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File: 29 KB, 622x463, Europe_crossbow2-2-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
176646 No.176646 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: how to make a crossbow, longbow, or other ranged form of weaponary

>> No.176652

okies ty

>> No.176651

Go to /k/
they love this shit.

>> No.176656 [DELETED] 

If your still here, I'm a national champion longbow/ recurve archer in the UK... you cannot diy a longbow or recurve, maybe a crossbow, but only really if you use the ballista type, powered by elastic energy in leather

>> No.176660


And I'm a Canadian guy who makes bows all the time.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.176662 [DELETED] 

If you have the kit etc, then yeah. But you cant just diy a bow with advice from /diy/. you need proper information.
More to the pooint, the wood. Any proper longbow requires 3 types of wood, the best uses Italian Yew (all english 12C-15C bows used italian yew), and thats not cheap. And diy is about doing it cheap.

>> No.176663

Crude crossbows can be made by using a truck leaf spring or a bandsaw blade for the bow. A rifle stock works best for the stock, and a bow caliper release works best for the trigger mechanism. Steel cable can be used for the string.

Bows can be made by cutting knot-free wood into 1/8" boards, and glued together with fiberglass, to make a laminate bow. Otherwise, a solid piece of wood can be made into a workable bow.

>> No.176664


A "proper" longbow requires only one piece of wood.

Ugh, you competition shooters aren't the brightest bunch, are you?

>> No.176666

The British Champion is some guy in his 50s. Can't recall the name, but definitely doesn't browse 4chan.

Fuck off.

>> No.176671 [DELETED] 

british Junior National Longbow Flight Champion, 2 years running, and recurve last as well.
Been shooting since 11.
A longbow cannot be made out of 1 bit of wood, not if you want a power of 50lbs+

And btw, the trucksprings/rifle stock idea sounds unbelievably dangerously good fun.
I'd go with that.

>> No.176673


A 50lb draw will take down just about any animal in North America.

>> No.176674


Stickied at the top of the page Op, http://www.vintageprojects.com/archery-plans.html
Has plans for a long bow, Repeating crossbow, recurve bow and more

>> No.176676
File: 93 KB, 800x529, iwood200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck???? You can DIY a long bow all day long. You can make a longbow or recurve that will last and shoot hard for a lifetime. Simple manual woodworking tools ( sharp hatchet, rasps ) and properly selected hardwood are all you need. I've made many. Pic is a snakeskin backed hickory recurve. 65 lb. @ 28 in draw.

>> No.176678

Ah, you might wanna be more specific. Suggesting by omission that you're an olympic athlete is a bit dodgy.

Under 18 or 16 or 14 or what?

>> No.176677

>>176674 fucking love you

>> No.176679

Historical longbows were selfbows. They WERE made from one piece of wood. You're full of shit. Even warbows were selfbows. All of them can achieve >50lb draw.

Fuck. /diy/ has actual experts, why would anybody try to fake it knowing they can be called so easily?

>> No.176680 [DELETED] 

any animal in North America? 50lbs would barely kill a dog at 150m. It'd go through 4 at 10m, but srsly, whats the fun in hunting with a bow?

I'm a real brit. My bow is always there, just incase the French ever come back (lulz) and range is needed.

At agincourt, Minimum bow stregth was 180lbs, when they discovered the mary rose, it had many bows over 300lbs on it, probably only for naval use but still.

>> No.176682

underage b&. Thanks for being enough of a retard to make me hate you, AND enough of a retard to explicitly admit to breaking a board rule.

>> No.176683


nice use of caps.

who could even into 300lb draw?

>> No.176685

Animu kids that love giant swords.

>> No.176687 [DELETED] 

okay so then. If your all so sure, ill draw back from thread and delete posts to save room. But the only self bows ive ever seen ive also seen snap in peoples faces.
And in reply, U18 at time (Junior)
And I dont care what you say, actual go to a European Museum, and ask. Yes self bows. Laminate self bows.
Glued together, with animal glues and all sorts.
So OP, do as wish, just have fun :L

>> No.176689
File: 151 KB, 592x896, may0401[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most longbows in the history on english archery and worldwide were made of single stave bows. These can draw up to and above 180 lbs.
Pic is the raw materials of previous bow.
single hickory stave and deer sinews, sinew scraps for glue

>> No.176692

>Laminate self bows.
That is a goddamned oxymoron. A selfbow is a bow made from a single piece of wood. How are you this fucking stupid?

