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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 218 KB, 357x216, ovruntygen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1651356 No.1651356 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone ever made one?

>> No.1651359
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that's dangerous anon. be careful.

>> No.1651365

So do you have plans for it?

>> No.1651369

Yeah I have plans but I'm wanting someone whos already done it to ask a q

>> No.1651374
File: 43 KB, 850x531, se-roban-luz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1651394

Welcome to the watch list

>> No.1651401

Most of the people that have made a device OU are dead or shunned

>> No.1651403

Any electricians here?

>> No.1651405

Ps to the glow******$- its for personal use

>> No.1651407

EE here. It doesnt work and an electrician cant tell you why

>> No.1651437

Where you getting the extra energy from OP?

>> No.1651438

Here's a question, can it run itself indefinitely?

>> No.1651442

Could someone post the info for building one if these?

>> No.1651443
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100% input, 150% output

>> No.1651446

Thats not the goal anon

>> No.1651460

What's the goal of an overunity machine, if not to generate excess power?
How about an easier question. Does it work?

>> No.1651463

No. Literally no. If you understood what energy was then you'd understand why it isn't just "Free".

Such as who?

It cannot work because energy itself is a displacement. It's like asking "where is the free displacement"? No, you have to displace something first.

Imagine a still pool of water. It has no motion, it has no energy that transfers to other things. Splash your hand in the pool, the waves will now form because you've caused a disturbance in the medium.
The "Waves" are energy, you still need to displace the medium in order to "get energy". Technically you're just moving it from one place to another, hence the law of thermodynamics. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only moved. There is nowhere for the "free energy" to come from, a disparity must occur.

>> No.1651474

Any overunity machine pretends that there are no losses involved in any machine involved.
A Generator simply turns rotational energy into electricity with a sub-unity efficiency.
A motor turns electricity into rotational energy, also with inescapable inefficiencies.
The coupling between them also moves energy with losses.
These losses may not be much but they'll stop the cycle dead.

>> No.1651496

1st year IBEW, the EE guy is right, although I'm sure there are fully trained guys out there that could build that successfully

>> No.1651517

Thomas Moray, Otis Carr, Edwin Gray,Stan Meyer etc...


>> No.1651528
File: 143 KB, 600x600, DIY_BINGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a reason this thing has a square on it for free energy. People have been posting stupid shit like this since the board was new.

>> No.1651531

Entropy my nigga, we are already all dead.

>> No.1651627

OP , No one has ever made a " full unity " device.
because to be a " full unit device " the energy that is feed into the device needs to produce an exactly equal amount back out ,
THIS will NEVER happen because of " transition " and "conversion " processes which takes some energy to do and that is a net loss.
therefore for something to produce more then it has or uses is simply an impossibility , because it cannot overcome the built in loss

>> No.1651647

There is an almost caveman way to counter this paradox and when it clicked for me mentally I had a few chuckles.

Sorry, what I mean is that the goal isn't just to run the 2motors indefinitely, but to pull excess power from the rig. The other anon is correct there is no energy "free" as you have to pull the electrons from somewhere. Where/how it pulls this energy is where people are pitting their mind in a box by assuming "this is impossible"

Instead remember that literally EVERYTHING is possible with the correct inspiration and execution. I dont really want to go to much in depth how the machine works because it took me months to even figure out how to process the electricity to loop it. and I feel like that info could be valuable. The fact that I'm the only one on here even familiar with these concepts is a little troubling though tbqh

>> No.1651652

So in essence what I'm saying is the method to get this unit to overproduce is so stupid sounding, almost like one of those troll science memes, that no one would even attempt to do it unless someone prior tried it and had told them it worked.

>> No.1651655

You're using engineering to force the driving force behind an alternator to do MORE work than the manufacturer intended. And ill leave it at that.

