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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1641186 No.1641186 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /diy/, what solvent would best separate these two parts without damaging or altering them in any way? The blue pivot collar and handle scale are both made of Ti-6Al-4V. As far as I'm aware, the blue collar is adhered with an epoxy--it is not press-fit. I'm thinking acetone to start, as I've used it to melt superglue before on titanium parts, but I have no idea what epoxy was used to bond these parts.

>> No.1641189


>> No.1641199

I considered it, but I don't want to oxidize the surface or alter the color of the anodizing.

>> No.1641220

Perhaps you could kill yourself with it

>> No.1641224

You don't need that much heat. Heat your oven to 250 Fahrenheit and leave it in there for 20 minutes.

>> No.1641225

Cover what you don't want to apply heat to with kapton tape.

You have kapton tape, don't you?

>> No.1641231

Kapton tape is excellent at resisting heat but I would not consider it a proper heat shield. I've soldered through it (applied the iron to the tape in order to melt the solder connections under it). I'd recommend a heavy foil tape with adhesive, I have a big roll of it (no idea where it was ordered from) that I use to shield nearby melty plastic things and electrolytic caps during BGA reflow. work.

>> No.1641233

I did have the whole knife in the oven before at 310 Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes to melt the loctite that had been applied to the pivot screw when the knife was assembled by the manufacturer. The blue collars didn't lift or seem to loosen or anything from that.

>> No.1641236

If you can contact the manufacturer and get info on which epoxy was used, you can then ask the epoxy manufacturer which solvent they recommend. Most specialty epoxy manufacturers also sell a solvent / release agent for each of their products.

>> No.1641239

Also, is it possible that collar is an interference fit? They may have chilled the collar and heated the blade to assemble.

>> No.1641251

Just hammer the sharpened edge of a credit card under it

That thing is press fit for sure, it would be way to expensive during manufacturing to apply such an exact amount of glue that it wont overflow. it is not epoxy either.

You could spray it with electronics cool-test spray, just dont get your fingers near it when it is supercooled, and then drive some plastic wedge under it.

Wedge it, bro. Or boil it lol idk

>> No.1641276

Went ahead and shot an email to the manufacturer. It's a small knife company in Russia making really high-end knives, so I don't think they'd have the equipment needed to be cooling down pivot collars for the few knives they do produce with this feature.

I genuinely hope it's just an epoxy that can be dissolved, because if it's some kind of friction fit this is gonna suck trying to get it out without damaging it or the handle. I'd probably just abandon the project. Wanted to have a machinist buddy make the same part but in silizon bronze to customize the knife a bit.

>> No.1641338
File: 107 KB, 400x400, AnimuThinku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a big roll of it (no idea where it was ordered from) that I use to shield nearby melty plastic things and electrolytic caps during BGA reflow.
Interesting. Never considered using that.

>> No.1641411

I'd probably just live with it, most of the high end epoxy I use in knife making is chemically inert once its hardened and basically not bothered by anything short of something like nitric acid and a few other horribly toxic chemicals you probably don't want to fuck with either. In addition to that, it'll retain a good percentage of its strength up to about 200-250C and titanium will start to colour once it gets fairly hot.

And lets face it, you know its stuck in there good and proper

>> No.1641415

You could try soaking in acetone overnight, some epoxies get soft enough to break loose. Won’t hurt the metal.

>> No.1641422

Freeze it as cold as you can and tap it with a hammer?

>> No.1641452


if it's aerospace grade titanium, then it's aerospace grade adhesive good from -80F to +350F

heat will do it, but you'll need to go to 400F+

>> No.1641476
File: 71 KB, 1228x1150, 1544386344157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You honesty expect some meme knifeco to engineer their meme knives to the tolerances of an SR71 wing?

>> No.1641493

boil it in water then twat out the centre piece using an appropriately sized socket and hammer

>> No.1641496

The op said he doesn't want to damage anything you dingus

>> No.1641499

>And lets face it, you know its stuck in there good and proper
D-don't say that anon :(

>> No.1641501

Its a titanium alloy, just crank your home oven to 500f and bake it for a few minutes

>> No.1641524


>it is not press-fit

what makes you say this

>> No.1641526


if youre getting a new piece made then just pry that thing out of there why does it matter? o ring pick, small flathead screw driver, skinny flat punch and just work at it

if that knife is mass produced, which it is, it's just a press fit as anything else wouldn't make sense from an economical standpoint. getting a machine to dispense that tiny amount in a perfect circle, plus buying and mixing epoxy, and then making sure none is visible, etc

press fit all they gotta do is make those rings 0.003 thou bigger give or take a thou than the bore's inside diameter. they call it the crush. then just stamp it in

>> No.1641541

you and me

great minds think alike

>> No.1641542

Wishful thinking desu. There are knives in their lineup with carbon fiber scales that feature these sort of pivot collars, I don't know if CF would work for press-fitting.

