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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 863 KB, 822x672, Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 10.43.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1627400 No.1627400 [Reply] [Original]

>acquired 2,000 year old slice of tree
>uses it to make a FUCKING BOWL.
what the fuck is up with people making bowls? its like a wood lathe is basically a bowl making machine. why is this a thing? are people buying wooden bowls? what the fuck for?

>> No.1627402
File: 645 KB, 981x718, Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 10.47.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaves 600 years of history away from this tree slice TO MAKE A FUCKING BOWL

>> No.1627403
File: 898 KB, 842x697, Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 10.48.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool i think im going to fill it with plastic fruit

>> No.1627409

This dickweed probably sold that bowl for thousands.

>> No.1627417
File: 79 KB, 480x658, 55e32f364e0a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruining that lovely piece of wood by using a modern powered lathe and ending up with something which could be turned out on a CNC in China for pennies.


>> No.1627449
File: 7 KB, 333x151, eyeroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people pretending to get angry over a fucking tree
Its wood, get over it you pretentious fucks

>> No.1627451
File: 47 KB, 600x600, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you're adequately qualified to identify wood?

I could suggest some reading material to better acquaint you with this complex subject.

>> No.1627452

i just want to know why everyone is turning bowls. why not make dildos or some other bad ass shit? why the fuck a bowl

>> No.1627454

Because bowls are easy to make and have a high profit margin? More importantly more people buy bowls than dildos made of wood?

>> No.1627455

Wooden dildos are indeed bad ass, as in bad for your ass because splinters.

>> No.1627457

my other question is why are people buying expensive wooden bowls? what in he stupid fuck for? candy and shit? if i put a fucking bowl out it would just look like I can't clean my apartment

>> No.1627458
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>> No.1627464

Some people can afford to buy shit that didnt come out of a chinese factory and display such items for other people to admire. I know the concept of "guests" and "presentation" are lost on youk but maybe when you get a job, your own place, or even make something you're proud of you might begin to understand

>> No.1627465

can it not be a bowl? do you understand my confusion? bowls are fucking lame

>> No.1627472
File: 117 KB, 1600x1200, löj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the meme i deserve
but the meme i need

>> No.1627486

I wouldn't mind having a nice wooden salad bowl that was turned by hand. Made from 2000 year old wood? Shit yea. It's something practical that can be used every day and beautiful enough to brighten up the mundane.

>> No.1627491

Protip: sand the wood down and treat it before using it

>> No.1627501
File: 157 KB, 833x925, 1560136777740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always nice to hear from people who know what they're talking about on here.

Good luck in your chosen profession of sticking pieces of tree up your arse.

>> No.1627525

>this motherfucker gettin mad because someone else did something he is too stupid to be able to do himself

Get fucked loser

>> No.1627527

Thanks! And people say 4chan users have an unfriendly attitude!

>> No.1627549

Your only other idea was a wooden dick. Call down about this bowl shit.

>> No.1627560


Being this triggered over someone elses slive of a tree.


Before long we'll figure out how to grow sequoia trees in a decade. Settle

>> No.1627562

Dont u do it anon

>> No.1627564

Old man hides his degeneracy while us dickfarmers take pride in it?

>> No.1627567

>it really is a shame.

Bowls full of dicks it is then.

>> No.1627568

Keeping up with the Jones's.

>oh Carol has this bowl hun we need one.

Was only $250 at the high end furniture shop.

Some dickweed with one hand on his dick turned it in an hour.

>> No.1627570


Even still you ever been in an old cat lady house. The wood gets saturated and takes a lot to make it not stink

>> No.1627577
File: 133 KB, 361x358, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talent-less millennial rages at talented boomer. Who wears an onion on their belt here?

>> No.1627579

and there it is, the real reason he's mad, he can't get enough dick.

>> No.1627675
File: 105 KB, 960x544, la creatura verde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a piece of wood
fucking treehugger

>> No.1627681

>its like a wood lathe is basically a bowl making machine.

I mean it is a wood lathe. What else did you expect?

>> No.1627707

I agree with you OP

Fuck wooden bowl makers and the retards who make it financially viable.

>> No.1627718
File: 1.22 MB, 1000x1500, 1ad84b6bc1317fa1e0d2da1c74e2c8a6569d7be1494484dbfdaa5e97ef8682a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1627730
File: 132 KB, 800x450, Boomer logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turning a bowl on a lathe is he simplest thing in the fucking world. A fucking high school shop project. For some reason it's always these fat boomers in plaid shirts who act like they're carving a Victorian writing desk.

That's boomers for you. Did nothing harder than high-school shop for fifty years, used up every last bit of rare and fine material, then rush to stroke each other's wrinkly ball-sacks and fleck the face of a young OP with whatever desiccated spittle they can hock up.

>> No.1627733
File: 47 KB, 893x560, boomer4552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It takes skill and experience to select the wood and cure it so that it does not split, and to turn it so that the bowl is strong yet light and has a nice contour. You sound like a jealous millenial who is bitter about your failed life.

>> No.1627738

What should he make then?

>> No.1627874
File: 35 KB, 433x606, I WORKED FOR ALL OF IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being catheterized roughly by Nurse Consuela, gramps.

You may spend your last years in humiliating agony, but hey. At least you got cheap lawn care.

>> No.1628010

chair legs, table legs, balusters

>> No.1628021
File: 49 KB, 482x640, hnnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed opportunity: Take a TREE AS OLD AS JESUS and make limited edition Holy Grails out of it on the lathe and sell for $10,000 each. Probably could have made 7 or 8.

Rich Southern Baptists would have bough him out of stock in seconds.

