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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, 15685945430186950029748448409113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1683344 No.1683344 [Reply] [Original]

Guys does this require medical attention I'm really not sure I close a door on my thumb and my tip is smashed almost completely off.

>> No.1683346

clean that shit up.

>> No.1683347

All they will really do is clean it and bandage it up, maybe give you pain meds, mention a cosmetic surgery consult if they think you care what the tip of your thumb looks like/can afford cosmetic surgery. Not much can be done for such a wound, it is going to throb like hell.

Good job.

>> No.1683357
File: 349 KB, 691x931, BEA54845-65EB-47A0-AF0E-5CB0A206028F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your thumb is freakishly incredibly long, you still got like 90% more working thumb.
I say fuck a doctor, you literally still have more thumb than I do without the part that will never be the same again.

>> No.1683368

Not a medical professional but if you can get the bleeding to stop and theres no broken bones then what I'd do is clean it really well with an antibacterial solution and wrap it in clean bandages then give it time and see how it does.

As long as its healing well then just keep it clean and you should be good. If you notice any kind of infection develop though then see a doctor.

I had both my big toes smashed like that. It sucked really bad but eventually healed without medical intervention.

(I was talking to some guy on a forklift, his foot slipped and the forklift lurched forward over both my feet. He had thousands of pounds of kitchen countertops stacked on the forks and my toes went smoosh).

>> No.1683376
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Problem is I'm very drunk and cant tell what's me drunk and what's from the injury. It seems to be healing slowly but it looks bad. I've never been hurt this bad but bone seems to be intact

>> No.1683381
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>Happened an hour ago drunk not sure if it's healing
Quit being a faggot wash it out with water dry apply ointment if you have it.
Then wrap it up with the cleanest rag you have. Jesus

>> No.1683383

wrap that fucking shit up

>> No.1683428

pour hydrogen peroxide on to clean that shit out

>> No.1683486

Hydrogen peroxide is a meme. Pure fucking ethanol or isopropyl if you're a pleb after vigorous water washing. Scream like the bitch you are and wrap it tight..but not too tight.
T. Battlefield medic

>> No.1683493

I'm a med : yes you should see an ER doctor, and he must ask a surgeron for the guidelines.

>> No.1683494

I'm not a doctor but if half your thumb is hanging off I'd just pay the medical fees to try to keep it.

Looks like it needs to be disinfected and sewn.
But what do I know? I'm a college dropout.

>> No.1683497

that shit is more of a meme than hydro peroxide

what you need to do OP is grab a can of duster and flip it upside down and spray on the injured section. it will freeze it solid then you tap it with a rock hammer and *POOF* your problems are gone

>> No.1683515
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Yea I'm at the ER now

>> No.1683521
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>closed the door on my thumb
Yeah sure, we were all young and dumb once.
I had something similar happen to my pinkie, you're going to have to get that stapled or stitched back to the end of your finger. Go to a walk in clinic, a nurse should be able to handle it.

>> No.1683530


Great, good luck anon

>> No.1683554

If you have to ask then yes.
Fucks sake.

>> No.1683584

Glad you went OP. Did this years back to my middle finger and they stitched it up. They Called it a partial self amputation. Throbbed like fuck. Try not to smoke if you are a smoker. It’ll help the healing process move along quicker and limit the throbbing

>> No.1683623

Is op dead?

>> No.1683633
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Lol get on my level. 10 days post-op

>> No.1683686
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Neat! 10mm wood drill, brand new and sharp. Drilled through a piece of platic that was so fragile that I couldnt put it in the bench vise and held it with the right hand like the dumbass that I was

>> No.1683688
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>> No.1683692

Also quit alcohol for the time beeing

>> No.1683717
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Do Americans really have to use DIY medicine instead of just seeing a doctor?

>> No.1683749

Aw man but I love smoking and alcohol. Lemme ask you, I cant find a hand surgeon for at least 2 weeks. Can I just let it heal with the stitches in? They aren't absorbable and are supposed to be taken off in two days by a hand surgeon.

>> No.1683762

Let a normal doctor check them. I (>>1683686) pulled all my stitches myself, even the ones in my dick when I got circumcised as a teen.
Dont really see a reason why only a hand surgeon should be able to pulp them. As I said: see your regular doc and ask him.

>> No.1683777

Yes go to a fucking doctor shit!

>> No.1683783

Honestly man I have no insurance. My mom just died so I'm not covered now. I'd like to avoid more treatment if I can. Which is why i asked. I think I'm really fucked.