1. The original piece needs to be intact so it can be accurately recreated in bronze.
2. I do not want to damage the original piece so the customization to the knife is reversible.

The knife was 1 of 200 made. It is a small workshop that produces maybe a few thousand knives a year, if that. It's not a factory where machines would be applying epoxy, it's all being done by hand. If it's press-fit, I'm just SOL really.

>> No.1641553

There comes a point when you have to stop fucking with something, because you're break it and then be shit out of luck
Not that titanium is easy to break, but still you get the point don't you that removing is possible, but maybe not to the point removing it will scratch, dent and fuck up the finish.

>> No.1641554
File: 68 KB, 640x640, C323E080-0FCF-44DD-AE14-11F4168498D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>1 of 200 made


tl;dr its mass produced, but thanks for an interesting thread regardless

>> No.1641556

Well yeah those shitty clones are mass-produced by chinks. Mine is the real Shirogorov it's based on. Why would I care about fucking up a cheapass clone? lmao

>> No.1641570 [DELETED] 


The same reason you come to 4chan and brag about your chinkshit knife for validation?

That is clearly a mass produced Shirogorov. Which, to be fair, is probably just as good of quality of the original. Overpriced garbage. You can tell by the inconsistent pattern in the scales that your is the same as the replica. But hey at least you never paid 4 times what the knife is really worth!

>> No.1641572

The same reason you come to 4chan and brag about your chinkshit knife for validation?

That is clearly a mass produced Shirogorov. Which, to be fair, is probably just as good of quality of the original. Overpriced garbage. You can tell by the consistent pattern in the scales that yours is the same as the replica, and not hand made. But hey at least you never paid 4 times what the knife is really worth!

>> No.1641574

lol you caught me mine's chinkshit
good job detective anon

>> No.1641576


oh lol sorry if it sounded like i was being smart

i meant good thread as in its press fit so you're SOL idgaf if you have a replica or not i think either way they'll be press fit though

>> No.1641579
File: 678 KB, 1200x675, 28ae27aaaece4a1692ed868e12bc1c09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid you might be right. Will know for sure when I hear back from the workshop. I'm just trying to emulate the look that the prototype knives had, pic related. As far as I know there's only two prototypes that were made with the bronze bits, and the collectors that own them--if they'd even consider parting with them--would probably want $6k+ for them. Too much money just to change the color of a couple parts if I can accomplish a similar look on the $2k production version.

>> No.1641597


>> No.1641640 [DELETED] 


if you could heat that ring up with a soldering torch or sommit, it would try to expand but be unable because its being held tight. this in turn would cause it to compress itself, and shrink as a result. common method used on internal bearing races.

thats the only non physical way, unless youre feeling lucky. take something like a hot towel or something and wrap everything nut the ring. then drop a piece of dry in the ring. you may get it to shrink just enough to fall out

>> No.1641642


if you could heat that ring up with a soldering torch or sommit, it would try to expand but be unable because its being held tight. this in turn would cause it to compress itself, and shrink as a result. common method used on internal bearing races.

thats the only non physical way, unless youre feeling lucky. take something like a hot towel or something and wrap everything but the ring. then drop a piece of dry ice in the ring. you may get it to shrink just enough to fall out

>> No.1641644

>cnc made chink knife

2k used to be about the price for one of Walter Sorrell's hand forged japanese sword blades with a real hamon. Prices may have changed, but I'd still take one of his tanto's over that pile of mass produced consumer shit in your picture. Or maybe one of those fancy japanese craft knives.

>> No.1641665

>Dissolving mystery adhesive
chloroform, best solvent in town.

>> No.1641886
File: 3.89 MB, 251x300, onslow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spent $2,000 on a knife
Ah, there's the satisfaction I had been waiting for from this thread.

>> No.1641891
File: 2.91 MB, 309x313, 1478700621509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. seething poorfaggots

>> No.1642477

If you're so rich buy the 6k version.

>> No.1642540

Waiting for this guy to fuck up his $2k knife because he wants to look like a special snowflake.

>> No.1642548

Why's it better than like a $100 titanium CRKT

or even if you're feeling fancy a Benchmade 761

why is it worth an extra 1700 dollars

>> No.1642579

>so I don't think they'd have the equipment needed to be cooling down pivot collars for the few knives they do produce with this feature.

You need zero special equipment. Depending on how great of an interference fit you want and whether you can heat and cool both pieces, you can do it with just a maxxed-out mini freezer and an oven. I've done this myself a couple times with shaft and bearings.

>> No.1642584
File: 22 KB, 286x250, crow cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can't afford to blow $6k+ on something "just because", you're obviously not stupid rich.

Yet, if you're not stupid rich, why the fuck would you spend $2000 on a knife?

>> No.1642594

hi guys, i'm from /sp/, i heard someone spent 2 thousand american dollars on a knife, is that true?

>> No.1642645

because now he can go on /k/ and call people poor.

>> No.1642717

Aspirational lifestyle.

How'd this make it to /sp/?