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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1657109 No.1657109 [Reply] [Original]

Rest in peace Grant Thompson aka The King of Random


>> No.1657111

never heard of this guy but sounds like he did some dangerous shit

>> No.1657114

wtf are you on about he is still alive i watch his video's regularly

>> No.1657119

It literally just happened

>> No.1657121

Generally not that dangerous, the forge is probably the worst one. There's a fair few diy youtube suicides this year for whatever reason, I imagine it's that.

>> No.1657127

Apparently he died in a paragliding accident, they found his body in the morning and he'd died sometime in the night.

>> No.1657131


>> No.1657132


There are also some news articles about a Hurricane, Utah resident of 38 years dying in a paragliding accident but withholding the name.

>> No.1657133


>> No.1657134

Sorry, not of 38 years, 38 years old.

>> No.1657208

I thought that hippy was in jail for making bombs

>> No.1657221

Honestly, that was my first thought too. This guy basically retooled his entire life to make shitty diy youtubes for a living. Then the ATF force him off youtube, and then there were several apocalypses. He may have just been at the end of his rope

>> No.1657225

literally who?

>> No.1657235

Never watched his videos, maybe one or two. But still he did some cool stuff.

>> No.1657236

A youtuber. Old videos were decent, then they went full clickbait and random shit to appeal to kids. Started with stuff like a homemade spot welder and aluminum furnace, switched to shoving random shit in a vacuum chamber and being all "lol so randum".
Last I heard, they rarely even appeared on the channel anymore, other people make the videos now (although I can't personally confirm this since I can't stand the infantile drivel the channel is known for now).

>> No.1657238

still he was skilled and grabbed that sweet youtube money for literally playing around with sweets and powertools


>> No.1657262

why the fuck did the atf force him off?

>> No.1657264

They don't like when people promote making gunpowder/pyrotechnics in any way so they were waiting to pounce on him. Supposedly he either made/received something that was HE (aka big no no) and his neighbors reported the explosion so atf pushed his shit in.

>> No.1657267

ATF are real scum.

>> No.1657284
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>one less clickbait youtube channel now exists.


>> No.1657289

Was about to post this. Ill miss him

>> No.1657292

kys nigger

>> No.1657301
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Hey now, why would I want to pull a Grant Thompson?
I guess all the stress of coming up with clickbait titles got the better of him.

>> No.1657319

To be fair, I don't have any factual basis for saying ATF forced him off, but his channel changed hosts almost immediately while that whole drama was going down. Just logically seems like he may have been legally barred from making/uploading youtubes himself as part of a plea agreement.

>> No.1657321

they already have people taking care of the channel dingus. Its shit.
Thats fucked ATF has always been shit

>> No.1657330

He wasn't a hippy, he was a pretty cool straight laced dude. A little wacky, but that just gave him character.

I think his content was generally low quality e.g. aimed at kids, but he seemed like a nice enough guy. He did a few collabs with codyslab.

>> No.1657331

>Last I heard, they rarely even appeared on the channel anymore, other people make the videos now (although I can't personally confirm this since I can't stand the infantile drivel the channel is known for now).
He had a whole team of people doing the camerawork, editing, etc. And he hired two new hosts, a guy and a chick, to host the videos. He hired the dude first and he wasn't that great, but then the chick got hired and as a team they were doing a pretty decent job of making reasonably entertaining content for young kids.

>> No.1657332

I used to watch his channel a while back. I took a break from watching and I came back and saw that Grant had died. My condolences go out to him and his family.
It's true that the channel's quality decreased over time. If anything, the channel's peak was from 2012-2016. Those were the days...

>> No.1657368

To be fair, dying while paragliding in a hurricane is pretty fucking random.

>> No.1657376
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The town is named hurricane too. What are the chances of that? Dying in a hurricane in a town named hurricane. bretty ebin

>> No.1657390

I stopped watching his videos after he started to do kid's stuff but it still sucks that he died.

>> No.1657392
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A hurricane? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within a town in Utah also named Hurricane?

>> No.1657435

He didn't fly so well.

>> No.1657465

I've been really worried about Cody of Codyslab, he seems like he should be on suicide watch although the going to Mars vid seemed optimistic.

>> No.1657467


>> No.1657471

His laugh is always so awkward and worrying

>> No.1657474

His gf left him a few months back and it really shows.

>> No.1657475


>> No.1657476

Oh, and he ended up with too low a GPA to continue college. Or he's very nearly there.