>> No.1683825

just clean it, the body heals itself. Go to the doctor if turns black though ;^)

>> No.1683839

stop fucking drinking too

>> No.1683865

Then ask in medical Facebook groups or something. There are ones who give advice

>> No.1683905

Imagine living in a country with no free access to healthcare

>> No.1684045

Imagine bleeding to death in line

>> No.1684072
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>> No.1684326

>tfw bit my hand with sheet metal that jammed on a cutting wheel
>went inside to clean it
>its not super bad but its kindof hanging a bit
>in kitchen
>dad offers me a sliced sausage
>eat the sausage
>blacked out on the floor thinking about how the floppy sausage looked like my finger bits

>> No.1684331

I like it

>> No.1685102
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>mfw asking Anons at /diy/ what to do about crushed thumb instead of going to ER right away seems like the right thing to do

>> No.1685180

Go back to your shit board you faggot weeb

>> No.1685240

>even the ones in my dick when I got circumcised as a teen
>when I got circumcised as a teen

>> No.1685340

Yeah, at first I though "he obviously needs surgery why would he ever not go see a doctor" and then I realized he's probably American and that's gonna cost him at least 1k (not sure about the medical bill).

>> No.1685346

Ye olde phimosis. My foreskin was too tight all my life. But when I became a teen and discovered fapping it started to become a painful problem.
Doc gave me the option to stretch it which had the risk of being short-lived or to cut if off alltoghether. Went for #2 and never looked back.
Fun fact: stitches made my dick look as if it was wearing a spike necklace like a Doberman

>> No.1685444

i avoid professional medical attention because
1) 9 times out of 10 i can take care of my own shit and
2) hospitals/doctor's offices are full of viruses and bacteria i dont need to be in contact with

>> No.1685466

>cost him at least 1k
That is with insurance

>> No.1685685

American education, everyone
Scared you might catch autism Anon?
at least their healthcare problem will sort itself out if everyone acted like you

>> No.1685831

yeah well us Americans are a much heartier breed than faggy Euro's

>> No.1685846

you have to pay at least 3k to have your finger checked. plus tip.

>> No.1685847
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Imagine living in a country where you can't go into a store with nothing but a drivers license and buy an AR-15.

>> No.1685853

It's pretty great to be honest.

>> No.1685906

imagine being a poor commie fag wanting everything free. nothing is 'free'. it is cause your mom and dad pay huge taxes

>> No.1685939

Depends on his health insurance plan. For most of the employed populace, they will pay an emergency room co-pay of approximately $100 and that is basically it. Everyone else essentially has to negotiate their own healthcare plans which can vary wildly.

My catastrophic plan is about $211/mo and all it basically does is: gives me three included doctors visits per year (doesn't include any preventative lab work like blood tests, blood draws, etc) and 10 included chiropractor visits. Beyond that, my deductible is $8,500/year and I have to pay for anything and everything out of pocket until I exceed that $8,500 at which point the insurance takes over (for just that year).

>> No.1685944

Who cares, people pay something either way. Turns out numerous countries tried the thing with the taxes and suddenly people dont go bankrupt over a doctors visit anymore, among many other things.

>> No.1685985

So why do Americans spend twice as much on healthcare per capita than Bongs if you're so heartier?

>> No.1685988

Driving licenses are currency in America?

>> No.1685989

Imagine drinking all that koolaid and believing people think healthcare is free.

>> No.1685992

Bong here, I pay about $10 less a month and that covers everything except dental, and prescription charges ($11 per item). No co-pays, no lab costs ... nothing. Pre-existing conditions don't exist here as we're covered from conception.

>> No.1686058

Thanks for the info, cool to know how things work overseas.
Considering your salaries are much higher, it doesn't seem too bad.
But you'll never see your 82 y/o grandpa take medications for a value of 36k/year for literally free (plus doctor visits at home, etc.).
The most you pay is a 26€ ticket.

>> No.1686063

Because Bing do not count the increased amount they pay in taxes towards that health care. Costs for healthcare between like nations tends to even out a fair amout once you factor everything in.

>> No.1686170

Just cut the damaged area off it will grow back in a week.like a starfish

>> No.1686212

1) you must be a dumb ass red neck
2) you clearly are a retarded red neck

>> No.1686424

You Americans and your healthcare amaze me...

>> No.1686458
File: 40 KB, 600x600, mujafirstillu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your drunk game to fuck a nurse OP.

