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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1733454 No.1733454 [Reply] [Original]

IC-7300 Edition
>Getting Licensed / Exam Information
>Online Practice Tests:
> Exams are FREE through Laurel VEC
> Real-Time Propagation Data
> Useful SWR/ Power chart for antenna tuning (Want to know what is good SWR? Have a look)
> Previous Thread

>> No.1733460

Where's the 705 bros at?

>> No.1733499

/ham/ i need comm from town to farm, 6 miles as the crow flies but hills in between so no direct radio comm possible (own a couple baofengs).
good news I guess is I own some land at the top of a hill between town and farm.
what's a good antenna or repeater I can put there? no access to electrical power there. I'm new to this so please give me 101 stuff.
I'm in MX but I can get most stuff online from US. no idea If i need some license or permit but I can work that out later.
thanks /ham/

>> No.1733515

How long did it take you to learn morse code?

>> No.1733599

>no access to electrical power there
If you use solar power you have to keep in mind that many inverters er really noisy.

>> No.1733617

Half a day
To be able to interpret on the fly? Months.

>> No.1733618
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I can't wait!
I have 3 on pre-order even though I don't know how much they'll cost or when they'll be available.

>> No.1733629

>so proud of this abortion

>> No.1733639
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Is there anything fun I can do with this Chinese 2M radio besides talking to omlete bros who are quickly fading away?

>> No.1733651

I have a handheld radio that accesses the HAM frequencies. I love tuning into the local tower while I drive around and fucking with all the old farts that chit chat about stupid old times shit. Someone got a receiver on top of the renaissance center in downtown Detroit that can broadcast across the entire metro area. Super fun to troll people on there.

>> No.1733669
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I'm relevant! I do important hammy things!

>> No.1733672


>that can broadcast

>> No.1733673

whatever, just hook an amp to it

>> No.1733685

Whatever you call the stupid thing. Sorry I’m not a 65 year old recluse in my basement pretending it’s the 1950’s.

>> No.1733687

no, youre just fucking retarded.

go catch some pokemon in a busy street, you brainless faggot

>> No.1733697

that's too bad since the top of that hill is a very secluded area but sometimes people get in there looking for stray cattle, or to hunt deer or turkey depending on the season and I wouldn't want them to find it and mess with it/steal it.
maybe I'd have to fence it.

>> No.1733726

He meant electrical noise... I don't think you're going to manage to set up a repeater there Pedro.

>> No.1733818

Getting past 12 speed plus learning military radio technology and rules, about 4 months.

>> No.1733822

Do the Baofags not work? Seems like you should be ok within 6 miles of each other.

If you make 2 directional yagis and stick them up high (guessing you don't have to carry your HT from the shit shack to the grow field), that should be enough

>> No.1733827

>High prices transceiver
>Psh, just go spend $2,000 on an amp to fix the shortcomings of the piece of shit.
Your getting fucked over by ICOM©®™ and loving it.

>> No.1733898

You tried CB? I know the CB bands tend to be a lot more popular south of the border, and freebanding pretty much goes unenforced. As far as radios go, the SR-94HPC comes to mind. VHF (like baofengs) means setting up a repeater, and I have no idea what mexican regs are like for that.

If you can set up a base antenna on the farm you should get 10-20 miles easy, even with hills.

>> No.1733928

Who hurt you?

>> No.1733939

>sorry I don't know knowledge 13 year olds understand
That makes you a retard, and a zoomer. Congratz

>> No.1733942

Take a 8W baofeng, put in box and set up a solar pannels to charge it. Use an Ed Fong DBJ-1 antenna, painted brown to match the tree. Ez repeater for cheap that should easily bridge the gap.

>> No.1733997

>Use an Ed Fong DBJ-1 antenna
nigger get you some copper pipes and sweat them together.

jpole antenna is good for some hills

>> No.1734002

How does just powering a Baofeng in a box = a repeater? You'd need a means of recording a message, activating PTT and playing it back or two Baofengs and some means of activating PTT.

>> No.1734008

google is your friend, nigger.
this has been done before.

its a shit job but it can work

>> No.1734055

>You tried CB?
>If you can set up a base antenna on the farm you should get 10-20 miles easy, even with hills.
Yeah, CB + 100W PA should do the trick. PA is probably not need but not sure.

>> No.1734129

A 12W SSB CB radio can easily do 6 miles, and if he has room to set up a base station antenna it'll easily do 20+. If you need more power, just get an export radio- the SR-94 I mentioned already does 40W once you unlock it. Yeah it's a legal grey area in the USA, but in Mexico enforcement is likely even more lax. Radios are cheap, antennas can be found at any truck stop, and it's a lot less complicated than licensing and setting up a DIY repeater.

>> No.1734207

The DBJ-1 doesn't require any soldering tools, a SWR meter, or anything but a 5ft piece of pipe. It's also cheap.

>> No.1734230
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Thoughts on the IC-756 for the 'average' ham looking for a budget radio?
Seems like a poor man's IC-730 - I can't believe it's a decade older

>> No.1734243

If that's in good working order that's a bretty good deal.

>> No.1734246

Go for it, the rig is quite decent IMHO.

>> No.1734247

Since when SSB is used for CB? I thought CB is FM only.

>> No.1734250

You are exactly why I troll ham frequencies.

>> No.1734266
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I'm tempted, but I imagine in another year the IC-7300 will only be $300 more.
I just want a waterfall, ability to do digital, and no heater element requiring me to wait 10 minutes lol.
I used to be annoyed by transceiver prices, but it seems the MSRP of the 756 in 2002 was $2,700.
No more gripes from me! I may keep saving and foot the extra $300 for a 15 year younger model.
Down to $900 now after Icom rebate

>> No.1734268

i know, ive wanted to buy one just to check them out.
shut up ed, this is /diy/
when you retards fuck with repeaters we just hop to HF, where brainlets will never be able to find us.

get some skills, or your just going to be a retard for the rest of your life, the idiot weed wacking my grass

get your shit together, bud
>all those buttons and knobs
we have run them on field day, worked great.

>> No.1734272

you will be so happy with the icom.
its worth the wait, i know you want to get on the air now, but youll be so happy if you wait.

>> No.1734278

>when you retards fuck with repeaters we just hop to HF
Except you don’t, you just rage and threaten to contact the FCC after triangulating me while I laugh at you as a drive around broadcasting from no one fixed location.

>> No.1734290

wow bruh. sounds like youre living the life. riding around in your moms '96 geo prism, trollin the boomers!!

sounds like you have everything figured out

maybe the next time im bored ill get my memefeng out and troll the drive thru window at the mcdonalds you work

>> No.1734294

This line intentionally left blank.

>> No.1734298

not stale

>> No.1734357

sounds like you could pair an sdr with your transmitter

>> No.1734359

Hey, again. I'm making do with a 50 year old rig and am a cheapskate - haven't spent more than $700 on a toy in 4 years and am about to bypass my heating core to keep my 20 year old car running - but I may just cave when the 7300 dips just a bit more in price.

>> No.1734361

Lol that's actually what I've been doing for a few months. Antenna to tuner to switch for SDR or transceiver.
I like to think I'm building skills and understanding by working and learning the ins and outs of old technology. Maybe the grass is greener and I'll miss the pops and crackles and exhaust heat, but sometimes it'd be nice to simply have a digital frequency meter.

