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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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166503 No.166503 [Reply] [Original]

What col things can i do with my SNES? or NES either one.

>> No.166516

stick them up you ass.

fuck this is diy, not what color sharpie should i draw fucking anime on my nintendo.

go the fuck away

>> No.166521
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>> No.166523

angry samefag detected

Gut them and put in a micro atx mobo and turn them into SNES and NES emulators. Play SNES and NES games on them.

>> No.166526

Are we talking case mods here?

Here's a link to get you started. http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/top-5-nes-case-mods

>> No.166628
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turn it into a handheld console

>> No.166648
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>> No.166726

Yeah, but now it plays ONLY Goldeneye.

>> No.166737


I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.166744
File: 1023 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20120224_181713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything cool I can do with the useless sports games I just picked up at a thrift store?

>> No.166765

I don't have a camera right now, but with a bit of dremel work, and a 2.5" external hard drive (with a small sata driver) your can fit it inside pretty easy

>> No.166777

watch the pictures again, you can change the game.

>> No.166778

I would glue them to a cool coffee table then cover them with a thick professionally cut glass sheet to top it off. then keep it or sell it on ebay getting glass cut is cheap.

>> No.166783

i always wanted to turn one into an emulator box. put a usb port under the cartridge slot, and behind two controller area (for controllers). then put a usb stick in a old cart and fill it up with snes games.

>> No.166785

i dont see the problem...

>> No.166838

How does one go about doing this? My local thrift store has three SNES' and two NES'.

>> No.167548

i don't think its ever been done... if you cant figure it out you need to do some studying. I've never tried it but i don't think it would be too hard. raspberry pi or arduino would probably be a good place to start.

>> No.167567

Rip the guts out of the old console. Replace it with a netbox mobo. Where the slot is for the game cartridge, make a USB port or two. Take an old game cartridge and gut it. Replace it with some large USB thumb drives. Have them sticking out of the bottom of the cartridge. Plug the cartridge into the cartridge port so the USB thumb drives sliding into the hidden USB port.

Fill the thumb drives with ROMs. Make the netbox have wifi so you can network and use the internet.

>> No.167899

>netbox mobo
No idea what that is, and I believe this information might be relevant: my electronics knowledge consists of knowing how a flashlight works.

>> No.167910

A quick Google search reveals:
>cheap computer, well-suited for emulation, etc.

>> No.167917

why don't you just FUCKING LOOK FOR USED GAMES? AND FUCKING PLAY THEM ONCE YOU FIND ANY? that's already cool enough.
Yes, I MAD

>> No.167926

Make a nintoaster, it's on youtube.

>> No.169694


>> No.170932

Bump for knowledge.

>> No.170950
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