>> No.1651662

Solid troll thread keep it up champ and the butthurt can run your house

>> No.1651689

>the only one on here even familiar with these concepts

the " concepts " you seem to be speaking of are spurious at best, they are either not complete with the necessary physics to explain why they would work or you are ignoring the physics that completely render them useless,
it has been shown on a consistent basis that under scrutiny these machines fail to produce what the inventers claim and are never repeatable or verifiable by other independent scientific sources .

so the claim you are a scientific savant and everyone else is less educated then you is a ridiculous narcissistic declaration self importance.

when it is obvious by your statement :
>remember that literally EVERYTHING is possible with the correct inspiration and execution.
that you lack a significant understanding of very rudamentary operations in quantum mechanics and physics

>> No.1651702

>I dont really want to go to much in depth how the machine works because it took me months to even figure out how to process the electricity to loop it. and I feel like that info could be valuable.
Either way you're a faggot. Most likely, you have no depth and your machine doesn't work. Or (worse) instead of putting the information into the community so others can help you expand it from its infant state into actualized world-improving tech, you're hung up on your own personal profit margins.
>tl;dr: get on with it or get fucked

>> No.1651716

Go on, file a patent. Oh wait, PTO doesn't accept perpetual motion machine patents. Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.1651758

Kek, what is the % of loss in this bullshit? How many watts is that battery putting out and what is coming back to it?

Would be curious to see what portion of those losses come from each part. I think lead acid batteries have quite a shitty charging efficiency, like 70% or 80%. Based on the battery alone, you can put 10W out the first cycle and only get 8W out the next. And what will you get out of the inverter? 90% on a good one and 60% on a cheap ass one? And car alternators have trash efficiency too, 50% to 60%. The electric motor might be pretty good, but you also have DC running through most of those wires.

I bet that thing is going to be like 30% at the end of the day, maybe a scientist could build one ~90% using the best of everything operating at the optimal speeds and limits.

>> No.1651797


>> No.1651819

>where people are pitting their mind in a box by assuming "this is impossible"
yes, this behaviour is so sad:
We only have to be aware:
We are laughing about the people that were living 500 years ago - I'm sure they will be laughing about us in 500 years.

>> No.1651871


>> No.1651955

>Thomas Moray
"radiant energy" from what? The answer? The answer is that he never explained it actually. Only that it had to be "tuned", probably to the nearest source of power much like a radio and an antenna.

>Otis Carr
A failure who wrote an incomprehensible cryptic description of a device that was never seen and reminiscent of the works of Walter Russell (someone who was actually smart yet none of you free energy tards ever mention) . When promised to present device on specific date, he chickened out by miraculously ending up in the hospital for no apparent reason.

>Edwin Gray
Literally who? LEt me guess, another "free energy from magnets" idiot right?

>Stan Meyer
one of the dozens of "brown gas" morons. The only thing brown that has ever actually come out of all the redesigned electrolysis/ cathode/anode configurations is bullshit. It separates water, we get it. You don't understand that it takes energy to separate it and no you don't get "more energy" out of it. You have once again moved energy from where it is to where it isn't.

>Any overunity machine pretends that there are no losses involved in any machine involved.

It goes further than that though. It pretends that it can make more energy out of nothing or less energy. Even if you eliminate all the loss from a prime mover, then all you have is just that. A prime mover. It "moves" but it still remains unchanged/unchangeable. Have it power something and it immediately imparts/impels its motion onto the next part and will come to a halt..

>> No.1651966

Just show a working device that closes the loop.

>> No.1651970

I have loads. They require quite a lot of gasoline to run though.

>> No.1652155
File: 194 KB, 448x335, 1219012072717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. The secret is to produce a change in capacitance over time as quickly and efficiently as possible, then harness the extra voltage it produces. Same amperage in as out, but the voltage increases. It's the Biefeld–Brown effect in reverse (ion wind was known about decades before them, their propulsion uses displacement currents) so the denser and higher-k the dielectric is, the greater the efficiency.