>> No.1734378

The 756 Pro / Pro II / Pro III are solid radios, just keep in mind it's all analog filtering, and with age some may have component problems. If you pick up a Signalink you can run digital modes just fine. $525 isn't bad assuming everything works. Or you can get a 7300 on sale, i've seen them sub 900 already.
Here in the USA, CB is AM and SSB. There is no FM. Other countries have different rules, and FM CB is common in Euro countries. Latin America sees a lot of general freeband CB from 25-28 Mhz. Plus radios are <$200 and antennas / parts are common.
Opportunity Cost, anon. Sometimes fixing things just means spending more money over a long period.

>> No.1734540
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>fall for the radio meme from these stupid threads
>get license
>even throw in a cb
>stupid fucking antennas all over my roof
>never hear anything on cb
>maybe once a week hear fags on a repeater talking about the same shit over and over

Gayest fucking waste of time hobby in the universe, desu

>> No.1734545

Local sucks. Work satellites or get HF gear.

>> No.1734548

>the 7300 makes my pp tickle but I'm just an sdrfag that doesn't have any interest in transmitting or ragchewing
what do??

>> No.1734650

>Here in the USA, CB is AM and SSB. There is no FM
I see, for some reason I thought CB is FM only. I'm still surprised that AM is still used.

>> No.1734652

>what do??
Get it or IC-756pro2

>> No.1734708
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Just got a yaesu 7250, how'd I do?

>> No.1734790
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HF is the real winner. Worked stations while in the hot tub in the woods today, shit was cash.

>> No.1734900
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straight males demand straight keys.

>> No.1734931
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Warped push key.
Gender pronoun?

>> No.1734935

That's a pretty clever use of those little gates.

>> No.1734941

What a lonely sad life you lead.

>> No.1734957
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Swiss precision key

>> No.1734984
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I see a R-390 for sale, about USD 450. I checked eBay for reference but prices are all over the place. So, is this a good price or not?

>> No.1734992

>What a lonely sad life you lead.
yeah, id say that award would go to the loser that attempts to troll in /diy/

>> No.1735006

Make sure you have a good antenna and enjoy.
It has a great power out and good sensitivity.

>> No.1735075
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I smell a scam. A barely working one goes for a few grands.

>> No.1735103

Does anyone have a RM Italy amplifier?
I'd like to pump by 100 watts out just for fun.

>> No.1735152

kill yourself fred

>> No.1735235

Anyone here listen to shortwave broadcast? Ham radio just doesn't interest me but I like listening to international radio stations.

>> No.1735257

No tom

>> No.1735317
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Is the ubitx a good first transceiver? Or gay poo in loo shit?

>> No.1735333

What loop ya got there?

>> No.1735379

No, you need a decent bit of experience and potentially test gear to get it working properly.

>> No.1735410


>> No.1735419

In that case what’s the cheapest route to start hitting HF bands for a poor college student?

>> No.1735426

Save ~250-300 and get a Xiegu rig or wait for a deal on something used.

>> No.1735429

Go to a ham fest as it's wrapping up and start offering 50% on boat anchors to guys who look like they need the money for gas to get back home
>Cheap qrp radio
Now we just need the availability of cheap amps.

>> No.1735462

Maybe a HackRF as an upgrade. If all you're interested in is shortwave; the 7300 has a pretty great receiver, and on par with the R9500.
MCHF Clone or Xiegu G90. You're better off spending a little more to get a 450D or 7300, though.

>> No.1735528

The Pixie mentioned in the FAQ is just USD 3.

>> No.1735534

DIY build using a 1 meter diameter loop of LMR400 for the radiator connected to a variable air cap. The driven small loop is just a piece of solid copper primary wire fed with coax. Support structure is scrap PVC fittings and a cheap Amazon tripod.

>> No.1735548

how come i never see people putting them outside for permanent use?

>> No.1735565

The biggest hang-up is their need for specific fine-tuning. You can see a T-handle on the black box the LMR400 connects to, that rotates to adjust the variable air capacitor inside. Once you have it tuned to a frequency, the suitable bandwidth from that point is very small, like 10kHz or less. That means once it's adjusted to about a 1:1 SWR on, say, 7.185Mhz, if you tun your radio to 7.175 or 7.195 (or further either direction), the SWR will be over 30:1. So you basically have to have access to the antenna to fine tune it as often as you simply change frequencies.

There are people who build magnetic loop antennas for fixed outdoor use, but that will require a motor, power supply, reduction gearbox (for fine tuning), and a control unit with wire runs to the shack all so you can adjust that capacitor rotor remotely.

>> No.1735570

i think my next projects around going to be 6m and 20m moxons.
seems a lot easier to build than yagis

>> No.1735595

>listen to shortwave broadcast?
Yes, 9 MHz band, after dark. I'm currently listening to Voice of India on 9445 kHz (local dist 7250 km).

>> No.1735605

How valid is the HackRF for HAM anyway (with supporting hardware of course)? I've been drooling for one quite some time as I'd like to use it for general RF exploration and to build a pulse radar.
I got my license ages ago when going to trade school but never made any out of it but want to change that.

>> No.1735633

I have a homemade radio I'm trying to troubleshoot, and a couple technical questions.
Are broadcast frequencies much quieter than the amateur bands?
Is there anything going on in the 11.6-12.1MHz band? Midwest here, hearing nothing.
Do mag loops have to be fine tuned to recieve, or is +/- 1 MHz alright?

>> No.1735647

Where did you source the cap? I don't want to pay $100 for one. That has kept me from building one.

>> No.1735651

>Do mag loops have to be fine tuned to recieve
Yes, or equipped with a broadband amplifier.

>> No.1735681

Hack RF does 1 Mhz - 6 Ghz at ~32 mW ish, so you'd need an amplifier if you want more than that. If you want to play with radar stuff, figuring out things at low power and working your way up is definitely the way to go. It's a neat SDR transceiver, but if you want knobs and buttons you're better off with a traditional rig.
Broadcast frequencies are hit or miss and really depend on time of day. In NA there's only a few transmitters now, but in EU / Asia they're a lot more common.
11.6-12.1 is the 25 meter shortwave band.
> Mag loops
Mag loops have super narrow bandwidths, think <100 Khz. Having a tuning knob is critical to their operation.
Try eBay for air variable capacitors. Sadly they're getting harder to find.

>> No.1735736


This is the one you want to use. With a 1 meter diameter loop of LMR 400 and a driven loop 1/5th the diameter of that you should be able to tune 60/40/30/20/17 meters all well below 2:1 SWR. Ideally you would also want a gear reduction to make tuning easier, but it still works without it. It just means the cap will be very sensitive to adjustments and require delicate tuning.


>> No.1735739


Forgot to mention, this design is for QRP operation only. Anything over 10 or MAYBE 15 watts and you get spark-gap jumps across the plates of the capacitor. This will kill your efficiency and long term lead to arc-pitting on the cap's plates.

>> No.1735741

The Moxon design is a sound one, effectively equivalent to a 2-element Yagi, but slightly more compact. With the calculators out there now on the web for Yagi's, they are also super easy to build if you have the space and can get at least 3 elements on there.

