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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1686972 No.1686972 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the biggest bitches on a jobsite, and why is it always GC superintendents?

>YoU gUyS bEtTeR LiStEn To Me Or I’lL tHrOw YoU oFf ThE jObSiTe

>> No.1687000

I don't even need two guesses to tell who got thrown off the job site Friday. Were you late, drunk, or methed out OP? Would've been better to start a thread titled:

>I fucked up, how do I get my job back?

>> No.1687002

Go back to reffit

>> No.1687025

Top step a ladder or did some other unsafe shit probably

>> No.1687060

t. gc bitch boys

>> No.1687074

>t. gc bitch boys that have a job

Ftfy no job nigger

>> No.1687082


why does every cancerous idea from reddit wind u here? fuck off back to your home OP.

>> No.1687104
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GC cucks detected, kill yourselves

>> No.1687331
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>> No.1688890


>> No.1688927

Weird. All the GCs around here don't give a shit about that kind of thing.

>> No.1690792

Are most of the workers beanfolk? Management literally gives no fucks about them .

>> No.1690806

>Who are the biggest bitches on a jobsite

All the grunts ruining their bodies for a menial paycheck so that their superiors can get rich.

>> No.1690809

>get told I have to wear safety glasses at all times even though it's completely unnecessary for my work
>don't wear them
>superintendent bitches
>put them on
>take them off when he leaves
>use boom lift
>superintendent tells me I have to wear a safety harness even though it's uncomfy
>throw it on me when he's looking
>take it off when he isn't around
>he sees me again
>throw it on
>remove again
>repeat forever with any safety gear
fuck superintendents hall monitor tier retards

>> No.1690810

this is why any sane worker seeks self-employment if their trade allows it. if you see someone in a trade with 10+ years of experience and STILL working for a paycheck from their superiors while being assigned a certain amount of hours per week that's a HUGE red flag
>b-but muh capital investment
>muh overhead
yeah so? you'll always make more being self-employed regardless as long as you're not retarded and you get to pick when you work and what you work on fuck's sake

>> No.1690847

And yet you can't get promoted to do their job? What's that say about you?

>> No.1690852

This really depends on who you work for. I currently work for a company that does large scale contract work. There is no way a single man operation or even a small team would ever be considered for the work we do. Meanwhile, my pay is great, the benefits are decent, our tools are top of the line, my hours are regular, I have the opportunity to work overtime if I need it, and I have excellent job security. I don't have to worry about insurance, workers comp, what happens if I'm injured, paperwork, quoting jobs, any of that pencil pusher bullshit.

That said, I've worked for shit employeers in the past just like everyone else.

>> No.1690860

What do you mean promoted? I do subcontracting work for these morons since I have my own company and I make more bank than them. It's not even close. How could I get promoted?

>> No.1690862

How big? Government contracts?

>> No.1690977

Not everyone can come up with the initial capital investment in 3 weeks like (You) did, Chaim.

>> No.1690981

>"initial capital investment"
>for some tools and insurance
>don't have enough after 10 years

>> No.1690985

>heh yeah bro just buy a $20,000 hydraulic pipe bender, a $5,000 pipe threader, it's super cheap to start your own business brah
Your semitism is showing

>> No.1690992

Youve already lost anon, youve convinced yourself that being financially independent is unattainable.
Good for you, someone has to be low on the ladder. You are just letting everyone make the most of their opportunities.

>> No.1690993

>dude just start a business with your $40 linemens pliers and a $5 bag of wirenuts, it's so ez lol
Oy vey, tell that filthy gentile

>> No.1691003

>muh jews muh jews!

Ironic as sit here trying to convince the hard working white men here that they cannot and will not ever be able to be their own boss. I would call you a jew, but im guessing you are just a ditch digging retard instead.

>> No.1691061

Some. We're done a few smaller federal contracts but most of the government work we do is city or county. That said, in any given year maybe 20% of our projects are directly government-related.

>> No.1691152
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>oy vey I'm white you filthy ditch digging gentile! J-just get a loan from your rabbi!

>> No.1691343

I'm not sure what trade it is you're pretending on the internet that you do, but it next time go for the "start your own business" angle instead of the "self employed" angle. You sound retarded