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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 224 KB, 2352x1225, shitskinkebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1703221 No.1703221 [Reply] [Original]

hes kinda between /diy/ and /sci/, but some of the most fun ive had watching an iranian electrocute himself on live wires. who else has this kind of autistic dedication to their craft?

>> No.1703224

Is he really getting shocked or is he using effects?

>> No.1703232

hes getting shocked with 120 volts ac to test for amperage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlM6PE2kKVY

>> No.1703233

used to be good for teaching savety, now its just watch me shock myself shit.

>> No.1703254
File: 202 KB, 220x146, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1703256


Oh, you mean shitty youtubers?

>> No.1703258

There a lot of dedicated people on Youtube, they're all over the place. All the popular ones, I would basically think, would be the dedicated people. It's not people mumbling, doing no video frame set up and phoning it in. lol I never have autoplay on and say "You've put this in my space. No good." It never happens. I'm always liking what comes up. You won't catch me running for the pause button when a video comes on. lol

>> No.1703296
File: 16 KB, 428x424, 1555281435921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's far from being autistic, actually the opposite.
Fuck, he's even really upfront about it all being a fun show for his viewers.

>> No.1703297

it's been in his fucking user name all the time. get some glasses.

>> No.1703302
File: 1.55 MB, 1122x653, FinnishLunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By default, any Finnish youtuber.

>> No.1703307
File: 60 KB, 568x518, 1525797899878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificial bright red dyed hair

Yeah, that's a nope

>> No.1703312


>> No.1703316
File: 876 KB, 704x639, Screenshot_2019-10-22 Destructive testing a cheap table - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1703317
File: 392 KB, 1080x1080, Moona3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The car behind them has 22 inch sawblades for tires. They run the cat over and cook it for lunch.

>> No.1703319

Not into electronics or the electrical trade, what's up with amperage?

>> No.1703331

First of all when you say amperage what you really mean is current.
Secondly you would test for voltage to see if something was live, a live socket with nothing plugged in would have no current until you touched it to provide a load and the point of a test is to obtain information without altering the device under test.

>> No.1703348


>> No.1703382

backwards burgers again, here its required(!) to have this in every power box or whatever you call it, together with the fuses

>> No.1703386

why is he testing at which amp it breaks, it should be written on the specification of the breaker, around here its 30mA actually

>> No.1703398
File: 69 KB, 680x510, 12373748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet he's married to his tard wrangler and I can't even get a date.

>> No.1703403

Oh look at you, you’re so smart with your beginners electrical theory knowledge.

>> No.1703445

Excuse me do you have a problem with what I wrote? Do you want to step outside?

>> No.1703490

>There a lot of greedy people on Youtube, they're all over the place. All the popular ones, I would basically think, would be the greediest people.

>> No.1703499


>> No.1703553

He's a leaf

>> No.1703560
File: 116 KB, 480x640, MarjuFu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skip to 3:45 if you don't believe me.


>> No.1703641

Pretty obvious that he's acting. Maybe you're the autistic one? Hmmm?

>> No.1703769

i know hes acting but its still pretty autistic to shock yourself as much as he does (even if you plan it out and play up the pain) for views.

>> No.1703837

electroboom is fucking based. he knows exactly how far he can take things

>> No.1703840


>> No.1703892


>When he goes to UK to test their power outlets and shorts his entire hotel room


>> No.1703939

Nothing, they're just being pedantic twats.

>> No.1704719

Bigclive too.


>> No.1704725

bigclive is merely a redditmeme

>> No.1704819

parrots global warming

>> No.1705012

Usually i like the guy but these videos are pretty cringe.
And no i'm not a climate change denier.

>> No.1705035

>parrots global warming

Most people believe in modern science. You know, scientists over lobbyists who want to protect their investments.

>> No.1705039

Women are not allowed on /diy/. Go away.

>> No.1705067

go and find the satellite data yourself and look at the numbers.
everyone has an agenda to push for one reason or another, you shouldn't just believe someone because they claim to be a scientist, that's bad science.

>> No.1705091

Electric cars are superior to combustion cars.

The battery tech just isn't dominate yet.

>> No.1705099

He is autistically dedicated to cheap and festive lighting though. Though like electroboom not really an autist, just a big faggot.

>> No.1705101

>look at the numbers.

You mean, the numbers made by... scientists over the last 100 years, using... scientific methods?

I know people are trying to push women into STEM jobs, didnt realize they would be on /diy/

>> No.1705105

the raw data
the actual recorded temperature
made by the satellite
compare it to the data made by 'scientists'
it doesn't add up.

>> No.1705122
File: 211 KB, 2000x1454, noaa_world_rawadj_annual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont look wildly different to me.
Using "adjusted" models to predict the weather and comparing it to raw data is the definition of the scientific method.
This is the testing that is done to prove out a model or not. If it was wildly wrong and unpredictable, you would know the science behind the model is flawed and needed changed. AKA the scientific method.

The same exact methodology they used to put the satellites up there in the first place.
People are trying to twist the fact that models are 100% accurate to push their own agenda.

The raw data supports what the scientists are saying regardless.

>> No.1705125

no the raw data this is adjusted regardless of what they say

>> No.1705127

Nor the infrastructure to support their charging

>> No.1705128

Of course
Giant scientific conspiracy

The earth is flat regardless of what they say too?

This is why nobody takes you seriously. You are regurgitating ExxonMobile talking points instead of being objective.

>> No.1705143

Lauri vittu

>> No.1705157

True. That video is way more cringe than I expected.

People bitch about having to look at those big wind generators. We need Thorium reactors if people want clean energy.

>> No.1705318

like i said.
look at the data for yourself before opening mouth
talking points blah blah. look at the data. very simple. who are you parroting? hypocrite. believe everything you are told?
look at the data for yourself. use your own brain. turn it on.