>> No.1735746

>Hack RF
they seem pretty expensive , how bad do you think the chinese clones are?

>> No.1735880

I may be able to get up and running digital tonight, but was told I still need a ' PTT interface'.
Would putting the transceiver in VOX mode suffice?

>> No.1735888

Clones are fine, it's an open source design. Nobody buys the genuine version anymore.
What transceiver?

>> No.1735890
File: 1.54 MB, 2926x2221, IMG_20191217_083457__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I have audio from the radio to PC and USB soundcard out to an audio cable

>> No.1735893
File: 381 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191212-191431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this radio cable is out for delivery.
I had my expectations set really high for when I get off work, but only now it's clicking I need to tell the transceiver to transmit.
I warmed her up this morning and tried tuning with the microphone set in VOX, which didn't work, but I'm hoping that's due to the mic wiring.

>> No.1735895

The clones are pretty much the same thing, as its open source
Have you used an amp with yours?
looking for something in the 88m-144mhz range

>> No.1735896

VOX operation should be alright for digital so long as everything but the application you're using is muted. Have you checked vox works in regular operation ie SSB with a mic? It being an older radio it might just not work.

>> No.1735899

>Have you used an amp with yours?
Yeah but only a 2.4GHz amplifier for satcoms, You could probably build a signal chain into an RA30 type amplifier easily enough for VHF.

>> No.1735903

>You could probably build a signal chain into an RA30 type amplifier easily enough for VHF.
ah, that a bit above my level...for now.
the most ive really done so far is replace some bad caps, and thats just because it was blatantly obvious that was the problem

>> No.1735909

I tried VOX in LSB this morning by talking into the D104 mic without success.
If I can't get VOX to work, will I need something like an Easy Digi? Could I just run another audio cable into the mic interface from the PC?

>> No.1735910

If VOX is fucked you're going to need to need something to trigger PTT on transmission. You'll need a Signalink/EasyDigi/homebrew solution with an FTDI serial dongle and isolation transformer.

>> No.1735969

I appreciate your help. Fingers crossed. Looks like the Easy Digi has VOX models. Wouldn't want to get one of those!

>> No.1735991

Yeah, the Easy comes in about a hundred different forms and kits for different radios. You might find something meant for the FT-101 specifically or you might need to make a project out of building something for it.

>> No.1736021
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Shouldn't hurt to play around with the Audio In and PTT Jack's in the back

>> No.1736163
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ticker mode is getting popular

>> No.1736167
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>just bought a nice piece of property just big enough I can run a beverage antenna northeast towards Euroland
>buried powerlines just off the tip make it completely unusable
I even tried shortening it 50 feet

>> No.1736216
File: 1.62 MB, 2094x2865, IMG_20191217_195045__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VOX works - just needs to be gentle with the mic gain!! I've only made 2 stateside contacts, but that's 2 more than I had before tonight.

>> No.1736280
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, cwkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright ordered one, Also printed off a key while I was at it. Just need to find a sacrificial old pair of earbuds to finish it off. pls r8.

>> No.1736332

Looks nice. Is it 3D printed? You might want to add weight to it so that it doesn't shift around when you use it.

Also check the FAQ, the Pixie as it is ha a lot of harmonics but the FAQ has references to how you improve it, mostly a change in transistor and more importantly a better low pass filter.

>> No.1736334

Why not run a ground wire underneath and the beverage antenna as high up from that as practical?

>> No.1736458

Yep 3d printed, I was thinking tacking a sheet of foam/rubber I've got lying around for the bottom to prevent that.

Any clue where I can find the transistor recommend in the FAQ or one equivalent, doesn't seem to be produced anymore.

>> No.1736521

W-would that work? I thought a beverage needed to be about 5 feet off the ground to get those sweet low angle dx signals?

>> No.1736548

When are the best times & frequencies to work digital, and how regularly does it seem the community submits their logs?

>> No.1736549


>> No.1736559


Digital is in use all the time the bands are reliable. FT8 is still the hit contender and you can hear it in use almost 24/7 on the right bands.

And submits logs to where? What community? Are you talking about larger logbook/QSL groups like LotW, QRZ.com, etc? Or some specific contest log? You're asking a strange and vague question.

>> No.1736570

Yea, I'm a strange kinda guy.
I guess I'm trying to get a feel for when the frequencies are open for digital modes and which to work when to maximize my chances of DX.
And you're spot on, LotW and QRZ are the two I know and have only started using them recently.
I have 4x QSL to QSOs - do hams wait and upload every month or something?

>> No.1736588
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. . . . .

>> No.1736602

>I'm trying to get a feel for when the frequencies are open for digital modes and which to work when to maximize my chances of DX.
As stated previously, shit like FT8, literally never stops , no matter how bad the band conditions are. It's one of the reasons I find it boring, desu. That, and the messages are very brief and impersonal. It's basically spam over the radio.

>> No.1736660

Learn about band characteristics. there's real time propagation data in the OP post. Pskreporter will give you live FT8 reports, WSPRnet is another one to check where the bands are reaching out too.
FT8 is popular because there is no talking, it works great, it's fast, and the UI is Semi-automated. For people chasing paper (DXCC worked 100 countries, etc.) it's a fast way to make contacts. You can use it nearly as well as WSPR to see where the band is open.
I'll happily use JS8Call, PSK31 or Olivia / Contestia to chat with people, but there's a pretty big segment of the hobby which isn't here for chatting.

>> No.1736684

I thought I read something a while back about a way of connecting two yagis' on a mast, one pointed at the town and one pointed at the farm that would redirect the signal without any repeater or power.
Maybe I misunderstood, but it might be something worth looking into.

>> No.1736694

Winner winner chicken dinner right here

>> No.1736896

Poor band conditions are probably also a reason for the success of FT8 and other digital modes, they just get through anyway.

>> No.1737002

And now I'm having an issue with WSJT-X intermittently not stopping transmissions after 15 seconds.
I'm formulating the idea there's some rf or rf-generated audio from the PC that keeps the VOX open.
The PC, radio, and tuner are grounded. During this issue, the monitor(s)' video is affected as well. When I disconnect the SDR connections and use a mic, the monitors
are fine. I tried disconnecting the monitors one at a time and neither solved the issue (was thinking the VGA/HDMI cable or the monitor were the culprit).
I've noticed this usually happens after I've had the radio running for an hour or so. Is it my ancestors telling me to get fresh air?

>> No.1737020

Try getting some ground loop isolation stuff for between the computer and radio.

>> No.1737059

All that technology and that fucker can't even get a decent pair of headphones?

>> No.1737061

Y’all ever hear any scary shit?

>> No.1737063

What's a antenna design (that I can make myself) to use to work all amateur HF bands? I understand antennas are typically centered around one band but can work other bands, though not as well. This design would be my first antenna, so I'm thinking of some sort of center fed dipole random wire antenna.

>> No.1737081

Random wire and a quality antenna tuner.

>> No.1737089

I've got a Yaesu FT-450D that has a built in tuner. Would that do it?

As an aside, does anyone have recommendations for a quality (but not overkill) power supply that can run the 13.8 VDC 22 amp that's required?