>> No.1657510

He died from a paramotor accident, which technically could be considered dangerous, but nowhere near as dangerous as BASE jumping, wingsuit flying, etc.

>> No.1657541

I feel like he shouldn't have made that video. A guy as ballsy and likable as him shouldn't have people worrying about him

>> No.1657620

>make good videos about how to make cool stuff
>get forced off youtube by ATF, can't appear in any videos anymore
>hire a guy to appear in the videos so you can get that youtube cash (i don't blame him)
>guy takes over channel and turns it into full clickbait
>literally just tossing stuff into a vacuum chamber
>dies in paragliding accident
The whole clickbait shit wasn't his fault.
RIP man.

>> No.1657659

Thus always to ecelebs. Now if the rest of you retards could just fucking keel off.

>> No.1657716

Nice revisionist history
He was making dogshit videos over 6 years ago.
Look at this great content!

His arrest was only like a year ago, so no it wasnt the other guy turning his channel to shit. It was shit from the beginning.

>> No.1657750

Did he take over the YouTube channel? I see two different people doing videos.

>> No.1657779
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What a random way to die

>> No.1657802

He killed himself, it was no accident.

>> No.1657808

He taught me to build a forge and melt aluminum. RIP King of Random

>> No.1657817
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He taught me how to love a woman
And how to scold a child

>> No.1657846

They expelled him. Either because of poor academic performance, or because of the heavy water thing, it was never really clear. I'm guessing it was poor academic performance.

>> No.1657847

His content was shit but it's still sad that he's dead.

>> No.1657857

Elaborate for the clueless please

>> No.1657867

Was grant a good person? Yes
Were his videos garbage clickbait aimed at little kids? Yes

>> No.1657890

>blow stuff up in his back yard
>neighbors call the cops
>cops ask why the fuck he is making felony tier bombs in his backyard
>gets arrested and cant run the channel anymore

>> No.1657914
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>> No.1657926

Which video are you talking about?

>> No.1657947

I imagine he's talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1mv0vwb08Y
>6 years and $100,000 down the drain
Wew lad.

>> No.1657951

What heavy water thing?

>> No.1657954

He made and purified heavy water, no clue why they think it might get him expelled.

>> No.1657976

That's higher education m8.

I personally had difficulty putting up with the acedmic environment as I can only imagine he does, luckily I was able to work deals with professors, so extra real work which supplemented my learning and bumble my BS with a decent GPA. Plus I manged to not get into debt.

What was he going for again wasn't it geology? I wonder what classes fucked him over. Can't imagine him having trouble with most of the Stem courses.

>> No.1657984

The way he explained it in his videos, it seemed it was less him "having trouble with classes" in the difficulty sense, and more just spending too much time working on his Youtube channel and not enough time on his studies. Natural affinity or not, I don't think someone could get through end-of-degree STEM courses without adequate study time.

>> No.1658025

His old stuff was pretty dangerous. The variable power adjuster made out of a rubbermaid container full of salinated water was downright horrifying.

>> No.1658056

I noticed he wasn't getting coverage but I'd missed the bit of that video where he posted about his urine into gunpowder video being taken down for violating community guidelines. What the hell? I remember watching a bunch of similar demonstrations in the 90s on history docs and what not, and it was cool to see someone doing the same thing on this new media thing. I can only imagine this is down to guidelines developed in the crazed minds of a few boomers and pushed by their spineless gen x lackeys. Load of bollocks.

>> No.1658057

So he was on academic suspension, there are still ways to complete such a degree though even without the blessing of the original college/university.

>> No.1658062

>can literally buy jugs of gunpowder online
>a video showing how to make a small amount of homemade gunpowder by peeing on a hay bale for 18 months is too dangerous and has to be removed
Youtube is fucking insane.

>> No.1658121
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>> No.1658123

who the fuck is that thot

>> No.1658139
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I enjoyed the video series where he made a silicone mould with a chicken and then cast a chocolate chicken with it. The choice of thumbnail was excellent

>> No.1658141

Rinoa was always kind of an asshole, can't say I'm surprised.
Care to link it?

>> No.1658143

Trans (they have a penis) from bum-fuck nowhere USA, they make videos of usually old shit they've accumulated. Also that one video where their redneck neighbours got into a drunken fight and damaged each other's property.

>> No.1658145

Who is this? Searching up and reading this person's twitter shit, it seems like it's mentally ill.

