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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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175865 No.175865 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/, I'm planning on quitting smoking and therefore need to keep myself busy. I need a project, something time consuming. I started trying to quit about a week ago, went 48 hours and tried to replace my iPhone screen, the screws we ridiculously small and fiddly, I got agitated fast and went a bit fucking crazy. Thus started smoking again.

I like the idea of something which requires a lot of planning, to keep me busy in the nights, but something where the end result is as rewarding as possible.

Pic somewhat related. I draw, but even get frustrated at that if I don't have a cigarette in a while.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.175873

start chewing

>> No.175887 [DELETED] 

>I like the idea of something which requires a lot of planning, to keep me busy in the nights, but something where the end result is as rewarding as possible.

Bank robbery thread? Bank robbery thread.

>> No.175894

Fuck anon I just quit. I had two yesterday, none so far today but fuck I am ready to rip someone's head off and everyone keeps asking me what's wrong and telling me I'm acting weird, and I have to keep explaining because they can't keep it in their head and it just makes me want one so much more and fuck this is what you're in for

>> No.175902


Urban exploration?

>> No.175939

How about wood carving?
To start off you could just use a Stanley knife and dry sticks/off cuts. That way you don't have to invest anything, in case it isn't for you.It will give you something to do for now and you could buy more advanced equipment or expensive materials later on.

>> No.176437

Bumping for potential interest. Anon, have you tried to start a music collection? That takes a lot of time, but can be expensive, unless you thrift shop a lot. I'd recommend not dealing with people though.

Walking helps too. Last time I tried to quit, the first day without smoking, I walked like 10 miles. That took up the better part of my day...

>> No.176452

Check out /po/. I highly recommend papercraft as a hobby.

>> No.176457

I don't have an idea for a project, but I do have a tip for smoking cessation. If you do decide you need a nicotine aid like nicoderm or nicorette, a cheaper solution is to buy the liquid (about $15 for the equivalent of like 10 packs of the gum or patch) used in the e-cigarettes. It can be potent, so order the "light" nicotine liquid and "cut" it with water; what I mean by that is you want somewhere approximating 1/4 of a drop, so get a water bottle and put a drop in the there. Mix it well, then pour out 1/4 of the bottle and you have 1/4 of the drop. If you think you might have added more than a drop just toss it out and start over. It will taste terrible but it stop any nicotine cravings you have. I think they sell the e-cigarettes in gas stations and walgreens now, but I'd avoid those since they approximate a cigarette too well--they'll keep you in the habit of smoking as well as give you your nicotine.

Also (not recommended since it will keep you in the habit of having a cigarette in your hand) if you want something in your hand that isn't a cigarette but is a decent approximation, McDonald's straws are the same diameter as Marlboros and most other "Regular" cigarettes, Starbucks straws are the same diameter as Djarums and other clove/kretek cigarettes, and Taco Bell straws are the same diameter as those tiny Virginia Slims (forget the specific name, but they're the real small ones)

Hang in there, it will pay off. And your body will thank you. I got into smoking those clove cigarettes when I was younger and dumber even though I was big into freediving spearfishing (you hold your breath to dive, so smoking is pretty much the last thing you want to be doing) over the course of smoking 3 years I went from being able to easily dive to ~70ft to struggling at ~40ft. I've not smoked in over 2 years now and I'm still only back up to ~50-60ft; I wish now I'd never started smoking.

>> No.176463

Chainmail. Keeps your hands busy for days if you're doing something large like a hauberk, plus if you're not into keeping it you can sell what you make..

Plenty of how-to's in the sticky.

>> No.176469

This. E-Cig user for 2 years now. Tried Chantix, patches, gum, literally dozens more before a friend turned me onto e-cigs. Haven't looked back since, and I really don't even use it that often anymore. I don't need it.

Litecigusa.net is my go-to supplier.

You can do it, OP! Good luck!