>> No.1737114
File: 26 KB, 490x593, Fan Vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want cheap and to DX, a fan vertical wire.
I scaled pic related for 2, 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40, and 80 meters. The cost? $100 from the big box rape store plus scrape pipe.
Basically a DIY DX Commander.

>> No.1737203

How do I shape antenna??

>> No.1737401
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>> No.1737808

How good is that compared to a random length end fed?

>> No.1737836

Anyone know wtf these drifty kinda signals are? They seem to be some kind of local interference or something, as they don't show up at other receivers.

>> No.1737903

Superior, since it's a series of truly resonant aerials.

>> No.1737938

Does it make any sense at all it only happens when I TX on 20 and 40M above 30 watts?
80M gets a free pass

>> No.1737973

Who wants to take the Extra for me. $10?

>> No.1738046

Your feed line is radiating.

>> No.1738089

>take the Extra for me
Have a Pixie?

>> No.1738134

I actually do, it's a deal!

>> No.1738136

That's a natural thing and a torrid would be the solution verses and audio ground loop isolator?

>> No.1738137

If you mean a choke then maybe, you should really have both though.

>> No.1738171

It would be wise to have the isolation transformer, in addition to fixing the RF in the shack.

>> No.1738186

Try to find one of these:
It works well with older radios, has built-in audio transformers, can PTT via serial, etc. As you can see they go for dirt cheap used. You may need a serial-to-USB cable if your computer doesn't have a serial port.

>> No.1738190

I see you have a 4 pin mic, so you'd have to find the mfj-1275T not the 1275 or the 1275M. It'd be worth it, rather running how you have it now.

>> No.1738201

>Superior, since it's a series of truly resonant aerials.
Yeah but I mean in practice. How much better the reception and transmission actually are.

>> No.1738246

The HF bands in my country are literally dead silent 90% of the time except for FT8, is it even worth it to become a ham?

>> No.1738249

Nope, please step to the left and kys. Thank you.

>> No.1738263

Why r u so mad?

>> No.1738377
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>The HF bands in my country

>> No.1738431

>I don't get any reception
>Should I join a hobby based off of reception?
Your statement and conclusion are both flawed.

>> No.1738468

Fuck you!

>> No.1738474

How would you know what the HF bands look like if you're not even in the hobby? What did you build a 40m long antenna before even getting a license?

>> No.1738476

>What did you build a 40m long antenna before even getting a license?
Plenty of people do that and hook it up to an SDR for RX only operation.

>> No.1738486

Anyone got a download of ARRL's Understanding Basic Electronics book?

>> No.1738495

ok boomer

>> No.1738541

Bump. No rips/PDFs exist, so I guess I'm just looking for someone with the Kindle version who is willing to share.

Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.1738868


>> No.1738993

What's that, ft8? I already acknowledged there's ft8 going on 24/7. I just don't care about it. But I haven't detected any WSPR or js8.
Why does my post make you mad?

>> No.1738994

Listening to online SDRs. I ordered an RTL SDR dongle a couple months ago but still haven't got it in the mail. But yeah, I'll string a bunch of wire and see what I can receive if the mail people haven't lost the thing.

>> No.1738995

I haven't even heard any strong cw signals except one guy from a nearby country who sends magazine articles in morse code for decoding practice for hours on end.

>> No.1738996

See >>1738994
I'm listening to radios set up by actual hams on the Internet, so it's not that I just don't know how to set up an antenna.
There are SSB conversations sometimes, but it seems to consist mainly of paternalistic old hams telling the younger guy what they think of his transceiver model and who's got the best sounding audio, which isn't something I'm interested in. Which is why I'd be interested in digital or cw where there's no audio quality to brag about, and in the case of cw there's a little more skill involved. But I don't like ft8 because it's pretty useless besides testing propagation or antennas, since it doesn't allow exchanging much information.

>> No.1739019
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>I'm listening to ..
I was listening to a really long (technical) conversation on the transponder, full duplex like on a phone and SSB without ducktalk, that's progress.

>> No.1739032

CW is my personal end goal. I don't really like talking to people directly, but through code sounds fun.

Problem is, like you said it requires skill, which I'm working on, but it take a lot of time. In my case I also want to build a retro tube reciever and tube transmitter so that adds its own complications.

>> No.1739035

Yeah I don't doubt it. But the people on that satellite are part of the most technical group of hams just because of the skill it takes to get the microwave gear going.
I'm in south america, that satellite doesn't reach here (apart from that tiny bit of brazil), and from what i've seen on youtube LEO satellites are just a cacophony with people barely being able to get their callsigns out before the pass is over.

So how good are you at it so far? I can copy at 10 wpm.
If you want to build a tube radio you got your work cut out for you.

>> No.1739046

I can key at about 20wpm with 10-15wpm Farnsworth. Lesser used letters and numbers get me good still.
I still can't copy for shit.

I'm actually less intimidated by the radios than the language ahah, there's so much information out on them as they used to be super popular for novice licensed hams. Sourcing the parts and not breaking shit will probably be my biggest hurdle.

>> No.1739047

Paddles or straight key?
Yeah I still don't know much about abbreviations and Q codes and stuff
Do you already have/are planning to get oscilloscope and function generator?

>> No.1739052

I use a WWII J-5-A straight key. At the moment I don't have much else than a NanoVNA and a multi-meter, I'd like a scope but those cost $$$ and I'm a poorfag uni student. I've watched a bunch of vids by a guy who does retro builds and he goes over how to test them with simple tools such as just a multi-meter. My main worry atm is txing out of band, but this is a long way out so thing may change.

My q code is still trash too. I know DE, K, QTH, QRP... I'm more trying to learn morse first. Only been at it for a few months inbetween working on classes, and dabbling with leo amsat. Doesn't help I broke my practice oscillator, so now I need to figure out where my fault is kek.

>> No.1739055

Yeah well if you live in the US you can get them for cheap, if you live elsewhere you might still find some piece of shit for cheap but it's gonna be more difficult. Still I guess would be useful to check for overdriving a stage and stuff like that.
>I've watched a bunch of vids by a guy who does retro builds and he goes over how to test them with simple tools such as just a multi-meter

>> No.1739056

This is the guy, you can pick pretty much any topic his channels pretty comfy.

I am in the U.S. so maybe I'll just break down and get one.

>> No.1739067
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Aay fixed the practice oscillator. Was just simply to heavy of wire I used.

>> No.1739092

>The HF bands in my country are literally dead silent 90% of the time
>What's that, ft8?
>I haven't detected any WSPR
It's like you don't know what you're doing

>> No.1739098

>it seems to consist mainly of paternalistic old hams telling the younger guy what they think of his transceiver model and who's got the best sounding audio
You whining fags always make light of this as some sort of bad thing. This is no different than going to a car show or a race (in any discipline) and BSing with your competitor or felllow show-goer. As much as you fags detest communicating with people directly and non-anonymously, that's the main component of amateur radio. That, plus building, maintaining, and operating gear in order to make the comms. happen.

>> No.1739101

hey fellas, built a fan dipole (80/40/20) and used some small pvc to separate them. drilled holes in the pvc to run the wires through, but having trouble keeping them in place. used zip ties to try to hold them in place, but not good enough

any suggestions?

