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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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174246 No.174246 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever tried treating pneumonia in humans with fish-mox?

>> No.174249

Likely snake oil, like most supplements.

>> No.174253

It is the antibiotic amoxicillin

>> No.174255

Depends on the pneumonia - there's viral and bacterial. Why not just see a doc and find out for sure first?

>> No.174262

Its expensive mostly... I hate paying hundreds of dollars to have them tell me to go home and sleep. Better to take fish pills and sleep and save the money me thinks.

>> No.174263

Sooo.. better to self-diagnose, take something of probably little benefit and ignore the actual problem. Got it.

>mfw I have no face

>> No.174265

Its more or less the same thing I got when I went to the doctor before and its a lot cheaper than a doctor visit.

>> No.174278

people like you are the reason there's so many antibiotic resistant strains of infections

>> No.174286

Amoxicillin is usually coupled with beta lactamase inhibitors(beta lactamase being bacterial enzymes that cleave the antibiotic molecules), i don't see fish mox containing any clavulanic acid so not only are you guessing it will treat your infection, you're also making a very narrow guess that that the infectious agent will not have any beta lactamase activity.

While at it I should mention that almost all antibiotics have light immunosupressant activity, meaning that unless you wipe out your infection with the antibiotic, you're actually prolonging the duration and severity of it.

>> No.174339

Well this is good to know, thanks for the information, I guess I shouldn't use fish medicine to treat my sickness :(

>> No.174341

The American health care system at work, gentlemen.

>> No.174343

No, but one thing is for sure: You're declaring yourself a candidate for the 2012 Darwin Award if you try it.

>> No.174362

Not seeing the loss.

>> No.174366

Maybe a new strain of pneumonia will fester in them and grow immunity from 99% of all -cillins leaving us with no way to treat it. I see a loss.

>> No.174368

I suspect this is already true whether or not OP does his useless shenanigans. MRSA, TB in India, etc. Nature, per usual, is routing around us.

>> No.174549


Viral pneumonia is already basically untreatable in humans. All we can do is make you more comfortable by lessening the symptoms and let your immune system work its magic.

>> No.174557

Yup. Black elderberry extracts like Sambucol taken just as symptoms appear help a great deal to help prevent the virus from effectively reproducing. For influenza it can shorten the symptoms down to only 3 days instead of several days.

>> No.174575

My doctor never gives me antibiotics when I'm sick. I wasted a good portion of my winter in illness because of this; I've often wondered the same thing. Yes, I know, it does nothing for viruses. Either way, i see all the other doctors giving out antibiotics left and right, and it pisses me off.

>> No.174591

Sounds like your dr treated what was wrong with you, not what you thought was wrong with you. Maybe he wanted you to die. Or he might have been testing diseases on you, who knows.

>> No.174593

I've used it for nasty sinus infections and the like.

>> No.174616

Same thing with every viral infection.

>> No.174638
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I have purchased them before and found the drug packed in capsules with codes on it leading back to it being human grade. I bought a bunch for my tanks and even other ones they sell are human grade and the same caps you get in a pharmacy according to the codes on caps.