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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 387 KB, 1600x1200, tit_mogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1773223 No.1773223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you even get a job as a trader/apprentice with zero experience and no education? I hear this all the time, "just go out and look for apprenticeships, people will hire with no experience if you're willing to work". Okay well I did, I took a look a opportunities as a welder, so all welder positions start at $14/hr and go up to $22/hr, not bad but these are all shops that want people with experience no noobs allowed. I tried looking for an apprenticeship, found exactly only one in my city, except they require (and they made sure to indicate "must have") a welding certificate. I'm not completely retarded but I think I'm capable of handling a trade, in manufacturing. I know some machining concepts, I can use machinist tools but I don't actually know CNC or programming. Still, I have experience operating machines, a surface grinder and a sheeter (cutting 3 ton paper rolls into large sheets for industrial printing). Yet when I apply for jobs it seems employers don't think I am somehow fit for these jobs, what gives? Why is it so hard to get into trades?

>> No.1773265


Virtually every community college in the US offers welding programs to get you to cert. classes are a couple hundred bucks/semester around me, at least.

Getting into trade really does require an "I'm not completely retarded" certificate. Ask at a trade union local, they might sponsor you if can't afford to pay for the classes. They'll also hook you up with jobs. They're generally bastards in the long run but they'll get you in the door.

>> No.1773269
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>> No.1773280

I joined the union.

I never picked up a power tool, nor did I know how to read a tape measure.

Look for the UA, IBEW, Ironworkers, Carpenters, SMART, LiUNA, any union.

If you live in a non-union state, then companies recruit out of community college and tech schools.

I know unions get a bad rap, and you're likely stuck with that local because they make it so fucking hard to transfer locals, even across states or so.

Other than that, the pay is good, and there's such a demand for labor right now in construction. Even if 2020 we have a massive recession, there is in my area, at least 1.5 year backlog of work before guys start sitting in the hall. Maybe even more considering the airport work.

I would avoid CNC unless you feel you entirely love it. It's pays less as a trade, and to be honest, I haven't met someone who loves it love it.

>> No.1773290

Union: you go and apply and start as an apprentice and work your way up.

Non-union: You lie but get enough experience in the process to carry over to your next job where you can go in with a little experience and look better than the other guys coming in with no experience but claiming to have a couple years.

>> No.1773666

>nor did I know how to read a tape measure
fucking hell man how dumb are you?

>> No.1773671

Go Union and don't look back. People talk shit about them, but they're the people that have never been in one, or are office workers that aren't laborers.

In my area non-union labor is generally mismanaged. The companies always fuck over their employs, try to pay them under the table etc. If you break a company tool that was on it's last leg, they'll try to make you pay for it. Essentially just corporate jews.

None of it is really any good. Under the table sounds good, until you realize that you can't qualify for a rental agreement because you have no income. You can't deposit any money, because then that's recordable income, and if you ever get audited you're SOL.
I'm a locksmith by trade, and I can't count the amount of times employs have been fucked by their employers for "you lost the key you pay for it." Meanwhile it's never that simple. Bottom line is the corporation was too cheap/lazy to get a key copy while they had the key.

I'm coming hard anti-union out in this post, but spend a few months at your local watering hole with the blue collar boys and, you'll learn which ones treat their employs right. Not all nonunion laboring shops are scumbags, just most.

>> No.1773681

go to the local union hall and suck a few dicks

>> No.1773693

god I wish 16 was the legal age of consent in burgerland :(

>> No.1773695

>Go Union and don't look back.

Good luck doing that in a right to work state.

>> No.1773736

Unions are for retards and problem employees who need protection because they'd be fired in a heartbeat otherwise. Oh, and before you start, yes I was in a union for some time. They are all corrupt, encourage laziness, and protect idiots. The last union job I had we worked a total of two hours a day between breaks, fucking around goofing off, and waiting for other trades to come move or do something so we could finish. I'm also not a fan of them taking my dues and handing them over to the Democratic Party.

>> No.1773741

Completely off topic, but does anybody have the version of that photo where it draws lines of sight implying everyone in the photo is looking at those tits?

>> No.1773766

the pajeet in the back if definitely eyeing the camera. probably going to ask for the photo later.

>> No.1773771

>that beard and black haired chick un the back.