>> No.1686554
File: 57 KB, 381x486, Healthcare casts per capita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because Bing do not count the increased amount they pay in taxes towards that health care
The fuck are you talking about? That figure is how much total is spent on healthcare as a nation, as a per capita amount. Of course the extra tax is counted, what a stupid claim to make. The total amount spent includes everything, as in TOTAL.

>> No.1686559

Per capita tells you little on its own, if population A uses health services twice as much as population B, or if Population A has twice as many serious accidents as population B or etc. It is a flawed metric used to play /pol/ games.

>> No.1686563

Yeah, that was my point. Anon was claiming that Americans are hardier people, whereas the spend on healthcare suggests the opposite. And don't mention that other place, as soon as they're mentioned they swarm in and destroy any thread with their bullshit.

>> No.1686579

>Yeah, that was my point. Anon was claiming that Americans are hardier people

I was that anon in >>1686063, that was a moron earlier baiting with the Americans being hardier, I made no claim, I said you have to factor EVERYTHING in, and gave one simple example of how these comparisons are skewed. I would take this thread beyond the bump limit just to give a simple explanation of all that needs factored in. We have a flawed healthcare system, but so do most countries, this grass is greener mentality that is often pushed by the progressives is actually regressive, they are not looking for better, they are just looking to shift the problems elsewhere, it is short sited and an actual solution will not be able to be mandated and realized in a year like the ACA, it needs to be a long term plan that is implemented slowly so it does not punish one group for the sake of another.

>> No.1686587

Oh yeah, I know it's not a simple thing to completely change a nation's healthcare, or even to compare to another nation's healthcare. I guess it's my own fault for falling for bait.

>> No.1686623

You don't understand what 'costs' means.
Following that logic Mexico is #1. It is the amount of funding in healthcare per country. Low means BAD.

>> No.1686628
File: 70 KB, 1245x632, OECD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a better chart. Pay attention please.
Notice how it consists of 3 parts: Total = Government/Compulsory + Voluntary.
Now, pay attention still: do you see that little x? Notice how ours is pretty low <2K. Your is lower, sure, but not by much. The 'astronomic' total you keep bringing up comes from the government funding: notice that little tilted rectangle? It is called a rhombus. But we can call it a diamond. Let's see if it is printable: ◇
Anyway, from x to ◇ (diamond) is how much the government spends on healthcare. A bit excessive sure, but a lot of it is invested in research and bleeding edge medical technologies. Which is why our medical science is #1 in the world. And you have crowded hospitals and huge wait times and as an outpatient you have to wait in line with a bunch of bums and wait for 3 months for that CAT scan worrying if you have cancer or not. But it is 'free'. (Taken from your taxes). But since it is 'free', the NHS obviously loves cutting corners.

>> No.1686655

imagine being a republicuck and believing that you should subsidize energy companies and bail out banks instead of using that money for healthcare.

oh and thinking that using taxes to help business is "capitalism" and that using tax money to help people is "socialism"

>> No.1686659

Neocon patriotards are a scourge. I'm pretty right-leaning on economic issues, but I'd rather my tax money go to healthcare than bank bailouts, corn subsidies, and war for israel

>> No.1686661

> republicuck
>subsidize energy companies
what? you got that backwards. the koch brothers and all ? hello?

>> No.1686668

yes. if you don't have insurance and need urgent medical care, you are turbo-fucked.

>> No.1686671

i still wouldn't fucking do it. what would you choose, to die sick or die a bankrupt? i'd rather take my chances, if i survive that'll only make me stronger. if i die so be it. but seriously fuck any forms of healthcare.

>> No.1686713

Im not coming back until this ugly thumb is gone.

>> No.1686753

We don't have debtor's prisons dipshit. Calm down.

>> No.1687539

wow that looks alien. can i has moar?

>> No.1687592

>at least 1k

When I fell off my bike and broke my arm I went to the ER because I didn't know what else to do. Cost $4000 for an x-ray, pain pill, arm sling, and a doctor to tell me just rest it for a month.

>> No.1687630

Free access means no charge at point of treatment.
Guess which country pays more per head for healthcare than any other?