>> No.1739102


>> No.1739103

i was looking through some at the hardware store, but none of them seemed to be what i really wanted. could you suggest some?

>> No.1739106
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I'm using bungees, carribeaner, and Prusik knot. $8 Harbor Freight solution

>> No.1739109

Fucking get some closed ones and poke your own holes in them then, it's not rocket science.

>> No.1739116
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>> No.1739130

>>The HF bands in my country are literally dead silent 90% of the time
Yes, that's part of what I said. Why are you quoting it without commenting on it? And why are you leaving the part where I said "except for ft8" right after that in the same sentence?
>>What's that, ft8?
>>I haven't detected any WSPR
>It's like you don't know what you're doing
That "I don't know what I'm doing" doesn't follow from those sentences.
I know what I'm doing enough to know that there's little or no WSPR activity in my country. First, because I was able to decode WSPR when feeding the audio from US WebSDR receivers into WSJT-X, and second because there are no WSPR spots or transmissions from my country on WSPRNet. https://wsprnet.org/drupal/wsprnet/map As you can see, there are plenty of countries outside the US and Europe with no WSPR spots.
I asked if the map you posted was of ft8 because the PSKReporter map gives you the ability to filter spots by mode, and you didn't show that part of the site in the screenshot. Now that I've visited the site I've noticed the default is to include all modes in the map, so the picture you're showing is probably of that, which yes, includes ft8. It certainly isn't WSPR because if you set pskreporter to display WSPR for some reason it doesn't show any data. I can back that fact up with this forum post complaining about that issue with pskreporter and WSPR http://wsprnet.org/drupal/node/6247

>> No.1739138

>You whining fags always make light of this as some sort of bad thing. This is no different than going to a car show or a race (in any discipline) and BSing with your competitor or fellow show-goer.
The thing is, audio quality is 90% placebo. There are plenty of stories where some guy works somebody with a Baofeng and will be told how shitty he sounds, and then another time lie and say it's a Yaesu and be complimented on the sound quality.
And even if the difference was real, who cares? As long as the audio is not horribly distorted.
Now, if you got a kilowatt amplifier, I could understand being a little smug. But being smug about having an expensive transceiver is bs. Especially when the main selling feature of those is having a panadapter and digital audio filtering, both of which can be accomplished with a $30 dongle and a PC with some glue electronics to make a TX/RX switch and whatnot. Even the other two disadvantages of old transceivers, frequency drift and shitty preamp, can be mitigated with preamps, input filters, external DDS VFOs, etc. But how many hams have even attempted those modifications? Why bother learning electronics and improvising stuff when you can buy an Icom and brag about it with your pals, right? It's not nearly as elite of a hobby as you make it out to be.
>As much as you fags detest communicating with people directly and non-anonymously, that's the main component of amateur radio. That, plus building, maintaining, and operating gear in order to make the comms. happen.
Too bad the extent most hams know how to build gear is soldering a coax to a wire and crimping a connector at the other end, or at most wind a ferrite to make a balun according to a schematic they found online.

>> No.1739139

*shitty frontend

>> No.1739145
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>that tiny bit of brazil
It's almost half of it and PY is well known among the transponder users. The end of the line so far seems to be the guy from FY with less than 3° elevation and 'tropical vegetation' in the way..
BTW: A new Chinese-Brazilian sun-sync sat has just been launched which carries a 20kHz U/V linear transponder. It is called CAS-6/TIANQIN-1 and the call sign is BJ1SO.

>> No.1739168

Cool, didn't know there was so much coverage in brazil.

>> No.1739170

>Look, I'm legit bros! See my generic ham related complaints.
Too bad you missed using the no-code license grumbling of yore.

>> No.1739175
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>> No.1739176

Morse code is cool, but I see no reason to require it when there are many things that can be done with radio that don't require code.

>> No.1739177
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>> No.1739179

FT8 is the new CW and requires more technical skills which are more applicable to the route communication is going.

>> No.1739184

That looks awesome!! Do you have the plans for that? How'd you hook everything in at the bottom?

>> No.1739186

Maybe not "technical" skills, but FT8 requires an order of magnitude less skill than CW. And I don't see how it requires that much technical skill either. You connect the radio to the PC's soundcard through the appropriate interface, select a frequency slot and begin transmitting. At most you'll need a few chokes to prevent common mode RF from fucking with your PC when transmitting. And for receiving, as long as the audio is being fed to the program it'll do everything by itself.
Those are some really good arguments you're putting forth fren.

>> No.1739188

when the internet goes out, what will be the fastest mode to send dick pics?
legal or not legal for ham use

>> No.1739195

a 56k dial-up modem plugged into a 50 kW AM broadcast station

>> No.1739281
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It's pretty well documented in other threads.
30' scrap plumbing pipe and 14g thhn from Home Depot plus a tuner has gotten me from 160M-2M.

>> No.1739283

It'll sound dumb, but tie the wire in a simple overhand knot after passing it through one side of the PVC pipe, and then feed the tail end through the other side. Effectively, you want to make a knot in the wire that's inside the PVC, and make sure the holes drilled in the PVC are smaller than the knot so it can't got through them. This will keep the PVC centered on that spot in the wire. A small little knot like that should not effect the antenna performance at all either, and it'll still allow some slight play and rotation of the PVC so it doesn't get stressed in the wind, etc.

>> No.1739284
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Wires are collected here in a box I built for $10 in 2 hours

>> No.1739366

i thought about doing that, but was concerned it might break easier.

>> No.1739387

Depends on the wire you're using. For long term installs I use 12ga or 14ga stranded THHN, which has nice thick strands and a firm insulation. Putting a simple knot in it once would be fine, but just don't work that spot over and over or it'll weaken and break.

If you're using cheaper copper clad aluminum or something very thin, yea it might be a worry.

>> No.1739763

I got my hands on an XTS5000R that is P25 capable. All the fudds of ham cannot hear me transmit my messages to my inner circle of P25 users. I've got MDC1200 on my radio and even have the Talk Permit Tone going on it despite the radio being non-trunking. Being a Motorola hacker has its perks. I've got my Tech License and placed a Motorola Quantar repeater system up at the local tower. It's 450 feet high and has a foot print of 52 miles. I'm located in Waco, TX.

>> No.1739802

I have one too. The internal tuner only tunes a 3:1 SWR or less. Better for squeezing out a little more bandwidth from a resonant antenna than tuning a multi band one that often has a rather high SWR on the frequencies of use. Get an MFJ external tuner. Can be had for no more than $150 new, even less used.

>> No.1739804

Depending on where you live, being the only active ham from there on a particular mode could make you a VERY popular guy with DX-chasing hams in other countries.

>> No.1739806

Wrap electrical tape around the wire in the place where you want the spacer to stay. It works for me.

>> No.1739808

t. Boomer that can’t accept that there are technologies out there that surpass CW for weak signal work.

I have a degree of respect for those who can do CW. If you like it, that’s cool. But don’t kid yourself and think it’s better than PSK31, Olivia, etc for weak signal work because it’s not.

>> No.1739810

SSTV is an option.

>> No.1739811

Packet BBS

>> No.1739866

What is a decent oscilloscope in the $200 range?

