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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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165189 No.165189 [Reply] [Original]

Hello all!

Here is a picture of my old charcoal-burning patio-heater.
As you can see, it is fucked.

I want to turn it into a sort of furnace, log-fuelled, just to toss smaller items of rubbish into it to be destroyed.

Does anyone have any advice as to things I should do? I was planning on sealing up all the side panels except for a patch on the sides, do you think that would restrict the airflow too much?
What kind of things do I need to look out for in order to get maximum burn?

>> No.165191

in case it in layers and layers contact cement with a side panel crudely made to hold a stone tablet secure as a door...say fuck the fire throw in small objects and small explosives and profit bro profit into another dimension

>> No.165194


The board is called /diy/ for a reason dickhead....

...in other words DO IT YOURSELF you fucking lazy nigger, then tell people how you did it so they can be a nigger like you.

>> No.165198
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>> No.165202

I...am doing it myself? I'm not going to buy anything or have someone do it for me, was just looking for help and discussion. If those aren't what this board is for then what the fuck is it for? Just showing off?

>> No.165207


Fix it
Then tell us how you fixed it

fucking lazy nigger thinking this 4changoogle or something.

>> No.165215

OP, there are obviously some trolls running around loose in here.

We are trying to trap them for safe release back in /b/, but well, its likes trying to herd cats...

As far as your situation goes...
I would be tempted with that chimney port, to seal up the sides as you said and perhaps leave an opening to connect a forced air blower. Turn this puppy into a crude furnace to properly and completely incinerate your items.

I dont know the quality of build or construction thickness you have to work with, so this may not work out so well if the walls are too thin. (think complete meltdown)

Seal it off with plate steel, line fireplace brick around it to hold in the heat. Leave a pathway open for forced air....
Incinerate the shit out of anything you put in it.

>> No.165228

Implying op isn't a troll