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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1678164 No.1678164 [Reply] [Original]

How do I drill a 2.5mm wide hole into a 4mm thick aluminium sheet? The drill bit just wandered around on the surface, so I applied more pressure, but then the drill bit just snapped. I've broken two metal drill bits now and fucked up my sheet.

>> No.1678165

Center punch, aluminum tapping fluid, and proper sharp drill bits designed for cutting metal

>> No.1678166

also a drill press

>> No.1678167

Maybe try doing it with a drill press. It might work if you do it like a non-mongo.

>> No.1678172

Center punch the location and apply firm but mild pressure. Don't blast the trigger, use like 30-40% speed in first gear. It should produce a nice curl or at least self feed into the material. If it's grabbing or bouncing you're doing something wrong. If you're snapping a 4mm drill doing this, you're applying way too much pressure, if it wants to walk it will walk and you're not going to out power it.

>> No.1678174
File: 959 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20190906_183829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, the drill bits I'm using.

I laid down a bunch of cardboard on the floor, placed the metal sheet on the cardboard, then stood on the sheet and started drilling.

Was that the problem perhaps? It seemed perfectly stable, though.

I'm on a budget and this is a one-off thing, so I can't afford to get a drill press and then literally only use it once.

>> No.1678177

Okay, thank you.

>> No.1678181

Wait, guys. I had the drill on reverse...

It works now...

>> No.1678187

was about to post you are drilling in reverse

you absolute retard...

>> No.1678206

How can individual be that retarded.

>> No.1678213

HSS means high speed steel you want drills made.for aluminum and those are LSS low speed steel

>> No.1678214

In addition to what the others have said, a step bit / uni-bit works well for thin metal, especially aluminum. The flat cutting faces prevent self-feeding, and it can deburr its own holes.

>> No.1678233
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>> No.1678299

Borrow an impact screwgun. Drive in a sheet metal screw. Easy

>> No.1678305

oh boy. that poor fool.

>> No.1678359

came here to post this
cuz i been here, did that

>> No.1678380


>> No.1678562


>He got all the way to making a /diy/ post about it

shit, man.

>> No.1678612

this guy machines

>> No.1678613

we all make retarded mistakes. thats how you learn.

>> No.1678626
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got me

>> No.1678634

Like the other guy said, center punch a divot to drill in, and if you don't have cutting oil then just spray a little wd40 so you don't dull your bits.

>> No.1678745

For what it's worth OP
I did that at work one time with a big fuckin CNC mill
On a mold we were making for Maserati
Killed the collet and beat the fuck out of the block before I realized what I did
I have nightmares about the *clink* that a spade drill insert makes when it shatters and I haven't worked there in 6 years

>> No.1678763

Look at him and laugh

>> No.1678779

>drill a bit
>drill a bit deeper

And so on

>> No.1678788

How the fuck do you accidentally drill in reverse? It's a totally different code.

>> No.1678798
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>> No.1678836

I used to make posts like this when learning programming. Nice to see someone else do it.

>> No.1678852


it happens. don't let it get you down

>> No.1678857

step bit
buy all three sizes if youre going to ever be drilling shit often
step bits are amazing

>> No.1680420

you should have just flipped the metal backwards then.

>> No.1680487

or flipped the bit around.

>> No.1680506

I'd call you a retard, but I've done before, as well

>> No.1680517
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Use a center punch and c-clamp, and if possible a drill press.

>> No.1680589

Lol. It happens to the best of us but I usually figure it out before I ask other people for advice

>> No.1680606 [DELETED] 

I should clarify, sorry.
It was a 1950s machine that had a controller retro'd onto it and it was 80/20 cnc/manual. Some of the operations we did just ran off limit/depth switches.

>> No.1680608

I should clarify, sorry.
It was a 1950s machine that had a controller retro'd onto it and it was 80/20 cnc/manual. Some of the operations we did just ran off limit/depth switches, and you could manually switch from cw/ccw depending on what yoh were running.
Legacy equipment that was kludged together 5000 times over 70 years.

>> No.1680735

What cutting fluid you guys use for aluminum?
I got some tap magic protap once but goddamn it smelled like cancer and was near impossible to wash off anything
Is there anything less annoying to use?

>> No.1680834

Fair enough.

Benchtop CNC or for manual machining?

>> No.1680865

Actually just used it for drilling, have a bench top cnc but I've just used it dry

>> No.1680868
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Ah wait it wasn't protap it was this

>> No.1680869

I use rapid tap.