>> No.1739893

>Still not soldered

Galvanic corrosion will render those crimps open circuit / intermittent / prone to arcing before long.

Solder them and cover all terminal to bolt to plate joints in grease. And then there is the non waterproof connector and its joint to the box.

>> No.1739926

Not enough for a decent new one. Buy used. Best one is the highest bandwidth one.

>> No.1739928

You don't know what you're talking about. With morse you can set a narrowband filter only a couple hertz wide and bring up signals that are completely impossible to hear on normal ssb. High bandwidth modes like Olivia and psk31 need a much stronger signal to work. Now with weak signal modes like WSPR or even FT8, maybe.

>> No.1739973

Not so. PSK31 can decode just as far or even a tad further than CW can into the noise. Olivia is even better. Some of the more exotic modes even better than that. If CW was still useful, more people besides boomer ham radio operators would be using it.

>> No.1739985

>If CW was still useful, more people besides boomer ham radio operators would be using it.
i recon its still useful, just these here youngins cant learn nothin worth a hoot no more.
yous got to fiddle with you silly gadgets and fancy chinamen do-dads to have a conversation, and you wont be able to give a signal report.
also, i cant talk about my gout.

>> No.1740049

CW only needs a very simple transceiver. The only problem is that it requires a skilled operator.

>> No.1740063

anyone get ham stuff for christmas?

>> No.1740065

I like skilled operators who honor my 'pse qrs' request..

>> No.1740108

Ah yes, I am in the same situation. My skills are old and rusty, but I want to get myself a small rig and go QRS for a while. I like to think I was competent so I wonder how long it takes to get back to old speed and skills with W and Z-codes.

>> No.1740111

Q code of course. Never trust autocorrect.

>> No.1740112

Still obsolete.

>> No.1740114

I didn't but I'd love one of those 5 watt cw thingies. They look so cute! Too bad they're so expensive, given they're basically chink tier toys. Just a micro, a couple analog ICs and SMD components and a $3 MOSFET. Should be 50 dollar tops.
Not so.
All the comparisons I could find put CW at a better SNR capability than PSK31. I'm not sure about Olivia, but I really don't think a signal with a bandwidth of 300 Hz and relatively high datarate can compete with a signal only 5 Hz wide, at least for slow code (<15 wpm). I don't know what filters were used for the CW data in that site's chart, probably wider than it has to be if the audio wasn't processed by software on a computer as no receiver that I know of can go as narrow as the minimum required, which increases the overall noise level and makes copying more difficult than it has to be with strict filtering.

>> No.1740123
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>> No.1740132

You obviously didn’t read the article in its entirety. It plainly states that method is flawed and when measured in the correct way (energy per bit), PSK31 outperforms CW.

>> No.1740163
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>> No.1740164
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>> No.1740207

Nice goalpost moving. You weren't talking about data rate per watt, you were talking about "decoding into the noise", which pressumably means the SNR at which you're able to get any intelligible information across at all.

>> No.1740220

I got a basic QRZ award while working in between party and nap schedules. Sometimes it's the small things, especially when your gifts start becoming shoes and jeans and you genuinely appreciate it.
Mom gave me a check which I haven't looked at yet, but am contemplating a new rig. Still doesn't seem right given the grand scale of appreciation and depreciation.

>> No.1740228

This conversation is obviously over your head. Exactly what I would expect out of anyone who still touts CW in an era of digital signal processing. Look, I like it for what it is but it’s obsolete.

>> No.1740238

I can't reach the FAQ. I'm getting a "site can't be reached" error. Is it down or am I just retarded?

>> No.1740241

First day on the interwebz?

>> No.1740354

>Should be 50 dollar tops
Perhaps time to create the 4ch radio? Use a cell phone for gui and audio dsp to save cost and complexity.

>> No.1740361

Is the btech 25x4 a decent mobile radio? I want to have 1.25m to pair with my vx-6r.

>> No.1740375

My furthest confirmed DX has only been 2,700 miles (digital, 20 meters).
Where should I start in order to increase that distance? IE. Is it most likely my operating technique, improper timing of the band, a lacking antenna ...

>> No.1740391
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>> No.1740400
File: 134 KB, 1200x675, G90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out the price will be around 1000 Eur 1150 USD.

Ordered a Xiegu G90 instead. Only costs half, has 20 W PEP, Antenna tuner and is a SDR with waterfall display a SWR scanner (nice for a magnetic loop tuning).

Current draw on RX max 500mA@13.8V, Max current draw on TX 8A@13.8V.

There's a fitting PA 125W and soon there will be a 5 inch LCD panadapter for it.

There is steady firmware updates that add features.

>> https://youtu.be/jrvDsz0aAGA

>> No.1740406

Very cool. Next needs to be a budget friendly amp

>> No.1740436

Theres a 500 Eur PA https://xiegu.eu/product/xpa125-100w-solid-state-linear-amplifier/

But I think with 20 Watts PEP you don't really need a PA.

There is a 50 W PA for 160 Eur / 200 USD for 5 W PEP rigs:


>> No.1740437

Good luck, Xiegu quality control is fucking garbage.

>> No.1740440


>> No.1740446

For that money I would buy it immediately.

>> No.1740447

EU laws. 2 year mandatory warranty. Also you have a mandatory 2 week period where you can try out the device and send it back even if it is not faulty, no questions asked. So I don't really care. If it sucks I send it back and get a refund. If I were a burger though... different story.

>> No.1740453

Did you buy it from an EU retailer or AliExpress?

>> No.1740454

EU retailer of course.

>> No.1740481
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>There is steady firmware updates that add features.
Sweet, always buggy with retarded feature creeps implemented chink-style.

>> No.1740484

The story of my X5105 until I sold it to a boomer club member.

>> No.1740497

I never thought I could do it all. On the other hand I have 10+ years experience in embedded and DSP programming that I can contribute with.

>> No.1740503
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Hi. No need to be jelly. I don't begrude you your privilege to pay double for less. If you feel like you get more out of paying double for less be my guest.

Again, not a problem in the EU. If it does not work I get a full refund.

Also say something nice about my UHF HT. Works with two 1.5 Alkaline cells for hours. 500mW.

>> No.1740505
File: 22 KB, 480x360, Hap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you're more level headed than previously thought.
>No need to be jelly.
(pic related)

>> No.1740514

>Perhaps time to create the 4ch radio?
I will.
>Use a cell phone for gui and audio dsp to save cost and complexity.
Tempting idea but it'd suck needing to keep around a charged cellphone to use the radio. I'd rather spend 10 or 15 extra bucks and get an alphanumeric lcd, DSP, audio amp and small speaker.
I mean you're kinda right because error correcting methods could be applied to make PSK usable at a lower SNR than morse but by default it isn't suitable for weak signal comms.

>> No.1740535

>>No need to be jelly.
>(pic related)


>> No.1740552

>10 or 15 extra bucks and get an alphanumeric lcd, DSP, audio amp
What platform do you propose for those features?

>> No.1740569


>> No.1740809

the google cache still has 'The Radio FAQ'
find it and save the file

>> No.1740834

sounds like something you buy only to show off

>that wire, tho

>> No.1740871

Mil.spark-anon said he was able to burn through military grade jamming using CW using tight filters. Perhaps Olivia performs as well but CW evidently did the job under adverse QRM.