>> No.1687675

that's not even remotely true. medical debt is easily discharged in bankruptcy. the only people who claim medical debt ruined them are mongoloids who don't want to sell their toys off and actually pay their bills versus bitching about it or declaring bankruptcy if they are destitute

>> No.1687677

also 'medical bankruptcy' is a tricky definition as apparently you are not required to state the reason when filing for for bankruptcy. so a lot of people just have some kind of debt which may be a combination of medical and other debts. that's why the estimates of annual bankruptcies related to medical debt are all over the place. in most other countries there is not even a concept of a bankruptcy as used here, which is basically 'damn i fucked up let me just file for bankruptcy and have my debt erased"

>> No.1687818

I don't get it, you are happy that gov/comp is higher yet you can still get bankrupted by medical charges, unlike in countries where gov/comp is much lower? You essentially get less bang for your buck.

>> No.1687822

What are the disadvantages of filing for bankruptcy? Apart from losing all your shit and being unable to get another loan in the future I guess.

>> No.1687839


>> No.1687865

Did OP died?

>> No.1688040

Just fake being passed out until the medics scoop you up anyway and afterward claim you never consented to anything.

>> No.1688045

as if that will stop them from assfucking you with bills for it

>> No.1688113

a relative once cut his finger off working his power tools and he and his wife actually waited until he passed out from bleeding before his wife called an ambulance since they were afraid the medics would notice he was conscious and would make him sign the consent to treat. he ended up losing his finger and needed a blood transfusion but hey he didn't have to pay a single cent. and imagine how much he cost the hospital! blood transfusion alone would be like a few grand. so he felt good that he even punished the system by making them do stuff they wouldn't have to do had he checked himself in immediately.

>> No.1688135

>so he felt good that he even punished the system by making them do stuff they wouldn't have to do had he checked himself in immediately.
That's just next level retarded.

>> No.1688136

but this is /diy/
why would you post here if you're going to the ER?

>> No.1688210

>plus tip
My sides are in orbit

>> No.1688212

You need a ID for a store yes,
But at a gun show you dont need one lol that's how I got mine.

>> No.1688224

You just don’t pay any of it. Eventually it’s forgotten.

>> No.1688714


Happened to me too. Just more stupid.

See a doctor. The tissue might be damaged in a way so that your nails might either grow "cripled", so only partially, or even not at all.

>> No.1688722

>muh freedoms

Mostly just unemployed people. Typical wage slave gets health insurance. I mean you'll still be out just enough money to keep you slaving away, but it won't be 100,000. Well I mean sometimes it is, but then you declare bankruptcy.

protip: if you don't have insurance negotiate down 50% upfront. that is all the insurance company would pay. if you tell them self pay up front, they are a bit more accommodating.

then, when you can't pay it, wait for a while - once you get the collection calls, offer them 50% of what you owe. this will eventually work. They sell your debt to those companies who harass you. So they paid maybe 40% of what you owe - so if you pay 50% that's a quick buck for them. If you get lucky, they will eventually lose the actual copy of the receipt invoice ( over say 10 years ) and won't be able to prove you even owe them money. That last part might not happen anymore, but It did for me. I've been lucky 2-3 times that way.

>Medical company I owed $10,000 to was restructured, bought out, and my debt got lost somewhere along the way
>PGE lost records, couldn't prove I owed $1000
>LA lost my records, $1500+ in parking ticket fines gone

>> No.1688979


>> No.1689002

Buddy had a similar injury from oiling his chain like a dummy on his motorcycle. They cut the bone below the lost flesh and sewed it up.

Go to a doctor

>> No.1689045

Imagine living in a country where any mentally deficient inbred can do the same

The level of mental gymnastics to justify it is terrifying

>> No.1689046

What are deductibles?

>> No.1689048

If low means bad then why do most first world countries with socialized medicine have better medical outcomes, lower infant mortality, and higher life expectancy than the US?

It's simple; these other countries get better value for money. (i.e. the money gets spent on the care and not on lining the pockets of corporations)
Plus the fact that healthcare costs nothing at the point of service means people are much more likely to engage in preventative medicine, reducing the costs of the system and improving outcomes even more.

Bonus fact: all of these countries ALSO have a fully functional private medical system alongside the social one, so if you want to be a good goy and pay out of pocket to see a doctor then you can do so. Or you can take out private medical insurance just like in the US, its just almost nobody chooses to do this because there's almost no point, you're getting basically the same care but with maybe a nicer hospital room and better meals, plus no wait list if there happens to be one in the social system (which is only ever the case for non urgent care by the way, urgent or life threatening cases never have to wait in a queue)

>> No.1689049

I like how Americans brag about having the best medical technology when none of their insurance plans will ever cover it and it would cost a gorrillion dollars out of pocket.

