn't break at whatever digits say on it, so on this circuit you shall use 20A breaker, which limits your power to 2400W.
14AWG is 2,0 mm^2, so it should be between 17 and 25 A. So 20A. Thus you use 15A breaker. Which will give you 1800W on 120V and 3600W at 220V. Even at max current rating of wire, you will not get 5500W.

>> No.1798313

>2,52 on 16a circuits
maybe in new shit but older houses dont even use 10A breakers and 1,52 for anything but drier and stove.
Wire is not rated for x current. Cross section depends on thermal isolation, mantle material, voltage drop AND LOOP IMPEDANCE

>> No.1798334

>maybe in new shit but older houses dont even use 10A breakers and 1,52 for anything but drier and stove.
Idk. In my shithole we had always used 16A CCB with 2.5 mm cable for sockets, and 6A or 10A CCB with 1mm or 1,5 mm for lights.
>Wire is not rated for x current. Cross section depends on thermal isolation, mantle material, voltage drop AND LOOP IMPEDANCE
This is simplification for electricians. Nobody ever calculates impedance in residential. You just use PVC-insulation cable with wire thickness described earlier.

Also. FUCK WIRENUTS. They are garbage. I moved from Europe (not quite) to Latin shithole, and man. I miss my fucking WAGO. Wire nuts are garbage. Not only one size doesn't fit all, but you really have to pre-twist cables before even joining them, otherwise even 3M wirenut gets damaged. They must be outlawed, this is house-fire waiting to happen. Crimp, wago or solder. (or braze if you're perverted).
I ended up soldering shit with torch after all, because putting wire nut takes more effort, than twisting and soldering, surprisingly.

>> No.1798342

>Nobody ever calculates impedance in residential.
you are right. A proper contractor will have a diagram drawn by the forman that specifies gauge and number of conductors.
He will base this on his experience but with him signing it off guarantees to be in spec and later verified by measurement
If the contractor neglects this the foreman is liable for any damage
not working in construction but we have to check every loop, even thou we know its good and didnt have a fault in years

>> No.1798362

I really did this. Because fuck wire-nuts, I don't trust them. Don't worry, I cleaned flux off, and this was electronics flux, rosin-based one, not zncl plumbing shit.
Code doesn't prohibit soldering. For tin-lead solder they require you to make sure connection is sound mechanically (twisting with pliers guarantees this) before you solder.

>> No.1798558

Weak argument. Why would you ever say the year unless it was 1) past the current calendar year end, or 2) further than 12 months away? Stop being retarded.

The Year/Month/Day makes much more sense for overall use, especially in organization. 20200414 is much more useful than 04142020 or 14042020. To put into perspective, imagine saying every time of day as "the Xth minute of the Yth hour". It would be inefficient and pointless. Now you see how doing calendar as day/month/year or month/day/year is just as stupid. And again, don't bring up "what about in speaking" like you tried before, because as stated, if the year isn't relevant then you just leave it off, fucking smoothbrain.

>> No.1798591


>> No.1798629

Idk, your normal 1/4 bolt, dunno if coarse or fine thread. But I did this. It was a bit tight though