>> No.1741022
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Alaska and Hawaii.
Any recommended band/time combo to get this wrapped up?

>> No.1741076
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Is this a tranny?

>> No.1741086
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God, I hope so.

>> No.1741095
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I can kinda make out an Adams apple.
>New bolt on titties
>Man dominated interest
>Oddly shaped face
I can see boomers' heads exploding now.
>That meteorologist I try to beat to every week is a dude? Duh uhh um, hmm. I need to pray away this gay.

>> No.1741129


Boomer here. That's a horseface. Boomers never whack the meat at a horseface. Especially if it's a dude.

Also, it takes a boomer to operate a vintage radio. Youngsters at most buy shit.

>> No.1741140

I got a Stryker SR-94HPC 10 meter "export" radio for my truck. Should be fun to play with.
Olivia / Contestia commonly give better than -10 db under the noise floor with full text comms. FT8 and WSPR can supposedly give better than -25, but the software would need tweaked for actual comms use instead of the boomer contacts simulator it is now (See JS8Call). The reason this is possible is due to (relatively) precise timing, multiple layers of redundancy / error checking, and some complex DSP math to recover a signal in bad conditions.
It's not uncommon to be able to decode signals you can't actually see on the waterfall, or hear when using Olivia type modes.
Jamming isn't like in video games, think of it as a gradient instead of a cliff. "Burn through" is well documented in radar circles, and doing it with a mode like Olivia would mean you need less power to do so.

>> No.1741213

QPSK does have some error correction if I’m not mistaken but nobody uses it. Olivia does too and I see some activity. To say PSK isn’t a weak signal mode is ridiculous though. PSK31 is at least as good if not a tad better than CW when it comes to weak signal communication. 25 watts is all I need to make it into South America and Europe most days.

>> No.1741226

>PSK31 is at least as good if not a tad better than CW when it comes to weak signal communication.
It literally isn't though. Eb/N0 just tells you how much SNR you need to transmit at a certain data rate with a given % of errors. That it's more information theoretical efficient than CW doesn't do you any good if it tries to push too many symbols per second for the channel and you only get 1 out of 10 characters right, making the signal unintelligible, while CW is slow enough that the % of errors is low even with a worse Eb/N0. That's why you'd need to either modify the modulation to slow down the symbol rate (making it not PSK31 anymore) or add some kind of ECC on top of it, effectively diminishing the bit rate to get a decent error rate, in which case it could be made to be more adequate than CW for weak signal.
>and some complex DSP math to recover a signal in bad conditions.
There's no DSP math that can magically improve SNR, unless there's some predictable pattern to the noise that you can subtract from the signal (it generally doesn't and is just random). And you could apply those same methods to CW too. You might think you could take advantage of patterns in your signal to discriminate it from the noise, but you should model your information as random data, because after compression it effectively is going to be indistinguishable from random data. So that doesn't help you there with digital compared to CW.

>> No.1741227

>PSK31 is at least as good if not a tad better than CW when it comes to weak signal communication.
Maybe your CW audio filter is not narrow enough.

>> No.1741246

That still means that PSK is superior to CW as a means of weak signal communication.

500 Hz filter on my rig. How much narrower ya gotta go?

>> No.1741248
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Can I play?

>> No.1741252

An old RatShack CB? Nice.

>> No.1741254

lol /pol/ channel nein

>> No.1741257

300 Hz

>> No.1741329

"Complex DSP math" is a purposeful simplification- I'm including things like foreward error checking, convolutional encoding, etc- things that while slowing bit rate and costing computational time, are well beyond the capability of the "human DSP" of a CW operator. Some of the techniques apply generally sure (If you've touched anything with a DSP or noise reduction button, you're using them) but others are going to be mode specific.
> You might think you could take advantage of patterns in your signal to discriminate it from the noise
This is partially how some of the newer digital modes work! Look up "Viterbi Algorithm" and "Turbo Codes". We don't care if part of the signal is lost in the noise, because of the enhanced recovery methods. Yeah this is at the cost of computing power, but we tend to have that in abundance.
I love CB. Just wish more people used it.

>> No.1741349
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>> No.1741419

>That still means that PSK is superior to CW as a means of weak signal communication.
I don't think so.
>500 Hz filter on my rig. How much narrower ya gotta go?
For a 15wpm signal I found about 50hz to be best, maybe you can go lower but the dits and dahs are going to lose definition. The faster the code, the wider the sidebands, and the wider your filter has to be.
Sure, but you can't pull the ECC codes out of your ass. You need the other party to send them, and they won't as they aren't part of the PSK31 spec.
>This is partially how some of the newer digital modes work!
Sure, but again, you need that redundancy to be there in the first place. Olivia does have them, which may or may not make it work to a lower SNR than CW.

>> No.1741427

>I love CB. Just wish more people used it.
i want to love it, the openings are fun... but i cant get over the silly voices. im on the east coast and i hear people from all the way down south and all the way out west. i know theyre all running a bunch of power...its just the silly voices

>> No.1741444

The R-390A can go down to 100 Hz.
Morse code at extremely narrow bandwidths is like listening to whistling in a long corridor with lots of echo.

>> No.1741463
File: 143 KB, 1050x1006, 20191228_181252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went and bought 6 PVC pipes with 10mm (1/3 inch) diameter. Each one 2m (6 feet) long. Also some metal parts to hold the pipes in a 90 degree angle. The two legs will be under tension by the green antenna cable. The PVC legs are black.

Will this work on 40/20/17/15/12/10 with a balun at the feed point, then 5m RG58 then into a tuner?

>> No.1741464

Guanella 1:1 Balun I mean.

Or do I need a 1:4 Ruthroff plus 1:1 Guanella?

>> No.1741530
File: 53 KB, 853x493, 40m-delta-loop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowest resonance at about wire loop length --> 20m band.

>> No.1741562

Total noob, I just got a chink radio, now what?

>> No.1741570

Where did the nigger get the money to buy all that broadcast equipment?

>> No.1741573

Get licensed.

>> No.1741582

> You need the other party to send them, and they won't as they aren't part of the PSK31 spec.
QPSK 31 uses two types of ECC coding, iirc. You touch on a wider issue though- user adoption. We have ok "Universal" programs like FLDIGI, but it's enough of a problem that someone came up with TX/RXID, so people would know what mode you were using. Part of why FT8 took off was the software was relatively simple to use, and you only needed one program and a sound card to make it work.
I'd like to make an IM/IRC style client for the ham bands, where you'd 'connect' to a frequency much like a chat room, but it's one project out of many on my list.
CB is the original 4chan. Local CB in my area is just a few guys shooting the poop, and a construction company that uses it for road work. They're pretty chill folks. There's also the people who sound like they've been smoking for 47 years, drunk truckers, and people running high power that talk over everyone. If you get closer to Latin America, you'll pick up on taxi cabs, drug cartels, and all kinds of traffic between 25-28mhz. Like here, you gotta sort out the good ones from the trash.

>> No.1741602

thats directional?

>> No.1741604

Technically yes but a proper Delta loop should have such a low angle of radiation that it's practically omnidirectional.