>> No.1689159

which insurance plans don't cover what?
i could be explain but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. thats the result of your nanny state spoon feeding you. you dont even know how insurance works.

>> No.1689164

Most (if not all) insurance plans don't cover expensive cutting edge medical treatments
Not only that, but the insurance companies themselves define what counts as "cutting edge", so it's basically just a way for them to deny payment for the more expensive therapies

I lived in the US for 6 years and I'm well aware how the insurance system works
But please, give me another hot take

>> No.1689189

Lmao you're just wrong on so many levels. I'm not even that anon.
Being here 6 years doesn't mean you know anything, by the way.

t. works in health insurance industry

>> No.1689312

yeah tell me about my country.
"I lived there", heh. you probably didn't have insurance or had some shitty insurance and somehow think that your personal anecdotal experience is the only possibility that must apply to everyone. i don't even know wtf you mean by "cutting edge". no insurance companies even define anything like that.

>> No.1689328

My brother cut his thumb. Went to a walk in clinic, they said they don't deal with open wounds and sent him to the er. Got it stitched and billed $1800. Murica

>> No.1689453

>The "my uncle works at Nintendo!" Argument
Sure anon

According to the US department of labor 1 in 7 healthcare claims are denied, and one of the biggest reasons insurers use to weasel out of paying is because they deem a treatment "experimental", which they can arbitrarily apply to whatever they want and then it's on the patient to fight it.

You can bluster all you want but it's a simple fact, the systems primary aim is to make a profit. In a social system the primary aim is to make you better.

And the argument that social systems cut costs at the detriment to the patients is a huge fallacy. I don't have experience with other social systems but in the case of the NHS you would only be given a less expensive treatment if the doctor honestly believes it wouldn't help over the normal treatment, and since the doctor is only measured on medical outcomes and not cost savings or profit made they will always do what's best for the patient. And if a treatment isn't available in the UK, they literally pay to fly people around the world to wherever the treatment is. Before proton beam therapy was available in the UK the NHS flew people to the US to get it

>> No.1689487

Happened to me in second grade. crushed my right thumb between the door and the frame where the hinges are. Went to the doctor, they gave me 10 shots around the thumb (was so long ago, I don't remember what they were for. Had a huge bandage around my thumb for a while, had to soak it in that medicinal brown shit they give you. After a few weeks the old nail came off and a new one grew back. It's not the same as the left and has a permanent bend in the nail but i still have full use of the digit.

tl;dr just get the proper medical attention, do the care shit they tell you and DON'T FUCK WITH IT and you'll be fine.

>> No.1689496

>no stitches
>no staples
what fucking hell hole did you spawn from to say stupid shit like that?
clean it up and stitch it together

>> No.1689504

I had that injury as a kid and they had me put my finger in antiseptic solution (furaciline?) for like 5 minutes every day for a week or somesuch. Also I think my nail came off eventually but not sure.

>> No.1689531


>> No.1689559

If it's just nail, it should be fine.
If it's tissue of bone damage, see a doctor or medical professional. The tips of the finger are highly vasculated and innervated, and need attention.

>> No.1689560

Yeah, nah.
Claims are usually denied for a few administrative reasons, but the top are that the providers didn't seek prior authorization, or services rendered aren't billable by that provider (i.e. Not the patient's PCP)
But hey, I live with this every day what do I know, working full time dealing with claims, authorizations, etc.

>> No.1689568
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>Faggot calls another faggot a faggot for posting faggery

>> No.1689602

>Yeah, nah.
Fantastic factual argument there my dude.
the fact that 1 in 7 claims is denied is a travesty in itself, regardless of the reason

>Administrative reasons
What is worse, dying because your insurance doesn't cover an 'experimental' treatment, or dying because you filled in your claim form wrong?
I'm genuinely interested seeing as it's a situation I'll never personally have to face

The most hilarious part of the entire thing is that despite paying both more in tax and in health insurance costs (don't forget your deductibles + tip) in the US per capita, there's still a decent chance that your insurance won't cover the treatment.
What mental gymnastics are you performing to justify this?

