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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1795082 No.1795082 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to build something. Any ideas?

>> No.1795088
File: 29 KB, 636x358, 1582440458296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crab sweepers

>> No.1795105


you need at least a rapsberry pi for that. arduino is not powerful enough.

>> No.1795115

Build a house (in minecraft)

>> No.1795133
File: 103 KB, 1210x1210, 1570215815437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build your body

>> No.1795135

The guy on the left looks like he is fun to hang out with. The guy on the right looks like he sucks dick.

>> No.1795151

>The guy on the left looks like he is fun to hang out with. The guy on the right looks like he sucks dick.

guy on left is gay redditor. guy on right is chad slayer of staceys.

>> No.1795152

I rather be a lardass than end up uploading mirror selfies like some thot.

>> No.1795159


>> No.1795163

Sir Henry Cavill ...

>> No.1796253

What skills and tools do you have?

>> No.1796262

Build a small boat.

>> No.1796264

Raised bed garden, or an outdoor fountain.

>> No.1796424


>> No.1796437

Build a canjo!

>> No.1796493

Why did you say the same thing about both guys?

>> No.1796494

A bear.

>> No.1796725


>> No.1796730

I used to tear up old audio equipment and junk PCs to make guitar effect pedeals and other electronics. Or build some simple junk bots. Cigar box guitars are fun too

>> No.1797295

How do you not already have dozens of project ideas swimming around in your head at all times already? Do you never see something and want to do it yourself?

>> No.1797911

But how

>> No.1797915


Extremely low quality thread OP, you uncreative NPC

>> No.1797935

a nuke. then drop it on Hillary. or Bernie.

>> No.1797941

a miniature trebuchet

>> No.1797951

Does anyone have that screen cap of that one /pol/ thread where OP is asking about makeshift weapons and he shows his own which is just a rock taped to the end of a drainage pipe?

>> No.1798095
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Look at me

>> No.1798620
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Based on that diet, you'd better get working right away. Plus side: make it with palettes.

>> No.1798637

Build a better meme-folder you dumb frogposter.

>> No.1798777
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Thread is turning on you OP. You might need to build a weapon.

>> No.1798802
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>> No.1798804

build an airrifle lol

>> No.1798845

Start simple. Make a shelf. A bookcase. A patio table.
Something that takes maybe 3 2x4's and a dozen screws.

You'll be amazed at how good it feels to know you made something useful with your own two hands, no matter how benign it might seem to anyone else.

>> No.1798847

>, no matter how benign it might seem to anyone else.

Hmm, I want to sound smart, so I'll throw a fancy word in here and hope it fits.

>> No.1798901


>> No.1798910


>> No.1798947


>> No.1799088


>> No.1799133

This... I have projects lined up for years.

>> No.1799504

Unfortunately I tend to focus on my anime and vidya backlog

>> No.1799781

Get off that Barbell Jonah Hill

>> No.1799785

I was going to suggest you build a workbench. But do you have a workbench to build it on?

>> No.1799987

If the first attempt at building a drawing board had failed, what could we go back to?

>> No.1800646

Your self-esteem.
Ain't a joke. It's good. There's always room to improve.

>> No.1800854

post body u fat fuck

>> No.1801301

thats only a big word for you

>> No.1802375

How do you do that?

>> No.1802397


But Anon, you’re on 4chan

>> No.1802400

He used the word benign incorrectly

>> No.1802430

He tried to say benis

>> No.1803453

You just used it incorrectly, faggot

>> No.1805115
File: 84 KB, 512x393, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a family

>> No.1805121

build a guitar

>> No.1805197


>> No.1805209

Build some birdhouses and put them in nearby forests/parks. Birds can always do with more places to nest, especially since humans have encorached on their natural habitat and stuff.
It's good practice on joinery and stuff too

>> No.1805211

you sound like a guy who gets easily intimidated by other guys who either look better than you or are more confident than you. but you you'd also never admit it

>> No.1805231

kek I have too many friends like this. Literally just 1. And that's too many

>> No.1805237

how will getting fat help matters

>> No.1805259

Make a crate.