>> No.1652347

in 500 years they'll show us :- )

>> No.1653395
File: 24 KB, 700x700, 1562096045352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does gravity run out? does density increase gravity?

if yes, then couldnt you possibly set the barycenter of two planets in such a way that they got closer and therefor faster, but counter the aspect of the faster making them seperate with the speed making them denser and having more gravity? and if you could do this, get two planets that orbiting eachother increasingly faster, but stayed orbiting because they got denser and attracted eachother harder, could you place some sort of bar or rope between these two planets and use the rotation to power something?

i cant be the first to think of this, so someone must of figured out why this fails

>> No.1653403

>does gravity run out?
not sure what that means but no.
but orbits can decay due to gravitational radiation - it just happens so slowly it won't happen on a useful timescale.
>does density increase gravity?
no, same mass produces same gravity but you can get closer to a more dense object of the same mass and experience greater force.

>> No.1653406

I have seen people making overunity generator from wires and steet poles.

>> No.1653443
File: 8 KB, 114x60, boxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This provides free energy, but you can't use tools: no bar, no rope, just wireless gravity. The catch is it only scales properly if you use black holes, and those are expensive. Does anyone know how much it would cost to buy two black holes? What block hole model should I buy, /diy/? I didn't google it, but if /diy/ doesn't know, ask /biz/ or /g/. You could probably make a lot of money arranging black holes if you set up a shipping container house in between a few of them. I don't have money for a shipping container or skills to build one, so don't steal this idea. I'll patent it sometime later since right now I'm busy prepping 3D printed headphones with a built in bong for my bunker but the headphones are broken.

I do have some amazon shipping boxes, and a raspberry pi hooked up to a 220 volt converter (made prepping for 220V and it turned out to be way better than your American shitty low voltage, which sucks), so what do? Are they spaceworthy? Pic's unrelated since they're not my boxes but they're amazon boxes. Someone bump this in 15 minutes.

Fuck off retard, a few trillion years is a useful timescale.

>> No.1653508

Quit trolling dipshit.

>> No.1653536
File: 94 KB, 600x709, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally EVERYTHING is possible with the correct inspiration and execution
Top Kek.

>> No.1653917

You dont need all that nonsense to discharge a battery.

>> No.1654185

if I knew where you lived , I would blind you or something worse , so that you suffered

>> No.1654224
File: 31 KB, 694x968, X on SCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has anyone ever made one?
No one has ever made one, OP. The board you want is >>>/x/

>> No.1654261

>Free Energy
>Perpetual Motion
Those are basically synonyms

>> No.1654491


>> No.1654502

absolutely incorrect.
perpetual motion is fine.

>> No.1654692
File: 72 KB, 637x458, troll science infinite energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1654693
File: 68 KB, 640x492, troll-physic---infinite-energy_o_960056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1654695
File: 25 KB, 499x386, infinite-energy-troll-science_o_2185885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1654698
File: 70 KB, 800x546, 5061913d365ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1655124

>implying the electrician doesn't do your job for a fraction of the price.

>> No.1655293

i really don't understand what the fuck this is

two planets orbiting each other
you extract energy which slows them down
they are no longer orbiting each other

what am i missing?

>> No.1655294

hang on this one actually would work though.

>> No.1655470

The friction required to seal the sides from water leaking would stop any momentum.

>> No.1655501

Quality post. I give you one internet.

>> No.1655779

Every unbalanced wheel based on buoyancy (not just this one but many others), looks clever at first glance until you realize that pressure increases with depth and it means that you have that much more pressure to overcome to unbalance the system.

>> No.1656393 [DELETED] 


>> No.1656397

greater than sum of parts

>> No.1656494

Brainlet explanation. It won't work even in a frictionless environment, due to the forces being balanced.

>> No.1656567


This. Buoyancy is related to displacement. In a perfect and balanced system, all the buoyancy of the submerged portion of the wheel will equal the necessary force to displace the water for the portion of the wheel entering the water.

>> No.1656648
File: 487 KB, 1072x1307, PerpetualEnergy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1658650

Youtube is full this shit.