And before you bring out the classic "free market economics stimulates innovation" argument, it doesn't apply here. The supply and demand relationship doesn't work for medicine, demand for medical care is inelastic. You can't just choose not to buy if you're sick or injured.
You're so indoctrinated in the system you don't realise how ridiculous this logic is, imagine if it applied to other public services like the police or fire service; "sorry sir your insurance doesn't cover fires started by an electrical fault, we will just let your house burn down"
And the socialist boogeyman fallacy is even worse, are you a patriot who supports your country's military, police, school system, libraries, fire service, search and rescue, etc? These are all "socialist" systems run by the government and paid for from your taxes. Why are these ok but hospitals should never be socialized? I'd swap medical care for public libraries any day

>> No.1689606

>1 in 7 claims is denied

>> No.1689628

You are in the interesting position to be able to describe a cut vs uncut dick in all the gory details to a website that spends maybe 2% of its posts pondering such imponderables. Do tell. Become like /pol/s Walmart guy and embrace your special status and spread your knowledge across this digital land.

>> No.1689629

From the US Department of Labor Inspector General's report; (page 4)
>According to EBSA and industry estimates, 1.4 billion health benefit claims are filed each year, of which approximately 200 million are denied by plans or insurers. Of those, a Rand Corporation study1 estimated less than 1 percent were appealed.


>> No.1689631

You have to realize that you are fundamentally blaming insurance for lazy practice from the providers. Quoting my "yeah, nah" before my factual explanation is either indicative of you being low iq or that you are being intellectually dishonest.

Socializing something reduces quality. Medical treatment is fast here and even in the event of an injury, they can call their doctor and be seen immediately to prevent having to go to the ER. one of our primary care clinics (i.e. not a surgical facility) just performed a finger amputation IN OFFICE. Right where you'd normally get shots or whatever. With socialized healthcare you either get admitted to the ER. You have to schedule 3 months out to get an appointment

Yeah we bear the brunt of that because we don't cost control that from a government perspective. The US is how device companies pay off their research and then some. Removing profit removes incentive

>> No.1689636

>Socializing something reduces quality
Again, completely false. The NHS has better medical outcomes than the US system, and the only wait times are for non-urgent cases seeing a specialist. The average wait times to see a GP is a few days and in A&E almost 90% of patients are treated within 4 hours. The NHS publishes reports on it's waiting times so you can look it up. (The NHS's A&E department is on average faster than ER in the US) Also yes, routine surgery can be performed at medical centres too, I don't know where the fuck you got the idea that somehow socialising medicine forces you to go to a hospital to get an ingrown toenail removed.

Also regarding medical research, plenty goes on in the UK too, paid for by taxes. Since there's no cut going into a corporations pocket all of the money goes on actual research

>> No.1689647

>we do patents, too!
Uh huh.
The rest of your post is anecdote and doesn't warrant a response.

>> No.1689672
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Meant to post pic

>> No.1689688

>Scared you might catch autism Anon?
staph is more common
>at least their healthcare problem will sort itself out if everyone acted like you
yeah it would. imagine if people only went to the emergency room/doctor if they actually needed to.

>> No.1689690

i am neither, thank you very much

>> No.1689692

>if i survive that'll only make me stronger. if i die so be it
absolutely based

>> No.1689693

look up "implied consent"

>> No.1689728

>Btfo all arguments that the US healthcare system is better
>"b-but we file more patents"
You're embarrassing yourself

>> No.1689739
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Something doesn't add up.
And they go on to explain that most denials are the 1st category (soft denials) due to an error (code 16) that just needs to be re-submitted.

>muh NHS
read this:

>Public spending on healthcare is actually higher in the United States (8.3% of GDP in 2014) than it is in the United Kingdom (7.0%).

>private spending on healthcare accounts for a further 8.9% of GDP in the USA, but only an additional 1.4% in the UK.
>this extra money allows Americans from across the income distribution to enjoy better access to medical specialists, high-tech surgery, and cutting-edge drug therapies
> mortality rates following comparable events in the U.S. are often a fraction of what they are in the U.K
>While the NHS in England and Wales provides care through 200 hospitals, America’s public Medicare program entitles its enrollees to receive care at their choice of 4,700 hospitals – around 4 times as many per capita.

NHS is a fucking nightmare:
>An analysis that covered just half of England's hospitals found that almost 30,000 patients died in the past year while waiting for treatment
>Patients in British hospitals are four times more likely to die than in U.S. hospitals, according to an analysis of outcomes from 2,000 similar surgeries conducted by researchers from University College London and Columbia University in New York. Among the more severely ill patients, the disparity was worse; the sickest Brits were seven times more likely to die.
Horrible wait times, shortages everywhere, severely understaffed due to shitty pay and stressful work conditions, etc
And you can only imagine what is going to happen after Brexit.