>> No.1658181 [DELETED] 

>statistically as safe as driving
I doubt it would be so favorable if you compared actual in flight time of the average paraglider per r a year to how much time the average person commutes be motor vehicle.

>> No.1658182

>statistically as safe as driving
I doubt it would be so favorable if you compared actual in flight time of the average paraglider per year to how much time the average person commutes by motor vehicle yearly.

>> No.1658187

Rinoa Super Genius. Used to make Codyslab type videos extracting gold from PCBs and shit, then turned into a tranny.

>> No.1658191 [DELETED] 

>Today we're going to try and make smokeless powder
>First we kill this nigger
>Oh, no! He killed me first!
>He dies

>> No.1658226

All trannys end up an hero .

>> No.1658259


Channel update.

>> No.1658261

One of my (middle school) students wanted to make TKoR's "metal melter" for science fair. I told his parents I'm not against the idea, but I cant be liable, and that he needs to do more research than just a youtube video. and for god's sake DO NOT USE GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE. Not only did he not listen to me (and lied on his safety paperwork), but he followed the videos to the letter and got metal fume fever from galvanized pipe. He was out for weeks at a time over the next 2 years with respiratory problems. :/

Sad to see a public face of the maker movement go though.

>> No.1658646

I understand why TKoR has to switch to kiddy stuff, legal issues and all that. Sucks it did and that Grant died.

>> No.1658652

It wasn't just YouTube policy too. He was visted by the ATF (or some similar agency) too for the yellow cake uranium refining videos he made. I'm sure that put a damper in his spirits.

>> No.1658701

Well he was the king of random

>> No.1658720

A single pipe wouldn't do that.

>> No.1658721

I didn't vote for him.

>> No.1658726

>He wasn't a hippy
remember that video he made about yelling at plants?

>> No.1658751

>shitty clickbait videos
You guys realized that
>it was aimed at kids
>he had to make clickbait shit to be able to keep on being able to make videos

>> No.1658817

You'd be surprised.

That's a shame. He did a little update video on the design last year I think and I cannot remember noticing anything that bad so hopefully it's fine now.

>> No.1658977
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I used to really like this guy's backyard casting stuff. Feels like it was just a few months ago he was putting out those videos, I can't believe it's been years. Goodbye, Grant.

>> No.1658985

>King of Random
>Dies in a random accident

>> No.1658990

I went to High School there. It's named Hurricane cause it gets windy as fuck there quite often.

>> No.1658997

>the ATF force him off youtube
Wtf, do they even have the authority to do that? That sounds like a MASSIVE 1st amendment violation; was it part of some court settlement/agreement to not prosecute, or something? Either way, the more I hear about these faggots, the more I think that the agency is comprised of power tripping subhumans.

>> No.1659000

I know the ATF got him to do safety talks as part of a deal.

>> No.1659043

Was that a Monty & Python reference?

>> No.1659063

He even admitted it when he visited the hacksmith, basically saying you have to make clickbait videos aimed at kids instead of more advanced projects that take ages to complete to make a living off youtube.

>> No.1659086

It's actually pretty common for people convicted of a crime to be basically banned from using the tools and techniques used to facilitate those crimes. It's usually part of their probation thing for a few months or years. also felons/convicts/prisoners don't have any freedums in freedumland, they are basically the property of the system until the system gets tired of fucking with them

>> No.1659428

At least it wasn't suicide like with Aussie50

>> No.1659435

>1 in 10,000 Americans is killed per year in car accidents
>US population is over 300,000,000
>300,000+ people die in the US per year in car accidents
Bad math discredits the entire article.
It's just as bad as bad grammar in articles.

>> No.1659441

was it trans drugs ?

>> No.1659544

You mean 30,000 dead per year, which if anything is a little low (closer to 40,000).

>> No.1659672

you might want to check your math again

>> No.1659725

what exactly went wrong, how big was the body damage ?

>> No.1659729

Timmy should've drank some milk

>> No.1659794

By the sounds of it he crashed and got badly injured and then died of exposure or internal bleeding. So probably not that bad but he wasn't found or treated soon after.

