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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 28 KB, 568x375, Buckle-series-4h-horse-show-gdt-060916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1685851 No.1685851 [Reply] [Original]

Technology simply can not compete with nature. Take the horse for example. This thing can run 45 miles per hour and traverse virtually any kind of terrain. What have humans ever created that can even come close to this? $22 trillion in national debt and Boston Dynamics has some half-bred robot that can jump? Wow. Amazing. Did humans even come up with the design for planes or did they just copy birds? It's pathetic.

>> No.1685852

>traverse virtually any kind of terrain
maybe in vidya
In real life, it's a heavy fucking animal on toothpick legs. Wheels and treads are better almost always.

>> No.1685854

My dualsport can go anywhere a horse can, and further, because it's not gonna break it's leg on one little rock, or spook at a bird flying away and jump into a ditch and get stuck, or get colic from eating, or any one of the numerous problems that happen to horses.

>inb4 machines break down
Way less often than horses do, and way less maintenance than a horse.

>> No.1685859

You cant fix a horse with a hammer and a spanner, or a welding torch, you can but then you make dinner

>> No.1685872

>Did humans even come up with the design for planes or did they just copy birds?
Through trial and error. Planes are not birds. Have you ever seen bird using vertical stabilizer?

>> No.1685881

Wow op. Nice troll. However. TECHNOLOGY will be the one putting horses on Mars you fucking bitch

>> No.1685883

Tails twist tho

>> No.1685899

You have to go back.

>> No.1685916

Machines dont get tired
Machines dont get spooked
Machines listen to commands
Machines dont shit like a vegan at tacobell
Ther horses only pro is what causes most of its cons, it can make split second decisions on its own and can sense things a human cannot

>> No.1685926

Yes, but birds have better FBW system, and variable geometry wings.
Airplanes don't.
Airplanes are handicapped birds, with some weird fin in the tail.

>> No.1685934

none of that matters when the machines are shit to begin with

>> No.1685957

...and 6 or 8 machine guns in the wings, and missiles under the fuselage, and bombs up to and including nuclear, and a big assed 20mm Gatling gun in the nose that they had to upgrade the engines because it shoots so damn hard that it stalls the fucking plane if you shoot it for more than like, 5 seconds, and when you DO pull the trigger on that bad assed bitch it goes...


...like mother of all Gatling guns that it is! How fucking based is that? Show me a bird with THAT, motherfucker!

>> No.1685961
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>> No.1685962


> horses on Mars


>> No.1685963

>machines are shit
stop playing cod and go to bed carl

>> No.1685972

>Don't get tired
Fuel expenditure.
>Machines don't get spooked
Blowing a tire
>Machines listen to commands
Worn throttle cable, broken ecu
>Machines don't shit like a vegan at taco Bell
You can huff horseshit all day and still keep your IQ. Try that with exhaust.

>> No.1685980
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190920-115038_Video Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can your horse do this

>> No.1686160

Horses can't run 45 mph are you retarded? That's like the world record speed, your average horse can gallop at 20 for a few minutes before getting exhausted, trotting is the most efficient gait and that's around 10 mph

t. Equestrian

>> No.1686180
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It doesn't have those features, but it can do a different thing.
Deployment time is instant. Passive missile hits target every fucking time.

>> No.1686182

>t. Equestrian
This is a bait thread. Let them have their fun.

>> No.1686219

Ur retarded

>> No.1686381

a bicycle can surpass a horse

>> No.1686385

>airplanes are just copied from birds
Pretty good troll attempt gotta say

>> No.1686392

ride cars not horses, i would say to that situation

>> No.1686398
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>> No.1686400
File: 223 KB, 800x1067, imaged Queues_de_cheval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, horses have other advantages tho

>> No.1686401

is that the handbrake

>> No.1686402

p sure it makes a noise when they get boners

>> No.1686417

>>Don't get tired
>Fuel expenditure.
>>Machines don't get spooked
>Blowing a tire
>>Machines listen to commands
>Worn throttle cable, broken ecu
Literally nothing you said even compares or makes sense.
This whole thread is retarded, and once again proves that OP is always a faggot.

>> No.1686420

>Did humans even come up with the design for planes or did they just copy birds?
Pretty sure planes don't generate lift by flapping their wings anon.

>> No.1686444

Nature has had billions of years, humans have been trying for what, 20? Give it time my dude.


