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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1615438 No.1615438 [Reply] [Original]

If you we're going to build a house, what state would you choose?

I'm trying to factor in such things as building codes, cost of land, property taxes ect.

Montanta looks pretty sweet as far as prices go. I hears they don't give a fuck about building codes if you build somewhere rural, which is pretty much the entire damn state!

So let's here it, lads. Where would you choose?

Here's a link to the pic:

>> No.1615612

Minnesota because I live in North Dakota currently and there's tons of land in North Minnesota for cheap. The state is totally pozzed, but that's the trade-off given that 95% of the land mass of North Dakota is used for agriculture.

>> No.1616401
File: 1.26 MB, 3061x4482, Risk Correlation Maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1616437


That helps. Cheers, brother.

Looks like I'll be moving up near Idaho or Montana.

>> No.1616578

Any state like your description. Build a quadplex cabin with a 360° view and rent 3 sides to pay off the mortgage and then refinance to build a really nice house and rent the 4th. Continue every 2 years to cuck taxes and be rich or atleast live in free mansione

>> No.1618100

>no graph for race

Half of those are literally just a stand in. Coding it with “crime rate” sure is gonna fool the liberals and Jews.

>> No.1618104

Factors like wild life, grrrrr!
The fucking cold, brrrrr!
Rural life comes with rural folk, durrr!

>> No.1618324

Missouri is the best Midwest state. If thats what you are looking for.

>> No.1618331

pretty much every small city and county will not give a damn. I lived in the city most my life and recently bought 10 acres in rural TX on the outskirts of a small town to build a hobby farm. Before buying I called the city and the employee working there didn't know what building codes were. She asked the other lady and she said 'whatever isn't going to kill ya'. I drove through the town and there was plenty of DIY shacks. Might be different in the north but most of the rural south is mobile/manufactured homes and shacks. If you get heavily wooded rural land you should be fine building almost everywhere is my guess. TX is great though because of the strong property rights and the fact that you can shoot thieves escaping with your property.

>> No.1620384

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.1620393
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>> No.1620521


I'm calling bullshit on this one.

Oh btw I'm coming from California. Don't worry though, I'll keep the gay sex to a minimum.

>> No.1620522


160 acres for 60k ain't bad.

I mean, that's some shitty land, but fuck it. I wonder if you get the resource rights to it as well? Imagine if that spot had some black gold in it, or some real gold.

>> No.1620528

California and Toronto are cancerous. They vote for maximum gay sex and when they decide they've had enough of the consequences of their voting, they'll leave to other parts of USA/Canada to vote for the same goddamn things that caused them to leave in the first place: like a cancer.

>> No.1620564

Anywhere outside of the urban sprawl, a major earthquake zone, and not in tornado alley; with access to fresh water and reliably populated by game animals. There are a lot of places in burgerstan that meet most of, if not all, these criteria.

>> No.1620568

about to get a transformer on my acreage to get hydro power. feels good bros.

>> No.1620589

I bought 15 acres in Georgia 4 years ago so I'll share what I've learned.
Do Not buy land below the "gnat belt" (yes, that's actually a thing).
Make sure you can drill a well and hit the water table. You can buy land for $60 an acre in Arizona because it's worthless- nothing will ever grow there except scorpions and scrub brush unless you have $millions$ to tap into municipal water supply 50 miles away.
Understand what you're looking for...
If you hate snow, don't buy land in Montana.
If you hate humidity, don't buy land in the south east.

>> No.1620600

Please saty out too many faggots moving from California already, I've heard North Dakota is a nice place try there.

>> No.1620604

You're more than welcome to live anywhere east of 108°W otherwise fuck right off friendo

>> No.1620605
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>Oh btw I'm coming from California. Don't worry though, I'll keep the gay sex to a minimum.
Enjoy not making any money after you move. Living in the middle of nowhere is great for mentally masturbating to "muh prepper" fantasy shit, but there is a reason most of the US population lives along coasts and in urban areas. That's where all the non shit-tier jobs are. Unless you have some super niche high demand skill no one is going to be interested in hiring you over a local who they are more than likely related to.

>> No.1620645

A state of nature

>> No.1620650

what's wrong with land below the gnat belt

>> No.1620676

If we put the pieces together maybe we can think about what problem could be

>> No.1620835

This. No earthquakes, forest fires, or tornados. Easy access to water and granite bedrock. Best place in the US to build a house for the generations

>> No.1621146


I'm headed somewhere to retire. I'm 42 years old, and I got plenty of energy and strength left in me. I just wanna build somewhere I can't be bothered by all the BS.

>> No.1621198

Wyoming is fucking terrible, don't even think of moving there.

>> No.1622635

Idaho would probably be the best state if not for the heavy snowfalls.

>> No.1622656

Prove me wrong, $5

>> No.1622700

Kek. It really is.

>> No.1622701

Just buy a trailer house

>> No.1622703

Dude. Some guy built a desert oasis and another guy found a landscaping company to dump free woodchips. Shit decomposes into dirt and he lives in a damned rain forest while all of his neighbors got yellow grass

>> No.1622704

We wanna see it.

>> No.1622707

Like the hoards of illegals.

>leave shithole country
>illegally migrate rather than doing it right
>demand that nice country go full 3rd world shithole like the other one.

Just... why

>> No.1622710

Anons. Buy that shit and blast that cap rock. If it makes state grade youll be rolling in millions. If not then you'll still make a profit from pads and driveways. Also dirt roads

>> No.1622711

Based texas.

Fuck i need to move there but it's too damned hot

>> No.1622712

spit Gatorade on ny leg u fucker. Lol

>> No.1622734

God, Minnesota sucks for building, a huge amount of the cheap land is cheap because of our overboard environmental laws. Thanks to all this water we have a huge amount of the land is designated either wetland or watershed and you often can not build on it at all, or you need to pay for environmental impact studies to prove you are not harming anything. I have been looking for a good deal on land here for a good number of years now, almost all of the good deals are cheap for a reason. Also, our property taxes keep going up.

One bit of land I looked at had your standard drainage ditch on the side of the road, to bury a culvert to build a drive way and run utilities required environmental studies and for it to be designed and built by people with the proper certifications because the drainage ditch flows into a designated trout stream which makes the drainage ditch a designated trout stream. This also meant I could do nothing with the land within 75 feet of the ditch and could not hinder public access to that 75 feet since fisherman need to get to that ditch to catch the trout that do not exist in it. I love Minnesota but I will never buy land here, I gave up and am looking else where.

Wisconsin seems the better choice.

>> No.1622737

Fucking lol. That sucks man. You could probably fight the 75' rule but it'd cost more and be more hassle than just not buying.

Find a local real estate investing club. Those guys will know or hell even have a property you want.

Hell man. Make a post on the bigger pockets forum looking for land

>> No.1622741

Project design is only just starting so I expect it to take a few weeks. Will post here when it's up

>> No.1622747

Nah, I am getting out of the state, just not worth the headaches and Northern MN is turning into the playground for the twin cities folks anyways, it is all going to shit. South shore for me, Wisconsin or the UP.

>> No.1624637


What do you mean blast it? You trying to tell me I can sell rocks?

>> No.1624667

I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.