>> No.1689767

Did you actually look into any of the sources quoted in those articles or did you just take them at face value because they agreed with the doctrine you're subscribed to?
It's almost all unsubstantiated anecdotal evidence and any no actual viable sources. One of them links to a daily mail article from 2003 as a "source" for god's sake
I understand it might be hard for you as an obviously educationally subnormal person, but try to grasp the concept of sourcing your arguments from reliable primary sources

A good start would be one of these;
Note that they are all recent, their methodology is transparent and public, and you can review all the data yourself instead of being told what to think.
Isn't it funny that when any actual scientific measurement comes into the argument the US suddenly slips down the rankings?

>> No.1689852

I read about the US healthcare system in an old book from the 1980s and it turns out that it's not the public who are against free healthcare or even the US government, it is the US medical establishment. They claim it would lower the overall quality of healthcare in the US. This is probably true but a system where the rich get the best care in the world and the poor get nothing is not fair.

>> No.1692084

Bite it off it'll grow back

>> No.1692102


>> No.1692104

You must be american or a 3rd worlder? If I dream about being ill I wake up and go to the Dr.

>> No.1692119

>everything must be free
that's why you are so shit and your country is falling apart. commies.

>> No.1693141
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>Manhattan Institute
>The Manhattan Institute... is a conservative 501(c)(3) non-profit American think tank

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you dumb fuck.

Let's look at objective sources.

In 2000, the World Health Organisation ranked all the world's health systems. The UK beats the US in every single metric apart from healthcare expenditure - which means you Americans are spending more for less. LMAO. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Health_Organization_ranking_of_health_systems_in_2000

A website called US News (which is probably American) ranks different countries globally on different metrics. For healthcare, the UK is 10th, and the US is 19th. OWNED once again. Source: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/slideshows/countries-with-the-most-well-developed-public-health-care-system

Another good measure of a country's healthcare is life expectancy. This Wikipedia page shows studies done by many organisations - the World Health Organisation, the CIA (American, of course), the UN, and the OECD. In each list, the UK beats the US. Whoops, how embarrassing. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy#List_by_the_CIA_(2017)

Enjoy dying just to avoid the $1,000 "deductible" though, Cletus.

>> No.1693297

>life expectancy.
So you live a few months longer on average. OMG that's surely thanks to your superior health care system. LOL. fucking retard. Life expectancy is pretty much the same for most developed cunts. 1-2 years make no fucking difference. And if you are going to count every month, then Switzerland is 2 years ahead of you even though they have super expensive private health care unlike your socialist bullshit that you call NHS.

>muh independent WHO
>The WHO is financed by contributions from member states and outside donors. As of 2012, the largest annual assessed contributions from member states came from the United States ($110 million)...
>Voluntary contributions will account for $3,015 million (76%),
>Partners include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation[118] and the Rockefeller Foundation
lmao. read the wiki, fucking moron. also read the controversies section:
However you slice it, WE fund every possible organization you've ever heard of. And there is absolutely no reason to believe that WHO is somehow less biased that any other organization, especially those behind the climate change bullshit. All of your euro autistic activists are funded by Al Gore. Muh objective sources. We run the show and you are left to decide between Al Gore and the Koch brothers. Gullible brexit fucks lmao.

>> No.1693421

Fucking smart-ass.

>> No.1693599
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I already demonstrated that the British system is superior which means that your post is obviously nothing but butthurt.

Therefore reading it is not worth my time.

>> No.1694044

no he's not, his foreskin never functioned properly. and the condition isn't that rare.

>> No.1694501

Its looks like he bit the breading off the end of a corn dog and the hotdog inside is poking out

>> No.1695574
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That needs fucking stitches to attach it back correctly. If you treat that yourself you're going to lose the tip. Go to the fucking emergency room.

>> No.1695604

its a little late for that

>> No.1695608

OP here. I finally made up my mind. Going to ER ASAP. No time to waste. Thanks lads.

>> No.1695908

bump for op. I wanna see whats left

>> No.1697021

OP is dead. This was on a local news channel

>> No.1697147


>> No.1697200

What the fuck happened to your thumb?

>> No.1697227

this is a very American Post (TM)

>> No.1697238

Do *** really?

>> No.1697451
File: 2.77 MB, 3264x2448, 15708237639583287447330204188194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys thanks for all the responses, my thumb has been healing now for 4 weeks. I didnt know this thread was still up or I would've updated you sooner. Thanks again dudes. My thumb seems to be recovering fully. I'll post a pic of my thumb without the bandage later or over the weekend if you want.