>> No.1741612

Well, as you're probably aware there's js8call. But I think there should be more BBS kinda systems. If you're messages are semi-permanent you're more likely to be able to reach someone with the same interests as you than if you need to happen to be online at the same time as the other guy with your same interests. And then the access points could connect with each other and exchange messages like back in the day on Fidonet. Very few people are going to run dedicated stations so it'd be better if all stations running the software acted as relays by default.

>> No.1741613
File: 335 KB, 907x1612, 20191228_142223-907x1612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just love it when only 21" out of 38.5" of your antenna arrive?

>> No.1741617

how would this be better than a dipole?
i have the space to set up a full loop as well (80), im just not sure its worth the effort.

>> No.1741636

>I don’t think so

Doesn’t matter what you think. Facts are facts and CW, while a perfectly fine mode of communication for those who enjoy operating it, is inferior to certain digital modes like PSK31.

I lament the fact that I got licensed too late to partake in packet when it was more popular. There’s supposedly still some nodes in my area within range so one day I’ll have to give it a shot. Don’t forget about Winlink though. You can send and receive email over the air; even from unlicensed friends and family. Granted, it still relies on the internet to work. But you can be many miles from any internet coverage and still send and receive email. Which is still pretty cool to me.

>> No.1741716

JS8Call needs some work imo; this is just me but the interface is a bit clunky; all of the active callsigns / qsos in the passband are just lumped together in the middle of the screen.
You should be able to easily send / receive messages to one person, a group of people, and send/receive small files, with it being obvious who the files are being sent too. Calling "CQ" should in effect show your presence in a chat room, with signal bars giving an at a glance indicator of how well you're receiving someone (and once contact is established, how well they hear you). Many of these features are already present in the FT8/JS8/etc. digital modes, but the software is lacking.
I'll probably work on this eventually, but like so many other projects, time isn't always there.
Data on HF is another issue, not helped by the FCC regulations specifying symbol rate, instead of bandwidth like literally every other country. The ARRL has been fighting to get this changed for years, and nearly succeeded; but some old boomer hams have been making arguments about open standards and losing their mind about "potentially" encrypted data on the bands.
Every hurricane season the FCC rubber stamps a waiver so people can use Winlink with Pactor IV. Winlink is OK, but just email over radio.

>> No.1741940

>i have the space
Then go the whole hog and build yourself a Wullenweber.

>> No.1741944

By which standard?
Ease of use? Probably
System complexity? Hardly
Getting through in adverse QRM? That is not clear.

>> No.1741952
File: 34 KB, 599x337, anonnymoose fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facts are facts, clearly I've won this round and my smugness is obviously justifiable

>> No.1741956


>> No.1741979

too expensive

>> No.1741987

You can save a lot if you only work on one band at a time as opposed to the entire HF band simultaneously.

Looks good.
One of these for each antenna, say 16 in a circle, plus one DSP for beamforming/goniometer/DF and a 16 unit Wullenweber should be within reach. That should improve the signal and reduce noise significantly.

>> No.1742003

where do you guys go for antenna plans?
looking to make a 6m antenna and have a few days off

>> No.1742008
File: 100 KB, 400x604, 6-m-Moxon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1742023

>I can see boomers' heads exploding now.
Thankfully we have Jeri Ellsworth. She is cute and knows her stuff.

>> No.1742024

I found these links that seem promising:

Downside is that the processing performance is not sufficient to handle baseband at full tilt.

>> No.1742076

Too much power consumption. A crystal filter is going to be cheaper and less taxing on the battery.

>> No.1742110

Could you draw up the circuit you have in mind?

>> No.1742194
File: 895 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20191229-183957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to explore playing with a balun integrated boom or yagi, but I have nothing to offer

>> No.1742203


>> No.1742204

She's a dyke, yet you incel fags still lust after her.

>> No.1742330

Frankly I'm more concerned about the fact that she's too old. If she was 21 then it'd be prime pussy.

>> No.1742333

Just your standard superhet SSB receiver with a DSP for audio filtering. For (CW) TX route the PLL LO to an amp chain.

>> No.1742358


>> No.1742361


>> No.1742370

>Getting through in adverse QRM? That is not clear.
It's abundantly clear.
Here are FT8 and CW signals at identical signal to noise ratios. CW is fading into the noise around -13 to -14, while FT8 works all the way down to -22.
Here is an older study from a 2013 QST:
Again, they find that PSK31 gives a nearly 2x effective range when compared to CW, and 12x when using JT65.
> System complexity? Hardly
You are trading off operator complexity for equipment complexity. System complexity I would argue is the same. Learning CW at even low speeds takes a significant amount of effort, and constant practice to keep sharp. You need trained operators to use CW, and it's not something that can be 'picked up' on the fly. Especially so if you're operating at 20+ WPM, while most neophytes can barely do 5. This isn't meant as a disparagement, CW has it's place; but it's far from being the king of weak signal modes in 2019/2020.

>> No.1742380

Fake thread
Starts with disinformation
You can still delete it

>> No.1742396
File: 81 KB, 1537x937, Magnetic Loop Antena Test1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my first magnetic loop for 15m. Got it down to sub 1:2 SWR, but I'm getting way over 50Ω, so I think I need to build a balun, but otherwise I'm pretty happy to just have something working. Maybe by the time the band is alive again I'll have it <1:1.5 and 50Ω.

>> No.1742398
File: 404 KB, 907x1612, 20191230_024539-907x1612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also want to clean up the mounting points for the variable caps, and maybe trying to find a way to make the loop more round, but I'm not in a huge rush atm. This build was mostly a "proof of concept" attempt.
Sorry about the mess too, been working on a lot of projects and haven't cleaned up.

>> No.1742428

Any tips for getting my FT8 signal from only going state-side to going global? Vertical wire 30-50w fwiw

>> No.1742457

>She's a dyke
Not proven and I don't care.
> yet you incel fags still lust after her.
Not for lewds.

She is 45 - still cute.


>> No.1742614

>Not proven
She has a fucking girlfriend
kys, shit stain

>> No.1742623

Girls often have that, no big deal.
Why so disturbed, anon?

>> No.1742649

Band and time of day. VOACAP is a good tool start to get an idea of when openings will happen. This goes for
> https://www.voacap.com/hf/
Right now we're close to the solar cycle minimum, so band characteristics are going to be generally mediocre There are still plenty of DX openings if you hunt for them, but working DX on an old bed spring may not happen.
Lusting after 45 year olds is what the boomers do at Dayton. If you want to meet women and are under the age of 35, literally any other hobby.

>> No.1742904

New thread when?

>> No.1743007


We're still on page 5. It's reached its bump limit, but until we get to at least page 9 this thread should be fine.

>> No.1743021

too late

>> No.1743076

>Lusting after 45 year olds is what the boomers do at Dayton.
That would be a 10 year age difference.
>If you want to meet women and are under the age of 35, literally any other hobby.
The FAQ links to a YouTube video with a 10 year old girl working various Morse keys. Too young for me. The point remains, you can find girls of all ages in this hobby. Also Jeri is fine.

>> No.1743123

Drink bleach

>> No.1743147

Why so bitter, anon?

>> No.1744692

We need a new thread help!

>> No.1744697

We already have one: >>1742360
Always check using >>>/diy/ham