>> No.176694



wouldn't even a 180lb draw require fairly beefy arms/shoulders?

>> No.176695

that is why they are not common anymore, but the english military archer had to and did.

>> No.176698


From what I've read, English archers had deformed bones from the muscles required to shoot.

I've managed to shoot a 90lb bow, and the arrow was more like a spear. I'd like to see the 180lb.

>> No.176697

Yes, but well within the realm of human possibility given training. 300lbs isn't.

>> No.176699

www paleoplanet net
all you need to know is there about bowmakng

>> No.176701



holy fuck at full draw?

>> No.176704


where'd you read that?

this sort of historical detail interests me.

isn't drawing a bow more down to how you use the momentum of the pull than out and out muscle power?

>> No.176705




It measured 90lbs at my draw length. It was a longbow, so it could have gone further.

Since I regularly shoot my 70lb hunting bow, it wasn't *too* difficult, but it isn't something I'd do very often.

>> No.176706

they reckon thats why king richard the whatever was a hunchback, he was an archer as a kid

>> No.176708

Some sources seem to indicate that the redonkulous draws of the welsh longbowmen were achieved with an entirely different style (as well as the accepted huge amount of practice) than used by other/modern archers.

>> No.176719


>During the Napoleonic wars the Duke of Wellington asked for a corps of longbows to provide a force producing more rapid fire than guns could, which he considered would have been particularly devastating against the then unarmoured targets in his campaigns, but he was told that there were no longer any such skilled men in England.[38]

why is ths making me feel sad?

>> No.176721


There was once a time (iirc) when every boy in England, at the age of 9 or so, started longbow training.

It is kind of sad. Like the last of the samurai.

>> No.176727

Not exactly.

Archery was for a time an extremely popular sport in some areas, notably wales early on...so people'd practice in the same way some kids these days practice....keepy uppy with footie.

These archers far outclassed other ranged weapons.....but required stupid amounts of practice....so various English rulers passed various laws to try to enforce this. Most of the stories about 'everyone did it on sunday' trace back to laws banning all games/sports on sunday for religious reasons (and specifying that archery didn't count as it was for fighting/hunting as well as a sport).

Didn't work though, you can't dictate the dedication people'll put in to something like that.

>> No.176750

the standard english archer of the time of the battle of agincourt was insanely muscular. these were men who could physically beat you death with just their bare hands, due to training from such a young age. however, to become an archer on a par with these men requires exactly the same lifestyle; shoot hundreds of arrows, daily, graduating each time you break a bow. i've gone through three different bows, each which i made myself, and that was before i turned fourteen (i then got a life and stopped shooting arrows and starting boning bitches). during this time, i wasn't a massively built child, but i was more than capable of pulling a 50/60lb bow. even now, a 90lb draw weight offers very little strain for me. it's all about training your arms and muscles to behave though; my right side is a LOT stronger than my left, and the shoulder/wing muscles are hugely prominent in comparison.

if you wish to be able to use a bow like an old english archer; start off by shooting. LOTS OF ARRERS. don't bother using bows you can't break; make them yourself. if it breaks, make another. and another. and another.
there are two reasons for this;
1) you become more equipped to live innawoods
2) you can make a bow that actually suits you; and it will reflect your shooting style. you'll respect it more and it will treat you better. you might not believe in all that spiritual bullshit; but the connection between an archer and his bow is more than a man and a gun.

>> No.177042

There's a whole book on making bows and crossbows in the Weapons folder of this torrent


>> No.177263

Bumping because of awesome, and so that despite that kid deleting his posts he still can never delete his shame.

>> No.177303

censored by the US government
can i get that torrent on mediafire from someone?
or can someone tell me where else i can get it?

>> No.177313
File: 22 KB, 500x375, A-Great-Peg-Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank me later OP

>> No.177402

am not the uploader, but here you go good sir, I hope it works.

>> No.177441
File: 804 KB, 2704x1348, crossbow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happen to have...

>> No.177444
File: 1.39 MB, 4484x1352, Hunters crossbow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple laying around.

>> No.177446
File: 1.52 MB, 3600x2680, Harpoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my defense to the rules, these things are underpowered and mainly for plinking. Small game hunting and so on.

>> No.177458
File: 6 KB, 168x251, 1312445943114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.177488