>> No.1628033
File: 454 KB, 680x670, 3ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1628038
File: 2.48 MB, 3245x4506, Kiira72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been an unabashed fan of Capitalism and 2021 European Gala Kiira Korpi. I won't deny it.

>> No.1628044

Yeah, but that's not how I knew.

>> No.1628055

Ich bien nicht Juden.

>> No.1628192
File: 32 KB, 635x688, 102055714442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a big bowl

>> No.1628208

Damn. That's a good idea. Especially if he raffled one off online and donated the proceeds to his church. Man, a tree that big had branches bigger than your head. He could probably turn out 100.

>> No.1628212

>my shit life is everyone else's fault.

Hey Scooter, of course the boombers destroyed the economy but it doesnt mean you can make it. Find something besides a job that makes you money. Dont be an autist. Partber with others like you. Get rich

>> No.1628285

Tbh that wood looks like absolute shit, barely adequate to make a bowl out of, much less anything more complicated.

>> No.1628341

I've done this and it poleturning is surprisingly good and lovely and straightforward and FUN.

>> No.1628444
File: 48 KB, 792x658, 1554423381265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'll give you a tip then:

1. Southern Baptists are mostly middle class or poor
2. They, and most devout Christians, don't fetishize Grail mythology, which is very pagan in character

If you wanted to exploit those redneck rubes who live in your head, more money could be made by carving that ancient wood into attractive kreuze, to be hung on a wall either naked or framed.

But don't expect fat dumb boomers to do that. It requires effort and skill, and can't be cranked out in twenty minutes on a lathe.

>> No.1628454

For you

>> No.1628485

Crosses to burn on his ethnic neighbors lawns

>> No.1628505

If boomers were that based we wouldn't be in the mess we are today.

In reality this guy doesn't like muslims because they're mean to gays.

>> No.1628699

The tooling he uses is pretty cool

>> No.1628794

Yep, it's wood

>> No.1629187

the absolute state of boomers

>> No.1629189

>What else did you expect?
i dont know, cute anime girls maybe?

>> No.1629192

>doesn't like muslims because they're mean to gays
he also happens to hate gays himself, but fuck the muslims

>> No.1629208

>he uses his bowl making machine for other stuff

Now you'll tell me you use your sawdust generator to smooth wood.

>> No.1629226
File: 395 KB, 1049x746, NgUFs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say he carved it himself, from a bigger bowl.

>> No.1629237


>> No.1629271

Holy kek, what a pretentious faggot.

>> No.1629511


>> No.1629513

We are up shit creek because Nixon took us of the fucking gold standered and then for the third fucking tome a bunch of cocksucking mega rich faggots took off to a vacation island and made another federal reserve bank.

>not federal
>no reserves
>not a real bank
>prints our monopoly money for some reason

Fuck we are gonners

>> No.1629954

>seriously want gold standard back

>> No.1629978

How the fuck would you even manage that? The amount of dollars in circulation today is way fucking more than any amount of gold we even had in inventory.

>> No.1629991
File: 33 KB, 468x702, kiira_korpi_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1630026

Kill yourself boomer

>> No.1630029

>Unironically likes fiat central banked interest on every dollar system



>> No.1630041

There are legitimate criticisms of the current system, but even with its flawed implementation, fiat is functionally much better than commodity-backed money as a currency. It lets the money supply adjust to meet demand, and does not peg the value to a commodity whose value itself fluctuates, meaning that prices are more stable. The longstanding inflation rate of a few percent a year is the result of deliberate policy that incentives investment over savings, and fiat allows whatever long-term value trends are desired by the regulatory agency. Commodity money in a growing economy tends to be deflationary, which is a Very Bad Thing because it makes stuffing money in a mattress (or whatever) a viable investment with positive returns. Which reduces spending, which reduces production and employment, and shifts the economy to a less-prosperous mode of operation. All the gold ever mined by humanity isn't close to enough to back the US Dollar alone at current gold prices, which makes the gold standard impossible to implement in the current economy.

>> No.1630042

Was making a bowl part of your plan?

>> No.1630691

Gold standard is a Jewish meme.

Fiat currency, when managed properly, is great. Just read Franklin's writing on the subject. Or look at the economic miracle of National Socialist Germany. The problem isn't that we have a centralized authority that manages the money supply. The problem is that it's managed by Jews.

>> No.1630952
File: 1.59 MB, 2576x1932, 20190616_093141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few dozen barrels gotten for me by a friend who works at a log sword, here are two of them. Pulsar red cedar the smaller one about 18 in a cross, in a larger one about 32

>> No.1630953

Spoken like a true retard really doesn't understand how things actually work.

>> No.1630954

fuck off to /pol/

>> No.1631062

Take HRT.

>> No.1631064

There there, boomer-sama. Don't get upset. You'll be dead soon.

>> No.1631308
File: 81 KB, 800x800, 1409879180670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real issue is that the """""finished""""" product looks like a blank that's meant to have with some interesting carvings or engravings or something. Instead, he just does the most low-effort thing possible. It's literally the simplest shape, the most obvious size, the most neutered color, and then someone buys it. For a lot of money. A LOT.
The maker is a lazy dullard and the people who shell out for this are worse.
Oh wait, that would be the people here, on /diy/ who want to advocate for this.
Awful, I'm disappointed in everyone trying to excuse this.
p.s. acceptable alternatives include, but are not limited to: sculpture, frames, furniture, plates, trim and fittings for the house, models (like sailing ships), utensils, gun furniture. Feel free to add others as you like.

>> No.1631323

>bowl bad
>pl8 gud