>> No.1697490

yeah post your thumb. did you have it checked or is it healing on its own?

>> No.1697929


show thumb pls

>> No.1697975

did you lose your tip?
not the one you lost at birth, i mean the thumb tip? or did they put it back on?

>> No.1698075

Post thumb

>> No.1698772
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I'm mostly ok. Had to go to the emergency room and get it stitched up. Fractured the tip and got a gnarly laceration. My mom's insurance covered it lucky enough. Dont drink while angry anons. I did this to myself like an idiot. I'm like half way through recovery I think, but i can bend my thumb like normal, as well as pretty much using it as a normal thumb as long as the bandage is on.

>> No.1698785

Cool. I slammed my finger in a door when I was a kid and partially severed the tip of it, and they sewed it up. Was fine after. All my feeling and all.

>> No.1698801

I smashed my pinkie finger with a piece of firewood and it turned purple and black and my nail fell off and the one that grew in its place still looks smushed.

>> No.1698822

>the systems primary aim is to make a profit. In a social system the primary aim is to make you better.

Nope, everyone's goal is to keep their jobs and make money at the end of the day, be it by convincing you or coercing you to give them money. If you believe that in "social systems" people are acting out of their own good will and concern, that is simply naive.

The U.S. has a screwed up system for myriad reasons. You've got layers upon layers of regulation and liability. There's rather nefarious trust-like deals between insurance and healthcare. Then there's the entitlement programs (social security, medicare, etc.), which are money sinks gifted to us by socialists. Perhaps most importantly, you have the corrupt system of lobbying/regulatory capture that promotes the expensive, complicated system we have.

There's a lot that needs fixing, but this does not necessarily mean that the most efficient or desirable system is "free" public healthcare, which suffers from many other problems that are manifest in any number of countries.

Even so, there are some features of healthcare in the U.S. that are second to none, namely the immense amount of R&D and access to the best treatment in the world. My personal experience comes from living with a chronic illness; for the most part, I find that insurance companies do care about preventive care and making the best treatment available, if for no other reason than the fact that complications hurt their bottom line.

>> No.1698826

>the fact that 1 in 7 claims is denied is a travesty in itself, regardless of the reason

>people never ask for stuff they don't need cause "insurance will pay for it"

>> No.1698987

No system is perfect but if it works well for the overwhelming majority of the population of 350 million people with a few glitches here and there I think it is a pretty awesome result. Which system is better? NHS? Yeah right.

>> No.1699093

you're a faggot op
but im glad you're okay.

>> No.1699117

>>people never ask for stuff they don't need cause "insurance will pay for it"

Nice private insurance death panel you have running there

>> No.1699174

>plus tip
I though the doctor had already taken the tip from you in america.

>> No.1699197

>t. seething eurocucks who need some nigger in a lab coat telling them how to treat a papercut

>> No.1700036
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living in a country with thriving capitalism and excellent healthcare that has both private and public options. Public options which are heavily subsidized and yet taxes are some of the best around. Tap water is drinkable. Medication for a year is <$15.

Only places like America seem to have a problem achieving something like this cause ya'll have a greedy corporate political system. The problem isn't capitalism, its the people

(also your black and white view of 'if it aint american capitalism, it's communism' is fuckin dumb)

>> No.1700799

Toss some disinfectant and a bandaid on it and go to sleep you'll be fine. I've almost severed my finger tips a few times, they heal back together.

>> No.1700812

>being 10 at the time
>stuck my finger in the doorhinge because why the fuck not
>little brother slams the door
>finger has a 90 degree angle in the wrong direction and is bleeding like a waterfall
>mom wasn't happy

>> No.1700885

>The problem isn't capitalism, its the people
this is the most retarded post itt so far
capitalism is the people.

>living in a country with thriving capitalism and excellent healthcare
thats america, yes.

>> No.1701353

>Dont drink while angry anons.
Yes this is the rule of thumb

>> No.1702960

The problem is (((insurance agencies))) and (((lawyers))).

>> No.1703211

I know it's a bit late but when I was like 5yo I cut almost whole top of middlefibger using electric bread slicer or how tf you call it
We just desinficated it with some alcohol and fixed it back with some bandages
I remember my father used to prepare some herbal tea in which I was soaking it in between rebandaging
Doctors ain't shit

>> No.1703213
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Forgot the pic