>> No.1660397

A single pipe can absolutely mess you up if you don't know what you're doing. Especially if you don't know not to breath the lemon-lime cotton candy

>> No.1660494

Fuck man after that whole thing with Etika I feel like this sort of thing is coming up more and more often. Hope he doesn't follow the same path

>> No.1660496

Good Riddance

>> No.1660602

That's assuming another university is willing to take him, and assuming that he's willing/able to go whenever that university is (or take online courses to flesh out his degree, but I'm not sure how possible that is with a geology degree that doubtlessly requires a lot of fieldwork)

>> No.1660604

His professor asked the class to bring in samples of water to run through a mass spectrometer. Cody distilled a bunch of heavy water and gave it to the prof without telling him what it was. The prof apparently was deeply offended by this for reasons unknown. (anti-nuke paranoia?)

>> No.1660606
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I don't know if this is legitimately real but this guy taught me how to make a propane burner for my Foundry step by step in a really effective way so I have that to thank him for

Thank you Grant Thompson

>> No.1660607

She is DEEPLY autistic. A real cunt too.

>> No.1660703

It's real, I noticed some of the reddit bullshit claiming his birthday was wrong and it must be some hacker conspiracy.

I thought he'd checked with the lab techs ahead of time. Some profs are just twats for random reasons.

Geology is a hard one in some ways, but plenty of US institutions have adult education/continuing education for that sort of thing. At a push he could always do something like http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/find/geology although that doesn't quite get you a geology degree.

>> No.1660792


wow its a talent-less cunt hating on a someone more successful than her,

>> No.1660818

It's a tranny.

>> No.1660821

Classless faggot. Now is not the time.

>> No.1660845

I’ve heard of this guy before but I’m not sure where. Did he do anthill molds with molten aluminum?

>> No.1660892

Not from what I can find, although the Google results are heavily polluted by a channel called Anthill Art having a billion such videos.
It does sound like the kind of thing you'd find on his channel, though, and he had a couple videos regarding making furnaces in which to melt aluminum.

>> No.1660904

oh I didn't know that, but it makes sense. I only came across it's channel a month or so ago and only watched two or three videos.

>> No.1661080


Yall should watch his metal foundry videoes. And trust me. Just fuckoff the beer and pop cans. Buy other aluminum if you have to

>> No.1661082

Yeah, he had a rough patch there. Hopefully he's getting his shit sorted. Depression is utter hell and he surely didnt seem like a guy that deserves it.

Makes me sad to see him put the effort in knowing he hates life

>> No.1661083

Same. I built one so big and dangerous i had to cut it all back apart.

Version 5.0 though. It's gonna be sick af

>> No.1661092

Lol, you warned him. Tell the little shit to listen next time. Kids are dumb. My first foundry was almost all galvanized. Pretty sure i got brain damage from fucking with lead.

Oh well. Might catch a stray bullet walking to my car 1 day. May as well have some fun

>> No.1661097

Looks like it if its real

>> No.1661373

Rinoa super-based

>> No.1661396

>The King of Random

>> No.1661526

Hello, Rinoa. You're never going to be a woman, at best you'll be a horribly disfigured man. Remember, sweetie: down the road, not across the street. Think of me while you do it.

>> No.1661733

getting a B.S. in geology is relatively easy, at least in my experience. The problem is licensing. You dont just get a license when you graduate; there is a whole apprenticeship system to get your PG, which you just cant do without working for someone else. not compatible with youtublery.

>> No.1661890

Hey I feel the same way, but boy you cant say that shit on twitter. Its just asking for drama, making you an attention seeking faggot.

>> No.1661972

haha faggot

>> No.1662042
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>> No.1662043
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>Super Genius

>> No.1662506

The same thing happened to CodysLab when he made a video how to make gunpowder from your urine.

>> No.1662512

There were a couple of years in between making the video and it being a problems and taken down.

>> No.1662529

ATF are scum they have killed fuckloads of people for absolutely no reason. While giving weapons out to mexican drug cartels.

>> No.1662538
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>being this envious of e-fame
>having chinese cartoons letters in your name
>calling yourself "super genius"
trannys seem to be more soulless than real women

>> No.1662540

Jesus. Get one of those channel blockers for your browser you psycho.

>> No.1662591

they're better programmers tho

>> No.1662597

Massalin is an unfair advantage harrumph.

>> No.1663163

You sure it wasn't the uranium refining?

>> No.1663170

Trannies are better programmers than women because they are men.

>> No.1663181

yeah lmao

>> No.1663743

His aluminum casting stuff got me into machine shop stuff. That then brightened my interest in all kinds of other stuff, since all that abstract stuff from class suddenly seemed like something doable, rather than fantasy crap.
So I've actually got a lot to thank him for. RIP Grant.

I thought the meme was that traps were the programmers.