This is college

>> No.1773810

>This is college

damn i'm getting old

>> No.1773811

>Unions are for retards and problem employees who need protection because they'd be fired in a heartbeat otherwise. Oh, and before you start, yes I was in a union for some time. They are all corrupt, encourage laziness, and protect idiots. The last union job I had we worked a total of two hours a day between breaks, fucking around goofing off, and waiting for other trades to come move or do something so we could finish. I'm also not a fan of them taking my dues and handing them over to the Democratic Party.

also when you're unemployed and bennies run out no non union shop will hire you if they find out you have a union journeyman card for ex

>> No.1773824

This may be irrelevant but I live in Arizona. I can't seem to find many union groups and the few that are available require you to already be working at a whatever field the union works with. I'm 20 btw, had two different jobs as a machine operator currently warehouse associate. Haven't really settled in any job because I don't have a car and have had to move multiple times, it's a long story but I think I'm starting to get settled in.

>> No.1774005
File: 70 KB, 749x749, 37236200_478347022607929_5082215594263052288_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be that age again
>casual sex is no longer acceptable and people on your age group including you are getting uglier
I only graduated 3 years ago and I already want to die

>> No.1774021

In most states it is...

>> No.1774193

That's because a good union is not readily hiring inexperienced people and that's a good thing. Pretty much have to keep visiting the union hall looking for work and it might take months to become an apprentice.

>> No.1774243

Sort of wish I banged my two crushes in highschool, but they werent a good match for me anyway. Still though...

>> No.1774245

Even better, the pic is from 2015, she graduated already

>> No.1774247

>tfw so much of a virgin incel I missed high school and college sex
I've accepted dying alone but it is still hard sometimes.

Have you considered seeing if there is a government training program?

>> No.1774263

Just search for "contractor" and shoot out a number of emails en masse. As of right now there's a labor shortage in construction. Like here in California, they're considered and already have literally hired guys off the street -- those who were standing outside the jobsite. And those guys were paid union rates.

>> No.1774497


My friend, the whole thing is about attitude, and basically bullshit.
You want them to be confident in you to finish the apprenticeship and make them money, think of it as a first date.

>> No.1774564

The pleb takes the opportunity to look at her tits. The patrician would take the opportunity to look at her pits.

>> No.1774649
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>"Why yes, I am staring at her armpits, how can you tell?"

>> No.1775799
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>> No.1775804
File: 200 KB, 764x512, 1560957784519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That blonde be like, 'No one is so straight they don't want to play with those.'

>> No.1775812

Dear Jesus that is a sweet set!

>> No.1775956

>Even if 2020 we have a massive recession, there is in my area, at least 1.5 year backlog of work before guys start sitting in the hall. Maybe even more considering the airport work.
Lucky you. I’m in IBEW district 7 and my local has a good bit of apprentices and some journeymen on the books right now. There’s only two union shops left in our part of one southwestern state and one of them is pretty much on life support at this point, or so the rumors say.

>> No.1775961

I live in west texas (a right to work state) and we have a few IBEW locals in the state; I'm currently in the apprenticeship for one in my local and I know a guy who just transferred to one in Houston. It's possible.

>> No.1775967

For my local, you're half correct. The contractors basically bend/bent over the leadership in the hall and fucked them sideways with no lube. The contractors de-facto own and manage the local, and our local's leadership takes their marching orders from the contractors. Lazy/wobbling hands get pink slipped and usually ride the books, word goes around that they're shit hands to work with, and most union contractors in my local encourage us to work through breaks and basically take shorter-than-30-minute lunches because "if you have to take 5 minutes to get ready to go back to work and you're not working by 12:31 you're taking too long for lunch".

as for the political part of your post once you get to a certain strata of wealth you start to outsource everything to Paco and China regardless of whether you vote D or R. Prime example: my bosses are Trump voters (I dont fault them for it) and yet they exclusively buy equipment and job material that says "MADE IN CHINA"


>> No.1775998
File: 183 KB, 610x458, pic-3-groundhog-day-1047147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She like to stretch

>> No.1776012

Fuck dude, post em if you got em

>> No.1776019

Find entry level factory maintenance. I went from no experience to dealing with backflow of plumbing from retards shoving stupid shit down the toilet clogging the pipe

>> No.1776020
File: 449 KB, 500x589, if-ya-know-what-i-mean-wink-wink-nudge-nudge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She like to stretch

I wouldn't mind stretching her out...

