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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 205 KB, 870x1390, journeyman-stone-mason-chiseling-granite-stone-on-wooden-work-bench-C5J1HE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1654273 No.1654273 [Reply] [Original]

Lets learn to build some walls

>> No.1654274
File: 24 KB, 280x209, WM Stone WURX 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry laid stone house

>> No.1654276
File: 67 KB, 700x368, building-13th-century-guedelon-castle-france-fb__700-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guedelon Castle, France. There used to be some great masonry vids made at the construction site but i couldn't find them

>> No.1654282

Most Uk boomer farmers do dry stone walling still its an art form .

>> No.1654355

Awesome. I wish we adopted this in the states. My current house was build in the 1950s. Wood frame. Plaster walls. Cinder blocks. Then brick walls on the outside. This thing is build like a fucking bomb shelter. Glass block windows and steel doors really make it super fucking indestructible. Feel so comfy inside always.

>> No.1654356
File: 256 KB, 640x480, house_Rotten_OSB_-_no_kickout_flashing_-_stone_veneer_-_Parlee.preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets learn to build some walls

what is the point, I cant just pay mexicans to do an OSB shack and put rock veneer over it, cheaper, more aesthetical and more air-tight, stone is a bad building material and you cant even put Tyvek under it

>> No.1654359

try better b8

>> No.1654363

Eh. From my understanding a stone house is made to breath. Also the strength of actual masonry is comfy to think about. Also if you build this stone structure it will be there for years and years

>> No.1654480

Until a MBT blows it up.

>> No.1654758
File: 1.33 MB, 2048x1375, stone apartments edinbrought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thermally inefficient pos

what a bunch of poorfags living in air leaky building, I bet they freeze to dead

>Also the strength of actual masonry is comfy to think about. Also if you build this stone structure it will be there for years and years

Stone is such a bad build material, building science already confirmed that, if you really want stone look, put a stucco over it, but best way to build a house is with framing and insulation, to keep the temperature you always have to use a water membrane (where on earth are you supposed to put a housewrap on a stone house?)

>> No.1654833

WTF I love OSB now

>> No.1655102

Its true stick frame houses are great and economical. But retards like me, how would i got about insulating a stone house without getting rot and wet issues?

>> No.1655225

>But retards like me, how would i got about insulating a stone house without getting rot and wet issues?

You must put Tyvek over it, inside of rockwalls sprayfoam insulation is a must, maybe throw some concrete and rebar over rocks so it doesnt fall apart?

>> No.1655388

>rock walls falling apart

Thats fucking rich

>> No.1655585

>years and years
retard, cheaply made wood houses have been there for years and years, and nothing happens to them.

>> No.1655607

What are some of the best projects and ways to get into stone masonry for a stone virgin?

>> No.1655612

drill a hole into a rock, and use your dick to split it in half using expansion

>> No.1655615
File: 202 KB, 600x800, stonewalling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever piled rocks on top of each other? Stone has poor tensile strength, and a stack of stones has zero. Stone walls must be actively prevented from falling apart with some kind of reinforcement. Mortar will do if you're skilled, but if you're not, it will just buy a little time. And even if built well, masonry cracks due to settling and thermal stress. Structures that don't accommodate that fail over time by falling apart.

>> No.1655664

Thats why you add rebar to the base.

I am building out my stone oven and the base and hollows have rebar plus concrete infill.

>> No.1655668

Start with the basics, as with any other field. Quarrying. If you dig deep enough in the backyard, you'll hit something to mine eventually.

>> No.1655699

>. If you dig deep enough in the backyard,

anybody have an idea as to how deep I should plan on? I'll be using hand tools, if it matters.

>> No.1655708

>inb4 500 feet faggot shows up
The USGS has approximate soil depth maps for basically the whole country. Bedrock is only about 6 feet down in my property, for example.

>> No.1655871

can you dig through bedrock? i will need to dig about 50 feet down and it is all bedrock from 10 feet down. what kind of tools will i need? i will be using hand tools.

>> No.1656094

>Specifying that masonry involves stone & bricks
As if there's such a thing as wood, plastic or steel masonry.

>> No.1656097

Sure but don't forget freemasonry.

>> No.1656223

>Brick Masonry
all you need is straw and mud

>> No.1656236

Is rammed earth or strawbale and other sustainable building methods?

>> No.1656237

How long did it take masons to perfect squaring up their blocks?

>> No.1656271

I think that poster was referring to more than a 100 years. You don't get that from wooden houses. Maybe you can now but not back then.