>> No.1686456

That fleshy slapping noise?
That's not the boner itself, so much as the horse flexing its boner (perineum muscle) so that it swings up and slaps against the horse's underside.
Horses don't have hands, so this is literally how they masturbate. If you let them, they'll keep doing it until they cum.
Female horses obviously have no such tricks though, so they literally can't masturbate, which is why they'll even start thrusting their overflowing pussy at nearby humans in the desperate hopes of any kind of release.
Remember: Animals are all innocent and sexualizing them is wrong. Sexual release for any kind of animal is violent abuse. It is more natural and healthy to deny them any form of reproductive release, ensuring that they go straight to the grave without ever having had the chance to even think they managed to do the one thing they care about as much as eating and breathing. It is also very natural and beneficial to the animal to constantly stack up to (and over) 200 lbs of weight onto one of the weaker parts of the animal's back for extended periods of time, forcing it to run in arbitrary directions and jump over artifical obstacles, purely for human entertainment. Us humans sure know what's best for animals.

>> No.1686459

This is not /diy/ content.

>> No.1686476

I don't give two shits, I have AC

>> No.1686485

>handicapped bird
>moves faster than sound

Admit it you just wanna shit in the forest and get rapey rapey and scalp the tribe on the other side of the hill you larping ass luddite

>> No.1686486


>> No.1686501
File: 241 KB, 640x360, animated black guy sweating nervous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'll even start thrusting their overflowing pussy at nearby humans in the desperate hopes of any kind of release.

>> No.1686607

If you screw jet engine to wheelchair, handicapped man would be faster than normal man too.

>> No.1686646

It's less fun then it sounds. I almost got crushed when a mare had me pinned against a wall.

>> No.1686796

I'm from /mlp/ where this shit is posted all the time, yet I still don't believe it.

>> No.1686875

A snowmobile might be able to go most of the places a horse can. Keeping in mind horses can do other shit like swim and climb. So I've seen some redneck videos of similar shit on snowmobiles but it doesnt look quite as safe. Although now youve got me thinking we should have some kind of cross country tournament to figure out which is superior. Horse vs dirtbike vs snowmobile vs boston labs robodoggo vs man, lets see who makes it across all sorts of fucked up terrain. I feel like the horse would still win but maybe not?

>> No.1686889


if a horse breaks a leg it needs to be put down

do you realize that u fucking retard?

>> No.1687068
File: 2.28 MB, 716x616, horse drifting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not good on the pavement tho

>> No.1687071

Horses have shit endurance when running. Men can out pace them in long distances.


>> No.1687073

What doesn't man outpace over long distances? That doesn't mean other animals have shit endurance, they just aren't human.

>> No.1687099

It's not super common, but they do it sometimes.

>> No.1687106

>What doesn't man outpace over long distances?

Pretty much any vehicle.

>> No.1687107

Man on a bicycle, airplanes, cars, trains, helicopters, hovercraft, boats, barges, rocketships, even hot air balloons.

>> No.1687387

Helicopter. Fuck your gangly glorified dog.

>> No.1689534

Oh god is he okay

>> No.1689546

Sorry, forgot this was a site full of pedantic big brothers and specificity is paramount, let me try again:

What animal, other than one using a machine, doesn't man outpace over long distances?

>> No.1689566

Migratory birds

>> No.1689573

Nope. We'd still catch them when they get where they're going and slaughter the fuck out of them.

>> No.1689581
File: 35 KB, 600x600, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh he's fine. they were just horsing around

>> No.1690066

>Semi-sentient AI who seems to genuinely be a nice person.

>> No.1690070

>Fuel expendature.
Congratulations. You discovered that machines cannot in fact break the laws of reality.
>Blowing a tyre.
That is damage, the sound is one of pseudo-explosive decompression, not the machine spirit yelling in terror.
>Worn throttle cable, broken ecu.
That's the equivalent of the horse having it's spinal cord be partially cut or their brains lobotomised.
>Huff horseshit and/or gas fumes all day.
If you're willing to put that to the test with both, it demonstrates that your IQ is low enough already.

>> No.1690081
File: 200 KB, 1024x683, macaw_web_2-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be painful though.

>> No.1690084
File: 39 KB, 1098x1008, pepegas-152a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can huff horseshit all day and still keep your IQ. Try that with exhaust.
I understand people huffing freon, or petrol, or even rosin smoke.
I can't understand people huffing horse shit. It smells horrible, like someone spilled ammonia into hay. Eww

>> No.1690108

>We'd still catch them
>man outpace
Getting paco in texas to slaughter migratory birds doesn't count, if YOU are still 2000 miles north where they started.

>> No.1690130

You're trolling, right? No one mentioned Paco, and if you can't walk 2000 miles in less than the 6 months that the birds are going to be... wherever?... then you're kind of a sorry human, and you deserve to fail as an apex predator.

>> No.1690159


>> No.1691914
File: 61 KB, 500x406, horse in heat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can confirm. Without attention they'll also rub themselves against posts and walls, which can be really hazardous because of splinters and abrasion in general.

>> No.1692000

>This thing can run 45 miles per hour and traverse virtually any kind of terrain. What have humans ever created that can even come close to this?
A helicopter?

>> No.1692052

i want a horse as a pet but not to ride or train or anything. apparently they tend to go back to a feral state if you dont though?