(If you know what I mean...) *Wink* *Wink* *Nudge* *Nudge*

>> No.1776094

That blonde to the side of her looks like a lot more fun

>> No.1776095
File: 425 KB, 1600x1200, 1582680666674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1776303

How do I get into something like HVAC? I live in VA if that makes a difference. I'd like to get into any trade really I've just heard HVAC is hiring a lot

>> No.1776356

They have schools that you can go to. Here in the SW, HVAC is considered life saving because of the heat in the summer. Even welfare queens, have central ac.

>> No.1776359

I got paid 11 bucks an hour for 3 years doing shit jobs in a machine shop. Learned all I could and finally got out and landed a job making double what I made there. Its not a meme. Put the time in and be a moron for guys who know what they are doing and you'll make it.

>> No.1776361

Start with insulation. Learn from the guys that know what they are doing. Always carry a notebook with you.

>> No.1776366

You're like a tit glancing Dexter

>> No.1776373

Wasn't there another picture like this?

>> No.1776376
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>> No.1776381

how old are you?

>> No.1776384
File: 55 KB, 600x449, E2B10AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old enough to remember waiting for that pic to download on DSL.

>> No.1776387
File: 77 KB, 540x524, explain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I catch your drift, please elaborate.

>> No.1776389
File: 24 KB, 287x387, 1556049183325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting old sucks man.

>> No.1776391

Them fuckin’ knockers tho

>> No.1776415

agreed. im in alberta.

i used to be an offce fag. now im in the trades.

unions are fucking gay. i worked up north and had to deal with unions. holy shit. it's all faggot fat losers and alcys.

>> No.1776460

You're a fag, Trevor.

>> No.1777209

i remember this being one of the first images i masturbated to. man 2010 was so long ago

>> No.1777213


>> No.1777250

Your still young if you only started wanking in 2010.

>> No.1777393

That girl is so fat and dumb tho. In 10 years she will be in a wheelchair due to fatness and TV.

>> No.1777415

You need a driver's license and a vehicle. Tools can be purchase as needed.

The unions will take anyone, they love paying you half of what you earn on top of taking dues. No reason they wouldn't take you, but you gotta have your own vehicle and a license. It's really the only hurdle assuming you aren't retarded.

>> No.1777416

I'd bet he's just lived a very privileged life before that point. Tell me when anyone upper-middle class or higher would ever need to read a tape measure. I doubt they even have shop class in private schools unless it's disguised as engineering.

>> No.1777834

>Pick trade
>Find local trade union
>Apply to union
>Take classes with union
>Pass classes
>Get job at union shop
>Work your way up the list
>Make money

If you live in a populated area with tall buildings join the Elevator union IUEC or similar. Wish I would have done that back in the day instead. Get into the service field if you can.

The elevator tech I know sits in a climate controlled penthouse that only he has access to and waits for a call about an elevator or escalator in his building.

>> No.1777845

>Go to good college
>Get engineering degree
>Get job with contractor that uses union labor
>Find out only apprentices are payed less than you...

>> No.1778312

I used to have no real opinion of the union. I've been a non union ironworker in East Texas for 15 years. I have a cousin that's a non union lineman. My cousins company got called to the Northeast US after the storms a few years back to help get the lines back up and when the union workers found out they were up their they destroyed a lot of my cousins equipment and tools.... Takes a pretty shitty group of humans to treat folks like that during an emergency. Based on that alone is never go union.

>> No.1778322

Get into fitting carpets. Can make a killing.

>> No.1778326



>> No.1778327

I went to private school and we started woodworking in 4th grade
no power tools though
dropped out of college and now I make ok money doing wood work

>> No.1778518
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>> No.1778520


>> No.1778657

Can you dump all your pics? I'm a coomer

>> No.1778671

Bruh this pic is clearly older than you are

>> No.1780231

Vocational schools. A lot have adult programs, and they usually have a list of employers with whom they'll put you in contact once you satisfactorily complete the course. They can be pricey, but a lot take government loans.

>> No.1780252

She gotta have back problems bro.

Imagine those things when she’s 45.

>> No.1780278

how old r u anon?

>> No.1780292

Mid-upper 20s for a dude are best for dudes tbqhwy, as long as you’re not too much of a fat neckbeard. That’s the age when you can slay a bunch of 20 year old chicks without the awkward high school bullshit.