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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1625285 No.1625285 [Reply] [Original]

Where did they learn?

I want my 35 acre property to have a few tunnels.

>> No.1625310

Here's the instructions

1. Lose weight
then come back for further steps

>> No.1625318

See that pipe in the pic? Dig and bury pipes. Also see the wood shoring up the roof cave? Do that too.

>> No.1625321


It rains like hell on occasion in vietnam. I wonder how they handled that.

>> No.1625323

i don't know the geography but I imagine tunnels in high land. even a gentle slope is enough to shed water downhill.
Or maybe they just crawled around in 3 inches of muck when it rained

>> No.1625328

>I imagine tunnels in high land. even a gentle slope is enough to shed water downhill.

yeah, that makes sense. I doubt if they had a lot of tunnels under the rice patties.

>> No.1625329


>> No.1625349

much of the soil in vietnam is hard packed clay, and even during the monsoon season, when it rains heavily most of the time, water doesnt perforate a lot through clay packed as hard as it is

>> No.1625374

I have punji pits in my front yard

>> No.1625383
File: 39 KB, 386x420, did you say punji traps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more about these punji pits

>> No.1625392

So's my backyard, makes gardening impossible

>> No.1625399

It's easy as pie when you have no regard whatsoever for human safety

>> No.1625407
File: 83 KB, 490x358, 1556514574002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practice building small tunnels that don't cave in, preferably using a spoon and having ur roommate check for cops. then once u've got that down u'll need to climb down and through a mile of shit. once complete u'r almost there as now u'll need to find out how to map said tunnel(s) and find u'r way back home

>> No.1625408

Don't listen to the nay sayers. Just wing it and go slow

>> No.1625414

I wonder what ever happened to that Anon in Virginia that was digging a tunnel into the side of a hill?
He started and posted a bunch of pics and then went dark. Havent heard from him in forever.

>> No.1625427

he found the inner earth, probably was a nazi

>> No.1625861
File: 232 KB, 663x539, tunnel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Dan, have you been paroled already? Don't start this shit all over again

A Maryland millionaire was charged in the fiery death of a man he hired to dig tunnels under his home because he feared a nuclear strike by North Korea, according to reports.

Daniel Beckwitt, 27, appeared in court Thursday to face charges of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter in the death of Askia Khafra, Fox5DC reported.

The 21-year-old died from smoke inhalation and thermal injuries suffered in a Sept. 10 blaze at Beckwitt’s Bethesda home, where he was found in the basement in an elaborate tunnel system.

Authorities said Beckwitt blindfolded Khafra every day before he ventured into the subterranean hideout because he did not want him to know where he was working.

Beckwitt contends that the young laborer’s death was accidental, but prosecutors argued that he was unable to escape the fire because he was unfamiliar with the tunnels’ layout as a result of the blindfolds.

>> No.1627622

add organic matter or build raised beds or hugelkultur

>> No.1627818

DONT! Tunneling is EXTREMELY dangerous. Countless people died doing this stuff.

Do not attempt to make your own tunnels, the vietnamese are like other asians and pretty much put no value on life so they didnt really care when these tunnels turned into graves, it was just a cost of doing business.

>> No.1629068

They dug sumps/pits into the tunnels.

>> No.1629198

Proper support and ventilation and there is minimized risk. Problem being progress it slow and the idiots who rush end up with free burials. A better life... Underground

>> No.1629219

Rotary hammer and a wide chisel bit.

>> No.1629240
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*blocks your path

>> No.1629311

I'm pretty sure their tunnels were very sophisticated and had a drop off to the water table which they would also use to haul well water out.

>> No.1629383

they were temporary structures. I'm sure many were dug and abandoned. better locations kept being used.

>> No.1629573

top kek

>> No.1629957


A man of /k/ulture I see.

>> No.1629988

But that tunnel is an oil barrel. A wite guy would get smashed if he tried that shit.

>> No.1630205

then went dark

>> No.1630236
File: 63 KB, 900x900, 1552669257358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will you take the tunnelpill /diy/?

>> No.1630305

I do not see much of wrong with barrel? How to temporary support of the barrel? Do not see this of the being ill structural if the air flows out the back

>> No.1630468

>*built* the tunnels